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HOBO 16(no meta) RESULTS: Videos are up!!!! First post.


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2009
The MetaKnight mains placed high with other characters?

This only confims that skill is the predominate factor in winning a tournament.

DOJO got 4th

light and romeo got 13th

yea without meta they aint so tough. plus it allows characters like sonic and whatever to place where they would NORMALLY had meta ben banned. of course diddy/gw/snake/falco/ddd will place high but after that you see some GOOD variety

O.o Not so tough? Seems to me that making top 15 out of a tournament that size means they still are good. I dare say that the one who used SHEIK and got top 15 is plenty tough. Give them a few more weeks with those characters at regular play and they'd be right back to where they were. (I think I said this in another thread. >_>) They're still tough customers from what I can see, and thinking their fangs are gone 'cuz they have no meta might just prove to be many players' undoing.

Granted- You have your data that you're gathering. ^_^ I'm really just putting a little criticism in there. No offense meant.

Cha0tic NiGhTmArE

Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Lakeway(at least 30 minuites from anywhere), TX
LOL. 20 dollar mm, or you gonna scare off like esca?
shiet we can MM, but not for 20. i aint that well off on money, or that confident. im just lettin ya know, no one wants to hear that mouth, but i guess after our match it will be filled with humbel Pie or a fist full a money. either at least i get you to shut the **** up


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Then can we vote pirate ship over norfair?

And I wasnt talking about only for TL. I'm sure a snake would rather go to norfair than rainbow cruise.
My absolute worse hated stage as Snake is actually Brinstar. It owns us.

RC just requires a lot of practice and patience, and Norfair is not bad at all. Those are mostly stages to avoid fighting MK on, but are not bad Snake stages at all.

You just have to learn to adapt your playstyle to the stage, Norfair requires more camping and RC more evasive maneuvers. lawl


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
shiet we can MM, but not for 20. i aint that well off on money, or that confident. im just lettin ya know, no one wants to hear that mouth, but i guess after our match it will be filled with humbel Pie or a fist full a money. either at least i get you to shut the **** up
na, ill just be laughing at how much ya fail...its all good.


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
like i said, i dont care...valley receieved hate for awhile, not by all of course, but never really accepted. i try my best everytime to pt our small region on the map. its like wut dojo does for san angelo. i never show disrespect, and expect none toward me. im never afraid of a match, and me placing top ten should bring out more praises, but i dont get them. but w/e, i love smash, and not gonna care for the support.
You want RGV on the map??

Crew battle dallas or houston and win, your city wont get recognized for one player doing decent at oot tourneys.

You're never gonna gain respect by trash talking on smashboards.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
You misspelled "Xyro".

1 of Roy's Trash Talk statements = over 9000 of Xyros.

THOUGH, if Xyro just looks at you, and just shakes his head, and says nothing, You just failed hard. Not even Roy could do worse. But when it comes to trash talk via speech.

SS Tier

S Tier

G Tier

Its all about quality. ;D


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
Shout outs

1: Razer- Good job kid...i still packed yo lunch on livestream. Ill see you at FS6 ;)
2: Gnes- You didnt teach me diddy like you promised, im not speaking to u right now
3: Phantom X- Very good job on placing, fun hanging with you
*4: Dojo- Same as above
5: Utd Zac- Same as above
5: Hylian- Thanks for giving us a ride and same as above lol
*7: Dphat-Cool chillin with u, cool we squashed the lil beef
9: Espy- Way to **** everyone with Sonic Mr 3001 lol
13: Romeo- I just found it funny seeing a mk using the 2 tier chars below him (snake and falco) at a mk ban tourny ha but good stuff ****** me in friendlies
13: Xyro- Good job running this
17: Ozz- Bad *** falco, i should of played u more for the practice
17: Jerm- Cool seein u again
17: Badnewsbear- Thanks for housing us and fixing my controller
25: Vorugen- Good to finally meet u, fun friendles
25: Sethlon- Ur marth *****, i have a scar on my arm right now
25: Phoenix Alpha- Fun team battles
25: Bwett- cool seeing u
33: Vicki-sexy white girl
33: Seiya- you are cool as hell, we did pretty good in teams i think for our first time meeting and playing together
33: Chaotic- Always...and i mean always glad to see you again. Friendlies next time. more love lol
49: Shok- You were there? Suspectpalm
49: TakeUrLife- we the best commentators and fun friendlies
49: Jack Frost- You are a scrub
49: Nike- Thanks for taking us to austin <3

MAN! The college PX goes to (UT) has some fine girls.

that is all


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
Oh and San Antonio will crew battle a city just to show we got more than espy and kprime


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Random person who took MY silver controller and replaced it with a black one-Thanks, I guess? The black one is in better shape, and I think that silver one was starting to have problems, so...yeah. Enjoy being stupid. :p

Anyone I forgot- sorry!
I don't get a shoutout?

also, that is my controller. I was letting esca use it.
I have yours in my bag, so we'll trade at the next tourney we're both at.

