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Hasbro Game Night FIGHT! - The Final Season


Deleted member

1. Skeletor
2. Buzz
3. Snake
4. Vader
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
2. Iron Man
3. Spiderman
4. Buzz Lightyear

As for Pinkie Pie costumes, the original G1 white version for me.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I haven't really participated in this very fun seeming game at all, but I did make a roster of my own with a similar concept!
Honestly a very interesting roster! I love this take on the concept. If you do want to participate in the future, you're more than welcome to as we have plenty of DLC to get through.
(Also, I'm curious to know who the Lion and Witch-girl next to Drizzt are).

On another note, here's the official Stadium Selection for the Beyblade stage.
Bey Arena
Neo Bay Arena
Lion's Lair Stadium
Grand Arena
Rainbow Tree Arena
Surging Arena
Beyblade City
Dome Arena


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022

Going to be getting this out of the way. I will include this in the write-up for Day 58 as well.

Just to clarify: Themed rounds would just be a continuation of what we've been doing in the base game, with selected themes dedicated to getting specific types of characters in the roster.

Free-For-All would be similar to the FazDude FazDude 's All-Star Strife thread, in which there are no restrictions on the characters submitted for every round, but you can only nominate a character once per season, meaning each submission from every user has to be different for every round (though, somebody else can nominate a character you submitted in the next round).

In either case, both will be held in a Season format, so just be aware of that. Also, future Guest rounds will be dependent on which of these two categories win.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. She-Ra
2. Snake
3. Skeletor
4. Thomas the Tank Engine
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2010
Honestly a very interesting roster! I love this take on the concept. If you do want to participate in the future, you're more than welcome to as we have plenty of DLC to get through.
(Also, I'm curious to know who the Lion and Witch-girl next to Drizzt are).
Mayhaps, though I also plan to do some DLC images for my roster as well lol. As for who those characters are- Tasha is the pointy-hatted witch below Drizzt, she's one of the original Gygax era characters who has had spells named after her for a long time (famously she is responsible for a spell of Hideous Laughter), and a couple years back a fairly large rules expansion for fifth edition was named for her, "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything". She later becomes a fey queen called Iggwilv, and she's a daughter of the Baba Yaga. She has historically been used as a villain, but she also has abilities and dubious morality similar to that of high level player spellcasters, so I felt she'd be a good inclusion. At first I actually had Xanathar, and I plan to have Xanathar as DLC, but I decided a spellcaster would be more iconic than a monster for D&D.
And then in the next column are the MTG characters which I chose based on the very scientific process of "Googling, finding characters who look cool and have some unique fighting style that is incredibly obvious and not already filled on the roster, and narrowing it down to two of the original-batch planeswalkers". The leonin with the two-headed axe is Ajani Goldmane, and the pyromancer is Chandra Nalaar, and like, both of those just felt like a good fit, you know?

And then below those two franchises we have Hanazuki and My Pet Monster.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Red
2. Buzz
3. Thomas
4. Mametchi

Lots of good choices. Some of them I feel should be saved for paid DLC like a Marvel character, a Star Wars rep, a LEGO character, etc. I went with those who I feel would be great bonus additions and those who are barely in/never appeared in a platform fighters

Final Stage Line-Up Thoughts

It is a pretty solid line-up in my opinion. Lots of good locations. I wish we got home stages for every character but I'm happy we squeezed in some locations like a Playskool stage, the RoboRally Widget Factory, a Tomica/Plarail stage, etc. There's lots of good locations.

I just hope for DLC, we give homestages to every base game character as some are missing a stage for themselves. Alongside this, I hope we get more Hasbro IPs represented as stage franchises like an Elefun stage, more of the board games Hasbro owns, etc. Basically, more ways to represent unrepresented Hasbro IPs and such. We can even give minorly represented franchises such as the "Represented by assist or item only" franchises a stage. Lots of cool ideas.

Alternate Costumes

Rise of Cobra Scarlett


Play-Doh Alternate Costume Based on Original Play-Doh Packaging


Release Date Reveal Trailer:

A Genesis of Creativity and Fighting!

We start the trailer off with the black screen with the ratings and all. Then, we cut to the dark toy room where the Hasbro family are playing their Dungeons and Dragons campaign with the already revealed fighters and items. We see that the family is just sitting there...bored.

