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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
No I mean I just haven't been playing in general, all together. I really am thinking of entering singles tommorrow but I'm still unsure...just because of money lol. I just wish i have some constant training like I used to.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well you know I can give you all the Peach dittos you want, Just tell me you wanna play and Im all game


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
nope im 18 i only post when im bored out of my mind or whats left it and i use to be active when jose let people in his house since my school is so close to it also ulysses lives soooooo far takes like an hour to get there and 2 to go home so bored on the train thats why i show up with vash


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You Doc.....are something else.......this crew is so messed up.

Anyway, Imperial Era, Im gonna enter singles for the first time in months, and I have been working at it for 2 weeks to get ready. How I hope the new Dark.Pch can be shown. Hope my hard work pays off, both friendlies and singles

Also Im thinking of having everyone ranked In Imperial Era, and have it put in the first page of the thread. My ranking sytem will be.......

-tournys one goes too

- tourny one goes to and enters

- Skills tech and mindgames with your character. Wins and loses you get among other crew members

- wins and loses you get out of the crew.

Thats all I have for now. and every 2 weeks, Your rank can be changed if your doing better, or worst. You any of you have any more ways to do this let me know. I think it will be fun. Just to see who stand out the most in I.E.

I beleive the rank system will help us understand what we need to work on and what to improve in. and we can help each other out with that. so what you guys think about this?

I want Imperial Era to be like a crew that is no other. nothing like the rest out there. Do crazy thinks, have fun, laugh, also get better and become well known players. We need to stand out more. Let it be known.

Also , certain members have titles cause of the way they play and of certain mindgames that they use with one move or tech that works........

Dark.Pch- king of grabs and Up smash god

NinjaLink- Counter king

Hoyo- Wave lander

If you want a title, Better get to work on doing and making up some signature moves for yourself that owns.

thats all I have to say for now, and as always, I'll keep this thread updated. Just doing my job as Co-leader Of Imperial Era


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
You Doc.....are something else.......this crew is so messed up.

Anyway, Imperial Era, Im gonna enter singles for the first time in months, and I have been working at it for 2 weeks to get ready. How I hope the new Dark.Pch can be shown. Hope my hard work pays off, both friendlies and singles

Also Im thinking of having everyone ranked In Imperial Era, and have it put in the first page of the thread. My ranking sytem will be.......

-tournys one goes too

- tourny one goes to and enters

- Skills tech and mindgames with your character. Wins and loses you get among other crew members

- wins and loses you get out of the crew.

Thats all I have for now. and every 2 weeks, Your rank can be changed if your doing better, or worst. You any of you have any more ways to do this let me know. I think it will be fun. Just to see who stand out the most in I.E.

I beleive the rank system will help us understand what we need to work on and what to improve in. and we can help each other out with that. so what you guys think about this?

I want Imperial Era to be like a crew that is no other. nothing like the rest out there. Do crazy thinks, have fun, laugh, also get better and become well known players. We need to stand out more. Let it be known.

Also , certain members have titles cause of the way they play and of certain mindgames that they use with one move or tech that works........

Dark.Pch- king of grabs and Up smash god

NinjaLink- Counter king

Hoyo- Wave lander

If you want a title, Better get to work on doing and making up some signature moves for yourself that owns.

thats all I have to say for now, and as always, I'll keep this thread updated. Just doing my job as Co-leader Of Imperial Era
im assuming im number one in everything then :) lol i think the only one i didnt beat consistently was jash and he left the crew.. i go to more tourneys than all of u and i enter them all also... and i dont need a title everyone that i want to know me knows me and knows who i play and my skill level... so yea u guys can have fun with that one...
just my 2 cents..

p.s. drk pch ur the leader not co-leader!! stop saying co-leader cuz thats not true... ur co-leader does absolutely nothing besides spam the thread...

