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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
Good job to Se'kou and Brandon for going all the way down.

I hope you guys loved WHOBO. :)


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
You guys know about the 9:15 club? Well, my little 13-year old cousin just got a 9:13 on it last night in Mario Party 4. It was fucking ridiulous. This game is apparently real bad if a litttle girl is beating grown ass men.
Tyser, quit playing kids crap party games and get back to playing platforming party games

:) hey haha I rarely post but I like to read soran's posts hahaha
so true.

Also, I'd like to know what went down too. Also -.00000001 karma to Aura and -1 karma to GG. Though I know Karma can only be distributed by the celestial bodies, it's my own system.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
I remember Schizm saying he would assist me taking my own life...
is it too late to ask for this assistance?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Madoka is trippy as hell, pretty good series I'd recommend~

Its too bad you barely get to hear Mami's theme after episode 3 >:

I might have to give in and read the manga for her. So good.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Alright, I have to ask. So what went down?
All you need to know is that the tournaments were Random Teams and Items teams.

So whens the bracket gonna be up?
pff what you think this was a tourney >.<

So yeah thanks to everyone that came it was a fun day ^.^
Shutouts to Grinnell for staying till 6am finally got a chance to sit down with them and have an awesome talk >.0

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I admire the passion behind that thread.

I think if Iowa made one it'd probably be of Final Fantasy or something. ~_~

FF9 would probably be god-tier, except there'd be a disclaimer telling of the ridiculous amount of times Joker has replayed 8.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I admire the passion behind that thread.

I think if Iowa made one it'd probably be of Final Fantasy or something. ~_~

FF9 would probably be god-tier, except there'd be a disclaimer telling of the ridiculous amount of times Joker has replayed 8.
Dan and I got drunk last night and thought it would be hilarious. Besides, Nebraska Mega Man PR is more valid than brawl PR, I think even Tyser would agree with that.

I agree FF9 is the best, deciding between 6 or 8 is tough but I probably like 8 more than 1/2/3/4/6, but 5 and 7 are higher imo.

ff8 is the best. joker knows whats up ;D
FF8 rules because of the card game/Side Quests and Ultimacias Castle is the best final dungeon, not most difficult, but the best by design and sheer ideas and ingenuity.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Sorry peeps, gonna have to count me of games this week and next week.

10 Assignments, 2 quizzes, 2 exams, and starting 2 semester projects THIS week.

Next week is 2 insanely hard exams, gonna have to gear up. Sighhh

Ontop of that, I caught a nasty cold. Apparently, it is too much to ask to nerd anymore.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
FF6- ok...this one is just epic, multiple angles on the story, crazy villain, perfect battle system and i can say that the only thing i didn't like about the game was when i finished it.....i wish there was more to do. Oh and **** you Chupon....**** you.....

FF7- was my first 3d rpg....so naturally it impacted me pretty hard. i loved the story behind it(not including the ******** spinoffs and sequels it spawned) the battle system was nice and fluid, and most of the characters were awesome. did i mention the awesome snowboarding?!

FF8- was ok, it had a pretty good story, alot of the characters were kind of ahhh....dull i thought tho. the card game was fun tho, i spent many hours collecting those damn cards

FF9- was damn good and is easily in my top 3. great character development, very well told story, card game was great even though it was 100 times more confusing than it needed to be. only gripe is that the battle system could have been just a tiny bit faster.

and thats my randomly inserted opinions on the golden era of final fantasy. i am also willing to bet i played through 7 more times than joker played 8 XD


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
5 was amazing, i loved the way they did the job class system. i played the GBA version recently and got my arse kicked by shinryu and omega mkII, only to find out that afterwards, there are even tougher versions of them to fight XD.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
Sorry for DP, this is more important than the earlier post though

What do you guys think about making the Nebraska Circuit event this. Already planning on having a brawl tournament and it's at the QWEST Center. June 10th-12th so yeah.

My roommate and I might come to this. What tourneys are gonna happen and who else wants to go?


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
FF9 would probably be god-tier, except there'd be a disclaimer telling of the ridiculous amount of times Joker has replayed 8.
I need to redownload that game on my PS3 again ^.^

Honestly, I've been dying to play Teams!
You need to show up early when Sekou and Brandon come down.
Which speaking off like I told Brandon since they did bad at WHOBO I'm only playing like 1 set or so of doubles and stick to singles after that so Colin you need to show up so I can play with you stick with me and we'll be the ones representing singles Iowa <(^.^<)

ff8 is the best. joker knows whats up ;D
FF9 I was able to play it wasn't that bad once I started however I didn't care for the story actually can't even remember what it was o.0
With 8 I can go from start to end without stoping plus there where scenes in that game that made me tear up same when Aeries died and made me hate Cloud :mad:
But the main reason I like 8 is cause is based of school/romance/slice of life anime which is one of my favorites that isn't ecchi :awesome:

and thats my randomly inserted opinions on the golden era of final fantasy. i am also willing to bet i played through 7 more times than joker played 8 XD
I started playing 6 but stop don't know why. I think I have played 8 like 4-5 times also FFX isn't that bad kinda like it same with FFX-2 even though they say is bad I like it cause is a whole female team <3

