Vote Count
Mediocre (3): Eor, Marshigio, CK
AltF4 (2): Xsyven, Mediocre
Xsyven (1): Matunas
Marshigio (1): AltF4
Not Voting (1): Yeroc
The deadline has passed. 1 player (Marshigio) asked for a deadline extension, and 1 player flirted with the idea (Mediocre), and there has already been one deadline extension, and there is a plurality with only 1 person (Yeroc) not voting. So I'm going to end the day.
Day 5 ends!
You all sit in a circle, toying with musical instruments and making accusations. The remains of the shattered glass have been swept away by the music teacher as you all spent the class passing the instruments around. Suddenly, the PA system dings:
"Mediocre, would you please come to the principals office. You are no longer enrolled in BRoomer High."
Mediocre pulls out a plastic bag full of marijuana, rolls a blunt, borrows a light off of the goth kid, and takes a nice, long breath. He seems to have dropped his guard, and in a friendly fashion he passes the weed around the circle.
"Its been fun." he states as he grabs his stuff and prepares to report to the principal. "It was just a job, you know. If I didn't work for them, they would have taken my stash."
He grabs his bag and walks out the door before the bell rings, wishing luck to the mafia.
"Time to go find Scav."
Mediocre (the stoner), Mafia role-blocker, has been lynched!
Night 5 begins!
Night actions are due by Monday 12 noon EST.