Hasbro Boy: Well um....where do we take everyone now on our journey?

The Hasbro parents shrug. We then see the Hasbro Boy's dad just scratch his head. Then, he comes up with an idea.

We then see the Hasbro Boy's dad's hands grab some board game box containing four strange looking creatures. He takes out all of the components and then we zoom into CGI where we see all the fighters exploring some strange carnival. We see the Power Rangers looking weirdly at some of the rides, Optimus Prime trying to pcik up some cotton candy, Pinkie Pie and her fellow ponies go play the carnival games.

Then, we see in the background a cat with an artist outfit, a strange looking alien, a worm with a dictionary and a starfish with a microphone. They are seen approaching a stage as we hear a voice on some mics.

Voice on the speakers: "Ladies and gentlemen!!!! It's time for the annual Cranium competition! May all the competitors please line up at the start all the way in the back pleaseeeee!"

We see the fighters run over with shadows of people running past them. Everyone is seen at the start of the board but then the Hasbro fighters ecide to see who these mysterious creatures are running the game.

Voice on the speakers: "And now, to begin the annual Cranium competition....please give a warm welcome to...the Cranium gang!!!"

We see the Cranium Gang appear on the stage where we see them appear on the stage.

Optimus Prime: So that's the shadows who we saw!

We see the fighters try to approach them but then, the Cranium gang gets ready to show off their talents.

It then cuts to an introduction screen with the Cranium Gang making a pose with text by it with the announcer saying the Cranium Gang's name and then we cut to gameplay of the Cranium Gang fighting against various fighters and showcasing off the Cranium Board stage.

Hasbro Boy: Each of them seems to do their own thing!

We get more footage of each member's unique style.

Hasbro Dad: It's a four-in-one treat, that's for sure!

We then finally see their Supers.

We cut back to CGI where then we see the fighters all tired out from the Cranium Gang's attacks and creativity. We then see the Cranium Gang take a bow and then get back to their creativity. However, we see Creative Cat try to sculpt with their clay. However, they seem to ran out. Fortunately, the Star Performer points out some...strange green container that was placed there.

We zoom out to the Hasbro family.

Hasbro Boy: So um...the Cranium clay is all dry?

Hasbro Dad: It seems like it...but now....

We zoom back to the CGI where Creative Cat is about to open the green container until...a face shows and it attacks the Cat and it is revealed to be...a Play-Doh container?!?!

It then cuts to an introduction screen with the Play-Doh Container making a pose with text by it with the announcer saying Play Doh's name and then we cut to gameplay of Play-Doh fighting against various fighters and showcasing off the Doh-Doh Island stage.

We then cut to the Supers of the Play-Doh.

It then ends with all the fighters revealed thus far going out into an all-out scuffle. Then, the trailer tries to end on a black screen....but it's a fake out.

We zoom out to the family once again.

Hasbro Dad: It seems like we're getting super creative here on our campaign!

We then see a whole bunch of other Hasbro toys, board games, etc. that the Hasbro Dad is placing down on their table.

Hasbro Mom: Do we want to add more to this story?

Hasbro Boy then nods.

We see the Hasbro Dad add more items to the table.

Then, it cuts to this text that the announcer says:

More Fun to Have in the Game Night Fight!

We first cut to a crib-like stage with a boat being revealed to be the Playskool Crib stage where Tommy Oliver, the Play-Doh Container, Snake Eyes and Pinkie Pie are fighting. We see Pinkie Pie pick up what is revealed to be the Glo-Worm and KO Tommy Oliver with it. But then, the Play-Doh container is being followed around by the now-revealed Diddy Wishingwell assist

We then cut to another stage in a factory being the RoboRally Widget Factory where we see Bumblebee fight against the Cranium Gang, Jem and Mr. Monopoly. We zoom into Bumblebee being followed by Trailcutter and we see Trailcutter's assist function. We then see Mr. Monopoly use what appears to be the Slot Machine item to gain a Super Strong item.

We also cut to the now-revealed Plarail/Tomica World stage with Rita Repulsa, Mr. Potato Head and Starscream fighting on it. We see Mr. Potato Head use the Choro-Q/Penny Racer Car item on Starscream. Then, we see Starscream consume the Giga Pudding item as a newly revealed item.

