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Havoc in the Hammer Aug 15, Hamilton, Ontario Results


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Awesome! Yes, our sets were definitely the most memorable for me as well. As for tect, I don't think he checks smashboards much. I sent him a message on Facebook, asking him to check his smashboards PMs. His username here is 'tect'; send him a message, and I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to hook up. Warning: his Fox is dangerous!
his marth is up there too now.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
if you _really_ need to get in touch with tect and you can't I have his contact info :)

this tournament was a tonne of fun overall :)


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Wow, thanks for the responses guys. I PM'd both decoy and tect so hopefully that'll put us in touch. Many thanks for your help.


Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2009
SD: Sorry if I seemed kind of unfriendly at the start of our set, I couldn't tell if you were trying to mindgame me before the match and I wanted to keep my focus. From your posts here you seem like a chill guy, in the future I'll be nicer :) Good set, you definitely know what you're doing in Marth vs. Sheik.
LOL no man, no harm done (didnt notice any "unfriendliness"), I should be sry for rushing you to play since I wanted to leave earlier (parents get mad if I'm back too late). Haha sry if I made you think I was mindgaming you, next time I'll be more careful how I greet new opponents =P. Btw your shiek was definately solid, had to put 100% concentration into the matches and be more careful than usual.

Hope to play you again in Sauga!

tect is one of my very good friends...we actually run a decently sized community at queen's, along with a guy that plays a ****ton of 64.

pm me your msn or something, i'll find you tect's contact info.

ps are you going into first year? what res are you living in?
You go to Queens eh? Do you know anybody named Jonathan Lee? He's an asian dude that mains Fox in melee and should play there once a week or sumthin I believe. He tells me he plays against tect all the time and gets owned haha.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
You go to Queens eh? Do you know anybody named Jonathan Lee? He's an asian dude that mains Fox in melee and should play there once a week or sumthin I believe. He tells me he plays against tect all the time and gets owned haha.
yeah jon lee plays all the time. we basically run a school-sanctioned smash club that meets once or twice a week. and yeah tect ***** him haha. and everyone else at queens. i dont know that hes played competitive melee in a while but he was pretty nasty back in his day. i think 7th or so on the eastcoast pr? we dont really have that many competitive smash players, just a lot of casual guys.

were starting to run tournaments next year at queen's, as we got school funding. all three games. so look out for those ottawa/mtl people. toronto too but its a bit farther.


Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2009
yeah jon lee plays all the time. we basically run a school-sanctioned smash club that meets once or twice a week. and yeah tect ***** him haha. and everyone else at queens. i dont know that hes played competitive melee in a while but he was pretty nasty back in his day. i think 7th or so on the eastcoast pr? we dont really have that many competitive smash players, just a lot of casual guys.

were starting to run tournaments next year at queen's, as we got school funding. all three games. so look out for those ottawa/mtl people. toronto too but its a bit farther.
lol unfortunately jon told me he quit smash and now hes only a casual melee player. He plays brawl+ or sumthin I think now o.O. I think he prolly just got owned too much and lost the willpower to get better. Try to get him back in into teh good melee at skool eh =P.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Ayaz: Good Falcon! When you went Mute City I thought you'd try some Peach or Jiggs shenanigans so I went Peach first. I was pretty surprised when you stayed Falcon. The death turnip on the last stock was pretty lucky on my part, but that's just Peach for you. See you next time!
Finally someone from melee remembered me! I look forward to our matches in the future.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
I remember you, I just don't post shoutouts too often lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Fogel, I checked the match and that was definitely Pho's pool match against Ally. Also thanks for the other uploads.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2005
London, ON, Canada
Zen has the grand finals and a few other top matches like losers semis and stuff. He told me he'd upload them a few days ago but he hasn't yet. Maybe he's just busy. He's goin to sauga smash tommorow too so he'll be gone all day :/

The epic commentary shall be epic! :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Ima make some money for school supplies, gotta get **** done with hype.

discover a thousand and one ways to get owned, the mrdoc magic eraser.

mrdoc mrdoc mrdoc ^_^


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Does anyone know who's playing in the following Falcon ditto?


I've got conflicting reports :(

yeah jon lee plays all the time. we basically run a school-sanctioned smash club that meets once or twice a week. and yeah tect ***** him haha. and everyone else at queens. i dont know that hes played competitive melee in a while but he was pretty nasty back in his day. i think 7th or so on the eastcoast pr? we dont really have that many competitive smash players, just a lot of casual guys.

were starting to run tournaments next year at queen's, as we got school funding. all three games. so look out for those ottawa/mtl people. toronto too but its a bit farther.
Yeah, Mikey was definitely one of the best EC players back in the day (probably still is, actually). Having tourneys at Queen's sounds good; let the Ottawa thread know when some are going on because we'd definitely be down!

Fogel, I checked the match and that was definitely Pho's pool match against Ally. Also thanks for the other uploads.
Cool, thanks for the clarification!


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Yeah, Mikey was definitely one of the best EC players back in the day (probably still is, actually). Having tourneys at Queen's sounds good; let the Ottawa thread know when some are going on because we'd definitely be down!


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Hey, So like... it was veeery disorrienting not having my controller at snes, and I seriously miss it :(... could everyone please check (and ask friends to check) if any extra silver controllers have come up?

It has a distinctive scratch on the top by the cord. It looks like a T with two seperate little scratches, the top part of the T looks kinda like a sidways J.

I'm only here a week longer, I don't care who has it or how they ended up with it, I just want it back please. :(
I'm going to be at york this wednesday, and at Dimmy's on saturday...

Incase this doesn't work out, does anyone know a sacred store that actually has new GC controllers?
Does anyone has a stiff no fault controller they would be willing to sell by any chance either?
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