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Halo Game - Ovah

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010

@mod, you might want to double check your vote count
Why do you believe the vote count is wrong?

I want to preface this: Moderator, my vote is based off the vote count. Please do not count my vote if it is a hammer due to a faulty count.

Vote: Dark Horse


Sep 30, 2010
There are three people identified as voting for you and four votes on you. Thus, the vote count is wrong.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Driving home from work, on phone, just had a lightbulb go off. Wasn't the last thing Gotenks said...that he would breadcrumb his recruit target...?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Wow I'm dumb, nm on that front. More to come tomorrow. Remind me not to post while driving.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
If Gotenks was confirmed town, I would be strongly against fixing night actions. But fixing the night action seems like the best way to either clear him and one other townie, or greatly increase our odds (to 50%) of catching scum on the next day.

If I am lynched, I strongly recommend that Gotenks mason Dark Horse and tell everyone before night falls. Imaginary doctor should protect one of the two.
I don't know if he should tell anyone who he's recruiting. If he does, the maf will probably kill the person, and I doubt gotenks gets a third night. (or he could mismason)

where is Gotenks anyway?
Good question. Anybody know?

I can understand Gotenks' hesitation to fix a night action if he is indeed a power role, but as an unconfirmed player who's power role claim is the only thing keeping him alive, I think he needs to strongly consider it.
According to what you said, why can't he just mason somebody? You haven't included anything as to why he should tell everyone who he's masoning.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Praxis you must have, like, 4 hands... driving posting... unless ur literally conjoint with Edrees... you freaky peaches you :awesome:

Also I kinda wanna secretly attract everyone on the Monster wagon to come to this side of the playground and join us and get rid of Dark Horse first, and then pursue Monster/Regal and everyone else the following Day [or force a recruit from Gotenks because wii'd be interested in that =D]. I'll end up lost otherwise =/ but maybe not completely...

@Smar: what is placing Monster above He-man atm?

@Zei: the last letter in your name is an "i" instead of an "n". It's Greek so I can't help but read it like that! Also you never answered my previous question -> Why did you join Chuckie to get rid of He-man earlier but then be much more lenient with his replacement?

@Vanz: CRYBABY. He-man 's flip is muchas importante to our charity business corporation! Don't hypnotize me VOLDEMORT.

I said pm/the-man mite take precedence over gotenks toDay. which i stand by. Y is this now magically me prioritising other ppl over the-man? Srs stop makin' it out dat im sayin wat im not. gettin' old. 'n gettin annoyin - u tryina make me mad? u kno lotsa ppl fink rage Swiss = scum Swiss. Dat wat ur tryina do? ez lynch amirite?
=? But what do you mean you still "stand by that"? You shouldn't be standing by that because you switched on Gotenks, remember?... @Your first question: because it shows Gotenks was your priority specifically at that time, as Monster/He-man hadn't taken precedence. So why didn't you pursue Gotenks if no one had taken precedence over him instead? Why He-man over him at that time? @Your other statements: this particular point we raised that you're responsive to had nothing to do with you raging =? Mad mad scarecrow you!

i voted da guy in my 1st post of da day 'n tried ta get Spag askin' 'im q's How have u missed me not likin' the-man? R u even readin' my posts? srs if ur tryina troll me wiv all dese posts den wat u on? Plus da wordin of dis q helpfully ignores all of my reads yesterDay which back up wat i did toDay.
I'm toasting WALRUS :chuckle: More importantly, you voting He-man at the beginning of the Day at a time when others had taken precedence over him and the fact you asked Spag to do the questioning [lol] is exactly why we're investigating this vote and saying your mind and vote are in 2 polar opposites of the universe. That's not always inherently scummy to us but in this instance it is for reasons just stated and supported by the fact you were grossly disinterested in Dark Horse when he came into the thread... and yet you claim he's sure-scum? I'd place a wager you know he's sure-scum based on anything but your analysis of him. srs if ur tryina troll me wiv all dese answers den wat u on?

