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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Vanz- what I said was not to but my crew in the same boat as Blast. I said it goes for anyone when who wants to act and feel like blast just did. Im tired of it. If none feel like blast then they are cool

Vash and Jman, Leave it alone. same goes for doc. All he has to do is simply say I want out of I.E and its done, and I bet he will say that too. Which I could care less I dont want someone who likes shooting off his mouth like he is a god and knows everything that goes on around here. And bull like that I dont let slid. I ho through this too much in this game, the comments about My Peacn and even my self, my skills, etc. So crap like this I wont get it go.

Blast next time you post here you choose wether your in this crew and deal with what we are going through or you can drop out of it. I already said we are working on getting jobs so we can be active more and all, you saw my speech, so what the hell was this bull for if I already covered it? to show off? well I dont play that bull. Your in or out, no complaints, choose!


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
lol blast just got beasted on.

Don't take it personally guys, he just wants some sweet lovin from you all. XD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
The one he is looking for is not the one he is gonna find around here. Best he go and tick someone else off. Not me


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
***** u got alot of nerve u know that..... F U C K YOU alright *****. u wanna know why i say the things i say? bcuz my cousin is the same way as all the knuckleheads that go to ur house. he comes over and he plays me ALL THE TIME. but u know wat its at the point where i can 3 stock him because YOU DONT GET BETTER BY PLAYING THE SAME PPL PERIOD. i dont care if u believe this or not but if u think that just cuz they go to YOUR HOUSE that its some big **** than fine ill stop goin to weeklies and ill just go to ur house. maybe ill get godly that way. hmmm but for some reason i dont think that will work.

When u were all ****ing depressed that u were gonna permanently gonna quit smash, around the same time hoyo told me that he might leave the crew... that was the only time I EVER thought about leaving the crew because i felt that it was falling apart with jash having already left and the next 2 best about to leave as well. SO IF U F U C K I N G WANT ME OUT. F U C K I N G say it alright and stop talking so much bull****.

My opinion about the crew name is just that MY OPINION. so get off my ****. u talk about how i talk all big and high and mighty but everytime u open ur mouth its u trying to show ur authority over other ppl ***** i repeat F U C K Y O U.

Ive been in this crew at LEAST 2 months and every event that u mentioned happened b4 i joined so maybe u should check ur calendar or sumthin because this crew has been dead since i joined. u dont like it? do sumthin about it. dont ****ing make excuses for everybody. the weeklies just started doin both singles and doubles. where was ninjalink when singles was starting at 6 and ending at 9:30-10? where was everybody when the cost to play 2 weeks ago was only 5 dollars? alex doesnt even remember to charge the casual players half the time so stop making all these excuses.

Vash U can suck my *** f u ck u ***** i dont care wat u think and if u have a problem with that maybe u should try goin somewhere that ill be and saying something..... oh wait u never go to tourneys anyway. oh wellz. and who the **** is doc that hes gonna put me in my place? doc knows hes inactive as all hell wats he gonna say hes not? and he already explained his situation so i dont have any hard feelings towards him cuz he let me know wats up.

jumpman- thank you for understanding where i was coming from but thanks to this incident i realized that there are alot of *******s here that just dont want me here. if u ever wanna play dude ill go to ur house or u can come here or ill go to ur school sometime. ill help u get better fast. god knows ur not learning **** playing with drk pch.

Ninjalink and Hoyo- sry ninjalink that u have a ****ed up class schedule. sry hoyo that u have ****ed up parents. i thank god have neither so i cant say i know how it feels to be in either of ur situations. but all im gonna say is ya should do wat ya enjoy. i know ya both like smash so put SOME effort into goin places and hopefully ill see u this weekend at gautlet.

well i guess its easy for these noobs to come together when its to bash me. go have fun with ur friends doc peach because u beat fosho cuz they were there backing u up. uve gotten so much better cuz of them and theyve supported u everytime uve been in a tourney...... oh wait no that was me..... hmm wat a twist i guess u just forget the ppl that have ur back when it matters in this game....

