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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
yo dawgs
clannad starts all school like but it goes after that, thats why the 2nd season is called after story, its DA BEST

tekken is pretty fun atm but we will see where that goes

so only greg and chris are coming to NE on friday then? poops, you guys are missing out XD


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Joker there is a chance I may be able to go over to your place for casuals (needs moar tvc pratice) on saturday, i'll find out whether I can go or not. But would that be alright?
That be kool specially cause I haven't played TvC since last monthly, which by the way anyone coming today for games >.0

thats right, more anime is always better, i cried at the end of the Fuko arc in the first season. thats how touched i was ;_;
u should watch the after story, its pretty legit. i liked the kyou arc in the after story cause i have a thing for her, u can tell from my avatar \(^o^)/. i've been tryin to catch up with detective conan so im like behind on like all my ongoing anime. just 200 more conan episodes and i am finally caught up
Yes anime is too good I don't know why I was ignoring it for so long.
I know what you mean the Fuko arc was amazing I love animes like that :cry:

Jk, we'll rock **** with low tier powa! Falcon Powa! PK Powa! YES!
I got Balance Brawl and Captain Falcon is just epic ^.^

So i just got thursday thru sunday off for the next tourny so i am thinking about coming down on wed nite, if not thursday morning so i can be there for thursday games. And thanks again to everyone that went to the tourny, it was way fun, epically long car rides ftw!!!

And Joker sorry i left in the mourning without saying anything, you looked to peaceful i didnt have it in me to disturb you lol. But thanks for letting me crash there like always.
Awwwww Yeeeeeeeeeeah, Peeks you are just full of win <(^.^<)
And don't worry about it man is all good >.0

ZASH! You better be going with Peeks!
Yes it feels like a Willanium since we last saw you T.T

huh, for some reason i have the urge to do some karaoke \(^o^)/

Is probably because of this >.<

omg everyone that watched clannad must watch after story
also tomoyo is the best kudou
sorry *shrug*
I'm on the 13th ep and it just keeps getting better and better, also I like Nagisa and Kotomi <3

i love watchin school animes, thats what i love about high school girls, i keep gettin older, they stay the same age. yes they do, yes they do lol. \(^o^)/
I approved this ^.^
But yeah I have to say school anime is one of my favorite types of anime specially when is Ecchi XP

Doubt me and joker will be going to the con, pretty low in funds and kinda wanna get a new hard drive.
Yeah this suck T.T had we got the tickets way back the extra $10 will have made a difference but 3 days with out food is tough

This is why I will never cosplay as I would need the costume to be fitting and look perfect.
I'll like to cosplay but kinda hard to find someone to cosplay when I don't want to shave my beard ^.^;

Proficient (CBK)

Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2008
yea games will be today..but idk when i will be coming...i work till 5 so maybe after that and when kudo feels like picking me up and driving there..^_^v


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
yo dawgs
clannad starts all school like but it goes after that, thats why the 2nd season is called after story, its DA BEST

tekken is pretty fun atm but we will see where that goes

so only greg and chris are coming to NE on friday then? poops, you guys are missing out XD
i would like to go to the con and hangout with u guys but im so poor games right now. after i start workin, i think i can actually do more things since i get paid about $150 per week.

yeah i really think that explains a lot here \(^o^)/

I'm on the 13th ep and it just keeps getting better and better, also I like Nagisa and Kotomi <3
i dont really like Kotomi, she's to quite for me. i really like the energetic and out spoke chars in animes

I approved this ^.^
But yeah I have to say school anime is one of my favorite types of anime specially when is Ecchi XP
thats primary where ecchi anime take places. i like romance-comedy and most of those types of anime take place at schools. everybody has difference perferences

yea games will be today..but idk when i will be coming...i work till 5 so maybe after that and when kudo feels like picking me up and driving there..^_^v
i guess i can get since i just downloaded detective conan episodes 352-480 omiting 20 episodes of filler that isnt subbed, i have 108 new conan episodes to get started on \(^o^)/.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
The Clannad intro is too good!!! I started watching it cuz of all the talk it just got lol. I have been meaning to watch it for a while but with no consistant interwebs it has been hard to get around to.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
I do not like the dudes hair, but all in all the game looks like it could be ok. Personally i do not think it will do that well, all attention and resources are focusing on 13, and if it even comes out in the same year it will get overshadowed no matter how great it is, just like tactics did with 7. It could be a good breath of fresh air for the wii though, which is lacking in epically good games at the moment.

Oh, and that is an awesome sig love, simply awesome!!!


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
:cry::cry:Clannad is too good:cry::cry:

I finish After Story and this was an amazing series this is why school anime is good ^.^
I watch Another World Kyou and was all like T-t-t-t-twins:estatic: I like those ones cause you always wonder what could have been.
They had me going when Nagisa died and then Ushio T.T so sad but then it was all like a dream and stuff not to mention that Fuko came back ^.^
All in all good series.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I do not like the dudes hair, but all in all the game looks like it could be ok. Personally i do not think it will do that well, all attention and resources are focusing on 13, and if it even comes out in the same year it will get overshadowed no matter how great it is, just like tactics did with 7. It could be a good breath of fresh air for the wii though, which is lacking in epically good games at the moment.

