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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Are you serious? Why be so immature? TGM talks like that to everyone online. Since when does someones online persona mean anything in person? You just seem to want to boost your own ego.

TGM is a really good guy. He is tons of fun to hang out with, and doesn't have a big ego at all.

If you actually try to harm tgm, and I am there, I will not let you. Not only that, I'm pretty sure 3/4ths of the people there will stop you, because they all know how good of a guy TGM is.

If you seriously take words on the internet seriously enough to harm someone, then you must not be a very secure person.

Try not to act so childish, and more people would respect you.
You really aren't familiar with Houston. Mabey up there in Austin people jump in fights for no reason to look "honorable", but Hylian take my advice when I say it would be real stupid to try and protect a grown man. Around here thats honestly how people get killed. You don't know Onii-Chann, hell I don't know him either. But I agree with what Onii-Chann is saying, whats going on between him and Alan is there business not yours, don't try to be a hero dude. If I make fun of someone on these forums and they want to get me personally, hell thats fine I got methods of backing it up. Same goes for Alan, if he offends someone here, he should either apologize or back it up, either way its his business not yours. The only reason I'm saying this is because I don't know about ya'll, but it's real annoying when people try to get involved into situations that don't involve them... like in a high speed police chase when a person not even involved, on the free way uses there car to block the person's car who is running from the cops... Its like dude... WTF>? This is just my advice take it or disregard it.

+99% of threats on these boreds never happen, I should know cause I make up about 80%, honest to god, Im really not trying to go back to jail. So anything I say please take as a joke (as most of you have come to learn, same for Alan/Xyro/TGM) I wouldn't hurt a fly, neither would half the people here. We all just want to win in smash.

Good day.

I think I handled that quite nice.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
dugfin: ill just sit int the parking lot and listen to 80's music till u get there. deal?
Well it's nice to see you torture your ears in anticipation of my arrival, but at least go 90s. Now you're making me feel bad because I'm going to have to make you sit through at least 15 minutes of that stuff. (<-- Kidding). I got some people I got to pick up on the way, but I'll try to get there at 9:30... And if you knew just HOW much of a morning person I am NOT you'd see that this is a great honor.

i think zelda is a pretty cool guy, eh fights monsters and doesn't afraid of anything
Silly boy. *pats Furb's head* Zelda is a girl - just like Samus, Peach and Marth. And all of them doesn't afraid of anything. Just like me, I doesn't afraid of anything the most!

You really aren't familiar with Houston. Mabey up there in Austin people jump in fights for no reason to look "honorable", but Hylian take my advice when I say it would be real stupid to try and protect a grown man. Around here thats honestly how people get killed. You don't know Onii-Chann, hell I don't know him either. But I agree with what Onii-Chann is saying, whats going on between him and Alan is there business not yours, don't try to be a hero dude. If I make fun of someone on these forums and they want to get me personally, hell thats fine I got methods of backing it up. Same goes for Alan, if he offends someone here, he should either apologize or back it up, either way its his business not yours. The only reason I'm saying this is because I don't know about ya'll, but it's real annoying when people try to get involved into situations that don't involve them... like in a high speed police chase when a person not even involved, on the free way uses there car to block the person's car who is running from the cops... Its like dude... WTF>? This is just my advice take it or disregard it.

+99% of threats on these boreds never happen, I should know cause I make up about 80%, honest to god, Im really not trying to go back to jail. So anything I say please take as a joke (as most of you have come to learn, same for Alan/Xyro/TGM) I wouldn't hurt a fly, neither would half the people here. We all just want to win in smash.
I'm not arguing with you Jeremy, so don't turn this into a flame or anything, I just disagree with you.
I'm not saying that it's a racial thing or anything either, but I'm Mexican and as such I was raised to always back up your family/friends/people who just need help/etc, and if I see anyone that need assistance, I help. Especially family and friends. To us, it's the greatest back stab to not back up your buddies. So if I see anyone in the Smash community in trouble, I'll get involved and try to help. That doesn't mean I'll help in a fight, that means I'll try to stop the fight, even if there's nothing I can do, I'll still try, because otherwise, it's not only a dis to the supposed friendship, but it's also being a coward. I respect TGM, and if anyone wants to say anything to him on the forums, go for it, BUT you try anything in real life, like at a tournament and I'm around - you better believe he'll have me (and probably most of the Smash community) backing him up. Mind you, I'm a pacifist, but I'd do what I can. So, don't go lecturing us about how we should act. You do not represent me, or the rest of the Houston Smash community (thank gods) so don't speak like you do, especially to people from out of town. That just goes to show what kind of friend (or lack there of) you are. I like Onii, nothing against him, great guy, but I'll call the cops immediately if I see him try anything violent against TGM. There is just a time and a place for that - and tournaments are not it. So, please Onii, resolve it verbally, OK? Thank you.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
6714 Archgate Dr. Sping,Tx
well I'll see you all this saturday; hope to see you all there