u wanted me either in or out? well after this im out.... im not goin to KF or DA but i guess that means im not gonna have a crew... cuz officially all the crews are dead... maybe ill try to join a jersey crew and just go to the TSA biweeklies more often..... have fun staying at ya level. if ya wanna get better call me ya all have my number. and if ya dont pm me and ill give it to u.
I act beast cuz i am beast. i play with the top players in NYC all the time and every time i get better. ill be at web2zone this friday if any of ya want to go ya can $50 money match me and shut me up. otherwise get the **** out of my face.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You really dont get it.
First off you have no clue who I do and dont play. Bet you did not know that I started going to DJ's and playing him and the rest huh? Oh snap, Guess not or you would have never got that low comment at me.

Same with the comments you gave others that came here. The hell you have to get on hoyos parents for, are you a ****ing brick or something? You know nothing of his life or problems so leave his name out of it. same goes for the rest you have not seen in this crew. You really have some nerve going THAT low. Your problem is with ME!! So leave the low blow comments out and take it one with me!!

You read my shout outs in the tourny thread I ****ing thanked you and JC for cheering me on? and then I get the talk I get from you in this thread.You really need to get facts head on dummy. I dont give a ratz azz who you play and sound all high and mighty. Dont mean you can go and talk down to other players. Its its obvious they come here to play and have fun. They are in the crew so we play together. And while im playing with them I can teach them some trickes since im better than them. a crew plays together alot. and has thier own ways of getting better you fool. You know how I got the way I am now? Cause of my teachers from europe. Not playing people like you do, and I made great improve ment. and I am still doing so. So dont go thinking cause you play others to get better we have to do the same, we do other things to get better and works, Like my online training, so You can take that bull and shove it.

How the hell am i showing authority over people? Cause Im thinking of ways to help others out and trying to be a friend. A leader has to do that you know, and when you see me put others in this crew down. You go and tell me that crap!

Now you challenge people here for a MM for $50. You really have an ego and freaking make me sick. Im sick of it. Your out blast, for good. guess you dont mind, we are a bunch of scrubs to your eyes anyway. Im sure with YOUR skills, you can find another crew WAY better than Imperial Era and feel just fine with them. No need to hang with us losers and noobs right.

freaking go on Friday to the weekly. I'll MM you for $20. Cause your not even worth 50 If I win I get the $20 and thats just the end of it. If you win, You get the $20, I drop from I.E and You wont hear from me again. Im sick and ****ing tired of being taking a fool and ****. all the comments and such. even from other crews when I try my best. Well I'll represent this crew alone if I have too. You win, $20 is yours, I drop and you'll never see or hear from me again. and if I drop I.E, no training here, no one comes to my house for smash. I was also alone in the game and I should have stayed that way so I would not have to go through this bull. In this case I will want to be alone and stay that way, no crews for me or anything. I'll get better like I have from my 2 teachers. and I wont need anyone cheering me on, telling me my battles were close or hot, nor anything. cause its all fakes and lies to make me fell good. then later I go through bull with the stupid comments once again. I'll end this and be alone if I have too. that way all the pain and crap from this game will be gone for good.

I'll see your stupid azz friday and you better freaking show and not waste my time. Best out of 5. First to win 3 matches wins the MM. And cause of his money match dont you dare play less like you would cause of what will happen when if I were to lose to you. Say your a beast? Proof it by taking ME out and ending my spot in I.E and take my money. cause that what beast do and dont care for the results. Cause If I win, I wont realy sorry for you one but if you get imbarrass for your big talk and lose to a noob like me.



Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Dark pch, calm down my evil friend, theres no use in getting worked up over people who just like to push buttons.

