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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
I live way out in magnolia T_T

31218 West Timberloch Trail, Magnolia, zip 77355 (why do you still not have this on the front page TGM!?!?!?!)

If i don't end up winning anything, I'd be up for tossing some gas money your way. I really wanna go, lol.


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2008
The hill country, TX
Switch FC
haha i live like right by porter ._.

thats only like..50 minutes away hahaha
but seriously man. ill go pick you up its not a big deal


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
haha i live like right by porter ._.

thats only like..50 minutes away hahaha
but seriously man. ill go pick you up its not a big deal
Really? I swear I'll love you forever if you do give me a ride ^_^

Seth, like I said I'm not going tomorrow, but if you need a ride next weekend I'll come pick you up.
Wow, you guys are awesome.
I'll likely be able to get a ride from cesar/gabe/bear for the planet zero tourny, but very many <3s for offering.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
Seth I can't wait to meet you at PZ. My friend and I who are going have watched videos of your Falco and are amazed. :)


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
WOW ALEX, all these new people really are treating you like a king. too bad you suck at smash. they will learn that when they play you.


EVERYBODY, please bring a full set up to the tourney tomorrow. A full set-up consists of a wii/tv/ssbb. I really need them. i will bring 2 and dugfin will bring 3= we need lots more,please!!! The more full set-ups we have the faster the tournie goes and the more friendlies we get in. The more friendlies we get in the better you guys will get at smash. The better you get a smash........you might actualy have a chance at beating T-Rex, the best player in texas.

Secondly, there are only 30 spots open, i will have to turn down people if you show up AFTER the limit has been reached. I know yous wont like it but im giving you the warning now. BE AT THE VENUE AT 11am!!!!!! If you have never been to U of H before i highly recommend you get there an HOUR EARLY. Ask around to find out where the UC building is. The rooms we will be in will be on the 2nd floor.

Here are the directions one last time:

University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, Texas, United States
Notes: Update! This is being held inside the University Center (UC) in the Lone Star (Rm 280) and Spindletop (Rm 242). Both rooms are on 2nd floor.

3rdly, i am bringing a camera and laptop. If you want things recorded, YOU HAVE TO TELL ME. if anybody has questions about ANYTHING, plz call me at 409-692-0697. If i do not answer me cell for some reason, leave your name and number so i can call ya back, savy?


PS: plz bring 10 dollars in case you have to pay for parking. Dont fight me on this, just bring it in case.
PSS: I will be bringing cinnimon from my house to challenge some people to a CINNIMON CHALLENGE!!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Hm, I know where the UC is but where exactly. Is it on the 2nd floor where the Woodforest Bank is located? Oh yea, Seth and Hylian if you guys still want money matches, would 5 dollar MM be good. Gotta save up for Drinking at chilis lol

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Jeremy - the world does NOT revolve around you. Every post I do on the Smashboards is NOT about you or revolve around you. I dislike you because you spread untrue rumors about me rigging brackets - which I do NOT do - and because you STOLE my TV and my Wii. THAT is why I dislike you. THAT is the ONLY reason why I dislike you. There is NO other reason why I dislike you. I do NOT care about you being a jerk on the internet. The internet is made up of jerk, you are nothing special. I do NOT care about you havening been or not being in anyones crew, or ever did. I could NOT care less about that if I tried. You are ******** to think THAT would interest me in anyway. You are a metaphorical bug smudge in my windshield of life. You STOLE my TV and my Wii and then you tell me to leave you alone? I'm very willing to do that, as I want nothing to do with you or anything associated with you, BUT only after you return my Wii and my TV. It's like me stealing your car and then telling you to leave me alone when you try to get it back, duh, that's NOT going to happen. So get over yourself. And you call yourself a Christian too? Bah! I have never seen a better example of blatant hypocrisy in my entire life. You steal, you lie, you start fights, troll, you swear profanely, threaten to beat people up, threaten to murder, to slit someone's throat (all over material good - that you STOLE to begin with), and yet... You have the audacity to declare yourself as the "victim" in all of this?!? Yeah, and Hitler was just misunderstood.
O.K couple things about your attitude missy. Your at a "8", I'm gonna need you to bring that down to about a "5", thanks. Now, little lady I'm not gonna lie to you, my reading ain't what it used to be, but I skimmed through your little post and I think I got an idea of what your saying.