OH by the way who wants to play against us this saturday(TEAM MG: Me and FlipHop)

oh by the way dugfinn and xyro if you need help to set up up stuff you can count on me I'll be there really early anyways so yeah....:) lol


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
well I'll see you all this saturday; hope to see you all there

OH by the way who wants to play against us this saturday(TEAM MG: Me and FlipHop)

oh by the way dugfinn and xyro if you need help to set up up stuff you can count on me I'll be there really early anyways so yeah....:) lol
I'll be there early. Only to set up my mindgames early gwhaha


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Downtown, Houston, Tx
Boomshokalocka.......Anyways Onii don't make me **** you........Ill call you tomorrow.

Seth I wanna get some matches in if thats aright with you.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
You really aren't familiar with Houston. Mabey up there in Austin people jump in fights for no reason to look "honorable", but Hylian take my advice when I say it would be real stupid to try and protect a grown man. Around here thats honestly how people get killed. You don't know Onii-Chann, hell I don't know him either. But I agree with what Onii-Chann is saying, whats going on between him and Alan is there business not yours, don't try to be a hero dude. If I make fun of someone on these forums and they want to get me personally, hell thats fine I got methods of backing it up. Same goes for Alan, if he offends someone here, he should either apologize or back it up, either way its his business not yours. The only reason I'm saying this is because I don't know about ya'll, but it's real annoying when people try to get involved into situations that don't involve them... like in a high speed police chase when a person not even involved, on the free way uses there car to block the person's car who is running from the cops... Its like dude... WTF>? This is just my advice take it or disregard it.

+99% of threats on these boreds never happen, I should know cause I make up about 80%, honest to god, Im really not trying to go back to jail. So anything I say please take as a joke (as most of you have come to learn, same for Alan/Xyro/TGM) I wouldn't hurt a fly, neither would half the people here. We all just want to win in smash.

Good day.

I think I handled that quite nice.

I don't know why you would try to give me advice, or how location has anything to do with this...but I will always stand up for my friends because thats just the kind of person I am. Fighting is immature in my opinion anyways, unless it's professional. It proves nothing about a persons character.

If I see one of my friends in trouble/danger/anything I am going to help them. I don't give a **** about your silly conception of pride and how you should act regarding others personal business. When threats are involved in public, there is nothing personal about it. No one is trying to be a hero. But I will stand by my morals.

People in the smash community have never been known to be violent. It saddens me that people will actually resort to threats. Over the internet.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
You sure got me there Furbs.

Yoshi still sucks.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Hylian/seth/dugfin......................wow......this is amazing! You would really stand up for me? THANKS!

to Oni: all i said was that i think you were bad at the game. i gave my opinion! and because of that you think you can take on the Hulk of all Hulks(me)? Son, i bench press soccer balls DAILY! I can lift a tonka truck over me head! YOU CANT BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in all seriousness, you want to hurt some one for them having an OPINION? Think about it. i dont want an apology or anything, i just want u to think about what i said vs what you THINK you will do.



Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
*stops aiming at alans head*
i stood up for you too:)
thanks tallman i know thise because i drink awesomeade three times a day and that gets my awesome growningsjip (my new vietman) following.:)
*pulls snippy back out*


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2007
in the most infamous city ever*HOUSTON*
Hylian/seth/dugfin......................wow......this is amazing! You would really stand up for me? THANKS!

to Oni: all i said was that i think you were bad at the game. i gave my opinion! and because of that you think you can take on the Hulk of all Hulks(me)? Son, i bench press soccer balls DAILY! I can lift a tonka truck over me head! YOU CANT BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in all seriousness, you want to hurt some one for them having an OPINION? Think about it. i dont want an apology or anything, i just want u to think about what i said vs what you THINK you will do.

first of all i respect hylain for wanting to protect you...its no different from what i am doing...you disrepected me and my friends so you either apologize or get what is coming to you

second yeah jermey it sounds like you are not takin sides and thats good...i guess...and axxo come pick me up!!!!!!!! directions to my house are a few post back


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
you disrepected me and my friends so you either apologize or get what is coming to you
Your friends(they are my friends too) dont care what i think about thier SMASH ABILITIES. They know how good or how bad they are with or without me throwin in my OPINION. None of them give a poop about what i say. You are the only one. I get disrespected on a daily basis(nerd,loser,your samus and marth suck, four eyes....ect) and im not crying or cutting my wrists over it. I take it like a champ and move on. Im above and beyond little poop babies who call me names and disrespect me. Its sad you cant do that.........

And if you TRULY want to fight me, you really need to watch out. I have been known to jump off of tables and do a Summersault kick(guile) to Zair(samus) without using my UP+B(just think of the pain i could dish out if i DID use myUP+B). Once i hit people with this, they tend to be moraly,economicly,socialy,physically, emotionally and mentally maimed for life. Now be honest, thats one 4 stocking you wont want to get for christmas.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Downtown, Houston, Tx
Was up ppls.........looks like everyone is doing good on the boards..........lol

Well anyone wanna come over to play today. Anytime. Hit me up


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
onii is imature but i think he is starting to get that your jocking and it's about a game not real life...........


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2007
in the most infamous city ever*HOUSTON*
Your friends(they are my friends too) dont care what i think about thier SMASH ABILITIES. They know how good or how bad they are with or without me throwin in my OPINION. None of them give a poop about what i say. You are the only one. I get disrespected on a daily basis(nerd,loser,your samus and marth suck, four eyes....ect) and im not crying or cutting my wrists over it. I take it like a champ and move on. Im above and beyond little poop babies who call me names and disrespect me. Its sad you cant do that.........

And if you TRULY want to fight me, you really need to watch out. I have been known to jump off of tables and do a Summersault kick(guile) to Zair(samus) without using my UP+B(just think of the pain i could dish out if i DID use myUP+B). Once i hit people with this, they tend to be moraly,economicly,socialy,physically, emotionally and mentally maimed for life. Now be honest, thats one 4 stocking you wont want to get for christmas.
well all in all i frankly don't like you...until you prove me otherwise in person...its not that you just throw in your opinion its that you disrepected me in front of my face whether it be an opinion or not you can't go around telling people that crap with out getting something in return...yeah they might not care because they could careless about you and your overly opinionated ***...but i am different i don't take crap from noone especially when they are going to disrespect me in front of my face and continue to do it...yeah i know when to laugh at a joke and to take that "joke" seriously and from whats going on you seemed quite serious about what you said but yet i digress because pimpslap is telling me to come down because it makes me look bad and evil and no one will like me if i go to a tourney or something

so yeah AXXO hit me up fu afterschool of course or i will call you


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
And if you TRULY want to fight me, you really need to watch out. I have been known to jump off of tables and do a Summersault kick(guile) to Zair(samus) without using my UP+B(just think of the pain i could dish out if i DID use myUP+B). Once i hit people with this, they tend to be moraly,economicly,socialy,physically, emotionally and mentally maimed for life. Now be honest, thats one 4 stocking you wont want to get for christmas.
It's true! I once heard he Up+B this way tougher little kid at a Gamecrazy and the kid cried (kind of) and the tears fell on his DS and he couldn't play Pokemon for like three whole days! Whoa!

