I hate voting with so little information, but it seems like the only way we're going to gain more information is by lynching someone.
In my opinion, that someone should be Mic. His early inactivity seems to me like someone who didn't want to draw attention to himself. I can't know whether this was because he was new to the game or because he was mafia, but there were plenty of other new players who have been substantially more vocal than he has.
Moreover, he hasn't really contributed anything of value to the town. Even recently, when he's been posting more frequently, his posts have been lacking in insights. Again, he's new, so maybe this can be forgiven. But then I consider that Marc has contributed substantively, although so far his contributions have not lead to any results. Of course, no one's gotten any results yet. In any case, I value Marc's experience in similar games to these, and see no reason to think that he is using that experience for the mafia.
Lastly, there's Mic's voting record. It's been all over the place, and he's been very quick to switch his vote when confronted. And, again, this could be a sign of an inexperienced player. It could also be a sign of a mafia member.
On the other hand, the evidence against Marc seems very slim. He went after Virg a bit on day 2, and then Virg was dead on day 3. I think that's very convenient. If I was mafia, playing with a group containing a lot of new players, I might well do the same thing. I can't be sure that Marc's not mafia, but I've seen no reason to think he is. So far literally everyone who has voted for Marc has done so on a "hunch". I have seen nothing even resembling proof.
Now, in playing the Fog I've learned to trust Eor's hunches. It took me a while, but I eventually did. But in the Fog, he always had reasons behind his hunches, even if he didn't tell people about them. So far, I've seen no reason behind this hunch of his. If you've got one, Eor, out with it.
For now,
Vote: Mic