1st and foremost, you keep saying I quote unquote "stole" your "TV and Wii". Now I'm gonna have to assume when you say "Wii", your referring to the Nintendo Wii and not your deformed male like private parts... but I could be wrong. Now little lady your going to have to stop with all these lies. I never stole anything from you or Winston. Period. You want to talk about things getting stolen why don't we talk about the last con we went too. Winston stole that kids mp3 player. Notice I say "stole" here, he knowingly took another person's possession without them even knowing. Want to talk about stealing? Lets talk about that con we went to that UTD Zach was about to get 1st place so you guys decided to end the tournament early so he wouldn't get his just due money. Or how you guys told me to team with him and lose so he wouldn't win, even though we both know, me and zach would have won teams. Now you say I stole a Wii and TV? How? I'm interested in how I stole them. Did I take them from out your house? Did I rob you at gun point and take them from you? No. They were given to me. What were they given to me for? For helping the so called "crew" scam others into making money. To be honest, I will even admit I was down with helping ya'll scam too. Up until the point winston had to open his mouth and start actin stupid. I was willing to put up with his ego. I was willing to put up with the fact that all of you were weird. Up until the point you started talking about Josh/XZalla. Thats when I wanted no part of you or your crew. I've known Josh a hella longer than any of you nerds and unlike you'll he's never encouraged me to do anything dishonest. Anyways my point, you guys were the ones saying we can "give" you this, and "give" you that. Never, in any transaction did anyone, at anytime say "borrow". No, no, no. Ya'll *****'s didn't start saying the word "borrow" till after I left your crew, and when you thought I wanted to leave the gay crew. I don't borrow. Period. Because things like this happen when you borrow from shady people.

What's so crazy to me, is how you guys sit here with a straight face and seriously lie on my name like that. Like,... thats just such a trip to me that you guys KNOW that your lying. I'm honestly starting to believe that you guys are starting to believe your own lies... and thats sad.

If you really think I'm wrong and your right take me to court. You can think I'm an idiot all you want but:
#1, I know the law better than anyone here.
#2, My mom used to be a paralegal, I've already told her the situation, and this wont hold up in court.
#3, Believe it or not, but I have video proof of dun dun dun... You guys saying you gave me the Wii. Yeh, I kinda saw this coming. I will not post it, just call meh a liar. Thanks.
#4, I know I didn't do it. You can claim I've been to jail all day, but that was a violent crime, I have no record of stealing.

The carzy thing is... You talk so much, and you yet to actually do anything. Is just that, "TALK".

So yeh, Nah nahna nah nah I WIN. $_$ Good Day.

Drew, I think I handled this quite well.

Hey Sethlon, what's up with you and J man are ya'll o.k man?
J man = me silly.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
i hear yeah you don't have to take anyones side on this but it seems like you,dawn,void,etc...all got disrespected by tgm he blanant said that you guys suck just because you haven't been to any tourneys lately...and seeing as how i know all oh you guys i wasn't just goin to let him get away with something like that
Honestly dude... disrespect.. if you take if from someone like TGM its not a big deal....

No "disrespect" towards you or anything but i dont think you will do anything to him T_T

It happens alottttttt ALOTTTTTTTTT.. ya just got to learn to get over it


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Seth I can't wait to meet you at PZ. My friend and I who are going have watched videos of your Falco and are amazed. :)
I've gotten a little better since then, too ^_^

WOW ALEX, all these new people really are treating you like a king. too bad you suck at smash. they will learn that when they play you.
It true, I suck.
And by suck, I of course mean that I suck at losing.
sethlon, that story you sent me, was awesome :D
Lol, i'm glad you liked it! Aesop's fables ftw.

Seth and Hylian if you guys still want money matches, would 5 dollar MM be good. Gotta save up for Drinking at chilis lol
Actually, Hylian's hosting a big online tourny this weekend, so he won't be at the UoH tourny. But if you still wanna do 5$ instead of 10$ thats fine by me.

