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Halo Game - Ovah


Sep 30, 2010
Also, Xsword, where were you for all of yesterday? Why don't I remember any of your stances? What do you think of the game as it stands now?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
I'm kinda peeded that Gotenks keeps recruiting players that get killed off. Oh well, I guess the claim is believable now.

Swiss and GBoy BOTH need tampons IMAO.

PM this is pretty much saying nothing.
It's saying we think he's most likely telling the truth, except that it's not confirmed. We've decided that he's probably telling the truth based on the most likely circumstances. How is this saying nothing?

By the way, Mentos, do you at least acknowledge the fact that some serial killers are not required to kill day 1? I (Edrees) have personally played as SK who didn't have to kill night 1. I was able to make town think I'm vig by doing so. We believe your claim because of the crumbs and because vig didn't shoot n1, but that doesn't mean we are going to consider you confirmed town. Just that we see enough to think someone else should be the play for the day. But you should acknowledge that mafia games exist where SK doesn't have to kill everyday, and thus you should acknowledge this doesn't confirm you as town.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Seriously dude wtf are you doing? And why wouldn't I be serious? Don't bother to answer if your post is going to be as ******** as the one you just made. Instead how bout you just join me in the Regal wagon. You think he's scum, yea? Or have your thoughts changed since the ages ago you've actually said something useful.
So I love how you jumped my question by calling me a bad player, and then telling me to join your bogus wagon. What's with this peer pressure game you've been playing? SSBF had thoughts that Regal was mega-scum, Sold2 had thoughts that Regal was town. So we think he's town because SSBF is gone.

"I may be cruising, but you're not pressuring me well enough! *insert more cruising here*"

This entire post is stanceless and more cruising. Fans, who do you think is scum right now?
I was accusing CottonLicky of saying something easy to cash in town points, and to have a safe spot to land his vote later. And really from my stance, I know I've fit into so many obvious scumtells that it shocks me that someone can just stop at "need more from you." Also, that's the answer to your question too.

I disagree, but I don't think you'll be convinced by my reasoning. Either way FFS pretty much ignored that possibility instead of arguing against it which I don't like at all.
Not to mention, if it was a vig, there were so many people that needed to get shot N1, why would they withhold their shot. I can't imagine a townie sacrificing town's lynches so that he can save face when he claims.
Really I've had 1 post so far today, and I really think people may have just ignored it entirely. Or you're trying to spread suspicion in the wrong places. If I had skipped over it, why would it make you feel bad about me?
Xsword, FFS, where were you yesterday? I know half of FFS had to leave, but we're all hydras here.
The Sold2 half of FFS left, the SSBF part was inactive largely due to the reason he left the game, he needs to focus on schoolwork. Also I believe I mentioned that I really didn't care for the DH or PM lynches, but nobody wanted to look elsewhere (good thing they didn't I guess). Ryker was just inactive and nowhere, DH looked overwhelmed by his situation. Again, I find myself agreeing with PM's opinions too often to think them scum, despite the nice calls Regal made on their contradictions.

1-shot Vig observation by mentos is a good one. I still think SK and at least we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Best to assume the worst about our little killer.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA

Vig/SK killed Spag, Mentos is town.

Vig/SK killed Chuckie, Mentos is scum (killed Spag himself while breadcrumbing recruit).

Unfortunately, only the vig knows what really happened here. =/ We'll have to leave it at that, but remember this in case the vig claims at a later point or someone claims some kind of tracker role.

For now I'm going to drop the Mentos case on the belief that the former happened. But we could have an SK that killed Chuckie, and I'm not discounting the possibility.

@ FFS, I do believe I asked you a question, I would like an answer. I appreciate that you like me, but I'd rather know, who do you think is scummy?


Sep 30, 2010
Okay, so you didn't care for PM or DH lynches. Who would you have liked to see lynched yesterday? Who would you like to see lynched today?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Who do people not like answering questions today? :c

What specific things did Spag have your back on that made you feel he was the pasta to your parmesan?

Swiss sure got a lot of holes, amirite? :awesome:

This entire post is stanceless and more cruising. Fans, who do you think is scum right now?
@ FFS, I do believe I asked you a question, I would like an answer. I appreciate that you like me, but I'd rather know, who do you think is scummy?
Okay, so you didn't care for PM or DH lynches. Who would you have liked to see lynched yesterday? Who would you like to see lynched today?
@ FFS, I do believe I asked you a question, I would like an answer. I appreciate that you like me, but I'd rather know, who do you think is scummy?

mayBrie I'll just keep reiterating these quotes till Cheesy and FFS respond.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I love the Smargz question being sandwiched in all those quotes PM :p.