Finally, we cut to footage of the newly revealed Bop-It Xtreme stage where we see Jason fighting against Cobra Commander. We see Cobra Commader with the Ice Cream Soldier assist and the assist's function on Jason.

We zoom out to the family once more showcasing off all the new characters, stages, items, etc. represented. It finally cuts to the Hasbro Game Night Fight screen with all the 22 revealed fighters and then we see the Cranium Gang and Play-Doh being added to the collection of fighters.

Then....it cuts to a black screen revealing:

Release Date

Copyrights screen.

This trailer reveals:

  • The Play-Doh Container and the Cranium Gang as fighters, their movesets and Supers
  • Cranium Board, Doh-Doh Island, Playskool Crib, RoboRally Widget Factory, Plarail/Tomica and Bop-It Xtreme as new stages
  • Glo-Worm, Slot Machine, Choro-Q/Penny Racer Car and Giga Pudding as new items.
  • Diddy Wishingwell, Trailcutter and Ice Cream Soldier as assists and their functions
Announcer announces names of all new stages, assists and items as well.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 58
Hasbro... Hasbro... Yeah I don't know how to start this day off. BUT, as of this posting, the voting for Guests characters is officially closed! And uh, I have to say, it was one of the most interesting votes I think we've ever had on this thread!

Before we move on:
I set up this poll yesterday, and it will be continuing for the remainder of today. I definitely want to map out how future DLC characters will be added.
Just to clarify: Themed rounds would just be a continuation of what we've been doing in the base game, with selected themes dedicated to getting specific types of characters in the roster.

Free-For-All would be similar to the FazDude FazDude 's All-Star Strife thread, in which there are no restrictions on the characters submitted for every round, but you can only nominate a character once per season, meaning each submission from every user has to be different for every round (though, somebody else can nominate a character you submitted in the next round).

In either case, both will be held in a Season format, so just be aware of that. Also, future Guest rounds will be dependent on which of these two categories win.
And now, the winner needs to be announced. And, if anyone has been paying attention to this vote, it shouldn't surprise you. Out of 15 people who voted, 12 had this character in their top 4 (a whopping 80% of the votes); And, additionally, this character absolutely crushed the votes with 36 points, 11 points ahead of second place (I'll get to that later).
I made sure to recount after I noticed numerous vote changes, and all the math added up. So, without further ado, our final base game character, included via bonus, and the first guest character is:
None other than Skeletor, the star villain of Mattel's Masters of the Universe franchise, and nemesis to the (currently absent) He-Man!
Congratulations to Megadoomer Megadoomer , whom nominated this character, as, once again, nobody else came close!
A MOTU character was absolutely bound to happen, so it doesn't surprise me that Skelly-boy here cracked first place; Well, mostly with the context that He-Man was not a viable vote. Although, I have to say, adding Skeletor before He-Man is very ballsy, yet I can't help but like the idea! Very glad to have Skeletor on board.
Now, moving onto the rest of the vote (specifically the top 5), which honestly surprised me quite a lot...

Unfortunately, second place or beyond won't be joining the roster just yet, but I wanted to highlight this, because in a surprise turn of events, at 25 points, with votes from 8 out of 15 participants (over 50%), our second place winner was...
Solid Snake, the Legendary Mercenary from Metal Gear, and a platform-fighter veteran, having featured in both Smash Bros. and DreamMix World TV Fighters, the latter of which being a crossover between Konami and Takara-Tomy... which means, yes, Snake himself has a crossover history with several characters featured in this game! Definitely must have been a factor in the vote, though in any event, despite not being toy related whatsoever, Snake snuck through the rest of the votes to reach a very respectable runner-up placement. Hats off to AlRex AlRex , as this was a formidable vote; Snake and Skeletor held the lead for quite a while.

Eventually, third place began to pick up the pace; They didn't quite catch up to Snake or Skeletor, but were able to land 20 points from 9 people (interestingly, this was more than Snake), and a very fitting character, all things considered: Going to Infinity and Beyond, it's...
Buzz Lightyear, who honestly needs no introduction. Again, he won't be joining the base roster, but I wanted to give a hats off to Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario as this character fought hard in the votes. Given that Buzz himself is a toy, featured in a movie series with Hasbro's very own Mr. Potato Head (and Mrs., for that matter), and Hasbro and Disney's long-lasting partnership, this isn't too surprising.

