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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
St. Louis
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is this happening on the 22nd of May or the 29th?


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain
Im not sure if they'll battle someone who doesnt donate, but if they do, Ill try to get in. I would donate if I made my own money......and if I wasnt addicted to Yu-Gi-Oh. Curse you Greg


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Well right now i would say its too early to make sleeping arrangements. But yeah you should ask how cheap it is. If we get a van load then we could get a room for cheap. I will find out this weekend about the van, and i also need to make sure i dont have army crap that weekend.

Schism/Greg, Christian wants to know if either of you have a charger that works on his computer, his just broke.
Well we have to preregister for the MLG tournaments so knowing the sooner is the better, I don't know if there's some sort of cap on attendance.

I don't have a charger that would work for his laptop. I can look at his though.

I'll be at Joker's house from 4 pm until like 12 tomorrow. I'll be starting my MLG work out schedule... and umm...yeah.... tell me why my brother might be coming back :-\ it is like 75% likely. :-( Hell I might ditch my brother for Joker hahaha. Razor can have Mara :) ... sounds like there will be a lot of classic defense (Mara and Razor) vs offense (Joker and PCity) matches this summer :)
People just forget about me. :ohwell:
Also I'll be there tomorrow night around 9 after I get off work.

I love the younger generation these days. They all know who the cool blue hedgehog is. You must make him play a Genesis with all 4 Sonics.
Make him play Sonic 06.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is this happening on the 22nd of May or the 29th?


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ok, well if someone could post a link to where i could pre-register for MLG i'd be much appreciated.

also i need a teammate for whatever upcoming tournies, if anyone wants to be a steady partner let me know, since blank went off and is livin with peaches XD.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
My ROB is getting a lot better in teams, though I don't know how it'd compare. I'd love to get some friendlies in with singles/doubles, if people are cool with that. It'd give people a chance to scope out potential team combinations (since everyone is mixing it up) and see what works. I think as long as my
currently nonexistent
team is fighting MKs, we're gold! :rob:

Also, Saturday? Is it the bi-weekly, or random games? Might have to show up for awhile :)

EDIT: Hay Iowans, let's start a power ranking thing for our state! include nebraska too plx? Another thread is all blabbering about PRs and I was like........ wtf, do we even have that here?


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
My ROB is getting a lot better in teams, though I don't know how it'd compare. I'd love to get some friendlies in with singles/doubles, if people are cool with that. It'd give people a chance to scope out potential team combinations (since everyone is mixing it up) and see what works. I think as long as my
currently nonexistent
team is fighting MKs, we're gold! :rob:

Also, Saturday? Is it the bi-weekly, or random games? Might have to show up for awhile :)

EDIT: Hay Iowans, let's start a power ranking thing for our state! include nebraska too plx? Another thread is all blabbering about PRs and I was like........ wtf, do we even have that here?
lol nah, we don't have any power rankings, we all know im number 1 in melee tho.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
I really don't like Power Rankings. It breaks friendships over stupid stuff, plus its what makes Iowa interesting.

Edit: We should team JLO!! Give another Asian another shot? ;)


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
We cant really do power rankings, and no not because it ruins friendships lol. Its as simple as this.

1. Joker
2. Pcity I suppose
3. Everyone else
4. Everyone else thats not quite as good as the above

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
We cant really do power rankings, and no not because it ruins friendships lol. Its as simple as this.

1. Joker
2. Pcity I suppose
3. Everyone else
4. Everyone else thats not quite as good as the above

Pft, I'm not first because I moved to GA.

Power rankings are silly. There are consistent winners in IA and thats all that needs to be said.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
yeahhh, we don't have a ton of smashers and we're all a pretty close scene. it sounds so impersonal when they talk about it, and I guess it helps that there're.. well, more people in their states.

can I still be Iowa's best ROB? :D? until one of you good people uses him randomly and shows me up? >.>

also, connor quiting MK?! no wai!


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Brawl Ranks:
1) Joker
2) Razor's MK
3) PCity
4) JLO
5) Blank

Melee Ranks:
1) JBM
2) Bolt
3) Joker
4) Love
5) Mushroomring

Let the breakage of friendships commence.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
My ROB is getting a lot better in teams, though I don't know how it'd compare. I'd love to get some friendlies in with singles/doubles, if people are cool with that. It'd give people a chance to scope out potential team combinations (since everyone is mixing it up) and see what works. I think as long as my
currently nonexistent
team is fighting MKs, we're gold! :rob:

Also, Saturday? Is it the bi-weekly, or random games? Might have to show up for awhile :)

EDIT: Hay Iowans, let's start a power ranking thing for our state! include nebraska too plx? Another thread is all blabbering about PRs and I was like........ wtf, do we even have that here?
Saturday is the biweekly.
PRs are a terrible idea for multiple reasons including inconsistency anywhere past like top 2-3 lulz.

Brawl Ranks:
1) Joker
2) Razor's MK
3) PCity
4) JLO
5) Blank

Melee Ranks:
1) JBM
2) Bolt
3) Joker
4) Love
5) Mushroomring

Let the breakage of friendships commence.

Brb quitting smash.
Thought you already did child.
No rhyme or reason to do rankings.
Weepinbell is terrible.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
I guess I didn't realize the dramu ;.; not to mention, again, it's kind of silly to have them I suppose.. stupid bigger states having more than a basement full of smashers *angry fist*

At least our group is close and cuddly though :3 I think the last time I remember actual drama (besides Tyser's occasional trolling) was... that.......guitar guy???? did he even play games?!

also, dayumn, my art teacher is terrible. 89.6%? really? ...90% is an A-, which means I'd be in honors ~.~;; she took 3 points off one of my projects cuz I turned it in a day late cuz I was siiick. She says it's not fair to other students to raise the grade (though most college profs bump if it's THAT CLOSE JFC), but luckily for me I have a math nerd friend that found some idioc--I mean, inconsistencies in the math so I should have an an A- about 4 ways over ^__^ /end super rant

Regardless of peoples interest in this post, I will make a post with her reply >.>

dear lord, I need to stay away from caffeine.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
I won't be able to make it until later saturday night maybe around 9:00-9:30.