Doc ur 18 and u still failing classes? dam dude step up ur game finish gay high school already... also dont take it personal the only reason i should say drk pch is leader is because ppl ask who the leader is and they dont know who the hell u are cuz ur not active u dont go to tourneys, u dont even bother to play with us half the time... i however have work and college which keeps me up till all hours of the night which is why i go to sleep so late and dont go anywhere the next day... but school is almost over and im making it a plan to be more active in the smash community.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Listen here Hot shot,, you would most Def be High ranked in here cause of My system ranking. But there is one thing you got wrong here......beating some one over and over. Hoyo school last you were there, I beat you all the matches, with Fox and Falco. One of the tournies you used Samus against my Zelda, I beat you and last tourny I was at, My Peach beat your Samus. Yea match was close and we were on dreamland. But I took you out. So I advice you too look deep into your info before you unleash it. And by the way Im doing now, It wont be long before I over rank you and be on top. Dont get too happy or full of yourself. that can be your downfall in matches. I Learned that and much more. So watch your back in melee from this point on. Cause I dont care how many People will Complain about me being cheap, How they hate peach, blah, blah, blah..... I do what I have to to win, and anyone you dares cry about Peach in my face I'll say this. "can you beat me or have before?" they say yes, Then I'll say "then STFU and stop your crying like a lil school girl" I would aways bring my game down cause of the crying and people getting mad and talking crap about Peach or my skills cause of her Dsmash or w/e. Well Not anymore, thoses days are over. this go's to this crew as well. You cant handle it, Not my fault, its yours for falling into my tricks and not thinking. And if you have the need to cry and *****, dont play me. thats what Im gonna be saying to all from now one that cry and complain about My peach and all. I do what I must to win. and in tourny matches, there is no such thin as cheap. you do what you must to win. And not care what others say about you.As a new Player I have realized this. And I assume alot of people are gonna hate me cause of My Peach now. Oh well. Dont play me if you cant handle it.

Now thats MY 2 cents on this. Let it be known


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Put me on the bottom of ur rank & my sig is
Doc. The Lazy king >=)
And blast i dont fail classes its the reason why im hardly active and i told ulysses this when he brong back I.E i won't be active like before and thats why he doesnt bother me as much. I was always up for smash before my senior year but now i gotta stay working hard to get out and go to college


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
oh my bad doc i was under the impression that u had done like really bad on ur last report card and were like grounded like a month or 2 back... must have been my imagination...

DRK PEACH!! GOOD **** TODAY MAN!! uve gotten alot better and its nice to see that ur finally adapting a tournament attitude... ur matches were definitely close and im glad ur stepping up ur game!! i might have to stop sandbagging when i play u now...

also change my main on the front page im definitely falco all the way and ive noticed that... samus is definitely just a secondary like my fox, doc, and link...

JC- sry for playing so horrible today.. try to cheer up yo!! ur almost as bad as alex sometimes... be more passionate about the game!!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Oh enough with the sand bag thing man.....its getting old useing that a john. You fight me you fight me, wins a win, and lost is a lost.

Aside from this thanks for the comment I suppose. Im just upset really about how I lost the way I did. all I needed was a grab or N-air and the match was mine.......and I screwed it up. im tired of screwing things up when I know what I have to do. Im gonna end this habit in a week. I know how.

Guess I did ok for my first tourny. I belive I could have done better if I was not so scared of my matches. well there is always next time.......


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Next time on DragonBallPeach
Dark.pch trains so he can end all his stupid habits and increase his power level so he can win the next world tournament but will it be enough for our brave fighter
find out on the next episode of DragonBallPeach


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
LOL @ this n!gga Doc. anyway I'm happy you gettin OD beast now Dark Pch. good sh**.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Next time on DragonBallPeach
Dark.pch trains so he can end all his stupid habits and increase his power level so he can win the next world tournament but will it be enough for our brave fighter
find out on the next episode of DragonBallPeach
LOL wtf XD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Next time on DragonBallPeach
Dark.pch trains so he can end all his stupid habits and increase his power level so he can win the next world tournament but will it be enough for our brave fighter
find out on the next episode of DragonBallPeach
OMG man, you are a freaking loser.............Please, Just do us all a favor and quit life........and the after life too......this crew is some cricket. heh, makes it fun to be in it I guess. Nothing but messed up people in here.