And, just to round out the top 5...
LEGO Minifigures (12 Points)
She-Ra (10 Points)

Out of the 14 submissions in this round, these were the only characters to reach double digits in the votes.
Skeletor: 36
Solid Snake: 25
Buzz Lightyear: 20
LEGO Minifugres: 12
She-Ra: 10
Spider-Man: 9
Red: 9
Darth Vader: 6
Iron Man: 5
Thomas the Tank Engine: 5
Mametchi: 4
Sonic the Hedgehog: 1
Super Combination Robot: 0
So, to analyze the statistics: 3 out of the top 5 originated as Toys or from Toy-Centric franchises (2 of which being from the same one), 1 out of 5 is canonically a toy, totaling in 4 out of the top 5 being Toy-Centric characters; The only outlier is Snake, whom is eligible via having crossed over with Takara properties in the past. Licensed Hasbro Characters (i.e. Toys they own the licensing to) did not make it very well in the votes; Iron Man and Darth Vader did not crack the top percentile of votes, with only Spider-Man doing so.

With this in mind, I am feeling that making the Guest rounds more Toy Centric going forward is the right way to go; However, it is possible to see non-Toy characters still make it in, as the demand is clearly though. With that said, a further discussion will likely be held in the future since we now have a proper vote to work off.
But, we still need to work our how DLC Rounds will be held, so if you have not already, please vote in the strawpoll above.

Moving on...
Open Discussion: How do you feel about the Guest Vote Results?
Actually, I may as well hold this now; How do y'all feel about these results? Any surprises in the votes? Any guests you wish made it in instead, or were atleast nominated? And, more importantly, how should this influence future Guest rounds? I did say this round would be a test for what type of Guests are most in-demand, and it is seemingly centered around Toys and Past Crossovers rather than Licensed Characters or Rival Franchises. Is this reflective of what you want to see in the future?

Job: Nominate a home stage for Skeletor!
Pretty self explanatory!

Job: Nominate ONE-TWO Costumes!
Keeping this job from yesterday open, mostly so we can see some more nominations drip in. If you already submitted yesterday, you cannot do that today; I want to keep this a bit more simple for the vote later on!

Job: Create a Jace Beleren Moveset!
Continuing this from yesterday; If anyone has any ideas, please feel free!


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
I feel Skeletor deserves to be in this game. Although I would have much preferred for bigger names to be saved for later Guest Characters for Paid DLC, Skeletor is a fine start. I really hope we do at least one Licensed Character and one character from a Rival Franchise though but Toys and Past Crossovers work fine as well.

Stage for Skeletor:

Castle Greyskull


Basically, the layout of this stage is based on the playset itself as well as the location in Eternia. Specifically, you are inside the castle. It's a huge stage with walkoffs as you are fighting in the main foyer with ladders, platforms, etc. There is an elevator as well as a trapdoor to trap fighters in as well. Lots of cool trap-based hazards to dodge as you fight through this iconic Masters of The Universe location!


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 59
No real results to go over from yesterday, so I will be skipping right into the votes! (Also if you're wondering what the red coloring means, it's for Mattel).
Only 2 MOTU Stages yesterday, though both are the most obvious ones to include!
There's no real need to do a ranked vote, so just simply vote via strawpoll!
Honestly I think Castle Grayskull could be saved for He-Man. I'm more likely to give Snake Mountain my vote given it is Skeletor's base of operations, but regardless vote for what you feel is best!

And also... the costumes from the previous 2 days jobs are in! Unfortunately we didn't get many submissions, but it's enough for a classic Yes/No vote
As is the usual practice for these kinds of votes, simply list them all out and type "Y" or "N" next to each name. I'll put my votes in as a seperate post

On another note...
Screenshot 2023-02-09 134929.png
Themed Rounds will he happening for DLC! This is going to lead into another vote, which is why I brought it up here, but I wanted to have an open discussion first before it happens. Otherwise...
Job: How many characters should be in the first DLC Season?
Similar to how we decided the number of characters in the base game, we will also be deciding how many characters will be in the first season. I figure to just focus on one season of DLC for now, and using the progress we make here as a template for the later seasons.
For clarification, this number will include both First and Third party characters.

