I really don't like you for it. I hate you for it. etc
Sheik is a lot of fun to play, though. Mine is absolutely terrible (i.e. worse than my Kirby), and I still have a lot of fun playing her. As long as you still hang out in the Ganon boards, I'm cool with you playing Sheik.
I'm going to keep coming to stuff. I may have missed this last NCSU, but I'll be at the next one. Unless it's going to be in a garage, because I don't like being cold. Anyway, I'll be there. Until then, I'll continue working on my Ganon/Kirby techskill. Once I can short hop at will with Kirby (I'm almost there) I should be more in control of my hands, which should help me improve my tech skill. For some reason I lost the ability to ledgedash on the left side, though. I went from being equally consistent on both sides to sitting down at the beginning of last week and not being able to do it at all. I think I've gotten the hang of it again, but we'll see.
EDIT: I pretty much do what you do for practice, except I don't RLD or SH multi air as often as I should, because I forget they exist. I usually go to a random stage, and change stages after I've been practicing for a little while. That way I get practice on every stage. I'm also working on ledge cancelling, but I've only done it once, and that was by accident on Kirby.