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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
pozer ill do a 5$ one at PZ. ok? your main vs mine.

Again, dont argue with jeremy, he wont show up to any event. He blows hot air in hopes you will fight back.

I would argue back with jeremy but seeing a show hes a whiter than me, skinnier than me, has thicker glasses than me, is a HS dropout, lives in a card board refrigerator box, steals PSP from game stops cause he cant get a job. So yea........BAM BOOM ZING!

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
pozer ill do a 5$ one at PZ. ok? your main vs mine.

Again, dont argue with jeremy, he wont show up to any event. He blows hot air in hopes you will fight back.

I would argue back with jeremy but seeing a show hes a whiter than me, skinnier than me, has thicker glasses than me, is a HS dropout, lives in a card board refrigerator box, steals PSP from game stops cause he cant get a job. So yea........BAM BOOM ZING!
Honest to god that made me laugh so hard Alan "Highschool dropout who lives in a card boards refrigerator box" dude, we need to play LOL. Im rolling on the floor laughing right now all jokes aside ^_^'

Wow, seriously.
Been a while since I've seen someone actually say stupid **** on a message board, trying to act like there all that lol.

What's wrong with these kids these days.

Also, didn't you just AIM me a few minutes ago?
If so, why didn't you tell me stuff thru that then posting on the message board? Attention *****, much?

lol, just wow.
You make a fake quote. Dude... that, is, awesome! I think Ima AIM you some more LOL.
Im sorry but it really is funny the fact that your posting in this thread. It's like dude... just go home man LOL.

My name poza, at school I bring a folda, my favorite ride a rollacosta, in my mouth is e-bola,Im goin to the stola, Im live in austola, but I pretend to be from houstola. LOL
Pozer you really do make me laugh kid. Keep it up. ^_^' LOL


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Honest to god that made me laugh so hard Alan "Highschool dropout who lives in a card boards refrigerator box" dude, we need to play LOL. Im rolling on the floor laughing right now all jokes aside ^_^'
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok when. im not good at melee anymore so we cant play that. brawl or marvel or checkers is good.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok when. im not good at melee anymore so we cant play that. brawl or marvel or checkers is good.
Alan what is with you and melee? I dont understand why you wont even play both just for fun? I want some of that melee samus and then you can have some of this brawl toon link... that was up. Im the best toon link you'll play because I were purple clothes.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
Wow dude, your like the ultimate Troll.

You go out of your way too look up youtube vids of my friends playing melee, and assume its me because its under my account.
Then you go out of your way to try to AIM me something I already know.

And then you go off saying:
[20:47] jeremy feifer: whats up
[20:47] *** Auto-response sent to jeremy feifer: I am currently away from the computer.
[20:47] jeremy feifer: lol
[20:47] jeremy feifer: LOL!
[20:48] jeremy feifer: you are so funny
[20:48] jeremy feifer: you little punk ***, ***** ***, **** sucking ***got
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: WHAHWHAHHAWH
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: How okld are you like 3?
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: come to houston *****
[20:48] jeremy feifer: ima **** your little *** up you punk *****!
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:49] jeremy feifer: WHWHWAhWHWHWHWha
[22:23] PozerTheMonkey: lol wtf

**** dude... please get a life.
Some ***** won't hurt either, but the way your acting the only ***** you'll ever see is from your mother.

Might want to step outside every now and then, kid.
The sun don't hurt ;o

But whatever, your done.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
I sent Stiltzskin a message about giving me a ride to the tourney at U of H and stuff, but he hasn't replied back yet.
Does anyone have his number or can contact him?
Also, anyone that wants to crash at my place over night (unless my ride is unable to pick me up before then) is pretty welcome.
I don't have any furniture, so I guess we could all bring sleeping bags and have smores in the living room.
But I live around thirty mins. from U of H central campus, so if in the future some guys wanna spend the night, I'm sure we could arrange it, but I don't know how long it could last because we're moving out of that house to one in Pearland.
But my friends here are flaky and I'm the only one that wants to go pro and is willing to make sacrifices.
I just met some people and we smashed last week at a tourney at a game cove, but they're all in high school, and I don't have a car.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
O.K, now I wasn't going to do this to you... but, you can read right? I mean? I would think you would have to be able to read if you can type. Unless someone else is reading for you mabey? O.K awesome. I don't normally do this, because #1, I think Brawl is too random, and #2, I don't like the game, but I will gladly accept your money match in Brawl. If I win, you never come to the Houston thread again because you annoy me and your name sounds like your into some animal type freaky stuff. If you win I'll give you $50. How bout it? Also, "mama's boy" seriously how old are you like 12? Who even says that? If I'm a "mama's boy" your an Austin redneck by what it sounds.

Also, its kinda funny how I wasn't... wait actually no one was even talking to you. Period. What no one respects you in Austin you have to follow your girlfriend Gaylian to the Houston thread. I'ma tell you like I tell those 10 year old on Xbox live. Get a job, car, girl, friend, hobby, or chore and stop living your life online.

No seriously, who are you? Who are any of you guys, and were did you come from?

Riiiiiight. Only 3 times. <_<'

I gots my ways.

Dude.... shiiiiiiiiiiiish.

You bought your own car? Wow, impressive.
You have a degree? Well I guess I just got owned.
You dont live with your Whaaaa? I guess I just got owned again... I wish I didn't live my parents.
Enough prestige, in all honesty, theres no way I'd put $1,000 on the line, not even against rockettrainer. However, I will do a $50 money match and I'm not joking. If you think your better than me in melee, stop flaming and take the bet because I already have 4 points and its not fair if you can flame, and I can't flame back. Thanks.

Does Mr.3000/Winston have anything to do with the tournement going on at UoH>?