Everyone try to be alittle more civil, slinging profanity is a way to get threads closed and the mods annoyed.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Yo dark Pch./Blast ya'll really need to calm down. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don't let this stupid argument go any further than it already has. Blast don't leave the crew cause of this . Ur one of the new ones just like me and YRB. U know it'll probably be different after this semester is over. So don't leave. And I'll take u up on that offer soon. U guys should chill cause it's not worth the energy to fight over this. And Like dark pch it's not that serious to get woprkk over someones opinion. Their just words. And that goes for everyone who was offended by blast's opinion. It's only someone's opinion chill.... I wouldn't feel right if I couldn't say my opinion because thats bull crap. And it didn't seem to offend just to motivate. So evry one please chill on this. So blast don't leave the crew over this crap. Cause it's not fair to be bash only by an opinion I know. But alot of us wants to get better anyway. Besides I don't know all ppl in this crew or the history , but I'm still saying this. Don't leave cause of a pointless fight. Like I said it's not that serious......


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Just leave it Jman. Im the one that is not fit for this game anyway. I have depression and get angry or depressed easy anyway. So if I lose its for the best of me anyway. If I win, I'll prove to all that im not just some noob all take me for. And all that I put work in for paid off. This has nothing to do with this crew. This is all on me. I'll end this one way or another and shut this herb up the only way possible. and that by a MM with the stakes I put up. he has lil to lose, I have alot to lose. and if I lose that fine with me. things happen and results come out for a reason. So if I lose, I'll just do what I always have. Teach myself and play alone. then go to tourines when ever I can and think im ready. Plus I have my 2 teachers that help me get the way I am, and still wish to teach me more. So I have at least that to help me out.

So once again, Imperial Era. this is not directed to any of you. You guys do what you always do. Dont change your ways cause of all of this. For if I am to lose, Doc takes over. He was the leader to begin with anyway. You'll still see me around but not that often as usual. So dont worry about it. this lil drama ends here and now. the Full results will happen on friday. and what ever happens after that happens. Im fighting for I.E here. and I wont let a herb like blast get away with all that he said here.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
this guy is great... i mean why would u challenge me? u put me above u in the crew rankings... was that just to plz me? if u really believed u could beat me when it counts why put me above u? and why add so much drama about if i win u leave IE? this isnt a ****ing movie dude i dont give a ****.
im just happy to now know wat u think of me. i hope someone gives u that OD falco practice b4 friday cuz ur gonna need it. no johns if i lose i lose... no peach is cheap.. no shes a counter to falco... just i loss. and ill give u the respect u deserve. but until then ur beyond low in my eyes. dont try to make it so that it will be my fault if u quit.
if u wanna quit, quit. dont let me hold u back. this is great who is doc gonna be the leader of? a group of ppl. not a smash crew i assure u that. and thats wat i was trying to point out but u dont get that. ur all caught up in the idea that i hate u.
and i wasnt throwing it in ur face that i was cheering u on.. i was reminding u that i was... that when u needed a friend i was there... when u needed a fun time i was there... but then again.. im a liar and a fake according to u...
ive sat down with hoyo many times and talked to him about his life his parents and his problems... dont get offended for him... let him come here and say it if he doesnt like it....
ive yet to talk down to someone who hasnt said something to me first... if ur talking about me telling ppl that their inactive or that theyre not upto par on skills... its the ****ing truth. get over it

JMAN- im very happy that u understood exactly wat i was saying.. unfortunately drk pch is so caught up in being the drama queen that he is that he cant stop to reread and think. im sry i wont be in IE for the summer but try to convince ur princess leader to not leave cuz if he does hes gonna blame it on me... and i dont want to be the reason ur crew breaks up...

I apologize to everyone here that might have been offended by wat i said except for drk pch and vash. none of my post except for this one and the one b4 it were intended to be of any offense to anyone. apparently my opinion about the crews status should never have been mentioned because i am a clueless ***-hole that only knows how to play falco... i sincerely apologize for all of u for having wasted ur time....

<333333 jman hoyo ninjalink and yrb keep in touch


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
The only reason you were on top cause of my ranking system tool. If I had gone to more tournies like you, then andif we have played eacg ohter more, then first could have been me, which did not happen. aside from MY system ranking, Your not all the talk you put up, I dont need falco training for you. and I dont want your respect if I win. screw fate and all that crap. I made the stakes for me, not for someone like you. I dont care what you have to say about me for that matter. Once this fight is over, im done with you. Dont feel sorry or happy and such once the MM is over.