<3's houston panda

DOJO got 4th

light and romeo got 13th

yea without meta they aint so tough. plus it allows characters like sonic and whatever to place where they would NORMALLY had meta ben banned. of course diddy/gw/snake/falco/ddd will place high but after that you see some GOOD variety
romeo is trassshhs

Anyone else find it hilarious that Romeo actually did better at a big tournament when he DIDN'T go MK?
romeo is traaaashssh

romeo...... is trash

Xyro.. most people dont do well without there main. Even with the disadvantage, he placed 4th. He's still pretty tough.

And about norfair and snake.. his down throw ***** there. Rainbow cruise stops snake.
He lost to phantom.

with his secondary.

that matchup is pretty balls though.

and nofair is a tarrrible stage


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
You want RGV on the map??

Crew battle dallas or houston and win, your city wont get recognized for one player doing decent at oot tourneys.

You're never gonna gain respect by trash talking on smashboards.
pfft, if pax came w/ us, we'd be like san angelo w/ 2 great players. right now im getting our crew up.. but idk i beat sethlon n royr, it COULD happen...


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
What's San Antonio?

Ha jk!

<3 Suspect.

To be honest, the RGV isn't much interested for respect and everything. We all have our interesting characters and some of us are just weird (cough broly cough) and just really enjoy the trash talking.

Learn to not take it seriously guys, Broly is just enjoying it.

The RGV loves all the players in Texas and will continue travelling upstate for more tournies.

I'll be seeing you all in the next HOBO and Final Smash (six?) in San Antonio.



Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
I'm not trying to be mean.. but..

Oh and San Antonio will crew battle a city just to show we got more than espy and kprime
At the moment, you guys wont beat houston. Espy is you guy's best player, and I was beating him in a friendly set. Even though its a friendly.. I feel I can still beat him. He's still awesome

pfft, if pax came w/ us, we'd be like san angelo w/ 2 great players. right now im getting our crew up.. but idk i beat sethlon n royr, it COULD happen...
At the moment, you guys wont beat houston.. I think your RGV's best player, and I beat you in a MM.

-I'm houston's worse ranked player..

I still love you all =]


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
I'm not trying to be mean.. but..

At the moment, you guys wont beat houston. Espy is you guy's best player, and I was beating him in a friendly set. Even though its a friendly.. I feel I can still beat him. He's still awesome
we prolly "wont" beat houston but..who knows. I dont know about dallas. I beat houstons best player yesterday and im like 3rd best in SA. Doesnt mean anything, i just know that matchup well. 60% of the other ones i dont. I think kprime is better than espy tho. Espy just has better placings. It would be fun either way and why not try? :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
yea ok jerm...i lost due to the match-up. n we went to last game. bt a loss is a loss, srry i had a headache at the tourny...

Cha0tic NiGhTmArE

Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Lakeway(at least 30 minuites from anywhere), TX
we prolly "wont" beat houston but..who knows. I dont know about dallas. I beat houstons best player yesterday and im like 3rd best in SA. Doesnt mean anything, i just know that matchup well. 60% of the other ones i dont. I think kprime is better than espy tho. Espy just has better placings. It would be fun either way and why not try? :ohwell:
ha i wish Austin had enough players to crew battle XD


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Yes, I would want to do the match also. Crew battles are fun. And maybe saying you guys definitely wont win is too extreme. Sorry. Definitely wont win is something like.. any other state in a 10 v 10 vs texas. xD

And dont sweat it Broly. Thats why I didnt really pressure you to play at hobo 16. But during whobo, I recalled you wanted a rematch. Thats why I asked you. It was really fun fighting you.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
its nice to see the GW on top. Nice on the wario too. Me and DMG where yelling at you on the chat but you still pulled through on the match vs dojo


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Is it just me, or was the bracket seeded badly? Go look on AiB. Dojo and Razer had to play each other 2nd round. Jerm and Praxis had to play like second round. Just an observation.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
I still need to play Broly, but I'm scared I'll have to tell people he beat me :(
you're just lucky you got the not-marth side of the bracket. :p

I had Broly first round, then a bunch of random people, and then broly again.

That set was amazing though. I almost had you, I'll need to play with more strategy next time :) but GG's, I'm not mad I lost it was really good.

but yeah, Broly, RoyR, and Dphat all on the same side is bad news for a wario player :laugh:


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
I wish I had that side. I love fighting marth. But I had fun fighting the people I played.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Is it just me, or was the bracket seeded badly? Go look on AiB. Dojo and Razer had to play each other 2nd round. Jerm and Praxis had to play like second round. Just an observation.
Are mistakes like this actually common in TX?

At WHOBO, Mew2King had Fliphop 1st round in singles. In teams, Mew2King and I fought Dojo and Santi 2nd round...and then DSF and Tyrant in quarters. >_<

It was pretty dumb.

Xyro said someone else seeded teams and didn't know how good some of the teams were...which is why only knowledgable people should see brackets!

I'm not trying to talk trash about Xyro...but........... >_>;

I'd just like to see an explanation. :p


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Magik, the RGV recorded a bunch of matches, so when we put those up we'll post them in the RGV thread and in this one too.

Also, you need to travel with us next time.


@ Inui

There are so many great players in Texas that seeding absolutely every good player apart would take way too long and would be too much trouble.

This is a tournament, and you have to deal with your luck of the draw. It is not a mistake, bad placings happen. That is why they have a loser's bracket.
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