LOL @ this n!gga Doc. anyway I'm happy you gettin OD beast now Dark Pch. good sh**.
Thanks dude. I need some Falcon traing and some shieks. thing you can help me out with that?


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
Bronx, New York City
Oh enough with the sand bag thing man.....its getting old useing that a john. You fight me you fight me, wins a win, and lost is a lost.

Aside from this thanks for the comment I suppose. Im just upset really about how I lost the way I did. all I needed was a grab or N-air and the match was mine.......and I screwed it up. im tired of screwing things up when I know what I have to do. Im gonna end this habit in a week. I know how.

Guess I did ok for my first tourny. I belive I could have done better if I was not so scared of my matches. well there is always next time.......
For sure because when your not scared your a ****ing beast!! :laugh: Its like you counter me man. lol Not even Jash can beat me as much as you can, i keep hearing your getting better Dark.Pch!! Guess that means i gotta step it up before you beat me even more now man lol.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
For sure because when your not scared your a ****ing beast!! :laugh: Its like you counter me man. lol Not even Jash can beat me as much as you can, i keep hearing your getting better Dark.Pch!! Guess that means i gotta step it up before you beat me even more now man lol.
.. Hmm.. i'm hearing many good things about this Dark.Pch guy..

So this time.. i'm gonna challenge you. Play me at the next weekly. I think you'll win this time. ^_^


DragonBallPeach?? LMFAO!! >_<.. when will the madness end?!?!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Alright Vanz, I'll play you when you want. I only go to the weeklies once a month cause lack of cash and even to play friendlies I have to pay. I need my cash for more than video games and I dont feel like spending all of it on a game. But the gautlet I will go too, since we can play friendies and not have to pay for ir, so I guess I'll see you there.

Also, Imperial Era, the ranks are up on the first Page. this is based on my rank system. every 2 weeks it can be changed based on your smash performance. You want a higher rank, then best to get your smash game on point. And also you got your ranks from what I see you do in matches, your mindgames, etc. So lets get to work Imperial Era


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Yea I think the ranks are just about right. well. this can also show what we need to improve on in the game. So I hope we can agree to the ranks we got here


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
yo drk pch way to analyze every ones game and say wat they need help with.. this ranking may be the best thing so far for I.E.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well I go by what I see when Im around you guys, wether I play you or not. So I tried my best to analyze everyone by what I saw. this can also improve thier game if they work one what is said(same goes for me) It would have been for you but I dont see you play much so I went by what I know so far about you. Im just trying to make I.E one of those crews to be know about. and have a blast at the same time. Hope im doing ok by trying to make that happen


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
yah can thank me for giving Dark.pch the Idea but knowing him he will take all the credit say that i had no say no thought or action or what ever he can think of to prove that i had no part of it but i did just to let yah kno


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You loser!

You did not have a say or Idea in this. I made this up. I am trying to help people here as much as I can even if Im not a OD peach player. I'll still try. Your the one that does not do anything around here. Most of what happens here is cause of me

loser................-_- '

Luigi Heat Fist

Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2007
Next time on DragonBallPeach
Dark.pch trains so he can end all his stupid habits and increase his power level so he can win the next world tournament but will it be enough for our brave fighter
find out on the next episode of DragonBallPeach
LOL @ Doc. This is why he is my friend!!!

Yo Dark Peach i didnt 4get about my copy of Smash so the next time i go im takin it back.