You know nothing of who I am, what bull I go through, the crap I put up every **** day in my life to let a loser like you get the best of me. Just shut the hell up and fight me on friday, dont give me advice. Dont freaking tell me what to do. if I wanted help from hell I ask for it. You are just likew the rest of them. Think your so called high skilled players and think you can do or say what you want to people like me. Thus I despise you all.

You know what?????




Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
good riddance. stop looking for pity and using ur health as a crutch if u cant handle im glad ur gone.. b4 u go make sure u take me off the first page ok pumpkin?


Smash Cadet
Mar 8, 2007
north jersey
why do you guys take this game so seriously as to let a silly comment about someones skill make you so mad to the point of quiting? seems kinda stupid and pointless to let someones opinion affect you so much.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Dark pch. OMG don't quit man. IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!! U have to chill. Take a rest or something idk. But don't quit. I honestly didn't u have depression but still U have to calm down. Blast I'm sry to hear ur decision to leave I hope u come back after the summer though. I really don't like **** like this to happen over a dumb fight for dumb reasons. This is last thing I have to say to this though. I'm done with it. Dark Pch. calm down and stay frosty ok? Blast don't let this discourage u not to come back.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Right now I want to be comfortable to know that ya'll are civil first. especially since it might be the wrong time to ask me that. U can talk to me on Aim anyway though. I'm alittle concern on Dark if he's ok. This situation got alittle out of hand.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Dark pch, you are being childish to freak out like that, calm down. You shouldn't let everything get to you so easily.

Blast, back off of him please, everyone just needs their bearings and cool down. I bet all of you are quite civil in your right minds.

I like this crew, I'm watching you and 5th column..you two are doing well and I don't want to see that change.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Seems like alot has happen to me this afternoon. Ok everyone listen up. I.E and others that know me and run into this.

What happen today with me was an uncontrolable out burst. This also happen a few months ago with team pleazy. When I am low on meds for a while, My depression tend to get out of hand if a small amount of anger kicks in. This is the third time it has gotten out of hand. This nearly killed me when I once lved with my mom before I ended up in the forster home I am in now. well for hat reason I ended up here anyway but still. My depression is really something I need to keep under control. for also im bi-bolar. I cant control my emotion. Today I had to stay away from everyone and had to sleep And ether 2morrow or friday go see my doctor. Also get more meds for my depression since I ran out. Im gonna have to lay low till my depression does not pull this off. Im not ok in the head and at times cant control what I say or even do. For those that ever had depression or for a while, you might understand where im coming from and if you dont, its cool.

Now this has to stop cause look at all that its causeing. Overa game too. its stupid and makes no sense so here is what Im gonna do to contain myself if I ever lose my mind again.....

-If you see me just leave out of random when im around smashers and all, leave me be. it means my depression is kicking in and and dont want it to lash out. I'll need some air or just need to go home.

-If I have a comment I dont like about me, I wont fight for myself. I'll let it be. Wether its my skills, the way I use peach or just me in general. And if I cant take it, I will walk out and ether get some air or go home.

- It seems like from now on im gonna have to carry my meds with me where ever I go. which sucks but have no choice now.

Now with the lil show I put on here with my rage, I dont know what to do as of I.E or the smash world in general. Seems like I pulled a mini Ron. Cause any lil thing I see thats not right or what someone said,I go on the attack. this is getting serious with me and I'll have to talk to my doctor about it. I kept this from him. and look at what its doing. I have no choice but to let him know and see what he says I need to do. I may have to drop smash for good if this continues. For me to get away from all that may cause me depression to go out of hand. I may not like it. but if it must be done, then be it till my depression is finally gone.

Well in my spot and what I did here I cant do much but I will do something.