J man = me silly.
I love that you already knew that i'd be completely confused by "J man", lol.
You troll the boards a bit too hard, but I know you're a cool cat in person. You should come to the tourny tomorrow so we can play more, falco dittos are fun :)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
1st and foremost, you keep saying I quote unquote "stole" your "TV and Wii". Now I'm gonna have to assume when you say "Wii", your referring to the Nintendo Wii and not your deformed male like private parts... but I could be wrong. Now little lady your going to have to stop with all these lies. I never stole anything from you or Winston. Period. You want to talk about things getting stolen why don't we talk about the last con we went too. Winston stole that kids mp3 player. Notice I say "stole" here, he knowingly took another person's possession without them even knowing. Want to talk about stealing? Lets talk about that con we went to that UTD Zach was about to get 1st place so you guys decided to end the tournament early so he wouldn't get his just due money. Or how you guys told me to team with him and lose so he wouldn't win, even though we both know, me and zach would have won teams. Now you say I stole a Wii and TV? How? I'm interested in how I stole them. Did I take them from out your house? Did I rob you at gun point and take them from you? No. They were given to me. What were they given to me for? For helping the so called "crew" scam others into making money. To be honest, I will even admit I was down with helping ya'll scam too. Up until the point winston had to open his mouth and start actin stupid. I was willing to put up with his ego. I was willing to put up with the fact that all of you were weird. Up until the point you started talking about Josh/XZalla. Thats when I wanted no part of you or your crew. I've known Josh a hella longer than any of you nerds and unlike you'll he's never encouraged me to do anything dishonest. Anyways my point, you guys were the ones saying we can "give" you this, and "give" you that. Never, in any transaction did anyone, at anytime say "borrow". No, no, no. Ya'll *****'s didn't start saying the word "borrow" till after I left your crew, and when you thought I wanted to leave the gay crew. I don't borrow. Period. Because things like this happen when you borrow from shady people.

If you really think I'm wrong and your right take me to court. You can think I'm an idiot all you want but:
#1, I know the law better than anyone here.
#2, My mom used to be a paralegal, I've already told her the situation, and this wont hold up in court.
#3, Believe it or not, but I have video proof of dun dun dun... You guys saying you gave me the Wii. Yeh, I kinda saw this coming. I will not post it, just call meh a liar. Thanks.
#4, I know I didn't do it. You can claim I've been to jail all day, but that was a violent crime, I have no record of stealing.

The carzy thing is... You talk so much, and you yet to actually do anything. Is just that, "TALK".
See, again there you go with the spreading of lies and rumors.

But that's OK, I have actual people that WHERE there and can back it up. People in the smash community.

First: I BOUGHT that Wii with MY money. I put it up as a prize in a tournament because I'm a good person and wanted to help the community out when Wii's had JUST come out. You were in that tournament and Mr. 3000 was in it too, but he said he'd loose on purpose so you could win it instead - but you were defeated by a little girl in Chun-li costume. So he won it instead. Not through cheating or doing anything illegal - but by playing well in a tournament. And you lost it in that tournament because you sucked and got eliminated by a little GIRL that doesn't even play smash competitively. Since he already had a Wii, and I had a Wii - and YOU were complaining that you DIDN'T have a Wii, we both agreed to let you borrow it so long as we could use it in game rooms. You agreed. WHY the crap else would we just hand over a Wii?! And then you were complaining that you also didn't have a TV either so I said I'd let you borrow one too, but so that we'd need it back for use at game rooms and tournaments. There where plenty of people there as witnesses. You agreed. BUT when I asked for them back to use in a game room, you refused. So, you broke the verbal agreement. That was the last con before you disappeared and then went crazy on us. And you still haven't given them back! I actually have emails from you in which you say that you'll give them back when you came back from California - but you LIED. THEN you threatened to slice Mr. 3000's throat, have me beat, threatened to have people come to my house to beat me up if I called the police, etc. There's a word for that: it called "Robbery: a. a person commits an offense if, in the course of committing theift and with the intent to obtain or maintain control of the property, he: [...] 2. knowingly threatens or places another in fear of imminent bodily injury or death. b. an offense under this section is a felony of the second degree." And yes, I recently reported you to the police. You are currently under investigation. If you want to take this to court - YOU GOT IT!

