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Halo Game - Ovah


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@DH: I just want to have a nice townie discussion with you. Let's get Swiss in here and it'll be the towniest bunch you'll ever :D.

Let's start with who you would lynch other than PM and why? Actually, do you think PM is scum? Yeah, let's talk.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
No townie discussion? You were viewing this thread for a good 30 minutes....

Lynch DH imo. At least pm will have a conversation with you o.o


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Cottonlicky, Dark horse,(3)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Dark Horse: Xsword, Chuckie, Mentos, Regal Cheese, Peach Monster, spaghebti(6)

Flavor coming in a little while. Nobody else post.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
The ONI base in an uproar, accusations hurling about like wildfire, Dark Horse uncloaks himself, going in for the energy sword assasination on peach monster, too busy defending himself from the wild accusations of everyone else. So close to his victim, he poises his sword, ready to strike in the back of the neck, when he is sniped by spaghebti. Then they see that Dark horse (Spec-ops elite,Mafia reporter) was in fact a covenant. They all retire to their bunks, but not everyone sleeps...
NIGHT 2 BEGINS. Send in actions by the last seconds of Nov 6 EST.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Everyone wakes up to stumble upon the corpses of Spaghebti, (marine sniper, Vanilla townie) and Chuckie, (emile, town watcher). The causes of the deaths are indistinguishable, it is unknown how they died.
Day 3 begins! With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Chuckie T.T


So.. umg.. you guys know I knew DH was town the whole time right?

Vote: Regal

Cheese what you do last night?

Gotenks, recruit status?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Jus' took a walk round. Nuthin' major. Ya know how it is. Amirite?

I like how the guy who was sure I was scum and the guy who was sure I was town are dead. Best not to take stances on me amirite? Y'all gonna get killed.

KKkkkkkkk so the flavour has been restricted. That means it was too accurate. Makes me feel good. Noble 5 is now dead (Chuckie). If vig shot Spag u gonna get **** slapped after this game. Tho admittedly Chuckie kill, in retrospect, probably wouldnt've been a great choice. Lawl.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Make that Q mean something more pro town. Like "Did u manage 2 recruit?" or..ya kno wat? Jus' answer Zen's Q.

Ignore me. I'm not even here. Fink I'm on a sugar high here, waaaaaaaaay too many of these chocolate biscuit things.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Nuuu! Quick someone replace out so me and vanz can return as a zombie reincarnation of chuckie :awesome: go go town


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

Make that Q mean something more pro town. Like "Did u manage 2 recruit?" or..ya kno wat? Jus' answer Zen's Q.

Ignore me. I'm not even here. Fink I'm on a sugar high here, waaaaaaaaay too many of these chocolate biscuit things.
Swiss you're stumblin' bud :p

Why did you keep your vote on the-man when he went inactive? Even though you felt PM and Gotenks were just as scummy and more?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Wat u jibber jabberin' about fool?

Dat alredy been answered. Dont c wats so bad about not votin' PM 2bh. Culda ye but jus' didn't - den wen I culda voted 'im he goes and be's al L-1 so I aint hammerin' fool. Plus wat u chattin' 'bout Gotenks? Y vote da guy after I questioned 'im and didn't get n e scum tells? Dis all been explained.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Quite da bus if ya boy Chuckie wuz in support amirite?

O rite. Chuckie wuz mad hatin on you. Fergot. Now, it looks liek yu were trying to make buddy buddy fwiends wit em, to no avail :(. So, ya NK'd em. Dat's how it went rite?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Mmm. U on my case like a hawk. Hawkeeyyyy.

O btw seein' as da flavour is restricted (which means we're makin' 2 much of it 2 well which means ive been rite) id like ta kno y u sayin Chuckie was da scum NK. Or SK i s'pose.

U been toastin' 2 much walrus boi.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Cuz why wouldn't you scum kill Chuckie? He was either really town or really scum in my eyes. I chose the high road ofcourse, cuz I gots dem amazing town reads :p.

And plus spagheb was really just a vote to swing around. Didn't do that much.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Spag was town >_<

He hammered a scum when he could've got PM lynched. Just 'cuz he b usin a styleee wen he posted didnt make his stances any less valid - i can empathise that ****. If vig did that vigs a total ****** imo. U kno spag's done moar den u?

n e way - we gettin' sidetracked. Gonna re-read 2mo mornin' - got me some prison break 2 watch.


Oct 4, 2010
Vote: Regal
In case it didn't count, this is me. Licky's vote is on Regal.

Smarboy: What do you currently think of PM? Still think they are play?

