So, just got done playing some multiplayer. Played some big team infinity slayer as well as some dominion gameplay. So far, so good, been having a blast.
But I do have a couple of beefs with the multiplayer. For one, I notice at how a lot of games can be one sided often. If your team has the better players, then you are gonna win a lot more frequently. So, I'm gonna anticipate a whole lot of stacked teams in the future. The game tends to favor the better player too much, as it feels like the losing team has to constantly climb a steep mountain without any climbing equipment. (Not a bad thing, but it is also not a good thing. The best news is that when games are close, those are the best games. Sadly, this doesn't happen all too often, as the game rewards better players/teams too much.)
Promethian Vision. Love it. It also got a nerf in that it drains fast, and every time you turn it off, it has a cool down before you can use it again, even if it has charge left. Plus, a nice little red laser comes out of your Spartan's helmet to show that you are using it. It is not very noticeable though. (The red laser from the helmet, that is.)
Due to the how weapons spawn on maps, it can be easy for a vehicle to stay dominant for some time. Vehicles can still be put in check, but they can ruin your day for a good while.