Oh, and if I'm not mistaked, FFS was on Spag yesterDay.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Yes, I know some SK's aren't compulsory, in general they are though. I think another important thing to look at is game size in that respect, mafia having 3 people is a solid balance number, if you add an sk that means one mislynch puts town in mylo if both SK and maf hit town at night(8v1v3, mislynch+2 deaths=5v1v3, with a mislynch unless maf is shot by SK that's game). You could take out a mafia member, but that would almost make it broken against mafia. That's a point I forgot to make at first, but balance wise in a setup this size it's very tough to have an sk and keep everything balanced.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. I know that there's a whole argument that playing off of flavour is stupid bla bla bla, but check this out:

Swords said:
he [DH] is sniped by spaghebti
Dark Horse was SNIPED by spaghebti. I didn't look much into this cuz I don't care about Halo much at all. But...

Swords said:
Spaghebti, (marine sniper, Vanilla townie)
He was the marine SNIPER. The same one who HAMMERED Dark Horse.

Would you say that it's possible to distinguish the flavour of the player by how they died?

Spag and Chuckie were deaths that were indistinguishable, unfortunately, so there's nowhere to go from there. But let's see how Forever Zero died (going off the (I see it as obvious) assumption that the Mafia NK'd em):

Swords said:
ForeverZero (frozenflame/Overswarm) (Marine specialist, Vanilla townie) killed by plasma weaponry N1
Is there anything in the flavour that would have a bad guy using plasma weaponry? Would it be the Spec-ops elite (DH's flip)? Am I just being overanalytical? This seems like super good shiz, especially since, obviously, Swords is managing the game around flavour, based off of the death of DH.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh, and Chuckie hammered Moriarty, so the fact that Emile (Chuckie) shot em in the abdomen is just more fuel for the fire, as I see it.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Pretty sure Swiss already went over that. There's nothing we can get from it. Swords left out how spag and chuckie were killed for a reason.

Need to look into Mentos' breadcrumb a bit more. Seems odd to me that PM is putting mentos off, when yesterday they felt he should be a sure play if he didn't recruit. Why have you changed your mind PM? How does a BC change anything?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
#325. It's interesting but personally I don't see what connections could be made through it.

@ FFS, I do believe I asked you a question, I would like an answer. I appreciate that you like me, but I'd rather know, who do you think is scummy?
I was accusing CottonLicky of saying something easy to cash in town points, and to have a safe spot to land his vote later. And really from my stance, I know I've fit into so many obvious scumtells that it shocks me that someone can just stop at "need more from you." Also, that's the answer to your question too.
Really I've had 1 2 posts so far today, and I really think people may have just ignored it entirely.


Sep 30, 2010
Sold, are you saying CottonLicky is scum because he doesn't find you scummy enough?

*head hurts*

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
PM said:
It's saying we think he's most likely telling the truth, except that it's not confirmed. We've decided that he's probably telling the truth based on the most likely circumstances. How is this saying nothing?
Just because the fact that he's no completely cleared should be obvious. What you're basically saying is,"We think he's not scum, BUT he still might be scum". I mean, why even post that?

@SBoy: I recently got a girlfriend, and IIRC I had to study a lot during Day 2. Don't know why you don't remember anything I did Day 2. That Day I was fine with either a PM or DH lynch, butfor most of the Day I preferred DH's lynch.

Right now I'm kinda worried about the position where in tbh, as the the three hot button players (Swiss, Gotenks, and PM) all seem kinda cold to me right now. Swiss because I can't really see him and DH as buddies. Gotenks because of his crumb, and PM because he went after DH. I remember someone saying that PM's vote was very safe, I have to check up on that. If that's true then PM could definitely of been bussing DH/tHE-MAN.

I have no idea about any Halo flavor. Last Halo game I played was the 1st one, and that was years ago.


Sep 30, 2010
Xsword, how about contributing something that's not just sheeping and jumping on whatever wagon is hot at the moment? There are three other players you could be looking at.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
oh missed some posts - Swiss already talked about it but if no-one noticed he could have easily spread his crumbs over several players then just quoted whichever he wanted

@gboy: your play is kinda sickening my right now, Please don't quote me out of context like that.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Right I'm back, and am going to re-answer everything toDay.

