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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.

Katrina Love

Smash Cadet
Dec 23, 2007
where is this post that people are talking about that got him angry? post it here, if anyone can . i'd like to see.
Its on page 581 in that weeklie thread. I dont want to bring it in here and cause anything, so go look in there if you wish.

And Dark, if you read this you should go to the weeklie tomorrow. I read up on depression some more at work on my break. Getting out of the house more and being with people helps. Or having people over since your always alone most of the time.

I know you dont want to go to it cause you have people there you dont like. But at the same time you have people that you are fine with and like to hang with you. The only people I recall that you dont like as of now is lightdreams and Jash. 2 people out of all that will be at that tournament. You dont even have to enter I beleive right? You were on your way to defeating your depression just like your blog said. Then after pound it all went bad. Stay on track with that.

Dont talk to them. Play with your reals friends as you say. Have a good friday nite win or lose. And if you enter, dont let anything get to you. You lose a life, eat it up and keep going. just like that fight you showed me against that falcon guy. He had 2 lives to your 1. And you came back and won the fight. You did not lose your focus in that fight, nor got nervous. So do it at the tournament. But most important, have fun. I recommend that you go Dark. Its healthy for you top be with people who care about you. And just stay away from the people you dont like.

Oh and Dark should get nice sigs like the rest of you guys!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Fine, so you can stop bugging me about it. I'll think about going. Cause I dont wanna see a few faces bunch of 2 faced people. Though if something happens, i blame you for it.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
dark - alex isn't even allowed back at w2z, and jash picks on all peach players, so you really shouldn't be worried about any of the two.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
I cant sleep, and I have school today. I might stay home today. And I'm bored.

Dark teach me how YOU fight fox. I like how you handle one. How do you go about fighting fox.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
dark - alex isn't even allowed back at w2z, and jash picks on all peach players, so you really shouldn't be worried about any of the two.
I'm not saying anything to jash anyway. After pound three and his long going annoying ego, I just got tired of it. I regret teaching that boy how to fight Peach well. Did not think it bite me in the azz.

But thanks for caring. I was surprised you were not gonna go along with those 2.

And I wanna Peach ditto you if you dont mind. its been a while

I cant sleep, and I have school today. I might stay home today. And I'm bored.

Dark teach me how YOU fight fox. I like how you handle one. How do you go about fighting fox.
You sure you want me to tell you how I handle one? I dont play like others and its kinda hard to understand since I am different. You could read corts thread and get info there if you want.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Hell yea i am sure. I just said I like how you handle them. And the harder to explain the better. I could read Corts thread but like you said, you dont play like everyone else. And thats good. cause they wont know what to do against you or expect.

I'm kinda predictable against my friends. I dont really know how to out smart people. And the best player out of us all is a fox. And the way you play looks fun xD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Fine usually I be worried about someone taking my tricks but w/e. I dont take. I created it so no one can do it better than me.

When I fight Foxes, its all about one move. No not Dsmash or dash attacks like the average Peach would go for. its grabs. My whole game on fox is grabs.

I have 2 things that I use on fox that I made up. its called grab combos and grab rotation. Now to explain wwhat they are

Grab combos- Mix attacks to grabs. Such as I FC air air attack to a grab, turnip to grab. Up-B to grab. W/e creativity I can think out of my head to a grab. IO have a list of my own hard to do grab combos. I'll grab you in the most unusual way possible. even when it looks like I wont grab you or no way in hell, i'll do it. also when you least expect it.

Grab rotation- You dont use attacks to get your grabs. you use your body to do it. The way you move. Like wave dash back to grab. Dash dance back to grab. Waveland to grab. Wave dash to dash dance to grab. Dash to reverse grab. Roll to grab (yea you be surprised) Camp Dash dance to grab. Reverse wave dash to grab.

I have a whole lot more but I be here all day with it. You can mix and match the grab rotations do then backwards, in the middle. You create your own grab rotations. thats why I like this alot. I created it, its mine, no one can take it, and I can create a new one when ever I want to throw people of. You can add a chain of rotations before you grab, or you can keep it short.........or just mix it upwith both.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Holy crap man. NICE!! how you come up with that?

So all you focus on is grabs? to a point you made up that grab rotation. I can see why you are the king or grabs xD

But I also see you grab alot against other characters as well.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
As I got better at this game I develop creativity to what I dont see Peach players do alot. Like the up-B and using her grab when clearly people will sheild alot and get scared. But I mostly learn how to be creative from Mike G I kinda resemble when when I play I think. And if I dont. thats fine. But I did learn from him.

And of course Not only grabs will beat Fox. Attacking is nedded too. I cant explain that Part. I just know the match up in how to fight fox, what works and does not, then create a way to play him in my own taste.

The Up_b is good against Fast fallers. Can lead to so much stuff if fast enough


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
I see. I'll try it against my friend. But I'm not use to grabbing alot. Just Dash attacking. Oh, and how do you fight Falco? That laser is a pain and his combos too.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
ok, we can peach ditto at the weekly

oh, and I created the "FC'd aerial to grab" -_-
Ok, I wont say anything else about it. Its just a list of ways to get my grabs. Half the grab combos I did not make that I do. One day they just came to my head or I say someone do it. Does not matter. Aslong as I have them its all that matters. i dont need Glory for them, so you can have it for the FC grabs.

I see. I'll try it against my friend. But I'm not use to grabbing alot. Just Dash attacking. Oh, and how do you fight Falco? That laser is a pain and his combos too.
His Lasers tend to mess up my grab rotations. or slow it down. So I just use grab combos on him. I suggest you learn how to power sheild. it helps. And screwes up Falcos setups.