TGM: In other news, I got work on Sat, argh! I'm getting out early though, no later than 11:30 am, and should be at UofH by around 12:30. Luckily though, this is the last day I have work on the weekends, so from here on out, I never have to worry about this happening again at least.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
The internet /=/ to your face.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2006
Houston Tx.
I see that the argument is still going........ im not picking sides because i know both of yall, but I will say this...... When I first came on the boards people showed no respect at all and allan was one of the main ones that talked S@#$ to us (me, dawn, void) so we challenged him to a mm as well as other people....... we didnt win the mm (lol) but we earned some respect. In the end allan ended up giving props to my link.......

so what im trying to say is that in order to get respect from anyone on the boards you have to play them and show them what you got.....

this is all I will say......

on a side note....... f u pimpslap my controller wont work anymore...... wtf did you do to it......


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
ummmmmm...... i did nothing i will get you a new one then?
nothing is wrong with it i did not use it once sense i had . so ummmmmm,.... sure why not.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
I'm not arguing with you Jeremy, so don't turn this into a flame or anything, I just disagree with you.
I'm not saying that it's a racial thing or anything either, but I'm Mexican and as such I was raised to always back up your family/friends/people who just need help/etc, and if I see anyone that need assistance, I help. Especially family and friends. To us, it's the greatest back stab to not back up your buddies. So if I see anyone in the Smash community in trouble, I'll get involved and try to help. That doesn't mean I'll help in a fight, that means I'll try to stop the fight, even if there's nothing I can do, I'll still try, because otherwise, it's not only a dis to the supposed friendship, but it's also being a coward. I respect TGM, and if anyone wants to say anything to him on the forums, go for it, BUT you try anything in real life, like at a tournament and I'm around - you better believe he'll have me (and probably most of the Smash community) backing him up. Mind you, I'm a pacifist, but I'd do what I can. So, don't go lecturing us about how we should act. You do not represent me, or the rest of the Houston Smash community (thank gods) so don't speak like you do, especially to people from out of town. That just goes to show what kind of friend (or lack there of) you are. I like Onii, nothing against him, great guy, but I'll call the cops immediately if I see him try anything violent against TGM. There is just a time and a place for that - and tournaments are not it. So, please Onii, resolve it verbally, OK? Thank you.
Excuse me sir, but when and were did I ever "represent you, or the rest of the Houston Smash community" you once again just want to get your (47) post opinion out, you ball sucking, dingy looking, mess starting trick. All I said was in Houston, trying to be a hero will get you killed.

I also said
"+99% of threats on these boreds never happen, I should know cause I make up about 80%, honest to god, Im really not trying to go back to jail. So anything I say please take as a joke (as most of you have come to learn, same for Alan/Xyro/TGM) I wouldn't hurt a fly, neither would half the people here. We all just want to win in smash."

So whats your point?

You again can't follow the rules and just have to say something about Jeremy Feifer because I left you guys gay crew and hurt your feelings. Get over it, and get some new friends (if you can) and stop bothering me skank before I sh_,_,_ _,p yo_,_ ho,_,_,_

Hylian/seth/dugfin......................wow......this is amazing! You would really stand up for me? THANKS!
LOL on seth

The internet /=/ to your face.
Yo face. Who you gonna use in are Melee MM>? and how we doin the match? 1 round, best of three, or best of five, your choice.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
Hellllll ill take sides and ill take TGM's side lawlllllll

i got yo back nyukka...

im not even sure what the argument is though


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
I have Roy's back

I had it last night

Thats right

I was going to the tourney but.. something has come up.

You guys have fun with the pointless arguing and whatnot.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2007
in the most infamous city ever*HOUSTON*
I see that the argument is still going........ im not picking sides because i know both of yall, but I will say this...... When I first came on the boards people showed no respect at all and allan was one of the main ones that talked S@#$ to us (me, dawn, void) so we challenged him to a mm as well as other people

on a side note....... f u pimpslap my controller wont work anymore...... wtf did you do to it......
i hear yeah you don't have to take anyones side on this but it seems like you,dawn,void,etc...all got disrespected by tgm he blanant said that you guys suck just because you haven't been to any tourneys lately...and seeing as how i know all oh you guys i wasn't just goin to let him get away with something like that


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
Excuse me sir, but when and were did I ever "represent you, or the rest of the Houston Smash community" you once again just want to get your (47) post opinion out, you ball sucking, dingy looking, mess starting trick. All I said was in Houston, trying to be a hero will get you killed.