Open Discussion: How should Themes be decided?
This will also help set-up the DLC rounds we will be having.
We could do a simple Hasbro round and Guest round interchangeably, but I figure if people want Themed rounds they want something more specific. I was debating whether to have the Themes be their own nomination periods, similar to DC vs. Marvel, but I'm not entirely sure of that. I did consider picking out the themes myself, continuing along a similar path I followed in the base game, but I can see that itself being controversial, so I'm leaving it up for discussion.

Additionally, this would also be a good time to talk about repeated themes. I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in DLC rounds for Transformers, WotC, MLP, Power Rangers, Takara-Tomy, etc., but those are all definitely branches of Hasbro in which new characters could (and should) be pulled from; Additionally we could be more broad with DLC rounds for Oddballs, Obscurities, All-Women, etc., but again it depends on the demand for repeated themes.
In any case, I'm sure a short consensus will come soon.

Job: Nominate Hasbro/Takara/Mattel Items!
Wanted to leave a little something for y'all to sink your teeth in, so go wild with any remaining items you want to see in the base game or bonus Skeletor addition.

Movesets and Arcade Endings are Open Indefinitely for Any Character
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Rom: Y
Megatron: Y
Scarlett: N
Classic Play-Doh: Y
Skeletor: Y
Snake Eyes: N

In case you're wondering why I voted no to the Rise of Cobra outfits... I don't like the movie


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Yes for all costumes,except Scarlett

The DLC season i think would be 6 characters,3 first party and 3 third party or 4 first party and 2 third party
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Feb 9, 2023
Marvel Rom: Y
Gen 2 Megatron: Y
Rise of Cobra Scarlett: N
Classic Play-Doh: Y
1989 Skeletor: N
Rise of Cobra Snake Eyes: Y

If this was a typical vote, mine would go to the Classic Play-Doh Cup.

Job #1: I think there should be six fighters in the first DLC season. And if we're going for both in and out of Hasbro, then an even number should be the goal.

Discussion: On deciding themes, I would want to do two Hasbro themes for every non-Hasbro theme. So, if it's six fighters, four of them should be from Hasbro. That's over half the pack for the main focus of this fighting game exercise.
But I'd also want to tackle repeated themes. Not just for those already mentioned, but also for the new franchises. Like, imagine a Masters of the Universe day for something like this.

Job #2: I choose the following Items:
Elefun: Shoots a random Item drop.
Perfection: Place this game down on the floor, wait five seconds, and all the pieces start flying everywhere. Unfortunately, you may also take damage from the debris.
VideoNow Disc: Picking up one of these discs unlocks a new scene from one of Hasbro's film or TV adaptations, from MLP: Friendship Is Magic to Family Game Night to Beast Wars: Transformers.
Rubik's Cube: Throwing this at an opponent distracts him or her, as they're trying (and failing) to solve the Cube. This leaves them open to further attacks.
Toy Box: Summons a helper from one of Hasbro's franchises, or one from a third-party property just the same.

Unfortunately, I could not help you guys on the movesets.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I do wanna bring this up, but is there any objection to having 2 Transformers characters as DLC? More or less an OCD thing but my preference is really to have an even amount of Bots and Cons per side, though I have no idea how this will play out during DLC

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
I do wanna bring this up, but is there any objection to having 2 Transformers characters as DLC? More or less an OCD thing but my preference is really to have an even amount of Bots and Cons per side, though I have no idea how this will play out during DLC
We have too much only one would do

Deleted member

I do wanna bring this up, but is there any objection to having 2 Transformers characters as DLC? More or less an OCD thing but my preference is really to have an even amount of Bots and Cons per side, though I have no idea how this will play out during DLC
Depends on how many seasons we do. Two in every season is way to much but two in one season or one in one sesson one in another might work
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Depends on how many seasons we do. Two in every season is way to !duh but two I'm one season or one in one sesson one in another might work
That's what I'm thinking. Probably not for S1 but if I end up being the one to organize the rounds I'll likely shuffle them into another season so they're back to back.