Second: The MP3, Cesar (WTF) was there and he can back this story up. We had a hotel room for ourselves (which you, thanks to us, didn't have to pay for gas, hotel room or entry fee to tournaments and you're this ungrateful!), but we let three other guys crash with us because they had no where else to stay and we are good people willing to help out and fellow gamer in need. The guy stayed out all Sat night and on Sunday morning, the guy hadn't returned and we needed to vacate the room (or else get charged another day on my credit card, heck no) by 11 am. I manged to get them to extend it till 12, but the guy still wasn't showing up, so we got his stuff and put it in the game room (the one where you forgot you had a gf back home and took all those pictures of the skanky girls asking them to pose for you and stuff). On the way there, we passed the guy. I told him that his stuff was in the game room. Cesar (WTF) also told him that his stuff was in the gameroom, including the MP3 player (you can ask him if you don't believe me). The guy came to the gameroom and got his stuff and left. About two hours later WE packed our TVs, equipment, games, luggage and headed home. There were like 8 of us that went. That's a lot of luggage. After about two or so hours of driving, I believe it was... was it T-Rex or Gen? (Hey, Cesar do you remember who first found the MP3 player in the van?) I was driving, and Mr. 3000 was in the front seat so I remember it wasn't us, but anyways, the guy had LEFT the MP3 player and we got all the remaining luggage and threw it into the van because everyone else was gone so all the luggage left belonged to all of us by deduction. It was in a white plastic grocery bag with an action figure in it. I said, "Well, I'm sure as heck not turning around" (unless you guys wanted to pay for 4 HOURS extra worth of gas, plus it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to find that guy considering there where over 2,000 people at that event and ALL of them had already LEFT the building by the time we got out and unless you got the guys name and phone number it would have been impossible to find him again). THEN ya'll proceeded to pass around the MP3 player talking about who was going to get to keep it. YOU Jeremy also gave reasons why YOU wanted to keep it too. You're just sore because you weren't the one that got to keep it so instead you made up lies saying we stole it when we didn't even know it was in the van till hours after we were already driving back. Mr. 3000 in the end said that he was going to keep it because he was the only one with out an MP3 player (after everyone else was bragging that they already had an MP3 player), plus he got everyone in for free, including hotel, and helped pay for gas (which you did NOT do ANY of Jeremy). Get your facts STRAIGHT before you MAKE-UP wild accusations.

3. UTD Zach? Are you still talking about G-kon? Dude that was Scav that ran that tournament, not us. And it was YOU that told US you were going to team with him in 2v2 and loose. Like it mattered either way. Even in Melee, T-Rex and Mr. 3000 were top players in TEAMs - so no matter what YOU did or who you teamed WITH, you would not have just won "because you say so". You say you would have won with UTD Zack? Well, you didn't. No Johns. Did we point a gun to your head, no? Did anyone? No. You played in that tournament the way you did because YOU wanted to. Take responsibility for your OWN actions.

4. I have NEVER said ANYTHING bad about XZalla. NEVER. That is a FACT. I like XZalla. He amused me and he's fun to have around. In fact, we asked him several times if he wanted to go to tourneys with us and we'd get him in for free and share hotel space and stuff, but he always refused. I believe it was because he went with his brother or something like that. (Hey, XZalla, was it because of that? I can't remember what reason you gave us). I seriously don't have no idea where you're getting this made up stuff from Jeremy.

So you see, Jeremy, you can LIE all you want. You can call me names and try to slander me to cover your OWN faults. It won't work.

See you in court.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Downtown, Houston, Tx
See, again there you go with the spreading of lies and rumors.

But that's OK, I have actual people that WHERE there and can back it up. People in the smash community.

First: I BOUGHT that Wii with MY money. I put it up as a prize in a tournament because I'm a good person and wanted to help the community out when Wii's had JUST come out. You were in that tournament and Mr. 3000 was in it too, but he said he'd loose on purpose so you could win it instead - but you were defeated by a little girl in Chun-li costume. So he won it instead. Not through cheating or doing anything illegal - but by playing well in a tournament. And you lost it in that tournament because you sucked and got eliminated by a little GIRL that doesn't even play smash competitively. Since he already had a Wii, and I had a Wii - and YOU were complaining that you DIDN'T have a Wii, we both agreed to let you borrow it so long as we could use it in game rooms. You agreed. WHY the crap else would we just hand over a Wii?! And then you were complaining that you also didn't have a TV either so I said I'd let you borrow one too, but so that we'd need it back for use at game rooms and tournaments. There where plenty of people there as witnesses. You agreed. BUT when I asked for them back to use in a game room, you refused. So, you broke the verbal agreement. That was the last con before you disappeared and then went crazy on us. And you still haven't given them back! I actually have emails from you in which you say that you'll give them back when you came back from California - but you LIED. THEN you threatened to slice Mr. 3000's throat, have me beat, threatened to have people come to my house to beat me up if I called the police, etc. There's a word for that: it called "Robbery: a. a person commits an offense if, in the course of committing theift and with the intent to obtain or maintain control of the property, he: [...] 2. knowingly threatens or places another in fear of imminent bodily injury or death. b. an offense under this section is a felony of the second degree." And yes, I recently reported you to the police. You are currently under investigation. If you want to take this to court - YOU GOT IT!