The Bed half of this hydra went inactive. He said he'd try and catch up a few days ago but haven't heard anything since.

To answer the 'omg swiss i fort u logged off' point - I think it's users active in the last 15 mins. There's an invisible mode anyway, I could have used that. And why would I have lied about logging off? :| God**** stop saying such banal stuff on me. I will seriously rage if you keep on doing this - I hate being called an alignment for the wrong reasons.

Swiss you're stumblin' bud :p

Why did you keep your vote on the-man when he went inactive? Even though you felt PM and Gotenks were just as scummy and more?
This was answered yesterDay. I will answer it again. I left my vote on the-man as I just did. There was no tangible reason. Yes I could have voted PM, yes I probably should have forced the wagon sooner, but I didn't. I didn't vote Gotenks in that day as, if he were scum, I was expecting him to make a particular slip which he didn't wrt his recruiting malarkie (I'll not say what this slip was - take my word or don't). 'Course recruiting the dead guy was convenient but was not a scum tell imo. This is backed up by what I said early D2. Go read if you wish. I believe I made a decent point to Gboy when he accused me of bussing DH, it's not much of a bus if I just leave a vote sat there all day, is it? Also I could easily have swapped to a PM lynch, who would be an unknown lynch as opposed to a scum lynch - but I didn't, even when the reasoning and out was given to me. I'm not saying this is a town-tell, but I could have easily got the lynch switched around, instead I questioned Zen's logic as I believed it to be false.

1) Swiss I feel you have yet to fully explain some things. I may have missed some stuff as I haven't reread D2 yet, but even if I have, please answer everything to the fullest and in serious swiss mode.
What did you mean in your #118 by saying that Smarboy choked in their #118. Chuckie asked about it all D1, but you never gave a solid answer. You just kept saying choke = smarfail. lol.

2) Also you told Smarboy to keep in mind that this game had experienced hydras. Implying that his pressuring of the-man was weak. Chuckie mentioned it in his #122. Why were you discouraging Smarboy from scumhunting?

3) You said D1 that Gotenks appeared to be bussing Mori, and you wanted to go after Gotenks IF Mori flipped scum. What about Gotenks' posts made you feel like he was bussng Mori? You said you'd like Gotenks a lot more if Mori flipped town yet Gotenks remained in your top 3 scumpics for D2. Why?

4) What about your post asking Gotenks who he recruited lacked pro-towniness to it?

5) Also I warned you earlier to state whether or not you had a PR so that when you are seen visiting someone in the night, it would be given consideration. Do you still want to stand by not having a PR? You sure all you did was go for a walk in the park :3?
1 & 2)
FF here. Back from V/LA. Wanna touch on a few things.

@ Chuckie: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=11382357&postcount=172

I viewed Regal Cheese's post as an attempting to get smarboy to take a hard stance, or at least gauge exactly how strong thei stance was. They even explained that afterward. Furtermore they didn't really offer much comment insofar as the scumminess of smarboy's stance was concerned, only their dissappointment that they didn't take a harder stance.
I believe this quote sums it up quite nicely. I also explained this to Smar later as well. I gave him the opportunity to crank up the pressure by saying it wasn't a pressure vote etc (experienced players will not fall for basic pressure D1, we needed to bring out he big guns so to speak). He did not - thus he choked. This was explained D1.

3) I saw it that Gotenks appeared to be bussing Mori - yes. I felt that he was pushing very hard for a largely inevitable lynch in the light that moriarty doesn't ever drop the picture act. I felt that this was bussing of a useless scum buddy. Clearly I was wrong. Gotenks was scummy for his own reasons as well, I suggest you look at his D1 play. The bussing issue wa sone I felt strongly about - and only found out he wasn't bussing at the end of D1, thus the earliest I could possibly not call him 'possibly not def. scum' would be D2.

4) I should have asked "did you recruit" and then worked from there. Turns out it wouldn't have mattered, but had he recruited a player still alive then the question becomes too much info too quickly.

5) I explicitly stated I did not say if I had a power role, you know this. I question why you then drop the line "Do you still want to stand by not having a PR?" - I never said this. You are attempting to bait me into an answer you want to receive, this is not scumhunting - this is trying to trap me. I would also question the fact that you are the only person here to have claimed NOT having a power role - so how would you (bearing in mind our (possible) mason recruiter has NOT recruited you and other players) possibly know any player would have the ability to see if I WAS visiting or not? This seems like a lot of speculation from a VT. I would also highlight the fact that the mafia reporter has flipped. A reporter is a role which allows you to see if the targeted player is at home or not on a given night.