As of right now, I'm planning a minimum of 2 and then waiting to see if there is demand for a 3rd. I don't think I'll do more than 3.

On that note....
I was also thinking of doing a mini-season dedicated to Mattel somewhere down the line. Mostly because of how much content it has to offer, and that itself would count as a "3rd Season".
Again, it depends on where we choose to go with this. Right now it's looking like we'll have 6 per Season and atleast 2, so that's my basis.

On that note, if there is interest in a Mattel DLC Season (Mini or Full), I would like to know from the participants in this thread. They certainly have the backlog to warrant it
Feb 9, 2023
I would totally be interested in a full Mattel DLC season, and even a mini-season dedicated to another third-party toymaker. That is, if there's even a toyline not under the Hasbro and Mattel umbrellas.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I would totally be interested in a full Mattel DLC season, and even a mini-season dedicated to another third-party toymaker. That is, if there's even a toyline not under the Hasbro and Mattel umbrellas.
LEGO would be an alternate qualifier for this. I feel like the go-to for a LEGO pick is Emmett, but we could also branch out to other popular Lego mascots. Lloyd (Ninjago), Tahu (Bionicle), Chase McCain (City), etc.
Granted, LEGO is a brand where I feel like just having one character would be enough, but again, it depends on what people want to see. I mostly am bringing in Mattel since they seem to be more popular and have more unique characters under their disposable


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Yes to all costumes.

I feel we should have 6 characters in the first DLC season (4 Hasbro characters and 2 Guest Characters). 6 is a fair number for the first season for sure. I do not think we should have seasons solely dedicated to guest characters. However, we should go all out on their content once they are added like with assists, stages, items, etc.

I would not object having 2 Transformers characters as DLC per your reasoning PinkFlare PinkFlare but for themes, we should do it similar to the Marvel vs DC thread that we decide on the themes.


Mattel Items to come with Skeletor Update:

Magic 8 Ball


A special guest item from Mattel. A fighter can pick up this ball of fortune and shake it. There's a 50/50 chance for your fighter to recieve a stat buff. If you get one is up to the Magic 8 ball....you better hope fortune is in your favor! Basically, a RNG dependent item that will come in the Skeletor update.

Emerald Staff (Masters of The Universe)


Another guest item from Mattel representing Skeletor's home universe of Masters of The Universe. When a fighter is granted this staff, they will get a magical aura that will allow them to be able to have more air time, useful for recovering in the air and such. It's great to add extra jumps to help you recover for sure just as how the Emerald Staff is a magical staff that grants a user the ability to fly!

Hasbro/Tomy Toys:

Koosh Ball (Koosh)


A weak item and it spawns frequently. You simply pick up the ball and throw it. You can throw it multiple times but it has extremely weak knockback.



A toy made by TOMY that I thought should be a last-minute base game addition. Basically, this item spwans rarely and the fighter can control this big object allowing them to pick up a fighter which allows for the fighter controlling the Armatron to attack them more frequently. In fact, you can attack the Armatron to cause it to move while it is holding a fighter so you have a better chance of knocking the fighter you picked up out of the stage! Great tool for KOing.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 60
Just to briefly wrap up the costume vote from yesterday... Every costume will be added except for Scarlett's Rise of Cobra outfit!
Rom: 6 Yes, 1 No
Megatron: Unanimous Yes
Scarlett: 3 Yes, 4 No
Play-Doh: Unanimous Yes
Skeletor: 6 Yes, 1 No
Snake Eyes: 6 Yes, 1 No

Additionally, the stage vote has wrapped up for our first MOTU stage, and it's none other than...
The iconic battlegrounds of the original series, Castle Grayskull, will be seeing inclusion! Congratulations to AlteredBeast AlteredBeast , whom nominated this stage! With 3 votes against 2 it made it in over Snake Mountain!