Second: The MP3, Cesar (WTF) was there and he can back this story up. We had a hotel room for ourselves (which you, thanks to us, didn't have to pay for gas, hotel room or entry fee to tournaments and you're this ungrateful!), but we let three other guys crash with us because they had no where else to stay and we are good people willing to help out and fellow gamer in need. The guy stayed out all Sat night and on Sunday morning, the guy hadn't returned and we needed to vacate the room (or else get charged another day on my credit card, heck no) by 11 am. I manged to get them to extend it till 12, but the guy still wasn't showing up, so we got his stuff and put it in the game room (the one where you forgot you had a gf back home and took all those pictures of the skanky girls asking them to pose for you and stuff). On the way there, we passed the guy. I told him that his stuff was in the game room. Cesar (WTF) also told him that his stuff was in the gameroom, including the MP3 player (you can ask him if you don't believe me). The guy came to the gameroom and got his stuff and left. About two hours later WE packed our TVs, equipment, games, luggage and headed home. There were like 8 of us that went. That's a lot of luggage. After about two or so hours of driving, I believe it was... was it T-Rex or Gen? (Hey, Cesar do you remember who first found the MP3 player in the van?) I was driving, and Mr. 3000 was in the front seat so I remember it wasn't us, but anyways, the guy had LEFT the MP3 player and we got all the remaining luggage and threw it into the van because everyone else was gone so all the luggage left belonged to all of us by deduction. It was in a white plastic grocery bag with an action figure in it. I said, "Well, I'm sure as heck not turning around" (unless you guys wanted to pay for 4 HOURS extra worth of gas, plus it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to find that guy considering there where over 2,000 people at that event and ALL of them had already LEFT the building by the time we got out and unless you got the guys name and phone number it would have been impossible to find him again). THEN ya'll proceeded to pass around the MP3 player talking about who was going to get to keep it. YOU Jeremy also gave reasons why YOU wanted to keep it too. You're just sore because you weren't the one that got to keep it so instead you made up lies saying we stole it when we didn't even know it was in the van till hours after we were already driving back. Mr. 3000 in the end said that he was going to keep it because he was the only one with out an MP3 player (after everyone else was bragging that they already had an MP3 player), plus he got everyone in for free, including hotel, and helped pay for gas (which you did NOT do ANY of Jeremy). Get your facts STRAIGHT before you MAKE-UP wild accusations.

3. UTD Zach? Are you still talking about G-kon? Dude that was Scav that ran that tournament, not us. And it was YOU that told US you were going to team with him in 2v2 and loose. Like it mattered either way. Even in Melee, T-Rex and Mr. 3000 were top players in TEAMs - so no matter what YOU did or who you teamed WITH, you would not have just won "because you say so". You say you would have won with UTD Zack? Well, you didn't. No Johns. Did we point a gun to your head, no? Did anyone? No. You played in that tournament the way you did because YOU wanted to. Take responsibility for your OWN actions.

4. I have NEVER said ANYTHING bad about XZalla. NEVER. That is a FACT. I like XZalla. He amused me and he's fun to have around. In fact, we asked him several times if he wanted to go to tourneys with us and we'd get him in for free and share hotel space and stuff, but he always refused. I believe it was because he went with his brother or something like that. (Hey, XZalla, was it because of that? I can't remember what reason you gave us). I seriously don't have no idea where you're getting this made up stuff from Jeremy.

So you see, Jeremy, you can LIE all you want. You can call me names and try to slander me to cover your OWN faults. It won't work.

See you in court.


Im not going to lie to you. I didnt read anything you wrote. Its to long.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
6714 Archgate Dr. Sping,Tx

Im not going to lie to you. I didnt read anything you wrote. Its to long.
LOLOL wtf is yp with all this randomness and the one who first found otu about the mp3 player was Mr.3000 dugfinn, we didn't even knew it was on the same bag with the toy until we were in the van .3000 was taking out the ff toy he got when he noticed the mp3 was there and I honestly dk who put that there.

See ya all at ouh


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Woot, I ended up getting 4 other people IRL interested in joining this tourny :D Umm... one of them kind of... sucks though xD. Two of them I don't know about, and the other is ok.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Houston, TX
Yeah I'm bringing one friend with me, he's about the same skill level as me. I asked a few others as well but they all have stuff going on.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Since he already had a Wii, and I had a Wii - and YOU were complaining that you DIDN'T have a Wii, we both agreed to let you borrow it so long as we could use it in game rooms. You agreed. WHY the crap else would we just hand over a Wii?! And then you were complaining that you also didn't have a TV either so I said I'd let you borrow one too, but so that we'd need it back for use at game rooms and tournaments. There where plenty of people there as witnesses. You agreed. BUT when I asked for them back to use in a game room, you refused. So, you broke the verbal agreement. That was the last con before you disappeared and then went crazy on us. And you still haven't given them back! I actually have emails from you in which you say that you'll give them back when you came back from California - but you LIED. THEN you threatened to slice Mr. 3000's throat, have me beat, threatened to have people come to my house to beat me up if I called the police, etc.