Wat, toDay? 'Course I haven't - the-man hasnt even posted toDay 'n i knew he was still inactive from ova games were he hadnt posted after his v/la was meant 2 end. Ymmi make loadsa posts @ a guy not even checkin da thread? Esp. when PM had started talkin 'n finally answerin' 'n ppl were takin' stances on Gotenks. If ur talkin about DH den we've already covered dat so ur jus' spewin' da same bs again.
See? That's fine if it weren't for the fact you explicitly stated that Gotenks ranked above Monster and He-man as scum. This ties in with everything else we've said above^ and is why we're questioning the vote in more detail. Also, we haven't really covered the subject of Dark Horse in the amount of detail that wii love :chuckle:, also because some of your claims don't compute... there must be something in the water... I'll comment about this in the next paragraph for your vyooeeng pleshah as you'd probably put it:

Dey were 2 different exchanges - u cant jus' lump 'em together. I was answerin' Zen's case on me (how do u keep missin all dis - wtf?) and den I asked Zen y DH was clear. took a firm stance on Zen's logic in dat issue and probed DH for answers soon as he started postin'. Not like i ignored 'im.
I agree now they were 2 separate exchanges, but you probed Dark "soon as he started postin'"?, by asking the colour of his role PM jokingly? You didn't probe Dark Horse. Also, interestingly, despite Zei giving more insight into his logic, you proceeded to ask Smar if they thought Dark Horse was noobTown or noobScum - I ask [curiously], for someone who was set on He-man as scum [as you recently claimed in your answers], why did you ask this specific question with choices that negate everything he-man did with Dark's newbie status in the game? Bit of an odd question from someone dead-set they've found scum. How would you have responded if Smar picked noobTown?

Hows da vote lookin' empty?
I also noticed ya didnt answer like most of da q's i asked u. Y is dis? or u not gonna answer dat either? town got nuffink to hide amirite?
I wanted to lump these 2 quotes together and say: I will crawl into your bedroom at night set fire to your bed steal your toys proceed to use your loo loo and not flush it because wii're THAT naughtee. You're great at making people repeat themselves - 1st/2nd and a bit of the 3rd paragraphs above relate to your question, as did practically our entire last post. Also 9/10 questions from you consist of "R u srs? amirite?" or some similar variation so I didn't bother answering them I'm sorry!

Also you say that ur previous stances D1 justify ur actions toDay. Can you remind us what reasons you're voting He-man again?

When I said my post, I didn't count those because they seemed to be aimed at the-man, not me.

What's more, some of the stances he gave i'm completely against, and others are going to need a whole lot of convincing :facepalm:
Like who in particular? What do you make of the people that are going to need a whole lot of convincing? e.g. us :awesome: Also, you've noticed that He-man gave stances, can you go into detail about them? Also you're "completely against" his stances? - that's interesting to us - I'd assume, had he-man still existed and you were originally in this game, you'd therefore place him on your scum list consequently. I find it an odd thing [the word choice] simply because replacing into a Town slot would give you insight into He-man as Town thus you'd be rereading over his play knowing that his motivations came from a Town perspective. As a Townie yourself I wouldn't have expected you to be "completely" against his stances. Disagreement is fine, but that word choice stuck out to us there. I guess I'd recommend that you go into detail as to what you think about He-man's play pretty plz =D

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I agree now they were 2 separate exchanges, but you probed Dark "soon as he started postin'"?, by asking the colour of his role PM jokingly? You didn't probe Dark Horse.

He was referencing castlemafia, where I answered that and got modkilled. >_>

Like who in particular? What do you make of the people that are going to need a whole lot of convincing? e.g. us :awesome:[/quote]

Mostly you, and other people on my bandwagon.

Also, you've noticed that He-man gave stances, can you go into detail about them?
"Swiss is scum because he's typing weird"

What is this I dont even... I don't even consider this a valid reason.

"There's nobody I would policy lynch"

I would actually policy lynch gotenks (because mafia would love killing a PR, if he is legit), so I disagree with this.

Also you're "completely against" his stances? - that's interesting to us - I'd assume, had he-man still existed and you were originally in this game, you'd therefore place him on your scum list consequently.
Pretty much.

I find it an odd thing [the word choice] simply because replacing into a Town slot would give you insight into He-man as Town thus you'd be rereading over his play knowing that his motivations came from a Town perspective.
He was acting so scummy that if he where the towns perspective... Ugh. Remember, nearly everyone had he-man somewhere on their scum list. Why would I want to copy that?
As a Townie yourself I wouldn't have expected you to be "completely" against his stances.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Why do you believe the vote count is wrong?

I want to preface this: Moderator, my vote is based off the vote count. Please do not count my vote if it is a hammer due to a faulty count.

Vote: Dark Horse

y even bovver riskin' it? Like how 'ard issit 2 wait 'till we kno fo sho?

Chuckie ill respond 2 u wen ive stopped runnin' round my house ragin' my face off


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Looks like I missed a whole lot of nothing :/. Well not really :p. Only skimmed Katty/Swissy ping pong match. Trying to read Swiss gives me a headache and I've given up (not reading his posts, trying to get a read on him...lol).