And i did not 4get about u neither Doc . i want my Sonic The Hedgehog back as soon as im done with my suspension.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Fine but can you do me one Favor? Next time you see doc. can you tell him to bring his copy of smash so I can hold it till like next wee, cause thats when I will get my copy of smash back. And my Tells of (gahh.........forgot how to spell it) Just ask him to bring those 2 games, or when you see him, for him to give it to you and you come here


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Oh Dark Pch you'll be happy to know that while I was playing smash yesterday with ppl I tried for some random upsmashes (given appropiate circumstances though) and they worked like a charm :D


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Heh heh. Sweet. Guess You just learned the Dar.Pch Not many can do it like I do that I have seen, your the first. congrats


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well I.E I have something I want to talk about.

Many of us have improved alot and still are going In that route. Which is good. So I know for sure this crew can hold thier own ground. So I have 2 things to talk about here.

- Im thinking I.E should get back into the smash world and start some crew battles. We all need to decided what crew we should go up against and agree to it. I beleive if we focus and do what we know we can do, We can beat alot of crews at there. KF will indeed be a tough one so I dont think we are ready for that just yet. So lets start with the average crews out there and work our way up. I think Its time we come out of the shadows and reveal Imperial Era to the world. We have all come this far. So lets show people what we got eh? We can challenge some crews around here. Also Im gonna see if I can get a cam or someone that we know that can record our crew battles at tournies and such. Also work on getting jobs if you guys dont have one. that way , we can travel more as a crew and go to more tournies. Im working on that as I speak. So I think we are all proud of the smashers we are today. So lets so everyone out there what Imperial Era can do. Let It be known!

- The other issue is about Jash. I have to admit. I miss Jash being in Imperial Era. I was watching the crew battles this crew had in Jan on youtube. Jash really held up the crew when we were down. and gave the crew the First win this crew ever had in crew battles. I am gonna talk to him when I can and ask him if he wasn to return. and also bring his three very skilled players along as well. With them four with us, this crew will become stronger. and a really well known on as well. The people who made the top five on the ranking list on the first page of the crew thread are the ones that really hold this crew up. and do what must be done to stay ahead of the game. Top respected players of Imperial Era. Sand Jash would be in the top five for his great Y.link performance on friday at the tourny and the way he plays over all. So what do you guys think. You want Jash and his three friends to be one of us. If so let me and even him know W will be an even tougher crew to deal with. with more skilled players as well.

Well thats all I had to say for now. Congrats for those that made top 5 on the first page of the crew list. and in 2 weeks, we will see if you keep your spot or if someone new makes it to the top 5. This should make you want to work harder and try your best to make it on top. So far blast is doing what he must by going and enetering tournies. he is well honored first. and as for my Im trying to do the same. so same should go for you guys if you want to own.

So lets freaking show everyone what Imperial Era is and why we have this name. and Finally come out of the shadows. I think we are finally ready. Dont you also agree? So its time to let Imperial Era be known to all smashers. Lets get to it I.E!!


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
why do we have this name? just curious... who came up with it? i never really liked it to be honest... i dont even say it when ppl ask me wat crew im in.. i normally just say i.e. and if they ask wats that i say internet explorer... it soumds cooler


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Wow, I cant tell if your joking or being serious but that made me lol.

and if you are serious than thanks. I Beleive we are ready for the smash world. And I wanna show all what Imperial Era can do at last

-blast- Nearly a year ago Imperial Era was created by dionis (venom). then things happen and the crew nearly broke up. a few stayed and others left. then I decided to come back and help doc with I.E cause after venom left. He gave the crew to doc. (which is why I said he is the leader and not me). also a friend of dionis died like a few months back or so and his friend was the one that gave dionis the crew name. thats why this name will not be change and stays the way it is. Im memory of his friend


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Interesting back story.. I like that the name came from an old friend. It gives it purpose.