Second: The MP3, Cesar (WTF) was there and he can back this story up. We had a hotel room for ourselves (which you, thanks to us, didn't have to pay for gas, hotel room or entry fee to tournaments and you're this ungrateful!), but we let three other guys crash with us because they had no where else to stay and we are good people willing to help out and fellow gamer in need. The guy stayed out all Sat night and on Sunday morning, the guy hadn't returned and we needed to vacate the room (or else get charged another day on my credit card, heck no) by 11 am. I manged to get them to extend it till 12, but the guy still wasn't showing up, so we got his stuff and put it in the game room (the one where you forgot you had a gf back home and took all those pictures of the skanky girls asking them to pose for you and stuff). On the way there, we passed the guy. I told him that his stuff was in the game room. Cesar (WTF) also told him that his stuff was in the gameroom, including the MP3 player (you can ask him if you don't believe me). The guy came to the gameroom and got his stuff and left. About two hours later WE packed our TVs, equipment, games, luggage and headed home. There were like 8 of us that went. That's a lot of luggage. After about two or so hours of driving, I believe it was... was it T-Rex or Gen? (Hey, Cesar do you remember who first found the MP3 player in the van?) I was driving, and Mr. 3000 was in the front seat so I remember it wasn't us, but anyways, the guy had LEFT the MP3 player and we got all the remaining luggage and threw it into the van because everyone else was gone so all the luggage left belonged to all of us by deduction. It was in a white plastic grocery bag with an action figure in it. I said, "Well, I'm sure as heck not turning around" (unless you guys wanted to pay for 4 HOURS extra worth of gas, plus it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to find that guy considering there where over 2,000 people at that event and ALL of them had already LEFT the building by the time we got out and unless you got the guys name and phone number it would have been impossible to find him again). THEN ya'll proceeded to pass around the MP3 player talking about who was going to get to keep it. YOU Jeremy also gave reasons why YOU wanted to keep it too. You're just sore because you weren't the one that got to keep it so instead you made up lies saying we stole it when we didn't even know it was in the van till hours after we were already driving back. Mr. 3000 in the end said that he was going to keep it because he was the only one with out an MP3 player (after everyone else was bragging that they already had an MP3 player), plus he got everyone in for free, including hotel, and helped pay for gas (which you did NOT do ANY of Jeremy). Get your facts STRAIGHT before you MAKE-UP wild accusations.

3. UTD Zach? Are you still talking about G-kon? Dude that was Scav that ran that tournament, not us. And it was YOU that told US you were going to team with him in 2v2 and loose. Like it mattered either way. Even in Melee, T-Rex and Mr. 3000 were top players in TEAMs - so no matter what YOU did or who you teamed WITH, you would not have just won "because you say so". You say you would have won with UTD Zack? Well, you didn't. No Johns. Did we point a gun to your head, no? Did anyone? No. You played in that tournament the way you did because YOU wanted to. Take responsibility for your OWN actions.

4. I have NEVER said ANYTHING bad about XZalla. NEVER. That is a FACT. I like XZalla. He amused me and he's fun to have around. In fact, we asked him several times if he wanted to go to tourneys with us and we'd get him in for free and share hotel space and stuff, but he always refused. I believe it was because he went with his brother or something like that. (Hey, XZalla, was it because of that? I can't remember what reason you gave us). I seriously don't have no idea where you're getting this made up stuff from Jeremy.

So you see, Jeremy, you can LIE all you want. You can call me names and try to slander me to cover your OWN faults. It won't work.

See you in court.
#1, I don't borrow things. Period. Please, who are the witness' that heard this so called "verbal" agreement? Also, you obviously don't know the law. Watch some court T.V more often silly, your supposed to get everything in writing. You expect for me to believe you just let me borrow a Nintendo Wii and a TV... yeh thats awesome. I'd really like to believe that. <_<'

#2, So Winston kept the mp3 player that wasn't his. Yeh...I know he put that mp3 player in his bag, I also recall either you or Winston saying you gave the mp3 player back correct?

#3,Winston and Trey were what? Please, me and Josh could easily take out Winston and his brother. UTD Zazh and me = a totally different level. Please don't even get me started, to show how good we were we were down by four stocks and we still brought it back and almost won. Trick are you serious? Also, why do you keep saying Scav ran this tournament? The only tournament Scav ran was on freaking Sunday... what about Friday and Saturday? So your saying you ran NO tournament at that con? Period?