I accept then.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Wow dude, your like the ultimate Troll.

You go out of your way too look up youtube vids of my friends playing melee, and assume its me because its under my account.
Then you go out of your way to try to AIM me something I already know.

And then you go off saying:
[20:47] jeremy feifer: whats up
[20:47] *** Auto-response sent to jeremy feifer: I am currently away from the computer.
[20:47] jeremy feifer: lol
[20:47] jeremy feifer: LOL!
[20:48] jeremy feifer: you are so funny
[20:48] jeremy feifer: you little punk ***, ***** ***, **** sucking ***got
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: WHAHWHAHHAWH
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: How okld are you like 3?
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:48] jeremy feifer: come to houston *****
[20:48] jeremy feifer: ima **** your little *** up you punk *****!
[20:48] jeremy feifer: LOL
[20:49] jeremy feifer: WHWHWAhWHWHWHWha
[22:23] PozerTheMonkey: lol wtf

**** dude... please get a life.
Some ***** won't hurt either, but the way your acting the only ***** you'll ever see is from your mother.

Might want to step outside every now and then, kid.
The sun don't hurt ;o

But whatever, your done.
LOL, if your going to copy my AIM atleast copy it all. LOL No seriouslly how old are you? All jokes aside? Are you like 12 are something? Why are you even here? Nobody knows you, nobody likes you. You have to be the most annoying 12 year old I've ever come across. Come to Houston, I dare you and let me know when you get here I'll come for you anywere in Houston, heck I'll even give you my address because I dont just plan on beating you in video games. As I recall you went out of your way to jump into a conversation between me and Hylian that you weren't invited to. Whats funny is how you say "out of my way" I didn't know it was going out of your way if the thing you wanted to do took two minutes. In your case I guess masturbation would be out of the way for you right. *ZING!* ^_^ On a side note please post a picture of you even standing next to a girl...she doesn't even have to be your girlfriend...just a girl period. And I'll gladly post a picture of me hold up my girl... cause I dont think you've ever talked to a girl let alone have one.

Stop being mean to me
No. I'm sorry pusser patches or pamper whatever your name is, but your just making it too easy. I think I'll AIM you some more so I dont have to get banned <_<'

Now back to the real situation at hand. TGM call meh my ninja lets set something up. ^_^ 713-505-8688 We can talk Brawl... I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
I wonder if every regional thread is like this....>.>

or just us because we have personality :D

EDIT: has anyone here even signed that save the wolves petition? i see it everywhere.....never clicked it though


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2006
Houston Tx.
Jeremy, TGM, and Pimpslap, you guys are all hilarious.

Anyone wanna Monopoly MM?

edit: Does anyone in Houston still play pokemon? On teh DS?
right here buddy..... I still play the pokemon game:):):):) wanna battle my amazing lucario that can do the big bang kamehameha x100 (aka aura sphere) lol jk...... but ill play you though.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Alright then, kage and KRDsonic, I'll play you dudes once I get a good team together. Working on a Skarmory right now, it's going to own

Also, Furbs, there's a Double Dave's RIGHT NEXT DOOR to PZ, just like Play n Trade, so you can get some more food, fatty


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
Jeremy, TGM, and Pimpslap, you guys are all hilarious.

Anyone wanna Monopoly MM?

edit: Does anyone in Houston still play pokemon? On teh DS?
*puts sniper riffle up to post comet* "yeah i play it but i suck at pokemon and hell yeah i'll mm monopoly bring your sense i don' own it:)

*brings sniper riffle back out THINKS "man i'm hungery*


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Captain Falcon has sex with men, not because he's gay. He's just run out of women.

PS: im going o the UofH tourney. there are only 30 spots. so if u gonna go, better get yo *** up there early.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Captain Falcon has sex with men, not because he's gay. He's just run out of women.

PS: im going o the UofH tourney. there are only 30 spots. so if u gonna go, better get yo *** up there early.
What part of the tourney is Dugg and Winston running Alan??

Also, I just noticed, but the most original people are from Houston... good job all my ninjas.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
Most of the original people here are pretty lame. The newer ones are even worse.

I miss Rockettrainer, him and I go waaaaaay back. We've had some crazy nights even I don't remember.

I may go this Saturday. But I'm kinda lacking motivation to go to this shindig. Then again I do greatly dislike how this thing looks, not to mention T-Rex winning is ridiculous.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Most of the original people here are pretty lame. The newer ones are even worse.

I miss Rockettrainer, him and I go waaaaaay back. We've had some crazy nights even I don't remember.

I may go this Saturday. But I'm kinda lacking motivation to go to this shindig. Then again I do greatly dislike how this thing looks, not to mention T-Rex winning is ridiculous.
But...but...you said you'd never forget... *sniffs*At least it was special TO ME. :(

Snake is too stupidly good. What were they thinking?

Lol, spoilers


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Alright then, kage and KRDsonic, I'll play you dudes once I get a good team together. Working on a Skarmory right now, it's going to own

Also, Furbs, there's a Double Dave's RIGHT NEXT DOOR to PZ, just like Play n Trade, so you can get some more food, fatty
Alright. Only problem with battling on the game is, when you're not playing on wifi, it doesn't set your pokemon to level 100 xD. At least I have a team I can use in those situations though :p, but I won't be able to use any of my normal teams people hate to face xD.

It should still be fun though.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
What part of the tourney is Dugg and Winston running Alan??

Also, I just noticed, but the most original people are from Houston... good job all my ninjas.
i will run it this time most likly cause last time dugfinn/3000 did. but dugfin will take over when im in matches. it always goes like this.

2ndly, there are only 3 original houston smashers still here(me,gabe,seth) all the rest quit,suck or died.
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