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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Anyone look at the Alaska Thread? 113 pages (1695 posts) in under a month . . .

If anyone thought that I spam/troll hard, you should go over there and check it out.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
L-O-L Digimon ftw because when they go into badass mode they could revert back to their cute selves. PLUS THEY COULD TALK TO YOU.
I never forget the chills I once received as a young middle school boy when Patamon finally digivolves into Angemon and lays the hurt down on Devimon.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Joker what is the turn out for the melee crowd ussually?
Usually it is somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 I think, but I know Nebraska is trying to get KC up here for it as well which would make it bigger.

Joker / Des Moines folk: I am going to try to make it up there today for some games. Most likely in the early afternoon so 2ish? I will try to get Jlo to come with.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Is it just me or does Johny's voice sound absurd here?

I always like Johny but I suck with him T.T
Also GG music is more epic than that of BB >.<

@Joker I can bring a TV if you need it.
Thanks man ^.^

Oh and anime should only be watched in Japanese. Shame on you. :p Actually there are some good in english it's just that I think the Japanese voice actors do a better job with the acting plus translation sometimes suck. Just look at Naruto..... "Datebayo" to "Believe it" really??
Well Naruto dub was just bad. I also sometimes prefer Japanese but I end up pausing it cause I always miss whats happening cause i'm reading the subs T.T so depending on the anime dub is better for me <(^.^<)
Also Golden Boy is way more funny dub >.0

u guys cant wait week by week becauce u have to discipline. i consider myself pretty nerd when it comes to anime, i can tell becaues in my MAL anime list is pretty king nerd if i do say myself. if u want to talk about shit getting intense in a anime, u didnt go through what i did when waiting week by week for code geass first season, then waiting a whole year and somewhat for the second season to air, then it goes week by week for the second season as well. its all about having patience and being disciplined \(^o^)/
I just want to avoid stuff like that cause otherwise I'll had to rewatch the series T.T

Joker what is the turn out for the melee crowd ussually?
Nebraska XP
But yeah around 15ish or so also some other people enter the tourney too


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
Hey Bone!
i know your a mech nerd
i was wondering if you know a good place to get mech sound clips??
im making a stop motion for my art class :D


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
HEY GUYS (that are going to Nebraskon)!

Ptato and Afrayail are hosting a Brawl panel, I think it's Saturday night like 9 or 10pm. It's mostly an "introduction" to competitive smash, going over some different tips & tricks for characters, etc (aimed towards smash n00bs or people that might enter con tournies, etc, but not know about real ones)

Depending upon turnout and enthusiasm, though, we might just end up having a small tourney and whatnot. Matches with commentary and all that.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
HEY GUYS (that are going to Nebraskon)!

Ptato and Afrayail are hosting a Brawl panel, I think it's Saturday night like 9 or 10pm. It's mostly an "introduction" to competitive smash, going over some different tips & tricks for characters, etc (aimed towards smash n00bs or people that might enter con tournies, etc, but not know about real ones)

Depending upon turnout and enthusiasm, though, we might just end up having a small tourney and whatnot. Matches with commentary and all that.
I gonna try to go there too and I going to try to convince my friend to come as well.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
HEY GUYS (that are going to Nebraskon)!

Ptato and Afrayail are hosting a Brawl panel, I think it's Saturday night like 9 or 10pm. It's mostly an "introduction" to competitive smash, going over some different tips & tricks for characters, etc (aimed towards smash n00bs or people that might enter con tournies, etc, but not know about real ones)

Depending upon turnout and enthusiasm, though, we might just end up having a small tourney and whatnot. Matches with commentary and all that.
I'll be there.
Teach people how to grab ledges. (lolol).
Isn't there already a tourney going on at some point there?


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
Joker, ima try and be to your house wed nite after work if i can convince my parents to let me use the van. Also i have a tv that i can bring. I will also bring my wii with my new hardrive so you can hel*7p me get it working and what not.

Kudo, i didnt have to go through that year gap, but i did wait week by week cause i watched dubbed, which i like better fyi, and it was the hardest thing i have ever done lol. Then i was depressed for a week when it ended lol.

nd just in case you were wondering where i am getting the interwebs from cuz i have none at my house, i am sitting on my porch in 35 degrees loading clannad, when it is done, im out of hear lol. I cant feel when i type anymore...


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Dear Pokemon cosplayers:

You are being abducted for participation in my shounen-ai panel (which I started working on last night >.>)

Dear every other guy:

You are heavily encouraged to participate in my shounen-ai panel, in or out of cosplay, depending upon the turn out. We need lots of "couples" to make the games work.

Anyway, in regards to the whole smash thing.. yeah, there's a tournament going on already through the gaming room and whatnot like usual. Connor and I have a brawl panel, though, and if it ends up being a bust (no n00bs to coach and all) then we'll just play around on the projector and whatnot. Maybe have a tiny, 1 match tourney or something for ****s and g!ggles.

Also, Skyzim, did you say you wanted to be Walter (from Hellsing?) Got pix of the costume for me?

EDIT: I'm sucking less n00blishly as Olimar, though I need someone else to practice with. Ptato gets pissed when I win (cuz it makes him mad he can't figure out the match up I guess), and it makes me feel bad so I suck again. <_< anyone up for intense amounts of smash this week? I wouldn't mind hosting games at the Honors Building tomorrow if anyone wants to come up/over/down/around.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Also, Skyzim, did you say you wanted to be Walter (from Hellsing?) Got pix of the costume for me?

EDIT: I'm sucking less n00blishly as Olimar, though I need someone else to practice with. Ptato gets pissed when I win (cuz it makes him mad he can't figure out the match up I guess), and it makes me feel bad so I suck again. <_< anyone up for intense amounts of smash this week? I wouldn't mind hosting games at the Honors Building tomorrow if anyone wants to come up/over/down/around.
I was going to be Young Walter but I never had time to get anything ready due to two jobs and school.

I can help you with practice. Can't tomorrow though due to work.
I used to play Oli for a bit as well.

Shounen-ai panel sounds hilarious.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
The way I see it, if you have time to post on Smashboards, you have time to go out and buy cosplay stuff :D


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
I think Im gonna go on Friday as myself just to check things out. Then on Saturday Ill dress up. Dunno about Sunday yet O.o

I look like a fat Luffy -_- and my shirt and shorts are too big -_-


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I was gonna enter the SFIV tourney on Friday and hoping to poop on some people.
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