Really/ I always though she appeared more realistic than anime like and that the sexuality appearance was just a recent thing, mainly in Brawl of course.
Not quite in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Compare her appearance in these two games versus her appearance in Metroid Prime. If you don't have any of the games, or if you haven't played these games for some time and don't feel like playing through it all the way, you can search on YouTube.
I believe she became more sexualized when Metroid: Zero Mission was released and Samus' ship is destroyed. Prior to
Brawl, someone once sent me a link of Samus where she's standing at a distance from the Space Pirate Mothership, and it was Photoshopped so that her legs and cheeks were bare.
Brawl, I think, just popularized it.
Her outfit in metroid Fusion was a blue top and blue tight fitting shorts
They turned red if you got 100% in under 2 hours with her walking casually in the streets.
Well, she may appear as a babe in Metroid Fusion, but it's nothing like the one in Zero Mission. Oh, and the red top and shorts are in Metroid: Zero Mission.
It cant really be said to be sexual cause its more like a reminder, yeah she kicks ***, blows up ****, but she is still a lady and by no means a brutish looking one.
You will always have people who want a character to be more sexual a character, regardless of how serious that character is displayed.
I can agree with you there.
Woah, I didn't know there was a manga. Thanks, I'm gonna check that out
EDIT: wow it seems pretty deep. Finally, Samus says more than a few grunts/taunts
A bit late there, I see.