And the air is your best friend. Learn to use FC well in a fight. Your gonna need it. It beats Falco bad. He is not that fast, and his recovery sucks.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Dsmash/dash attack is a poor way of fighting any Fox or Falco who knows how to space it properly, anyway. Grabs are tricky to get, but they really do set up into the best stuff against spacies.

And edgeguarding is good, too.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Hmm. I can power sheild well. But I'm always rolling. And its hard to float when I got lasers coming at me. But I'll work on it.

I'm gonna try to create my own style with peach just like you did. Your style is really fun. I seriously think you should be pro.

I know it be hard cause you dont counterpick. you always go Peach while others switch up to make it easier or counter you. But Your very smart. You even created something, namd it and use it alot in battle. If you did not have so much problems you could focus more :(

But I think if anyone was to go pro going Peach alone, it be you :) Do well at that tournament man.

Oh and falcon. He is insane. I dont fight him alot. I saw you fight scar. I was watching for tips. And way to go on that comback and take the win xD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Dsmash/dash attack is a poor way of fighting any Fox or Falco who knows how to space it properly, anyway. Grabs are tricky to get, but they really do set up into the best stuff against spacies.

And edgeguarding is good, too.
Your right. Peach gets punished the most by always trying to grab or Dsmash. I see it all the time in videos. So places just bait the move since they know Peach will get scared and dash attack or Dsmash then punish.

Also Peach one of those characters that can abuse fast fallers from grabs. Not Much they can do about it. And Peach has solid grab follow ups. Just getting the grabs is the poblem.

Hmm. I can power sheild well. But I'm always rolling. And its hard to float when I got lasers coming at me. But I'll work on it.

I'm gonna try to create my own style with peach just like you did. Your style is really fun. I seriously think you should be pro.

I know it be hard cause you dont counterpick. you always go Peach while others switch up to make it easier or counter you. But Your very smart. You even created something, namd it and use it alot in battle. If you did not have so much problems you could focus more :(

But I think if anyone was to go pro going Peach alone, it be you :) Do well at that tournament man.

Oh and falcon. He is insane. I dont fight him alot. I saw you fight scar. I was watching for tips. And way to go on that comback and take the win xD
A mix of both grab combos and rotation is how I handle falcon.

I also let him throw the first punch. My match with Scare was like 5:30. I never lasted that long against a falcon. there would have been a winner already. I was slow in the match just trying to get my grabs. I messed up but I tried over and over, while I let him trow the first hit. He was expecting me to go and rush him. I was not gonna do that. I also know where to DI his moves. So his Chain of combos wont last long anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
I learned so much in like an hour xD!

You have any up-B tricks that you can share with me. And not the random open and close thing. The stuff you do with it.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ugh......That........is more complicated then how I fight fox. I 'll save it for another day.

Its alot to explain. Like reverse angles, qucik reflex, quick eye. how to set up for it, how to follow up after it. Your range. Platform connection, Up-B platform chain (easiest place for this is on PS) Up-B spacing. Out the sheild up-B and how to start it up from there and reverse up-B (this I just started to make up and put some use to it, so its not all that great as of now, I only have lil things to do with this) oh and how to spike with it.

way too much to explain. so another day I''ll talk about it.

I'm going to bed. But I'll leave this one bit of advice. The best mindgame for peach, is not to use the downsmash. figure out what that means. Thats the est advice and mindgame you can get with peach. and it can go a long way. that one Peice of advice is all you need to win against any character.

Goodnight everyone.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Holy ****! Please share with me soon!! How you even make up so many tatics for a recovery move? xD! it all sound so good. I cant wait to hear. Your too smart. So should be pro by now no doubt! :D Really creative with Peach. Never met anyone like you. I'm Glad you did not start out as playing Marth or Fox >____> Your my new sensei Dark.Pch!!!! xD Show me the ways...........or the Dark.Pch xD

Goodnight Dark and good luck today. Everyone is gone and I am still bored xD Better find something else to do then. maybe I'll try to sleep.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Thank you! I need to get "Imperial Era" on the banner.

I really just want a banner with all of our mains on it, you know, like Doc.'s sig?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Holy ****! Please share with me soon!! How you even make up so many tatics for a recovery move? xD! it all sound so good. I cant wait to hear. Your too smart. So should be pro by now no doubt! :D Really creative with Peach. Never met anyone like you. I'm Glad you did not start out as playing Marth or Fox >____> Your my new sensei Dark.Pch!!!! xD Show me the ways...........or the Dark.Pch xD

I'm alone alot so I think alot cause of it and get bored. So I focus alot of things and make up stuff with Peach. Thats how I made up Grab rotation and the Up-B stuff. Now I'm working on reverse up-B

And sure, I guess I could teach you stuff about Peach. Just know its gonna be complicated to understand and follow. But you willdo much better once you get what I mean. I'll teach you my randomness.

Wow!! You're Smart Dark.Pch!

How come no one's using the site anymore.....?
Thanks you.

I was on yesterday. I like the new look you added to it. very much alive.

You can add a sig with all the mains if you want.

And I just remembered, we need a new poster for the front page.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
U can challenge me once im feeling better....Ask D1 ...He knows....ROFLcopter....

D1 knows im good in the game i just need to play better people to get better
D1 and Silven brings the game to school when ever they show up

Snakee and Shadow
i don't have the game since i pre-orderd the english one long time ago so im just gonna wait till it comes out next month

i haven't loss in brawl with my mario
also i witnessed how chessy Pit is in a Corner
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