Well the thing is, I posted everything about the debate earlier. So when you made that and you also made that I took it as you just ignored what I said and made that assumption. And being the poster that I am (I post pics), I posted one. If it offended you then I'm sorry, but it was a joking pic; I've posted way worse than that. Now when you posted your rebuttal towards me, I already was n a bad mood. So when I saw it I just went off. Again, I can accept blame for that; I was wrong. So when I responded to you, I did it with respect. Now as far as JOE! is concerned, I can't vouch directly for that. But I do know that he also doesn't intend to be disrespectful. We only show disdain towards those who prove ignorance. Anyway, I'm man enough to apologize about it. With that said, I still don't buy the static electricity idea you proposed as I showed in the thread.