I also notice I was on your 'definitely town' list late D2 after answering the last swathe of questions you threw at me. Yet this morning I am now what appears to be in your top scumspects. Considering how we know you have no PR, what changed your mind? Chuckie's death could not have done this surely, as you already thought him town.

On a side note - I feel you are trying to take control of town, I do not think you are doing this in a useful manner.

@ FFS - had he lynched PM and PM had flipped townie, and we knew DH was scum. Then yes it would've counted against him. Of course it would. I also still liked him as I'm an easy person to call scummy when I post like I have this game - but he didn't. It's the same reason I like playing with OS.

@ PM I'd just re-iterate my #999. Scum lynch > Unknown suspicious. Plus I've said why I liked him earlier. Can you blame me for buddying the dead townie who said all through the game I was town too? Probably but meh, live with it.

@ Zen's #1001 - Vig should NEVER EVER EVER shoot on N1 unless there is a terri obv scum. It's standard practice as it is so goddam hard to tell if someone is SK or Vig (cop results don't work, nor does tracking, nor does ANY other power role) lynching is the only sure fire way. Vig would be an idiot to have taken your advice imho.

@ PM's 1006 - He didn't 'one big specific thing', as it were. I just thought the guy was town for reasons stated (ish).

@ Smar's 1007 - why was it a DH/PM one scum case? Could you quote the interactions to which you refer?

Cheese, why you ignoring us? Would be gouda you to answer mah questions.
Why ask me this 4 minutes after I explain? Was it a ninja?

@Swiss, please find time to actually answer the questions properly, if you're town. I really wouldn't mind your lynch at all toDay.
Posts like this make me raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage *rage pic* /scum tell Swiss surely only rages as scum -amirite? . I said I'd post properly 2mo, which I [have just done] am doing.

Let us allow Swiss the time he needs to answer his question smoothly and properly. After all, he has to take careful consideration into what he says. He needs all the info he can get to dwelve into such vigerous questions and stalling will help him do just that.
But THIS is the post I really dislike. PM minja'd me imo and Gboy is known to be a prick. You, on the other hand Zen, aren't. You don't play like this. You've been trying to trap me as shown above (why are you doing what Chuckie did? Just because he was town [which made me spit e-milk on my keyboard] does't mean his reads were right - so I'd like some substance please). I also take major issue with the fact that you knew I wasn't contributing in any game I was in - see Castlegamedoesn'texistvania mafia. Something doesn't sit right with you, and it's happened almost as soon as Chuckie's died - the guy isn't a God.

Haven't checked for name crumbs yet, FYI. Will do this later toDay.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
In my second paragraph I'd like to point out that I was the person who first acknowledged that I should have voted for PM but didn't. I actually am being open about my play here. Chuckie was mad going on about some irrelevant point and missed the only actual 'possible scum move' I made. I think it's more of a null tell 2bh though.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
In fairness to Zen I've just checked and I didn't explicitly state I wasn't contributing like I did here in Castlevania. But I still dislike his approaches to me and his now jumping on a dead man's case to force pressure on me. I think PM said something about it being bad to buddy dead townies? You said you're holding Zombie Chuckie's hand.

Unvote lest I just leave it here all day and PM flips scum.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I'll get stuff sorted with Summoner when he gets back. Just realized something really stupid that I need to talk to him about.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'll talk more about the DH/PM one scum thing, Swiss, when I get back from my V/LA. I can't really think right now, I was just with my band.

Please don't let my 1050 go unnoticed. I really feel that might just help us.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
@ PM I'd just re-iterate my #999. Scum lynch > Unknown suspicious. Plus I've said why I liked him earlier. Can you blame me for buddying the dead townie who said all through the game I was town too? Probably but meh, live with it.
Like you said, I probably can. Scum often try to defend the players saying they are townies, its kind of a safe shield, makes it easier to get mis lynches if those townies are headed in the wrong direction. The chances of you doing this would be minimal if I saw legit reasons of you thinking he actually had town play. Anyway I admit to not really understanding your post #999 can you re explain that same reasoning in proper english, really. It's important we understand why you felt Spag had town play, and I can't really grasp that post as it is.

