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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Pass. But Hey!!! u can $50.00 MM my Peach with your Link?? ^_^
Oh wow, thats a cheap shot vanz, you know he is not good with Peaches and you want to take advantage of that. Shame on you vanz. You should be ashame of yourself. You horrible person you.

Ok Imperial Era, Im gonna need your help here. Its part of my training I made up so I want to test it out. For one month Im gonna fight with Peach and not use her Dsmash. Most peaches use it way too much and and it can at times get them killed. And I depend on that move too much. I have other things to work on with her. Like her FC since im a ground fighter and dont use it alot. and other moves she has. I think the Dsmash is lowing my game. Its all I do at times when I couls have jumped out the shield and did an FC tech. And it get too Predictable. Also Only with I.E If I Dsmash one in the matches I have to SD a stock in the battle I have with you guys. Peach is more than Just that move. But some Peaches are just too scared and just spam the move cause of what it can do. and even though that move is a best. I can also get the player killed and left wide open cause if one spams it against a smart player, they will see it comming and the Peach will get abuse for it. I think I use the move too much and I want to get off that habit cause at times it gets me killed cause of it. This way I can focus more on her FC mindgames cause I dont have alot just a few. And FC is 80% Of her game. So If I do this for a month, My Peach should increase in.........


-Tech skills

-FC Techs/mindgames


-Fast reaction.

So crew help me out with this. For a month I dont care how many matches I lose. I could get four stocked if possible and wont care. and others can call me wack or whatever all they want within that month. Its ok though. I'll get them back once my month is over with the new Peach at hand if I can pull this off. So they can talk now. Thier demise shall come later. Oh and everywhere I go Im fighting without useing the move. But the SD I will only do In Imperial Era.

EDIT: My teach says I should do it for 2 weeks. and she told me my a month is bad. and it makes sense. So for 2 weeks im doing this


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
i was obviously not gonna MM him.. especially after seeing that ace wanted to get up in these.

$50.00 MM, ur peach vs. my peach!!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
And why do you wanna MM me for 50 in a Peach ditto? I belive I already know the answer to this one but I wanna here it from you to see if im right


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
umm.. yeeeeah.. i'm not sure if we're on the same page here but.. umm..

that challenge was issued to ace.. <_<..

unless you wanted a MM..

Luigi Heat Fist

Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2007
(Doc. Speaking)

im using the shools computer and for some reason it doesnt let me or vash log out so we stuck with the other persons name my computer isnt working so i grabed vash since he not gonna be here muhahaha i can spam his name get him banned and what not >=) anyway when did this thread become a MM hookup thread i wanna play smash but not go to far any suggestions


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
New Era begins

Ok this is a new freash start to Imperial Era. cause the old one, people were not so active, dont show up to any tournies. or just can play much for reason or personal reason.and that not a crew when the most three out of nine members go to tournies and go other places to play and all. In a crew all have to put in work, not a smash few.

So here is the deal Sice it seem like I was the only one who was able to be active more than the others. Im gonna be the one to try to control this crew and also help and go into the smash world and let things be known. This Era is new, so everyone that was in this crew has a second chance to make us all be known and be in the smash world and known as great players.

Right now there are no members here.If you want to join Imperial Era. Here is how you can get your shot......

-Need to go to a good percent of tournies. You dont even need to enter them. just show up and play.

-You need to put in work in smash as in treain and do what ever you want to improve (Yes I said whatever you want cause people have thier ways to improves in thier own style) It would not be right if only one to 2 players can beat one member of that crew. we all need to be on the same level of play. and if not, we can work on that, but the rest is up to you.

-Start posting in the crew thread more. Let us know whats up with you. When you wanna play, etc.Cant have one active member in a crew and the others just lay back and do nothing. Gives crews a bad rep. A crew works together and puts in work.

Now if you can handle all of these rules your good to go.

To the former I.E members- If you can do all, your still in the crew. But you have to post it here. as of right now, there is no members in here. Tis post will be the data base. Also if you dont want any of this, you can have doc run I.E and Im gonna drop and ether be a solo player or join another crew that might want to except me. Cause I have a goal to get at. Its in my sig. and I dont want anything to slow me down from doing this. So all that want in on this new era post it. and if not, you think its a bad Idea, cant do what is ask or w/e, you can go back to your old ways and have doc take the crew over once again and I'll drop. I know its just a game and all but if you are in a crew, you have to put in some work. and if you cant than thats fine. Im not forceing you too. theres other things in Life besides smash. But if you wish to be in the smash world and be in a crew, you have to put in work, or else the crew wont go anywhere. Also if I dont get replys soon, or replys saying your in, Imperial Era will go to take, you can continue on how it was before and I'll drop it and be slolo or join another crew that may want me. Its all on you guys. And if anyone else out of I.E that want to join, let me know, PM me, or talk to me on AIM or YIM, its in my profile if you dont know it.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well Who ever faces him I doubt he is winning ether fight. He may go ice and try that wobble or grab combo. but I doubt that will help against smart players like you 2. You 2 should fight and see who gets to MM him. Heh