I haven't been checking this thread like I usually did, since when did we start doing a bi-weekly?

Is there any way that at that point later in the day Ngamer3k and I could get a tv forTVC/SSF4?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I guess I didn't realize the dramu ;.; not to mention, again, it's kind of silly to have them I suppose.. stupid bigger states having more than a basement full of smashers *angry fist*

At least our group is close and cuddly though :3 I think the last time I remember actual drama (besides Tyser's occasional trolling) was... that.......guitar guy???? did he even play games?!

also, dayumn, my art teacher is terrible. 89.6%? really? ...90% is an A-, which means I'd be in honors ~.~;; she took 3 points off one of my projects cuz I turned it in a day late cuz I was siiick. She says it's not fair to other students to raise the grade (though most college profs bump if it's THAT CLOSE JFC), but luckily for me I have a math nerd friend that found some idioc--I mean, inconsistencies in the math so I should have an an A- about 4 ways over ^__^ /end super rant

Regardless of peoples interest in this post, I will make a post with her reply >.>

dear lord, I need to stay away from caffeine.
Yeah i had a class last semester where i had like an 89.99 and they refused to round at all. They said whatever grade you get was what you're stuck with. Stupid.

I got a B- in my math class though, which I was in danger of failing. But since I'm awesome I musta rocked the final. God I'm clutch.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Woah, Zamus main? I missed that. If I'm still there when you show up, wanna get some friendlies in against my ROB? (also, can you do that pesky infinite?)

Also, the bi-weekly started with me, kinda... then once it got harder to claim space up in Ames, we just moved them to Joker's place like the regular monthly. Same dealio, just cheaper and with less people.

Oh but over the summer, guys, I can probably host stuff up here again. I miss our adventures with the projection screen and those annoying nerds that glared at us for hogging said screen. thank god for Joker's beard, that's like a +15 to intimidate checks.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Feel free to skim past, I'm just venting. Incoming walls of text.

Ok, I sent an email explaining to my teacher why I should have a 90% instead of 89.6%. Again, she jipped me three points on one assignment cuz I turned it in late when I was SICK, which the university sent out emails telling profs and students that if students are sick, STAY HOME cuz ISU is gettin *****ed out for having sick people show up. profs have to be lenient.

My initial email:


I was looking over the grade sheet and found some mathematical anomalies and was wondering if you could clear things up a bit for me.

Under "my points," I have recorded a 584 out of a maximum 650 points possible. 584/650 = .898, which is correctly recorded on the sheet. However, the next line is evidently where the studio % is calculated out, and it's listed as an 89% x .8 = 71.2. While that math is correct, I am curious as to what happened to the extra .8%. Usually the .8 is rounded up to the next whole number % (which would be 90 x .8 = 72), however I would agree that leaving the number at 89.8 (89.8 x .8 = 71.84) is legitimate. What I'd like to note is that both the 90% and the 89.8% equal 72 and 71.84 respectively, which adds up to (after factoring in the lecture component) a 90.4% and 90.28% (~90.3) respectively. Another note is that I don't see on the grade sheet any documentation of factoring in a culture card bonus. I did go to three events and have my card/paper signed, and I've spoken to you about the other I attended and took pictures of (since I lacked my card.) To my understanding, if the card's bonus was not factored in, you said that you would look to whom attended said events when looking to round up grades. Such as if without a bonus my grade was at 89.6%, it could be deemed fair to factor in the bonus that way in rounding it up to a 90%.

I realize where you stand with the illness issue, and I am dropping any sort of attempt to get those 3 points back (although calculating it out, I do believe that would bring me to a 90% also, though it is irrelevant as you stated) because you said it was fair. I am just curious as to those few points mentioned above, and would greatly appreciate your input on the matter. If there is anything on the sheet at all that I missed or if there was anything regarding those issues that you had addressed to the class earlier, please forgive my mistake.

I hope you understand that I'm not arguing your grading at all--as you said, the grades I received on my actual submissions were quite fair. I'm just trying to make sure I have all the calculations correct and wanted to double check with you, first. I also hope you understand why it is an issue for me to bring up--normally it would be irrelevant to gain the extra fraction of a percent, but as you can see it makes a huge impact on the overall scheme of things.

Thank you for your time and for a good, beneficial semester in DSN S 131. Please contact me back at your earliest convenience to clear up any misunderstanding I may have.


Rebecca D. Rong

HER RESPONSE at like, 10:30pm:


I do not have you card that is way it was not factored in.
Time and time again I asked students to turn in their cards for the record.
All other students who competed the 3 events turned in cards.

That was your responsibility give me your culture card/documentation.


So I was like LOLWUT??? Told her she said multiple times to bring these culture cards (paper we get signed when we go to 3 boring design events, supposed to give us extra credit/etc) on Thursday (finals day) if we wanted. I showed my documentation to her today and she said I didn't need to get it out, and that it was already factored in. I went to question what one of the things listed on the grade sheet was, and she said VERY snippy "Yes, it's the culture cards, like I SAID."

anger rage anger anger. I'm more shocked that's her response. I was expecting her to use the excuse "Well I graded some of your other projects nicely, so it's all evened out."

sorry to vent, but if anyone wants a good fackin laugh, feel free to laugh at my expense.
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