#4,Hey Mr.2000, question did you ever say "I'll kick Josh out the crew" after you and him got into an argument about melee still having things to learn about it? (So nerdy)

Whats crazy and someone else has to have noticed this... Dugg you didn't play Melee, you don't play Brawl. Why are you here? You make comments like:
Everyone keeps talking about how hard it is to play Brawl. How's it's harder than Melee to pull off advanced tactics like edgehogging or chain linking.... Doesn't that mean that Brawl is in fact MORE advanced than Melee because you can't pull those moves off AS easily as Melee and that it requires more skill to thus pull them off? If

Sure it's easy to bash Brawl now. It actually takes skill to play Brawl - and be good at it. Instead ya'll are just posting page after page of "I suck in Brawl because I don't really have any skill and I can't rely on Peach/Marth/Fox cheapness anymore to win, crap, why did this game have to be fair and require ACTUAL SKILL to play - $&#@ that! I don't HAVE real skill so I look like a noob when playing Brawl - let's all go back to Melee where I can just spam the SAME three moves over and over and over with FOX/PEACH/MARTH to win."
But what do you really know about Melee, heck, what do you know about Brawl. Its obvious you have no mind of your own and this is Winston/Mr.2000 telling you what to say. I mean do you know how ignorant this statement is. More advanced? Get that $hVT outta here. So why do you run tournaments? Why are you so into a game that you dont even play?... is it because your boyfriend Mr.1000 is telling you what to say? Do you have a mind of your own. I noticed his account hasn't posted in a long time, but your post so frequently, mainly to flame me. Are you Mr.2000? Are you using this account just to try and get us both banned? Do you have a life? Are you intending to keep saying "Im not going to say anything else to you Jeremy", and continuing to refer things towards me? I didn't see you running anything about melee other then at Cons were you'all actually had a chance to win. Now All of a sudden lets get participated in Brawl because we actually have a chance. If anyone is a scrub its all of you. You don't play a game because you like it. You only play games that you think you have a chance in. And when you get beat it's always an excuse. Dont you know I used to let you win with Link just to shut you up? Because I got so tired of you saying, "I cant wait till they remove that gay shine in brawl"...

Anyways Im done with you. All of you.

You can call meh a Liar for however long you want and try to slur my name, like I care. I guarentee you wont ever get 1penny out of me. So good day.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2005
Austin, TX
hey guys

today was my first brawl tournament. it was fun.

i'll probably be at planet zero next weekend.

i gotta get better, but after finals! haha.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
It seems like no matter where I go, there are always things to remind me of this tournament xD.

I went to gamestop today to buy a pokemon game and the TV at gamestop was showing the old Gamestop tourny finals in California, first thing I see, Chu Dat xD. Too bad I was the only one in the store that seemed to care D:

I know this tourny probably won't be that big to where it's on TV or anything, but either way, it'll probably be one of the funnest days of my life.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
1: Sethlon
2: Stiltz
3: Mr.3000
4: FlipHop
5: CesarWTF
5: T-Rex
7: Lonewolf
7: Salocin
9: Kalo
9: Kage
9: Bobby
9: Gar
13: Hitme
13: Shiken
13: Axxo
13: Dawn
17: Pipes
17: Pimp Jim
17: Max
17: CoolFool
17: Xyro
17: Tyle
17: Suavion
17: Pope
25: T-Matt
25: Tek
25: Neon
25: Samus
25: Zelda
25: Xzalla
25: Golf
25: Face
33: Swat
33: Gopper
33: Indiraf
33: Laski
33: Amol
33: PalidinChz
33: Rain
33: OniiChan
33: Wolf
33: PimpSlap
33: DingDing

please do shout outs here. i want this thread to recover from its arguing.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
1: Sethlon
2: Stiltz
3: Mr.3000
4: FlipHop
5: CesarWTF
5: T-Rex
7: Lonewolf
7: Salocin
9: Kalo
9: Kage
9: Bobby
9: Gar
13: Hitme
13: Shiken
13: Axxo
13: Dawn
17: Pipes
17: Pimp Jim
17: Max
17: CoolFool
17: Xyro
17: Tyle
17: Suavion
17: Pope
25: T-Matt
25: Tek
25: Neon
25: Samus
25: Zelda
25: Xzalla <---LOL good job Josh ^_^'
25: Golf
25: Face
33: Swat
33: Gopper
33: Indiraf
33: Laski
33: Amol
33: PalidinChz
33: Rain
33: OniiChan
33: Wolf
33: PimpSlap
33: DingDing
Wow, some things really stand out. Anyways, can anyone tell me how many Toon Links were there?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Oh geeze, I'm really hoping there aren't too many Toon Links. I have very little experience with fighting them because most people I play against don't use him, or they use normal link. All I remember about fighting Toon Links is, all 3 of my mains have trouble against him...