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
i wonder what ulysses is up to what he wrote makes no sense or a difference dont worry guys school is almost over so i can be active again =]


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Oh really now doc? You can't call a crew "a crew" when about three from all members show up to tournies. so it was school huh?. Ok, lets see how active you will be then. I joined I.E to help you out. not do all the work. So you better shape up in smash now that you have free times on you. cause I feel like this crew is getting no where. Nor do I feel like im getting better. I said I help and I have. So do something


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Dark pch. is right. Cause at the momment I technically seee him as the lead. And most of the time it's either Dark pc. and me; or me andhoyo, Dark pch. / ninja link . atmost four ppl do come. I woulkd like alot of the ppl in I.E. but it''s not going to change it's like what the point.

Also I have great news in about two weeks or so I will start to have smash fest in my house. It because I'll be moving to the basment which equals extra space. And it's perfect for the summer time!!!!^_^


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
no worrys when school os done il im gonna be active ok i wanted I.E to be big and we almost thier now we need our name to be known after that we might get more active players to join and j-man didnt you say u wanted some ppl in the crew but ulysses said gotta test them or was that someone else


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
.. Jash.. u are good. but please sit down. i think we ALL know that my ice climbers will **** your life. REALLY ^_^

Ace.. i will MM your sheik.. for some reason.. marths just keep kicking my azz lately.. i do plan to get more practice against them, but not by putting up money.. LoLz


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
no worrys when school os done il im gonna be active ok i wanted I.E to be big and we almost thier now we need our name to be known after that we might get more active players to join and j-man didnt you say u wanted some ppl in the crew but ulysses said gotta test them or was that someone else
Yea I got ppls!lol I have a Ganon and Capt falcon. the Ganon name is nick but his tag is Co<k. He plays with us all the time at school and contsantly gets better through the ppl he faces. He can beat my mario to almost at ease and I have use doc just beat him now. The Capt Falcon is my best friend andrew. His tag is Ace. Not not like ace marth now. Just Ace. He almost has natural talent for the game. In all time played hee always seem to beat me terribllly. U can ask hoyo. It was his first real challenge back when we started to play competitively. Oh and I have another canidate as well he mains roy but he's with anyother character. His name adreil and he goes by Gawin. He reall scary at times becames he started to get competitive when he played hoyo and the rest us. Keep them in mind . I might bring them to alex's smash fest


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
.. Jash.. u are good. but please sit down. i think we ALL know that my ice climbers will **** your life. REALLY ^_^

Ace.. i will MM your sheik.. for some reason.. marths just keep kicking my azz lately.. i do plan to get more practice against them, but not by putting up money.. LoLz
****, sit down. Dude I thought you got off this habit of getting cocky bull. Now your gonna get your azz handed to you? You talk a big game buddy,Now lets see you back it up. Friday go to the weekly. Its time you got put in your place. Now we well see who will get *****. Your gonna learn your lesson once and for all. and this time, no one will feel sorry for you. I tried to be nice when you feel all emo and stuff. But now, its over. Jash is gonna teach you a lesson now. wether your joking or not, dont talk big when you cant unleash it on him. And everyone else you lose too. Now this is the moment to prove your self. Show us why you deserve to be in the power rankings, why you think you can ****. this I gotta see. thanks for this post man, now the fun really begins.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2005
bronx, ny (im up for any fights, if u intersested,
.. Jash.. u are good. but please sit down. i think we ALL know that my ice climbers will **** your life. REALLY ^_^

Ace.. i will MM your sheik.. for some reason.. marths just keep kicking my azz lately.. i do plan to get more practice against them, but not by putting up money.. LoLz

alright so ur peach vs my shiek........how much u wanna put up?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Yea I got ppls!lol I have a Ganon and Capt falcon. the Ganon name is nick but his tag is Co<k. He plays with us all the time at school and contsantly gets better through the ppl he faces. He can beat my mario to almost at ease and I have use doc just beat him now. The Capt Falcon is my best friend andrew. His tag is Ace. Not not like ace marth now. Just Ace. He almost has natural talent for the game. In all time played hee always seem to beat me terribllly. U can ask hoyo. It was his first real challenge back when we started to play competitively. Oh and I have another canidate as well he mains roy but he's with anyother character. His name adreil and he goes by Gawin. He reall scary at times becames he started to get competitive when he played hoyo and the rest us. Keep them in mind . I might bring them to alex's smash fest
Alright, bring them if you can, and if they are good and can be active alot, then hell yea they can be in Imperial era. the more the better.

wat ever happend 2 suvern ulysses
He is going to the marines after he finishes school. so he is getting ready for that. thats why he is not around much. but he does get vacations, and when he does, he will be around to smash.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
.. Jash.. u are good. but please sit down. i think we ALL know that my ice climbers will **** your life. REALLY ^_^