@ PM's 1006 - He didn't 'one big specific thing', as it were. I just thought the guy was town for reasons stated (ish).
All we're asking is for you to clearly state ONE or TWO of these things (ish) he did for which you considered him town, other than having your back, and in proper english. Can you answer that?

Why ask me this 4 minutes after I explain? Was it a ninja?
While it was a ninja, even if we didn't get ninja'd we woulda simply phrased it in a different way to let you know we know you are still workin on the post but we really want the detailed answer.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Ugh sorry, this late at night I completely forget I need to switch to hydra account, haha. Anyway I have more to add:

Also I believe I mentioned that I really didn't care for the DH or PM lynches, but nobody wanted to look elsewhere (good thing they didn't I guess).
Nobody looked elsewhere after ur post #948 because you said us and DH weren't important, but you'd lean to DH if you had to. ur other alternative was spagheti. but if you wanted spagheti to be the play for the day you shouldn't have said you'd be fine with a DH lynch (in post #948) or that you'd be fine with a Peach monster lynch (post quoted below)

Our top suspicion is Spaghebti at this point. We don't think you look too good either, so we're keeping an eye out for you. We have other suspicions, although we don't necessarily agree on them.
As explained before, we have a case on Spaghebti that is a lot more solid then Peach Monster. We will be fine with both lynches, but we find Spagehbti to be much worse.
So, right now you are expressing disdain that everyone was focused on a PM/DH lynch. But earlier in the game you wavered between saying there are better candidates to lynch than us, and saying that you'd still be fine lynching us. It's my opinion that you've basically expressed 3 conflicting viewpoints within these 2 posts. Don't really see you actively pursuing the people you think are scum. Would like more from you, and for you to be a bit more assertive with ur scum candidates, since you are vocalizing disdain that people focused on the wrong candidates.

FoS: Fans for Sell


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Gboy - your 1050 - it's good but it's nothing new, I've mentioned this all + more before. The lynch scene flavour giving us clues is something I've already talked about. I've said the flavour in this game seems pretty straightforward to me - and I proposed D2 that we should get scummy people to hammer after we saw Chuckie kill with a shotgun (human weapon) - the flavour analysis would/could tell us. No-one commented on it and I forgot about it, but it was out there.

I've already told us that Scum NK'd FZ, and given people a flavour run down of each character when they died - I think my flavour analysis has been largely correct - as Swords has now limited it.

PM in short I think hammering a confirmed scum is undeniably anti-scum. At the very worst he could have been hammering one scum to save another scum he thinks is more useful. And considering that I don't think Gotenks is as anti-town as before, I'm looking for a new suspect for my indie. (Omg indie hunting, he must be scum).

As for the 'pro town actions' he -ugh- I just agreed with him alot. He disliked Gotenks early D1 which I did [#407] I said myself I liked him in my #409. He pinned the-man as scum when he made that longass case out of nowhere on me. I also said I liked FZ in exactly the same way. Means he was on my town list then. The only thing that ever worried me about Spag was him having a posting restriction wrt me (honestly), I felt he may be buddying me, Gheb was posting similar to how I do and called me town pretty quickly. That worried me but I discounted in during D1, I said he was a worry then after more content liked him. Look I had a town read on him for probably not amazing reasoning. But after the-man/DH flipped scum Spag should have been confirmed town. [Easy retrospect post] I didn't see his D1 actions as bussing the-man, and I don't think anyone else here did, another reason why I hope the vig shot Chuckie.

PM - your 1068 FoS PM.

You'd take the stance of the hydra, i.e. two of them, (see how they said 'our top suspicion is Spag') and try and then force that combined stance on just one player? No you don't.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

regal cheese: Cottonlicky, Smarboy69 (2)
Peach Monster: Regal cheese (1)
Not voting: Peach monster, Sold2/SummonerAU hydra, Gotenks

With 7 alive it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline is November 18 at 12:00 PM EST Note that this is lunch time, not midnight.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I don't even remember you talking about it Swissy O_O. But, there's GOTTA be more of a reason than you mentioning it for Chuckie's and Spag's NKs coming out with unknown. If Swords did it cuz of you, DH would not have been sniped.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Not sure what you mean on the last sentence, clarify it if it matters. Swords has clearly limited it as the analysis was right (I said this bit early D2 iirc) - and would out scum/clear town if they hammered - this was the reason he stopped using it.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
You said it on early D2.

At the end of D2, DH was sniped to his death, after Spag hammered him.