Blast- So your trying to tell me that you just wanted I.E to be more out there in the smash world? Thing is I covered that in my speech. I said we should work on getting jobs and all so we can travel more and be more active. then when you wrote your essay, it seemed like you were showing off when I already stated most of what you did. And aso how you were like people dont show to tournies and all. Ugh. I dont know anymore. I just let rage do the talking as I stated before. You can think of me as you wish. I cant and wont let it get to me for you already know. And look at the mess i got into. A MM that if I lose, Im out from I.E I dont get into MM cause I feel Im not ready for them. Even if its against someone I know I can beat. Guess its the pressure or something. But I dont back down from challenges If I take one. so I'll still go with it and face you on friday for 20. Best of 5 was it? Guess thats all I have to say to you about this. You can see me as you wish from now it. I'll live

-Imperial Era- some of you know my condition. and even see it when I play. Like im quiet or just look depressed in general. So yea excuse me if it seems rude and all. Its not me. And after what I showed I dont know if you want someone lie me in Imperial Era. Thats why I play and train alone at times. Cause of my depression and I dont want others too look down on me cause of it. and if I was to do something like I did here on the boards. And also may not be fit for leader of this crew, for a leader has to call all the shots and if things happen with the crew, the leader has to deal with it. And the things can be negative. Which in my case, I may lose it.

So im sorry for how I have been acting and my action. What ever you guys say to me, the comments and all is fine with me. even if the comments are bad. wether is from this crew or from other people. Just understand I dont mean to lash out when I do it. Im the kind of person hat would avoid fights for that matter. And just bugged out and have fun. You all see me in person when Im a happy person. acting a fool, laughing, makeing jokes while playing smash wether I win or lose. Thats me. I really dont want to attack or fight with someone unless its for a GOOD reason. And at times things that seem like a good reason to fight are really not.

Well I dont think there i much to say from this point on.Whatever happens/ you guys fell and all its cool with me. Im done fighting anymore. You guys do what you like to do and go on about yourselfs.

Dark.Pch out


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
I glad ur feeling better cause what has happen went ridiculously out of proportion. U should apologize to Blast. Cause through out all of this, he just wanted to help out.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I would....be while I was reading through all of this and looking at what was blasts point here. I noticed somethings that he said that kinda offended me. So Im just gonna leave it as it is. Wether he was trying to help..some of what he said........anyway leave it be,, Im not really up for another out burst anyway. Im still trying to cool off. I have a money match with him anyway so whatever happens after that happens.Then when the fight is over, time to move on. just let it all go....


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Alright man, I'll leave it alone Ya'll should talk face to face before u play him though. Cause even after the match ya'll should be civil afterwards


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
jumpman plz dont try to mediate. im the type of person that if u say something i dont like im a let u know. if i think something should change ima say it. i dont stop myself from saying things cuz it might offend something. a while back i told vanz about the way he acts in tourneys and i kept the conversation goin like the **** that i am even after they dropped. we didnt like each other for a while but now we've settled our differences and we always sit down and play some matches when we see each other. this is the same thing. dont think just cuz i supposedly said something that he didnt like, ima apologize to be civil. many ppl have seen apologize in this forum when i was out of line/place but this time was not one of them. i dont want to get along with drk pch now cuz i see the way he really thought about me, i dont want to be in this crew cuz these dudes who dont even know me act super immature and just talk trash. u would think for someone who ive never done anything to, drk pch would tell these guys to chill and leave me alone, but instead he attacks me cuz i say he should be leader, cuz i say that i dont like the crew name, or cuz i said the crew should be more active. are those any reasons to attack someone? then after he lashed out at me, i defended myself and now he wont even apologize? gj on that one. see u friday hope ur rdy to quit.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
Im like one of the worst one in the elite division and i was having a bad day. calm down wit dat. lol. youll prolly see my full potentail fri. i feel for you ma dudez. You know Blast ,IHNC will always have open arms for you. lol. (no homo) We gotta play more often. sorry for your troubles in this thread too. lol