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
kage was the only Y link

Call outs!!!

T-rex- the champ has been knocked off the mountain?!?!?!?!?!? Or was it a fluke?

Mr.3000- U didnt seem like you were looking well. Are you ok?

DugFin- working with you is awesome. Thak you for helping out. I mean that.

Axxo/CesarWTF- F-you and your F-ing ROBs

Sethlon- you cheat and you know it. chain grab from 0%-35%+ a Dair for 15% + edge hog for KO.......

Xyro/TGM/Allan/me- the only true samus main in tx. No matter who you face, your still the best.

Dawn- melee is dead. face it. your lucario didnt look bad at all

Onichan- i had no clue who you were untill like half way thru the tourney.

Kage- the monopoly man wants your body

Stiltz- you dont play anyone and yet you get 2nd place........utterly amazing

Golf-thank you for getting Seth. it means alot to him and me.

Tyle- you want to get better? this make me proud

Kalo- im surprised. GREAT JOB!!!!! keep it up.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I wish I had gone.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
RT, seeing seth do the crap he did was seriously mind boggling. ive never seen such a smooth falco. im uploading vids!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
...!? Howd I get last? I won my first match! /:O

I played pretty badly. I got no practice on friday, and I didn't get much sleep, so i was kinda out of it. I'll be sure to be ready for the PZ one tho. :p

Props to my friends Salocin and LoneWolf! Their wolf and fox are freakin'....freaky! They pwned.


Smash Rookie
Apr 17, 2008
The Woodlands, TX
Man I wish I could have been there!! Camping was fun but we called it short and came back tonight because there's a storm-a-brewin' for tomorrow morning at Huntsville state park.

I have a question, maybe wrong place to ask, but I didn't see anything in the rules listed for the PZ tourney concerning items. I'm guessing this means whatever the rule is, it's a given, but I don't know. Can someone clue me in?


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Oh yea, ggs to to Seth for winning. God Falco is too good haha. Oh T-Rex GGs dude. I guess DK is a better match compared to Diddy when it comes to Snake.

Oh snap Team TMG got 4th and 5th haha


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR

i was ubsessed with the Cod4 Tournament that was going on and golf? like mega counter picked me...... Pokemon stadium makes snake fall..... Bue i came in like 3rd place or something....:)
shout outs

1. TGM= ghey for not shouting out at me'
2. Cessear= robs a ghey dildo jack offer remember?
3. JeremyF= we made fun off you but in a good way.
4PIMPSLAP= i wasnt trying that hard because CoD4 was amazzingly fun.
5. Stilts= Nice talking to ya
6. Golf= your fun to talk to. i like your new age hypy look.
7. Sethlon= i scared you and that was fun
8. Xzella= light jump foward smash jump again forward smash it works trust me call some time and we can talk i know some things about ness.:)
9. POOPERTOP= man i had alot i mean alot of fun talking to you and getting pwned by you in CoD4. Man playing you and 2 master screen watchers was hard.
10.Rain?= don't over use and project your moves!
11. that guy that used DDD you DDD was cool i liked it
12. Dugfinn= i would love to be your bouncer:)
13. Neon i nut punched you:)
14. Flip hoph = you did awesome with Dk he will be hight to top tier. MOUF come back.
15. Cheezy= your cheezy:)
16.That guy that used pokemon trainer wow amazing squirtle
17. To all the people i gave a grenade too by super mindgaming them looking at golf and that mario guy.
18. T-Rex= love the psp vids that was funny and the guitar hero stuff was messed up.
19. Mr.3000= whats going on dude. awesome talking to you as always
20. Dawn= man you seemed depressed i saw you pawning at ssbm though.
21. Kage= Man good times as always:) you still wanna get that ipod for 40?
22. xzella's little= gl with ice climbers i like using them i will master themand have them as counter pick awesome.:)


That was a nice tourney. I still didn't believe Mr. 3000 managed to pull a quick one over me at the last second.

Btw, Sethlon, I hate you. =)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
...!? Howd I get last? I won my first match! /:O

I played pretty badly. I got no practice on friday, and I didn't get much sleep, so i was kinda out of it. I'll be sure to be ready for the PZ one tho. :p

Props to my friends Salocin and LoneWolf! Their wolf and fox are freakin'....freaky! They pwned.

Surely with that practice and sleep you would have easily taken first. It just isn't fair! ;(

Great job Alex and Vince. First and Second... very impressive.
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