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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2002
hi greg... its justin haha
how come you didn't tell me you were goin?
Hmmm cuz it was in Pearland? Thought it would've been far. lol
I was coming back from a genetics lab from school and it sorta slipped my mind? Next time, I will definitely NOT forget, sir!


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
I know I am not imagining things! :p It was melee. It was probably in 2006. It was my Peach and his Samus... and I guess I assumed you knew him because I know for sure you went to the somewhat weeklies at moody and he was usually there as well. I remember cuz it was when you sorta first start to really use Luc. Haha
Lucario was in melee?

- X e r Ø -

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2002
Lucario was in melee?
He was. You could only play as him by playing through All-Star on very hard with Pichu and getting the no damage clear. There's some sort of cutscene with llamas and BAM, Lucario is playable.

Actually, RT says he played as Marth? *shrugs*


Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
eh, all is forgiven, I was in Dallas though -_-
just wanted to feel acknowledged haha

I need to clean up my characters before Hobo 16... we shall play when possible.

Good Ol' Tree

Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2009
I'd tell you, but no.
Hey guys. WHOBO is like 50 miles away from where I live at the moment. My Dad is planning on getting a hotel room within walking distance of Anime Matsuri. So when I get details, we can probably let a few people stay with us during the weekend!


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Gea: Teams is so fun, teach me more!!!!! I wanna learn how to be good at teams!
Sure. In fact I'm up for teaching ANYONE anything as long as we're both in the same place or whatever. I can't say you'll magically get better or anything but I can help you at least get to the road to success. Or something.

Get smash 64 on your Wii and let's play that too. :D

Gea - I suck. I'm too aggressive. Teach me Peach. I'll buy you food. Or other things... >.>
Sure. I'm always up for teaching people about the game. I can even teach you to be a better Peach than I can possibly be. As long as you have the capacity to play more patiently. Don't worry, it is easier than it sounds. Just not for me. :)

I already remember a huge thing I saw you do that's like a nono for Brawl Peach. You ground float autocancel. It gets you punished. Brawl Peach enjoys mostly floating right above people's heads and short hopped dair.

Also those spikes? I was playing DK and jumping off like a madman when anyone was off of the edge. It was epic and fun as ****. Allan (Xyro) ended up with mostly the short end of that stick LOL. Poor guy.

Though I admit to going for the dtilt spike more than what's good for me. I've gotten it once off on Xyro a long time ago (in a set he won) and one against Tallman in a match where I threestock his Lucas on Corneria. TOO GOOD.

What part of Houston do you live in? If you don't mind coming down to Missouri City you can get practice sessions in with Me, Dave, Keith, Tallman, and sometimes Roy/Furbs/Jerm/Whoever. We usually play on Friday afternoons or the weekend.

those "unnecessary" spikes won us teams against beumont (when we did win). Keep it up Gea!
It is probably for the best that you don't encourage me. Ahahah. At least it makes my matches more interesting to watch. I just wish I had survived that tech underneath Corneria. Living forever while being way too agressive = too good, too fun.

Also if anyone is interested in learning Melee. YES. <3


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
@Tree: dude your dads cool he approves of smash and i saw him like reading a book at a Hobo lol

@Hyro: HR! dude youre going? i thought it was only Lee and Pierre? sick well ill MM u if youd like.

@Drama: You're gay!

2All: Gah i hate playing gay :( would y'all hate me if i started to shoot more arrows?

- X e r Ø -

Smash Cadet
Jul 5, 2002
Sure. In fact I'm up for teaching ANYONE anything as long as we're both in the same place or whatever. I can't say you'll magically get better or anything but I can help you at least get to the road to success. Or something.

Get smash 64 on your Wii and let's play that too. :D

Sure. I'm always up for teaching people about the game. I can even teach you to be a better Peach than I can possibly be. As long as you have the capacity to play more patiently. Don't worry, it is easier than it sounds. Just not for me. :)

I already remember a huge thing I saw you do that's like a nono for Brawl Peach. You ground float autocancel. It gets you punished. Brawl Peach enjoys mostly floating right above people's heads and short hopped dair.

Also those spikes? I was playing DK and jumping off like a madman when anyone was off of the edge. It was epic and fun as ****. Allan (Xyro) ended up with mostly the short end of that stick LOL. Poor guy.

Though I admit to going for the dtilt spike more than what's good for me. I've gotten it once off on Xyro a long time ago (in a set he won) and one against Tallman in a match where I threestock his Lucas on Corneria. TOO GOOD.

What part of Houston do you live in? If you don't mind coming down to Missouri City you can get practice sessions in with Me, Dave, Keith, Tallman, and sometimes Roy/Furbs/Jerm/Whoever. We usually play on Friday afternoons or the weekend.

It is probably for the best that you don't encourage me. Ahahah. At least it makes my matches more interesting to watch. I just wish I had survived that tech underneath Corneria. Living forever while being way too agressive = too good, too fun.

Also if anyone is interested in learning Melee. YES. <3
1. Dangit... ground float auto-canceled were pretty much my way of creating a nice wall. I even had the timing down to get 2 fairs/nairs a sec. =\

2. ... I LIVE in Missouri City. In Sienna actually. And I'm usually if not always completely free on Fridays. I definitely need a bigger variety of characters to play again. Up until now, I've had plenty experience of: Link, Ike, D3, Bowser, Falco, and DK.

3. I was insanely aggressive in Melee with Peach and obviously it doesn't transition well. I miss being able to nair pillar people across the stage. So I think I could learn alot from you. :]


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
1. Dangit... ground float auto-canceled were pretty much my way of creating a nice wall. I even had the timing down to get 2 fairs/nairs a sec. =\
Don't think your effort is wasted. Good mixup game but I saw when you needed a kill you were just autocancelling fairs like nuts and getting outspaced or shielded. Defensive options are too good.

If you have that kind of tech skill, can do you Peach's bair lock? Pretty useless, but some sexy stuff.

2. ... I LIVE in Missouri City. In Sienna actually. And I'm usually if not always completely free on Fridays. I definitely need a bigger variety of characters to play again. Up until now, I've had plenty experience of: Link, Ike, D3, Bowser, Falco, and DK.
I live in Lake Olympia. So that should work out well. Ahah.

3. I was insanely aggressive in Melee with Peach and obviously it doesn't transition well. I miss being able to nair pillar people across the stage. So I think I could learn alot from you. :]
Yeah, I'm aggressive in Melee as well. It does transition poorly.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Yeah but you have a tool that allows you to be aggressive. Nanners cause people to trip. Peach has rigged dairs, that's about it.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
I know, but I have a general wario strategy that hasnt failed me yet, beating 3 wario's in tournment.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Your five dollars will feel oh-so-satisfying against my bosom.
LOL! But yeah, me and Phantom have played before online. And I played popertop. And we have a wario main named Jackets who's real good...so I have some wario expierence.

And yeah Seiya, $5!!


Sword. 'Nuff said.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Lol, I can help you, zori beat me when we played, so I did some intense training in that match up. But ask santi, I think he knows it more than me still. And that Link is pro.. l'll have to get that one now.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Hyru if you still have money left I want in on the MM's :).
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