I also said
"+99% of threats on these boreds never happen, I should know cause I make up about 80%, honest to god, Im really not trying to go back to jail. So anything I say please take as a joke (as most of you have come to learn, same for Alan/Xyro/TGM) I wouldn't hurt a fly, neither would half the people here. We all just want to win in smash."

So whats your point?

You again can't follow the rules and just have to say something about Jeremy Feifer because I left you guys gay crew and hurt your feelings. Get over it, and get some new friends (if you can) and stop bothering me skank before I sh_,_,_ _,p yo_,_ ho,_,_,_
Ugh, I said this wasn't in direct argument to you. Re-read the first line of my post where I said I didn't want to start anything with you directly - but it seems that YOU insist on starting something with ME each and every time, if not then why only counter post me and not ALL the other people that also posted disagreeing with you're post, why? Because you are nasty troll that has nothing better to do in life except start crap on the internet to supplement your pathetic existence. But this may all still be over your head, as I know you have trouble reading past third grade level, I'll be clearer: Jeremy - the world does NOT revolve around you. Every post I do on the Smashboards is NOT about you or revolve around you. I dislike you because you spread untrue rumors about me rigging brackets - which I do NOT do - and because you STOLE my TV and my Wii. THAT is why I dislike you. THAT is the ONLY reason why I dislike you. There is NO other reason why I dislike you. I do NOT care about you being a jerk on the internet. The internet is made up of jerk, you are nothing special. I do NOT care about you havening been or not being in anyones crew, or ever did. I could NOT care less about that if I tried. You are ******** to think THAT would interest me in anyway. You are a metaphorical bug smudge in my windshield of life. You STOLE my TV and my Wii and then you tell me to leave you alone? I'm very willing to do that, as I want nothing to do with you or anything associated with you, BUT only after you return my Wii and my TV. It's like me stealing your car and then telling you to leave me alone when you try to get it back, duh, that's NOT going to happen. So get over yourself. And you call yourself a Christian too? Bah! I have never seen a better example of blatant hypocrisy in my entire life. You steal, you lie, you start fights, troll, you swear profanely, threaten to beat people up, threaten to murder, to slit someone's throat (all over material good - that you STOLE to begin with), and yet... You have the audacity to declare yourself as the "victim" in all of this?!? Yeah, and Hitler was just misunderstood.

Look, you'll no doubt respond to this with your obviously Christian views of adored gay ball-sucking. Don't bother. I'll assume you did. I'll also assume you're still a jerk. It'll go on for awhile, you'll get banned, not care, come back, brag about it and nothing will get resolved, whoo-whoo, such fun (<--sarcasm). You are shameless - but you enjoy it. I hope you are still enjoying it when you are in court. I'll be sure to ask you then. Until then, feel free to rant on about gods knows what or even cares about - but it'll probably do with ball sucking and your holy fascination with that, I'm sure.

You know what, my dislike for you has actually shifted to disgust. And pity. I pity you Jeremy. I find you disgustingly pitiful. That's all.


Smash Rookie
Apr 17, 2008
The Woodlands, TX
Hey, I know nobody knows me, but I won't be at UofH this weekend- going camping. So try not to miss me.

I will be at Planet Zero next weekend, and I look forward to playing anyone who will take me on, but I'm too broke to mm anyone. I can't talk smack because I haven't played against a human since thanksgiving, and my six friends in California are the only people I've ever played who could compete with me.

So yeah, I've kind of grown up in a smash-bubble.

Look forward to meeting all of you. Do you all speak in asterisks (*) in person as well? Because that would be hilarious!

And let me add one relevant thing: TGM do you need people to bring rigs to PZ next weekend?


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Confirmation: I have no ride tomorrow =/

Anyone want to come pick me up??? I'll split any/all of my winnings with you...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
And let me add one relevant thing: TGM do you need people to bring rigs to PZ next weekend?
I speak for TGM when I say: All tournaments ALWAYS need people to bring set-ups to them. Usually $5 off or venue fee waived if you bring a set-up.
I also speak for TGM when I say: ... Poop.
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