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
I just can't believe what the **** i was reading back there. And people asked me why i left this crew....well to tell ya the truth this is the 100% reason why i left this crew. Drama for NOTHING!!! Like why do you have to argue for such stupid reasons? And clearly i don't blame Blast for nothing, absolutely nothing. And don't figure that im choosing sides because im not, its a matter of how it started and clearly it shouldn't have started that way. So you know what, im going to say a few things in my mind because i really tried to be nice but......no more nice guy. Dark.pch just stop, take a ****in breath and stop. You make me more depressed then u sometimes and its getting to me now and im getting very VERY sick of it. You get offended for nothing and take it out on other people. Blast simply stated a ****in opinion and nothing more then that.....nothing to bring up an offence. And what makes it worse is this is a crew......YOU GUYS ARE A CREW!!! What kind of a crew fights like this? Not only that but for stupid reasons like being offended off a opinion. Dark.Pch seriously let me ask me, was all that worth it? Did you feel better by fighting your best person in I.E? I just don't understand you most of the time and you expect me to be on your side but i can't because.......your basically wrong. And the thing i HATE the most about you Dark.Pch is its always the same thing. You have this big argument with someone and then you say stuff like "what was i thinking, im sorry about my reactions and it will never happen again" and it was does. All you had to do was pay no mind to Blasts opinion if ya felt offended.....obviously that was the better choice. I.E....just think about what you guys are going to do because these arguments are completely pointless. and Dark.Pch....you need to just remember for one quick second that this is just a game....it seems you tell us that but have not yet realized it.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ok then..........You all win. Fine. Im a bad person. My needs for fightin and all are dumb. I said my reason for my out burst and I calmed it down. Im getting it under control. As I said Im not right in the head and I explain why.

But obviously im a horrible person. Im gonna do something I should have done years ago while I was with my mom. I stopped my self once. but I wont this time. Doc, this crew is yours. You take control from now on.

Everyone else, Fun games and all. We indeed had some good times. here are my last reprots from I.E you can remember me by.

Blast- You have your resonsa and I have mine. We dont have to say sorry to each other. I said just let it go. You dont say it to me and I dont say it to you. Ok I dont blame you anyway. I saw the truth but its too late now. Im the evil you so your doing the right thing. Dont feel sorry for me one bit. youwere right from the start and I let my depression see what you were saying like always in stead of my. Good luck in the smash world dude. and you better not lose to these noobs that you know you can beat. Your I'll come back and get you. ha ha ha. wow, after this I still wanna kick your azz. ha ha. funny dude you are. stay up ,man. and Oye. In less than a year you better be pro. Or I'll curse you and make you not play smash again. lol. Also bad time but sorry for how I was and seeing this evil person I tend to hid. But now it comes out alot as you can see. So this is now place for me. Laterz dude.

Imperial Era- Dont let this loserDoc screw you guys around eh? You all become better than him and kick his azz......wait ya already can. ha ha ha!! May one day if this crew stays alive, you will all be well know players. So keep it up and freaking own. Now let that be known for the last time.

Jash- What I said to blast pretty much goes to you as well. I screwed up, cant say sorry for my action, which if I have could have ended this mess but did not. So Oye, guess Your can team with 4eyez now. He got beast. So you and him should own. and keep that Y.link alive. Soon you'll be winning tournaments and have people think highly of Y.link. You know how we do it. and how I help get your Y.link up there when you first ever came to your house. Just do all the trick I told you. Really the stand still mindgame, you know what it is. I know you man. So do your thing, You dont even need luck, you have the skills, so go and own. So get hype mi amigo. Now let that be known.

Thats all from me. Sorry to all that have seen this. I even let the one special Persson in my live down cause I could not control my emotion.........Sakaki San. I said I make the power rankings and work hard to be one of the best Peach players known out there for you and I made the promise. Now I cant keep it.Im really sorry to you the most. You dont need a person like me.Im no good and horrible. So this is the day it all ends for me.Im done. You are all mi familia. Family for life. Yea even you blast. You herb. lol. You better all reember me as the up smash god and my sick grab mindgames. Only Dark.Pch can do what I do with these 2 titles.

Well doc. I did all that I can with what you asked me. I leave all this to you. Its been fine playing with you all. we indeed had a blast.........ha blast...speaking of him, you always have something to say. like need the last word and all.funny dude. Do your thing aight. and thanks again for how you gave advice and stuck up for me, I see it now. This is the end of the line. this all ends today. Keep owning people. laterz...........