Yo Dark Pch. Can I ask C0<K to be part of the crew? His Ganon is pretty decent and it just keeps improving^_^ Also I have a friend who plays Capt. falcon and he's really good can would it be ok to ask him too?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I would have to check them out and see how good they are. and they would need to fight the top five players in the crew and from there I will see if they make the crew or not


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
so we keep the name to honor a friend of someone whos not even in the crew.... hmmm makes no sense to me.... and a crew is not like a physical object.. just cuz he "gave" it to doc doesnt mean doc should be the leader especially now that he is so inactive and that all he does his spam the thread..

on another note who would we crew battle with? im only thinking me and u(drk pch) ever go anywhere anymore... no one else in this crew even tries.. wat kind of crew battle do u plan on having? 2v5?

if jash comes back fine if he doesnt fine... i could care less... just know that the more "good" ppl u put in the crew the less chance and motivation the not so good ppl (who arent even motivated anyway) have to participate in crew battles and such...

to all the ppl in this crew that i havent seen in the longest... i dont know wat ya doin but ya need to get ur act together and start goin to tournaments... gauntlet is this weekend ya all better get ur ***** over there.... im talking to jumpman, ninjalink, yrb, wat the hell ya think that playing at school from time to time is enough? im not directing this at doc or vash or the other dude that i dont even know cuz In my opinion they dont even play this game as far as im concerned...

I didnt join this crew just to say im in it. i love hanging out with drk pch hoyo jumpman and company... and i love having ppl to support at tournaments... but this inactiveness is really irking me... soon its gonna be like it used to be just killer fleet and DA cuz pleazy is super inactive cuz of school, the only salad bowl member i ever see is vanz, and im one of the few ppl in i.e. that tries to be as active as possible..
I know money is tight but if we keep this up who the hell is gonna know internet explorer? i know school is in finals and watever.. i mean i have a final tomorrow and 3 on monday... but thats not gonna keep me from gauntlet... school is important but dam

sry for the essay i was bored


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ok, lets me put you in line for once. Doc and vash do come there to my house to play buddy. we record vids and put them on youtube. So Ya, what your step on that one. As for NL, he cant go to the weelkies for the fact that he has school on saturdays and the singles take long to start. and if he enters he wont have enough time to play Cause he needs his rest to get up for classes and be there by 8 AM. and saturdays he gets out at 4 PM. and when there is nothing going on on saturday, he comes here to play. he is here like once or twice a week at my house playing smash. So ya school keeps him up and when there is no school and no tournies going on, he is at my house playing smash. mainly every saturday after his classes are over. If YRB and Jumpman are not caught up with school work. they are there at the tournies.and may have to leave early since they have jobs the next morning. D1 can hardly play cause he is going into the marines after he finishes school this summer. So you can imagine what he has to do and all that keeps him busy. Boy geinus, he is my fault. he contacts me to smash and I forget to call him. Now he is up for anything.

And I could care less if you think keeping the name is stupid cause of the reason we have. You at times have a mouth on you about this crew and I tend not too like it. now if you dont like what is going on here, then you can kindly get out of this crew. Like you dont care about things, I dont care if your In it or not. Dont go saying **** without getting ALL the damm details first. We are doing what we can here. Even me as to going to more tourines. So give up the bull of you sounding all hi and mighty, Got it?. So is gonna end. so this crew will be more active then before. And all the times we had crew battles and all at the weeklies, we did not care about money or school. not we realized we need to fix that first. school is gonna end so this problem will end as well. we even went to team plezeys house as a crew and had a crew battle. its also up on youtube. Keep your mouth shut when you dont know EVERYTHING that happens in here or get the back story.

