Thinking into the future, realistically speaking. Do you guys really expect your smash 64 carts to last much longer? I mean sure theres always a replacement you can buy but lets be realistic here, they're gonna **** out sooner or later. I think with a game like smash 64, you guys could easily move tournament play to PC/laptop only. Dont get your panties in an immediate twist console-only guys, im not talking about online play...**** kaillera. I'll just get to the point...
move hyrule to counterpick, open up battlefield as a neutral. Everyones using a PC/laptop with a pj64k/mupen with gameshark built in, then theres no room left to cry about not enough people having gamesharks. For those that are "WHATS THE MATTER CONSOLE TOO DEEP FOR YOU" well you'll have to get a gameshark for your console. I mean long as this argument has gone on isn't it time to realize 64 is short on good stages? At least with offline the damn gameshark stages wont desynch.
Look at kongo, whats unfair about this? the ledge? is that REALLY more unfair than losing a tournament set because of a tornado you couldnt avoid? look at recovering on peach's castle, is that stage really more busted than a easy 0-death/techchase to throw then gimp in the **** pit? I've said it years ago in the past and I'll say it again, the combo pit and tornado do your work for you. What does this suggest? Hyrule like items, takes away from the skill of the game. its been recorded, proven, played over and over, talked about and theres more than one instance where its proven true through playstyles, character abilities, and so on.
in b4 whining about battlefields sides. its no more unfair than missing a ledge with Ness, you'll just have to learn to aim, sweetspot and ledge DI wont you? Its edges are at least a good bit better than dealing with peach's sliders or kongo's ledge