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
****.. i came lookin a for a friendly crew battle, and the crew's battling itself.. LoLz..

Aside from that, You Guys are all good and have the Potential to become NYC legends (bet you like the sound of that) anywayz, i wish i could go to this weekly but i can't. To everyone that seems caught up in the drama, just try to keep out cuz these situtations usually heal with time.

Also, I still want a crew battle. So figure out who your starters are lemme know when we're gonna do this!!

**Dark.Pch has now said "herb" 3 TIMES!!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
**** man so it's Me, Ninjalink, yrb,and hoyo..<_> Thats mad crap..T_T I don't even know doc... Argh!!!>_< ARGH!!!>_< Well I need to rethink things...then cause this crew seems to be crumbling...<_>


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Once news got out that I ended my Smash career and all. People got in my for it. even my Teacher from europe had a few words to say. Some called me a coward and all. And dont want me to quit smash cause of what I have done. truth is, the reason i wanted to qut cause look at what I always cause. me and blast, couple months ago in the team plezey thread ans even in the weekly thread. I have un controlable emotion and I cant at times deal with it. thats why im on meds. and if I loes battles or feel like something is not right to when one says something to me, I tend to lash out. I belive im a horrible person for that and I dont belong with any of you smashers, cause I'll just piss you off and ruin all your fun.

But since people belive I can deal with this and am not such a bad person. I want to make sure I wont be looked down upon cause of the way I am and cause of my illness. My last post I already said sorry to ALL that I got mad at me and all. But I want to make sure I wont be put down, talked about or looked wron cause of my current condition. So all that wish to be my smash friends and want me to play again and play with them as well Please Out your name down on this list I have here. and if you dont want me in the smash world anymore for what ever reason you have please say so. I dont want to be anywhere im not wanted and make people nott have fun cause of me. this is why I tend to be alone. cause I dont want to do that to anyone. Im gonna see my doc every week from now on. cause its gotten worst. So he needs to help me with this so nothin like this will happen again.

Qoute my message and put your name on the list if you wish to be my friends and want me in the smash world again. If one already quoted, quote thiere message and put your name under thiers. Thanks for your time and really sorry for all the trouble I caused to all I dont know what to say for my self ......

List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2006
in the place i've been wishing to be
Once news got out that I ended my Smash career and all. People got in my for it. even my Teacher from europe had a few words to say. Some called me a coward and all. And dont want me to quit smash cause of what I have done. truth is, the reason i wanted to qut cause look at what I always cause. me and blast, couple months ago in the team plezey thread ans even in the weekly thread. I have un controlable emotion and I cant at times deal with it. thats why im on meds. and if I loes battles or feel like something is not right to when one says something to me, I tend to lash out. I belive im a horrible person for that and I dont belong with any of you smashers, cause I'll just piss you off and ruin all your fun.

But since people belive I can deal with this and am not such a bad person. I want to make sure I wont be looked down upon cause of the way I am and cause of my illness. My last post I already said sorry to ALL that I got mad at me and all. But I want to make sure I wont be put down, talked about or looked wron cause of my current condition. So all that wish to be my smash friends and want me to play again and play with them as well Please Out your name down on this list I have here. and if you dont want me in the smash world anymore for what ever reason you have please say so. I dont want to be anywhere im not wanted and make people nott have fun cause of me. this is why I tend to be alone. cause I dont want to do that to anyone. Im gonna see my doc every week from now on. cause its gotten worst. So he needs to help me with this so nothin like this will happen again.

Qoute my message and put your name on the list if you wish to be my friends and want me in the smash world again. If one already quoted, quote thiere message and put your name under thiers. Thanks for your time and really sorry for all the trouble I caused to all I dont know what to say for my self ......