XSword I swear I saw you viewing the thread. What do you make of the two NKs?

FFS: Really need some content from you toDay. You've been cruising like hell.

Swiss I feel you have yet to fully explain some things. I may have missed some stuff as I haven't reread D2 yet, but even if I have, please answer everything to the fullest and in serious swiss mode.
What did you mean in your #118 by saying that Smarboy choked in their #118. Chuckie asked about it all D1, but you never gave a solid answer. You just kept saying choke = smarfail. lol.

Also you told Smarboy to keep in mind that this game had experienced hydras. Implying that his pressuring of the-man was weak. Chuckie mentioned it in his #122. Why were you discouraging Smarboy from scumhunting?

You said D1 that Gotenks appeared to be bussing Mori, and you wanted to go after Gotenks IF Mori flipped scum. What about Gotenks' posts made you feel like he was bussng Mori? You said you'd like Gotenks a lot more if Mori flipped town yet Gotenks remained in your top 3 scumpics for D2. Why?

What about your post asking Gotenks who he recruited lacked pro-towniness to it?

Also I warned you earlier to state whether or not you had a PR so that when you are seen visiting someone in the night, it would be given consideration. Do you still want to stand by not having a PR? You sure all you did was go for a walk in the park :3?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Cotton are you talking about me, Sworddancer? I don't think I was logged onto XSword for awhile.

Anyways, I definitly think Chuckie was the scum kill and Spag the vig kill. I just can't believe the vig would kill Chuckie, since I'm pretty sure he was on everyone's town list. Spag is much more belivable of a vig kill.

Um, anyways, don't know about PM anymore. I like the fact that PM was after DH.. I want to hear who their current scum reads are.

Is FFS still in this game?


Oct 4, 2010
Sword what makes you think one was a Vig? Why would a vig shoot Spag when he was both the starting force and sealer of the the-man lynch?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Licky, it pretty much has to be a vig, because this kill was on the second Night. The only other Night killing role besides scum that I can think of is SK, and SKs usually have to kill everyone Night. I guess it could be another mafia fraction, but that's so rare in small games, so I doubt that.

I think Chuckie was way more townie this entire game, and it doesn't make sense to me that the vig would kill him. IIRC, Spag was going for PM after DH replaced in, and I only think he sealed the deal against him. Maybe the vig thought it was Spag was bussing his scum partner? Idk, but anyways, the main reason for this thought is that I just think that it's really unlikly Chuckie was the one killed off. That's my two cents.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Oh don't mind me.

Yeah I'm here don't worry about it. "Cruising like hel"l lol. It's really easy to say that, Licky, but I love how you take no initiative to do ANYTHING about it. Why exactly aren't you voting me right now, Licky?
Also I warned you earlier to state whether or not you had a PR so that when you are seen visiting someone in the night, it would be given consideration. Do you still want to stand by not having a PR? You sure all you did was go for a walk in the park :3?
And what is this? I swear if you're serious..

Spag was town >_<

He hammered a scum when he could've got PM lynched. Just 'cuz he b usin a styleee wen he posted didnt make his stances any less valid - i can empathise that ****
lol. So would you think Spag any less town if he had lynched PM?

Serial Killers arn't compulsive killers. And don't forget the possibility of a doc, bulletproof, roleblock, commuter, all that. Assume it's an SK until town wins. Not to mention, if it was a vig, there were so many people that needed to get shot N1, why would they withhold their shot. I can't imagine a townie sacrificing town's lynches so that he can save face when he claims. I agree though, Chuckie was scum killed, Spagheb was other.

@mod, vote count please. I just want to know who's left, because I can't count.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Seriously dude wtf are you doing? And why wouldn't I be serious? Don't bother to answer if your post is going to be as ******** as the one you just made. Instead how bout you just join me in the Regal wagon. You think he's scum, yea? Or have your thoughts changed since the ages ago you've actually said something useful?