Additionally, it seems to be unanimous agreement that our first seasons (and the seasons there-after) will have 6 fighters! Which means, officially, 6 more characters will be joining the fight from the base roster! Well, that was obvious I suppose.
We got plenty of new item submissions after I started to include Mattel content, so let's look over what we got!
Like we did for the Costume previously, vote Y/N on each one of these! I feel like this will be out last set of base game items, as by next week I am hoping to officially move into DLC. Speaking of which...
Job: Nominate a Hasbro theme for DLC!
We did discuss it a little, and I was planning on having a full on vote, but in the end I think you all deserve to have a say in this. So, go ahead and submit a theme for our upcoming DLC characters round! This will influence which characters ultimately end up making it based on the theme's criteria!
Additionally, you can submit a total of two themes for this job!

Open Discussion: Guest Themes
Based on previous discussion, we're likely going to have 4 Hasbro Characters and 2 Guest Characters per season. I will be focusing on which Hasbro themes will be happening, as Guests themes are a bit more of a special case.
I did think about it, but there are still multiple options for this that I have no decided yet. We could only do 1 Guest job this season, with the top two winners being the ones to make it in; This job would ideally have a more broad theme.
But, if you have any alternate suggestions on the potential Guest DLC Job, let me know! We could definitely go with something more specific like a Masters of the Universe job if that is in demand, or just stick to the Infinity Crisis format of 1 No-Holds-Barred job with 2 winners!

Job: How many Stages will be in each DLC Season?
We have 6 fighters for the first season, but how many new stages will accompany them? I was thinking about 8, so one stage for each new fighter and 2 unrelated ones for any fun ideas that don't fit the characters, but I have not fully decided, so it's up to you!!

Job: Nominate one-two Costumes!
Felt a little bored so I'm gonna fit this in!
Feb 9, 2023
Elefun: Y
Perfection: Y
VideoNow Disc: N
Hasbro's Rubik's Cubs: Y
Toy Box: N
Revolver: Y
Magic 8 Ball: Y
Emerald Staff: Y
Koosh Ball: N
Armatron: N

I said no to the VideoNow Disc and Toy Box because it would delay the DLC, even though I want them to get in. Maybe for the sequel...

Job #1: Hasbro Themes
I nominate The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers rep and non-Power Rangers Saban Brands rep to the fight. They're technically owned by Hasbro now, and the former counts due to eOne.

Discussion: Why not a No-Holds-Barred battle for all of Mattel, giving us three representatives of Hasbro's archrival in the toy industry?

Job #2: Stage Selection
I would keep it small at 6 stages, one for each fighter. Let's save the non-fighter stages for Season 2 or later.

Job #3: Costumes
I'll come back to this after looking at the roster we have.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Yes to all items except Elefun, as I think he should be playable, and the Toybox.

Peppa ending:
The scene begins at Madame Gazelle's nursery, with both Peppa's class and George's in attendance.
Narrator: "It's show and tell day at the nursery"
Gazelle: "So Peppa, would you like to tell the class what you got up to over the half term?"
Peppa walks up to Madame Gazelle
Peppa: "On my half term, I met some of the greatest heroes in the world!"
Narrator: "Peppa seems quite proud of her accomplishments!"
Gazelle: "Wow! Would you mind telling us more?"
Peppa: "Of course! You see, they were no match for me in a duel!" (obliviously)
wop wop everybody except Peppa's eyes shrink as they look blank.
second of silence
Gazelle: "Umm... do you have any souvineers?"
Peppa: "Of course!"
Peppa runs off and back, proudly presenting a coconut like mechanical object when she returns "Taa-daa!"
Edmond: "Oh, that's the Matrix of Leadership! It contains the soul of an omnipotent god called Primus, and can create new life!"
wop wop, more awkward silence and faces
Narrator: "Edmond is a clever clogs!"
Everybody falls on the floor and laughs
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Just to put in my item votes:
  • Elefun: N
  • Perfection: Y
  • VideoNow Disc: Y
  • Hasbro's Rubik's Cube: Y
  • Toybox: N
  • Revolver: Y
  • Magic 8 Ball: Y
  • Emerald Staff: Y
  • Koosh Ball: Y
  • Armatron: Y
Voted no on Elefun; Functions too similarly to the Play-Doh Container item that we have. Also went no on the Toybox as our Assist system is moreso Fraymakers based... perhaps I should put that down as a description for the front page.