List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:

I'll get on that list! We never got to play yet (though my transporation options are terrible :()! It'd be sad to see you leave, Dark.Pch. You've been improving rapidly as of late and you're always trying your best to be helpful to people. I think even considering the aforementioned 'outbursts', you really shouldn't let it get to you. Some people can be rash and ignorant at times, but its also clear when they're doing so. From what I've seen, you're a good person at heart; that should be all that matters. If I could freaking get to NYC one day, I'd want to join your crew for sure (if you guys let me) ^_^

So please stay, Dark.pch


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
Bronx, New York City
Once news got out that I ended my Smash career and all. People got in my for it. even my Teacher from europe had a few words to say. Some called me a coward and all. And dont want me to quit smash cause of what I have done. truth is, the reason i wanted to qut cause look at what I always cause. me and blast, couple months ago in the team plezey thread ans even in the weekly thread. I have un controlable emotion and I cant at times deal with it. thats why im on meds. and if I loes battles or feel like something is not right to when one says something to me, I tend to lash out. I belive im a horrible person for that and I dont belong with any of you smashers, cause I'll just piss you off and ruin all your fun.

But since people belive I can deal with this and am not such a bad person. I want to make sure I wont be looked down upon cause of the way I am and cause of my illness. My last post I already said sorry to ALL that I got mad at me and all. But I want to make sure I wont be put down, talked about or looked wron cause of my current condition. So all that wish to be my smash friends and want me to play again and play with them as well Please Out your name down on this list I have here. and if you dont want me in the smash world anymore for what ever reason you have please say so. I dont want to be anywhere im not wanted and make people nott have fun cause of me. this is why I tend to be alone. cause I dont want to do that to anyone. Im gonna see my doc every week from now on. cause its gotten worst. So he needs to help me with this so nothin like this will happen again.

Qoute my message and put your name on the list if you wish to be my friends and want me in the smash world again. If one already quoted, quote thiere message and put your name under thiers. Thanks for your time and really sorry for all the trouble I caused to all I dont know what to say for my self ......

List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:
***** we always gonna be friends even without smash. But i don't want you to quit and im pretty sure your crew doesn't. Put me down. You might as well put team epic down, i'm almost positive they don't want you to quit.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Once news got out that I ended my Smash career and all. People got in my for it. even my Teacher from europe had a few words to say. Some called me a coward and all. And dont want me to quit smash cause of what I have done. truth is, the reason i wanted to qut cause look at what I always cause. me and blast, couple months ago in the team plezey thread ans even in the weekly thread. I have un controlable emotion and I cant at times deal with it. thats why im on meds. and if I loes battles or feel like something is not right to when one says something to me, I tend to lash out. I belive im a horrible person for that and I dont belong with any of you smashers, cause I'll just piss you off and ruin all your fun.

But since people belive I can deal with this and am not such a bad person. I want to make sure I wont be looked down upon cause of the way I am and cause of my illness. My last post I already said sorry to ALL that I got mad at me and all. But I want to make sure I wont be put down, talked about or looked wron cause of my current condition. So all that wish to be my smash friends and want me to play again and play with them as well Please Out your name down on this list I have here. and if you dont want me in the smash world anymore for what ever reason you have please say so. I dont want to be anywhere im not wanted and make people nott have fun cause of me. this is why I tend to be alone. cause I dont want to do that to anyone. Im gonna see my doc every week from now on. cause its gotten worst. So he needs to help me with this so nothin like this will happen again.

Qoute my message and put your name on the list if you wish to be my friends and want me in the smash world again. If one already quoted, quote thiere message and put your name under thiers. Thanks for your time and really sorry for all the trouble I caused to all I dont know what to say for my self ......

List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:
I for one, do.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY

Qoute my message and put your name on the list if you wish to be my friends and want me in the smash world again. If one already quoted, quote thiere message and put your name under thiers. Thanks for your time and really sorry for all the trouble I caused to all I dont know what to say for my self ......

List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:
*NinjaLink signs* U have what it takes


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2006
Enjoying some leisurely chaos...in New Jersey
List for Dark.Pch to be in the smash world:
MuseLives (and the rest of the Leisuremen of Chaos crew)
You've got my whole crew (four smashboarders not on that list, plus 6 six non-boarders) behind you, Dark.Pch You were one of the few people kind to us even before we could demonstrate some skill :)
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