Oh, and that is an awesome sig love, simply awesome!!!
Yeah the wii has me disappointed lately. I just hate how its the most popular system, so many games could've looked much better on not the Wii.

Like Epic Mickey for example. The concept art was amazing but the game itself looks like it was done for the N64.




Seriously. Possibly the first and last collaboration of the maker of Deus Ex, steampunk, and Disney and the Wii just can't handle it.


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
Joker, you need to watch the anime Ghost Stories. It's just ridiculous. The voice actor for the youngest kid just makes random babbly noises when he can't think of what to say.

Also Halloween was hilarious. Our MOTHER act was a hit...and very bloody.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Halloween is a holiday that shouldn't exist. My space ghost was a flop. Nothing like being epic fail for halloween.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
:cry::cry:Clannad is too good:cry::cry:

I finish After Story and this was an amazing series this is why school anime is good ^.^
I watch Another World Kyou and was all like T-t-t-t-twins:estatic: I like those ones cause you always wonder what could have been.
They had me going when Nagisa died and then Ushio T.T so sad but then it was all like a dream and stuff not to mention that Fuko came back ^.^
All in all good series.
watching the last few eps was tough
it was just non stop ;_;

i think ima rewatch the last few eps tomorrow...


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Joker, what other series would you recommend from the genre. I too really enjoy them but am not at all of other good ones.
School Days that anime will take you by surprise ^.^
Shcool Rumble pretty funny and if you like ecchi ones try Rosario+Vampire >.0

Joker, you need to watch the anime Ghost Stories. It's just ridiculous. The voice actor for the youngest kid just makes random babbly noises when he can't think of what to say.
Yeah I saw a clip of it and was all like WTF >.<
I'll probably look into it, but first I need to watch Karas and Code Geass cause I been wanting to watch that one since ever plus I keep seeing spoiler for it T.T


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
GGs tonight. I learned a lot more tonight about my chars, so I'm pretty happy. I'm probably gonna start watching Clannad tomorrow. Christian! Watch Code Geass! :laugh:

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
All I've been watching are RahXephon and the new FMA. The latter of which my interest is waning after that terrible Conqueror of Shamballa movie. Seriously, I know its not part of the main series but it was so bad. Hitler should never exist in anime ever. I almost feel like I need to watch the show over to remind myself why I like it.

I may wait for dubbed too. Series is going sort of slow right now. I can already tell some mistakes with the subbing and its pretty annoying as well. Feels like things should be more dramatic then they are. Ed and Al feel so useless compared to the 1st series lol.

RahXephon took a while to get going but I really like the style it has. Don't know why I haven't finished it yet.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
School Days that anime will take you by surprise ^.^
Shcool Rumble pretty funny and if you like ecchi ones try Rosario+Vampire >.0
i freakin love school rumble, its just so witty and funny \(^o^)/

I'm probably gonna start watching Clannad tomorrow. Christian! Watch Code Geass! :laugh:
pfft, y r people so up on clannad right now? the clannad phase was back in the mid 2007 to early 2009 when the first season started and second season ended. i freakin keeped up week after week with the ss-eclipse releases for both seasons, thats just how pro i was \(^o^)/


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
I generally like waiting for the series to end so i can watch them in marathon mode lol. Waiting week to week is tough for me, to get my fix i would have to watch like 10 different shows every week and would get confused lol. Thats why toonami was awesome, 1 ep a day of like 4 kick *** shows.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
Since there is nothing but madness being posted on here let me add to it.

Looking for Bucket LOVE:

Hi, I'm Game and Watch, a new resident of Port City. I'm looking for some bucket love. I'm in need of a woman with a blaster that knows how to fill me up ;-) (If you know what I mean.) She must have long legs, a whip, blaster and suit that is easy to take off...(again, if you know what I mean :-D ). I enjoy long team battles, where we run off together and make magic. You run and hide while I go out and slay dragons with the child we created together. Of course, I enjoy quickies...you know the ones where we might have to subcomb to the urge and get it on in the middle of the battle ;-). You have to be modest though! You can't let them see us make bucket love without punishment. If they try to peek or they get to close to us, you have to be willing to stun them at a moments notice...then you just sit back... I have nine hammers to choose from and most likely I'll hit them with my favorite one if they stick around. Anyway, please respond to this add. Put "Zero Suit" in the tag line and I'll be quick to respond.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
Sorry I wasn't able to come out saturday Joker, I went to a boxing match and crashed when I got home and I woke up at like 3ish or so, so I knew it would be late if I went over anyways and I didn't have a ride.

Also Joker could you help me edit the sound files on TvC, if you have the time you should try editing them because they are in .ssd and I can't for the life of me figure out how to edit them or anything. I've searched like everywhere and can't find out how to edit the music because they aren't in brstm or the other a format that is in bulk music. P.M. me if you can find out anything.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Got Tekken 6 today and CBK is coming over tomorrow to teach me! :bee: When is games at Christian's again. I want another lesson!
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