Discussion: Why not a No-Holds-Barred battle for all of Mattel, giving us three representatives of Hasbro's archrival in the toy industry?
I thought about this; I feel like it's pretty warranted for Mattel to have their own round honestly and I wouldn't mind if the first season guests was dedicated to them.
But... going off of what KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 said in the past, doing rounds like that are also kind of tricky, because it's usually in these cases that the most obvious characters win (I.e. He-Man and Barbie being the predictable winners of a Mattel focused round). It's not really something I'm opposed to, though, since I do feel some obvious characters are ones that need to happen anyway. It is really dependent on what the thread wants to see in terms of interactivity and final results.

Honestly, this could just be a case of me overthinking it. I may just do an open-ended Guest job like I did for the bonus, albiet with a little more criteria to focus on Toy-centric guests/Past crossovers since that's this thread seems to favor.

Now, as for my submissions...

Theme 1: Second Series Characters (Double Dip)
What do I mean by this?
Essentially, this is a round dedicated to series that are already represented on the base roster. I feel as if a lot of popular requests will be coming from the major IPs we have on the roster already (i.e. Power Rangers, MLP, Transformers, etc.), so having a round dedicated to getting a character from a currently present series feels fitting. This could be a chance to get a major character we missed the first time around, or get a secondary character for a series that only has one (Rom, Peppa Pig, Beyblade, etc.). The options are really open here and given how some of the most popular Hasbro characters left are from the series we already have, this feels warranted to me.

On the flip side...

Theme 2: Unrepresented Series
Getting a character from a series that isn't on the roster is also equally warranted! Note that this only applies for the roster- if the series only has a stage or item or assist or whatnot, it'd still be eligible! But yes, there are also plenty of leftover characters or fighter ideas from series that aren't on the roster, including some major names that didn't quite make the cut the first time around, and new series are always a must, so a round dedicated to getting this criteria specifically marked off, sounds like a good idea to me.

Fun fact but this was a round I at one point planned for the base game; In fact it was the only round I decided to cut. It didn't happen primarily because new series came in at a very natural rate for the base game so I felt it wasn't necessary; For DLC this is likely to be a different story, so it makes sense to me to get this out now.

P.S. Both these rounds will account for Takara-Tomy IPs as well. Honestly I do feel we're a bit lacking on Takara rep outside of Transformers but that might have to be left for another day

Classic Animation Megatron

(Note: Since Megatron was a gun in the original series, this costume will mostly follow along the lines of the Devastation design, which slightly altered the classic animation model to be a proper tank).
Wild Force Jennifer Scotts

I wanna give this character a proper costume that isn't solely a recolor.
KImberly actually has the most alternate designs for a Pink Ranger... hindsight being 20/20, perhaps we should've gone with her instead? (Probably not lol)
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Yes to all items except Elefun and Toybox for same reasons PinkFlare PinkFlare said.

Hasbro Themes for DLC Fighter Submission Rounds:

Non Dungeons and Dragons/Magic: The Gathering Wizards of The Coast Rep.

I feel Wizards of the Coast should have another fighter on the roster since the WOTC reps we have on the roster are from D&D and M:TG. A bit more expansion is deserved for this subsiduary of Hasbro.

Board Game/Game Rep

Another fun theme I do not think we did during the inital newcomer rounds for base game. Board games/games are a huge part of Hasbro's identity so this can be a fun theme as well.

Guest DLC Themed Jobs:

I do think for Guest DLC, we should maybe have themes to make the submission rounds more challenging, yet fun.

A few ideas I have:

  • Submit a character from a rival toy company
  • Submit a character from a brand licensed by Hasbro
  • Submit a character from a brand driven by toys
Just some ideas I have but I am open to Guest DLC being a free-for-all as well.

Stages for DLC:

8 sounds pretty solid to me for sure. It sounds fairly resonable and provides enough fanservice.

Alternate Costume Submissions:

Rich Uncle Pennybags (Criminal)


Peppa Pig Fairy Costume



Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Elefun: N
Perfection: Y
VideoNow Disc: N
Hasbro's Rubik's Cubs: Y
Toy Box: N
Revolver: Y
Magic 8 Ball: Y
Emerald Staff: Y
Koosh Ball: Y
Armatron: Y

Guardian Form Lord Zedd

Gold Zeo Ranger Jason Lee Scott
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