Why am I not surprised? Joker we never legitly did Ness/Lucas :c
I thought we did way back I can at least remember doing it once for sure on a low tier tourney o.0

Korean food tomorrow???
I think I may be up for that what time you thinking on going also you should bring one of your hardrives so I can transfer my data cause I try the other day using cables but it couldn't read then it die T.T


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2010
Des Moines, IA
oh wassup iowa? :D

We're back safely, and I don't think sekou can make games this week either... I guess the next time. Later in the week we'll work out driving for QRS's thing. WHOBO was ****ing awesome. I 2-0d seibrik in a friendly set against his marth ( he beat me after though, but we split) . Played some matches with Coney , Will, other efames. Sekou 2 stocked Inui in a friendly, he was pissed, and we were schooling him in doubles...

Our team situation...
We lost to Espy/Kprime round 1... Sekou can explain for himself, but he basically got ****gamed by housing and allergies, and couldn't play well on Friday. We beat some randoms rnd 2, and lost to Zeton/Ripple rnd 3. We beat them until ripple went lucario. We lost a MM to Trela/Inui on sunday. Insert johns here: Sekou didn't know that MKs stocks affected Lucario's power.

Edit: rofl : http://imgur.com/NjFrU


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
FFX-2 was fun simply because of the gameplay, there was no story or exploring or anything lol. but the gameplay was damn good.

expect me to be around more often tho joker, im gonna make a peachy comeback!

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Tales of Phantasia!

..... aww, she liked Tales of.. -___-`'`
When Tales of Graces comes out we're all playing it at Christians.

Same when Tales of Destiny: Remake gets translated. ^^

My flight is today, I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Iowa: Yeah, It was interesting. I got sick Thursday night because I decided to stay with a friend, instead of my cousin :(. So I was not playing like the regular PCity ya'll know and love. Saturday night went WAY better. After getting 3 stocked by this ZSS player to warm me up :-\...I played well the entire rest of the night. Beat Inui in the friendly match, and in countless doubles. Played plenty of other people in singles and doubles. All successful, well except against Zeton. He got me 4 -2. I realize I need a ton of MU experience, because it seems when you play a character outside of the top 2 tiers, I'm at a loss. S tier and A tier charcters I have on lock, but going into B - C and D hahaha often catch me by surprise. Sunday was fun, and we did lose to Inui. I never knew that if MK has 3 stocks we have 2 and Lucario has 1...he will be at max power cause the game looks at whoever has the highest stock, friend OR foe. That was a game losing omission that I take full responsibility for. I never knew that and similar situations popped up quite a bit.

@Joker: :-) ...aight homey

@QRS: Hopefully I will get to go Sunday. You and I should play lots of singles so I can get a grasp of some of the smaller things in the match up. Particularly, Fox's capabilities. I was shocked plenty of times by Fox's movement. Particularly, when he was able to follow up on a combo and when he wasn't.

@Greg: Yeah, no one complained about his health, they complained about his damage output :)

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
hey joker are you planning on having a monthly in april? im going to try to make it to the next one bc i keep saying im coming and then have to drop out -___________- so im trying to find out in advance so i can go

but yeah there should be one in april!!!!!


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
So my plane ride yesterday was terrible. It was canceled first, then we got on a different plane, which was delayed by maybe 35 minutes, then flew through a thunderstorm.

x_x I was freaking out the entire time.

@Joker: Oh, really? Wow I have a terrible memory. Btw remind me when I go up there next to give you your birthday present.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
Yeah that nerf is really stupid.

But akuma infinite is gone as well-- good change.
DHC glitch is still there as far as I know.

Also, I've been carrying the singles flag for as long as I've played Smash.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
When Tales of Graces comes out we're all playing it at Christians.

Same when Tales of Destiny: Remake gets translated. ^^

My flight is today, I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow.
A friend of mine on PSN imported it. He said it was good. (Graces)

have a safe flight ; )


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
5 was amazing, i loved the way they did the job class system. i played the GBA version recently and got my arse kicked by shinryu and omega mkII, only to find out that afterwards, there are even tougher versions of them to fight XD.
Yep, you get the medal of smitting after beating one of the harder versions. Extra Job classes too!

My roommate and I might come to this. What tourneys are gonna happen and who else wants to go?
Chances are that it isn't going to be the circuit event because of poor previous managment. But its gonna have MvC3, Brawl, MK9 (probably) Super Street Fighter 4, BlazBlue, maybe UMK3 and SSFII and Melee.

And crap like Halo and COD, nerdy card and action figure RPG games too.
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