Again Vanz? Do you ever learn? Your cockiness surprises me....it makes me sick. You sicken me Vanz you know that right? So before you get to the cocky part why don't we have a flash back. Sit down boy and listen. I think we ALL know you lost to a Young Link in a MM. I think ALL know you got spiked on 0% and lost your match. I think we ALL know that i can **** your life with Young Link no matter what character you wanted to use. And i know we ALL know that you lost to 4eyezs Link when you used Sheik. Your a cocky embarrassment and no one likes you. You get mad when you lose to me but why don't you just face the fact that YOUNG LINK OWNS YOU!! You have some nerve man, you are a pathetic waste of space in smashboards. You think you can **** me with that cocky mouth of yours? Why don't you spend 5 more years playing this game then challenge me to this MM again, i hate to fight wack *** noobs who swear they are hardcore and you Vanz are a perfect example of what im talking about. Playing you is like a job, i always get money when im done. Maybe ill bring the 5$ i won from u and rub it in your face, how you like for cocky *****! You still wanna challenge me to the MM.....FINE.....GET 3 STOCKED AGAIN BY ME AND ILL SHOW YOU WHO THE HBIC IS:mad: !!!! NUGGA!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Bergen County, NJ
Dark Peach, don't you dare leave the Smash world. Sign me up one that list too (I'm part of the L. of C.). Me and my crew often talk about playing against you guys, ElfenLiedPeach's Peach is really wearing on my nerves >_<, so it'd be nice to play against a Peach I've never played against (I'm the misfire-happy Luigi of my crew). As my crewmate (under probation) MuseLives said a while back, you were the one who always offered praise for our crew and advice, and for that I personally would like to thank you.

You have my support ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2006
in the place i've been wishing to be
Dark Peach, don't you dare leave the Smash world. Sign me up one that list too (I'm part of the L. of C.)
dude i've said it before, but you fail at reading. that situation ended a few pages ago <3

Dark, did you get in touch with Muse yet? *itches to play more*

come to think of it...i fail at dittos :D i'd better get to work on that


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Dark Peach, don't you dare leave the Smash world. Sign me up one that list too (I'm part of the L. of C.). Me and my crew often talk about playing against you guys, ElfenLiedPeach's Peach is really wearing on my nerves >_<, so it'd be nice to play against a Peach I've never played against (I'm the misfire-happy Luigi of my crew). As my crewmate (under probation) MuseLives said a while back, you were the one who always offered praise for our crew and advice, and for that I personally would like to thank you.

You have my support ^_^
Wow, I feel like some star or someone famous. heh heh. Dont worry, I wont quit. Im still in the game. and your welcome

dude i've said it before, but you fail at reading. that situation ended a few pages ago <3

Dark, did you get in touch with Muse yet? *itches to play more*

come to think of it...i fail at dittos :D i'd better get to work on that

I left him a PM so he we can talk about this. I have no idea if he read it or not


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Again Vanz? Do you ever learn? Your cockiness surprises me....it makes me sick. You sicken me Vanz you know that right? So before you get to the cocky part why don't we have a flash back. Sit down boy and listen. I think we ALL know you lost to a Young Link in a MM. I think ALL know you got spiked on 0% and lost your match. I think we ALL know that i can **** your life with Young Link no matter what character you wanted to use. And i know we ALL know that you lost to 4eyezs Link when you used Sheik. Your a cocky embarrassment and no one likes you. You get mad when you lose to me but why don't you just face the fact that YOUNG LINK OWNS YOU!! You have some nerve man, you are a pathetic waste of space in smashboards. You think you can **** me with that cocky mouth of yours? Why don't you spend 5 more years playing this game then challenge me to this MM again, i hate to fight wack *** noobs who swear they are hardcore and you Vanz are a perfect example of what im talking about. Playing you is like a job, i always get money when im done. Maybe ill bring the 5$ i won from u and rub it in your face, how you like for cocky *****! You still wanna challenge me to the MM.....FINE.....GET 3 STOCKED AGAIN BY ME AND ILL SHOW YOU WHO THE HBIC IS:mad: !!!! NUGGA!!!!
Umm.. ok, you took my post waaaay too hard.. because if u couldn't tell, i was joking. (the smiley was a big hint :D)

now.. you don't have to like me.. and all the other people that hate me don't have to like me either. as long as u keep that online, and away from me. that's fine.

Not only that, lookin through ur other posts, it seemed that u guys just looooooved to point out all of the times i lost, especially the times i lost in the most embarrassing ways. these things happen but it seems like u like to point out those more than anything.. Glad to see you taken interest. But please include the times that i've beaten foxes with mewtwos, three stocked notable players in tournament, and so on.

Ace- sorry bout the informal situation.. lolz. it's a difficult match up. but i'm gonna take that challenge. $5.00 sound ok?? even if i don't win, i'll learn somethin right?? .. RIGHT?? L o L z


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York


I so Feel the love from my fans and friends that know me. I would not be the player that I am if it were not For the L. of C. and the rest of my fans. I do what I can as a Peach player. thank you..*tear* thank you all. I love you all, your all in my heart and soul. *waves to L. of C. crew ant the rest of my fans with tears in his eyes* LMAO!!! XD
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