Spag was a marine sniper, vanilla townie.

This means that Spag was cleared. And obviously, either the vig didn't realize that, or scum realized that and didn't want a 100% clear townie running around. I'm inclined to believe the former, cuz Chuckie was too protown.

That means the only explanation for the 2 NKs being hidden would be to not be able to distinguish who was vigkilled, and who was scum NK'd.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yeah, we agree on why the mod hid the flavour. If I'd been wrong I don't think he'd have changed it. It is possible that vig discounted my flavour analysis due to not trusting me - but I think we're looking into this too much.

Mod took it away - now we don't know who killed who. Best to concentrate on what we do know. I want answers from Zen and PM dead ^_^ Probably.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
True. Of course, it CAN only be for conflicting NK's... but we can't be too sure. We'll figure out when we lynch someone toDay.

How would you feel about assigning a hammerer?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Very good. I think it would have been better employed yesterDay before Swords realised about the flavour - but the second scum suspect should definitely hammer the player being lynched. Assuming there aren't any voting restrictions etc, which I doubt.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
PM answer this please:
Seems odd to me that PM is putting mentos off, when yesterday they felt he should be a sure play if he didn't recruit. Why have you changed your mind PM? How does a BC change anything?
I should have asked "did you recruit" and then worked from there. Turns out it wouldn't have mattered, but had he recruited a player still alive then the question becomes too much info too quickly.
How would it be too much info. What would be a disadvantage to him revealing it? Had we not agreed long ago to let Mentos recruit so we could get some confirmation? What would be the purpose of it if his recruitment wasn't going to confirm? I don't see at all how your first post wasn't pro-town.

I explicitly stated I did not say if I had a power role, you know this. I question why you then drop the line "Do you still want to stand by not having a PR?" - I never said this. You are attempting to bait me into an answer you want to receive, this is not scumhunting - this is trying to trap me. I would also question the fact that you are the only person here to have claimed NOT having a power role - so how would you (bearing in mind our (possible) mason recruiter has NOT recruited you and other players) possibly know any player would have the ability to see if I WAS visiting or not? This seems like a lot of speculation from a VT. I would also highlight the fact that the mafia reporter has flipped. A reporter is a role which allows you to see if the targeted player is at home or not on a given night.
I give you this. I did in fact say I did not have a PR, and it would be wrong for me to now say I do so I wont use this against you. Why did you highlight the reporter? I'm not seeing the meaning for doing so.

I also notice I was on your 'definitely town' list late D2 after answering the last swathe of questions you threw at me. Yet this morning I am now what appears to be in your top scumspects. Considering how we know you have no PR, what changed your mind? Chuckie's death could not have done this surely, as you already thought him town.
But THIS is the post I really dislike. PM minja'd me imo and Gboy is known to be a prick. You, on the other hand Zen, aren't. You don't play like this. You've been trying to trap me as shown above (why are you doing what Chuckie did? Just because he was town [which made me spit e-milk on my keyboard] does't mean his reads were right - so I'd like some substance please). I also take major issue with the fact that you knew I wasn't contributing in any game I was in - see Castlegamedoesn'texistvania mafia. Something doesn't sit right with you, and it's happened almost as soon as Chuckie's died - the guy isn't a God.
Don't be silly. Chuckie has nothing to do with it. I agreed with chuckie long ago and with his reads. My super town list was **** and should be treated as so. You do realize DH was on that list as well, yes? The thing that separated Chuckie and I was our reads on DH. Him flipping town is not the influence for voting you.

On a side note - I feel you are trying to take control of town, I do not think you are doing this in a useful manner.
What makes you feel this way? I'm simply excited :p

I left my vote on the-man as I just did. There was no tangible reason.
This isn't very town dude. Tell me again why you voted PM toDay? Was it just to show that you leave your vote in one place? Hurrdurr???

-Dislike you because DH couldn't produce a read on you, yet he could produce a read on other.
-Dislike you because the-man's case on you was random and it took place just after the fact that Chuckie had noticed a connection between you two. I think he did it solely to create distance to you. And that's why I believe you kept you're vote on him all D2 despite there being other people you claimed you wanted to/should have targeted. I do not think the-man was trying to get a wagon going on you D1 as he immediately dropped the case right after his post and didn't pursue you at all after words. Despite a couple of others (including I) liking him making a case on you. Yet he pursued the Mori wagon to the fullest.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss: How would it be too much info. What would be a disadvantage to him revealing it? Had we not agreed long ago to let Mentos recruit so we could get some confirmation? What would be the purpose of it if his recruitment wasn't going to confirm? I don't see at all how your first post wasn't pro-town.
I think it would be wiser to get Mentos to say he successfully recruited, and then take it from there wrt if he wishes to reveal who it is. In retrospect I think I should have been more conservative with my question. It's more an issue as to how you wanted mentos to play the day, imo.