Your mouth is not ticking me off. Plan and simple, you dont like WTF is going on here. Then kindly get the hell of of Imperial Era, cause that seems what you keep edgeing to do. Dont talk **** here. Cause i dont like it, and I have my was to snap at people who act stupid. Dont like the crew?..............THEN GET THE HELL OUT!!

tHIS ALSO GOES TIO ANYONE ELSE IN HERE THAT FEELS THE SAME WAY. AND IF YOU ALL WANTTO LEAVE FINE. i'LL STAND ALONE. i GO THROUGH BULL, TRAIN ALONE ANYWAY. i'LL DO THINGS ALNOE LIKE i ALWAYS HAVE. Just me by myself playing smash and all. Im use to the crap I get in smash anyway as in people calling me wack, and all that other bull. So if any of you want to break out of this crew say so here and now. I'll be alone like always if I have to and work alone to make my goal as one of the Peach peach players in N.Y alone and with help from now one!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Ok, lets me put you in line for once. Doc and vash do come there to my house to play buddy. we record vids and put them on youtube. So Ya, what your step on that one. As for NL, he cant go to the weelkies for the fact that he has school on saturdays and the singles take long to start. and if he enters he wont have enough time to play Cause he needs his rest to get up for classes and be there by 8 AM. and saturdays he gets out at 4 PM. and when there is nothing going on on saturday, he comes here to play. he is here like once or twice a week at my house playing smash. So ya school keeps him up and when there is no school and no tournies going on, he is at my house playing smash. mainly every saturday after his classes are over. If YRB and Jumpman are not caught up with school work. they are there at the tournies.and may have to leave early since they have jobs the next morning. D1 can hardly play cause he is going into the marines after he finishes school this summer. So you can imagine what he has to do and all that keeps him busy. Boy geinus, he is my fault. he contacts me to smash and I forget to call him. Now he is up for anything.

And I could care less if you think keeping the name is stupid cause of the reason we have. You at times have a mouth on you about this crew and I tend not too like it. now if you dont like what is going on here, then you can kindly get out of this crew. Like you dont care about things, I dont care if your In it or not. Dont go saying **** without getting ALL the damm details first. We are doing what we can here. Even me as to going to more tourines. So give up the bull of you sounding all hi and mighty, Got it?. So is gonna end. so this crew will be more active then before. And all the times we had crew battles and all at the weeklies, we did not care about money or school. not we realized we need to fix that first. school is gonna end so this problem will end as well. we even went to team plezeys house as a crew and had a crew battle. its also up on youtube. Keep your mouth shut when you dont know EVERYTHING that happens in here or get the back story.

Your mouth is not ticking me off. Plan and simple, you dont like WTF is going on here. Then kindly get the hell of of Imperial Era, cause that seems what you keep edgeing to do. Dont talk **** here. Cause i dont like it, and I have my was to snap at people who act stupid. Dont like the crew?..............THEN GET THE HELL OUT!!

tHIS ALSO GOES TIO ANYONE ELSE IN HERE THAT FEELS THE SAME WAY. AND IF YOU ALL WANTTO LEAVE FINE. i'LL STAND ALONE. i GO THROUGH BULL, TRAIN ALONE ANYWAY. i'LL DO THINGS ALNOE LIKE i ALWAYS HAVE. Just me by myself playing smash and all. Im use to the crap I get in smash anyway as in people calling me wack, and all that other bull. So if any of you want to break out of this crew say so here and now. I'll be alone like always if I have to and work alone to make my goal as one of the Peach peach players in N.Y alone and with help from now one!
WHOA!! chill dark and angry.pch.. it's one thing if you didn't like what blast said.. but don't direct that toward ur whole crew

Luigi Heat Fist

Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2007
Hey yo Blast ur pissin me off and i havent even met u b4. Seriously shut up.Ur atitude needs sum adjusting.

Doc take care of him or I WILL!!!!! Whether hes better than me or not!!!

from: Vash


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Blast I can understand how alot of us are alittle inactive. Not always we can go to the tournies. Me and Yrb was going to work hard in to getting in the tournies frequently after this week. Right now this week sucks for smash though but still I'm getting *** to w2z. Don't worry dude. And Dark Pch. calm down man. He was only saying his opinion. It may have not agreed with u , but it seems to me that he just wants the crew to have exposure. Don't let it bother you as much.
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