Sword that in no way shows that it was a vig over an SK. Vig just wasted their shot if that's the case.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
XSword I swear I saw you viewing the thread. What do you make of the two NKs?
Chuckie was an obvious scum NK so I would assume, as does Sword that spag was SK/Vig (duhh). If I had to chose I would guess Vig for reasons I'll explain in a sec

Serial Killers arn't compulsive killers. And don't forget the possibility of a doc, bulletproof, roleblock, commuter, all that. Assume it's an SK until town wins. Not to mention, if it was a vig, there were so many people that needed to get shot N1, why would they withhold their shot. I can't imagine a townie sacrificing town's lynches so that he can save face when he claims. I agree though, Chuckie was scum killed, Spagheb was other.
Most of the time SKs are compulsive killers actually, and while a doc etc is possible I'm beginning to doubt it, lots of PRs have already flipped. I'm pretty sure this game I have already at least once explained that often experienced vigs withhold their shots N1 so it is easier to prove themselves as vig over SK, this is immeasurably useful at LYLO and the vig can always push the town away from the player they plan to Vig N2. At this point the second killer has already made an attempt to appear town so we may as well assume they are Vig and direct them as such. I'd also say that if there's an SK out there I's guess there's a doc, but with a Vig I'd guess no doc. I kinda think that the watcher would make this set-up too biased against the SK

Odd that Gotenks or PM haven't posted yet..


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
^ X1 we b lyke 12 hrs inta da day - y it so odd? troll amirite? doubt we'd not have a single protecting role 2bh

zen srs swiss isnt 'ere rite now, dis is 'is answerin' machine, but uve left a message 'n he'll b back soon


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
^ X1 we b lyke 12 hrs inta da day - y it so odd? troll amirite? doubt we'd not have a single protecting role 2bh

zen srs swiss isnt 'ere rite now, dis is 'is answerin' machine, but uve left a message 'n he'll b back soon
hmm bulletproof would fit the flavour maybe.. idk yet to reserved judgements


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
EBWOP: Idk yet.. gonna reserve judgements

Also I guess Doc could be bent to fit the flavour too :/

eh I give up speculating

I need to reread

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
I don't work Sundays and Mondays, and generally play mafia from work, barring occasional phone posts which are usually of lesser substance.

So.. umg.. you guys know I knew DH was town the whole time right?
90% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway, amirite? :awesome:

Anyone wanna bet on who mentosman is gonna say he recruited? I've got a George Washington that says Chuckie.

We are curious about Regal Cheese/Swiss at the moment.

Firstly, we disagree with the assessment that Spagh was obvtown. The fact that Spag ended up hammering scum definitely added town points, but we still suspected Spag even though Spag ended up saving us. Spag was a big grey area through the day, and was the best vig target besides yourself and myself IMO.

But even with that ignored...let's look at some Swiss statements.

O btw

Vote PM

I'll jus' leave this 'ere all day.
Spag was town >_<

He hammered a scum when he could've got PM lynched. Just 'cuz he b usin a styleee wen he posted didnt make his stances any less valid - i can empathise that ****. If vig did that vigs a total ****** imo. U kno spag's done moar den u?

n e way - we gettin' sidetracked. Gonna re-read 2mo mornin' - got me some prison break 2 watch.
Do you still think we're scum, Swiss? Your vote is on us, which tells us you think we're scum.
If you think we're scum, then how does this your logic make Spag town? He was choosing between one scum (Dark Horse) and another (Peach Monster). In your eyes, you shouldn't see him as townie for that.

Oh don't mind me.

Yeah I'm here don't worry about it. "Cruising like hel"l lol. It's really easy to say that, Licky, but I love how you take no initiative to do ANYTHING about it. Why exactly aren't you voting me right now, Licky?

And what is this? I swear if you're serious..

lol. So would you think Spag any less town if he had lynched PM?

Serial Killers arn't compulsive killers. And don't forget the possibility of a doc, bulletproof, roleblock, commuter, all that. Assume it's an SK until town wins. Not to mention, if it was a vig, there were so many people that needed to get shot N1, why would they withhold their shot. I can't imagine a townie sacrificing town's lynches so that he can save face when he claims. I agree though, Chuckie was scum killed, Spagheb was other.

@mod, vote count please. I just want to know who's left, because I can't count.
"I may be cruising, but you're not pressuring me well enough! *insert more cruising here*"

This entire post is stanceless and more cruising. Fans, who do you think is scum right now?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I liked Spag. Mainly 'cuz the boi had my back. 'preciated that. Fort he was town. PM ye i fink ur a good scum candidate - but hittin' scum over unknown hu i fink is probaly scum is statistically like way better. Add at 2 da fact hes a beter scum 'unter dan me and ya i like it.

fink i answered ya q but im on da xbox. lemme kno iffi skimemd 2 much

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM ye i fink ur a good scum candidate

k, so let's see how much sense this quote makes if you replace "PM" with "the other scum".

Spag was town >_<

He hammered a scum when he could've got the other scum lynched.
The reasoning doesn't work.

I'm not saying he wasn't town, but that he wasn't as obvtown as you imply. Had I been vig I'd have killed either you or spag in all honesty. And you're buddying the dead mad hard.
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