I give you this. I did in fact say I did not have a PR, and it would be wrong for me to now say I do so I wont use this against you. Why did you highlight the reporter? I'm not seeing the meaning for doing so.
Good, well you admit this but it doesn't absolve you from the fact you were trying to trip me up or had other goals with that post - none of which seem particularly 'fair'. I'd like you to go more in depth as to why you did this. At the moment there is a contradiction in your play.

I was drawing a link between you talking about a known scum role and you specifically mentioning this to me. It seemed odd considering what you as a player could know, a bizarre choice to me.

Don't be silly. Chuckie has nothing to do with it. I agreed with chuckie long ago and with his reads. My super town list was **** and should be treated as so. You do realize DH was on that list as well, yes? The thing that separated Chuckie and I was our reads on DH. Him flipping town is not the influence for voting you.
I think you have pursued me much more harshly toDay than before - and while Chuckie's town flip lends weight to his scum read on me I think your pressure has been disproportionate. Especially as you should, imo, have lent equal weight to Spag's town read. I'd also like to clarify - what exactly was your stance on me yesterDay after I answered all those questions? If not 'def. town' then how likely was I to be town/scum? I understand you probably tried to set me up for the scum NK, is my lack of death the main reason for the pressure? I think you are buddying dead Chuckie - and although I know you buddied each other when alive, you using Chuckie's name to get a Swiss lynch would allow you to lynch me whilst having little repercussion in your name, especially useful in this case considering how hard myself and Chuckie went at each other.

This isn't very town dude. Tell me again why you voted PM toDay? Was it just to show that you leave your vote in one place? Hurrdurr???
Hurr durr indeed. I voted PM as my scum-read remains scum. Especially in light of what I see as a bad push on FFS. I am however waiting on Smar to explain to me his reasons as to why only one of them was scum - this may change my stance. I'd also highlight (esp. to Smar) that the flavour strongly (imo) indicates an indie team of one or two players - thus distancing and buddying won't always lead us to the anti-town players.

Dislike you because DH couldn't produce a read on you, yet he could produce a read on other.
Agreed. He did call me scum initially, FYI though. He removed that for reasons unknown.

-Dislike you because the-man's case on you was random and it took place just after the fact that Chuckie had noticed a connection between you two. I think he did it solely to create distance to you. And that's why I believe you kept you're vote on him all D2 despite there being other people you claimed you wanted to/should have targeted. I do not think the-man was trying to get a wagon going on you D1 as he immediately dropped the case right after his post and didn't pursue you at all after words. Despite a couple of others (including I) liking him making a case on you. Yet he pursued the Mori wagon to the fullest.
Understandable, but this is the exact reason Spag thought I was town. I raised an issue with it and FZ seemed also to agree with me - I don't want to take his words out of context but he clearly saw no issues with myself wrt the-man bussing me. I think it is more likely people's read on me determines what they think of the-mans post. You like me he was pushing hard on a townie to try and make me look bad - backing off when his case was dismantled (don't forget PM's interactions with the-man, PM felt the case was "strong" - still a point against PM in my eyes). You don't like me - the-man was bussing me. There really isn't much else I can say - other than maybe as it seems to have given so many strong scum and town reads on me from confirmed townies it should perhaps be disregarded as unreliable. Wrt to Chuckie noticing a connection between myself and the-man (first sentence of the quote), do you think what he suggested (a relatively minor point if we're honest, the sort of thing that is/was mentioned a lot D1) merits an entire case as to why I am scum? That would have been overkill distancing/buddying from such a little post. Why did we not see the-man react in a similar manner to other points raised? Thus I do not think there is real a connection between the two.

Also Swiss I love your serious mode. It shows just how good a player you actually are.
In my eyes, the content that I am producing is exactly the same. Posting like this makes my stances and points more clear, but doesn't change them. Posting like this doesn't allow me to troll and antagonise people to get reads on them - but I suppose that is only really useful D1. I'll be posting in Serious Swiss mode for the remainder of the game.
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