@Kat: pm is still scummy enough to warrant a lynch, if zenny baby wants pm dead i'm going to vote them and you can't stop me :cool:

@Smargirl: I think I've been beaten to the punch on multiple occasions but going to point out stuff you said anyway.

You shouldn't be at L-1; X1-12 unvoted. And I think I said something earlier about NOT DIRECTING NIGHT ACTIONS.

Why are you so eager to claim? Do you have a spectacular fake claim you want to share with the class?
Nah they were'nt eager to claim. Do not see that at all in pm's posts. Looks to me that they were concerned they might of been close to lynch and just didn't want to be lynched before they claim. Doesn't make em scum, doesn't make em town. It's a weak thing to call them out on and it looks like you're just trying to put the nail in the coffin so to speak.

On policy, yes. Also, if it does work and we wake up tomorrow and you post "Guess what, Gotenks recruited me" either a cop outs himself to clear you both or we have to lynch one of you anyway - you're both too iffy to take the risk that you're both scum.

And vig's don't have to kill every night. That's serial killers.

So why is EP eager to claim? You don't get to back down from something your other head said like that, but I'll accept a delay in getting an answer if he isn't online right now.
Don't see what's wrong with the theoretical scum mentos claiming to have recruited his scum buddy. 2 scum for the price of 1 yeah?

Chuckie and Regal - do you guys think it's a scumtell that Smarboy think's im eager to claim at this stage being this close to lynch after constant 2 Days of pressure?
It's either dummy or scummy.

So, all caught up methinks. PM's claiming of vanilla townie doesn't really help their case, but doesn't particularly hurt it either. All the talk about DH being cleared over claiming to not have a QT is stupid. Gotta have a much better reason than that to go around clearing people.

Still don't like PM's repeated stating that I should recruit him. Yeah, if scum kills him to frame me it removes a mislynch, but ensures another. Stupidly risky plan and I don't plan on following it.

Dark Horse has not had much substance since coming in, and I think we'll gain most from his lynch. With that I will go ahead and put him at L-2 now.

Vote: Dark Horse
The idea of you trying to recruit someone who isn't so clear is actually a good one. Just 1. don't be obvious and 2. don't be obvious.

@Swiss: why do you hate me :(. You sure you don't just hate Kat? Is it because you're scum? Only scum would hate me, and even if they say otherwise they're just pretending :cool:


Sep 30, 2010
Yeah, you're right, you're only bringing up stuff I've already addressed. Why?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Was all that I found interesting (or that hasn't already been said countless times) between 2 days ago and now.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Cottonlicky, Dark horse, (3)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Dark Horse: Xsword, Chuckie, Mentos, Regal Cheese, Peach Monster (4)
Not voting: Spaghebti

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 4, 11:59PM EST


Sep 13, 2010
lol wtf i didnt appear in like the last 3 votecounts :psycho:

unvote vote peach monster

if we lynch pm vig shoot dh plz or vice versa

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010

Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Cottonlicky, Dark horse (3)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Dark Horse: Xsword, Chuckie, Mentos, Regal Cheese, Peach Monster (4)

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 4, 11:59PM EST
3+1+4 = 8...
I count five votes on DH, and Spaghebti isn't listed.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Praxis you must have, like, 4 hands... driving posting... unless ur literally conjoint with Edrees... you freaky peaches you :awesome:
Posting while driving? Psh, once, a girl asked me for help getting a YouTube video on her iPod. I remoted in to my home computer from my phone using iTeleport (VNC client), ripped the video from YouTube using the FireFox Video Downloader plugin on my home PC, converted it to MPEG-4 using iSquint, uploaded it to my server using Cyberduck (FTP client), and then texted her the link to download it.

While driving. :awesome:

Yeah, I'm dumb.

Chuckie, we run in to one problem with telling Mentosman/Gotenks to not be obvious with his recruit.

What normally happens when a recruit fails? In MXC Mafia, it simply didn't work, but that was a weird setup. In Bioware people seemed to run under the assumption that a recruiter would die if he tried to recruit scum.

So...what happens if Mentosman recruit scum, and didn't breadcrumb well enough? We gain almost no information.

Right now, Mentosman is going to be lynched tomorrow if he doesn't come up with a valid recruit, because he might be scum. Any breadcrumbs he leaves might be followed by mafia. Letting him take a shot in the dark is risky; scum might follow the breadcrumbs and kill his target, forcing us to lynch him, or might kill him.

I honestly feel the safest way to do this is to have Mentos recruit me. If Mentos and another player die, then you know I am scum. The only way for scum to frame me is to kill Mentos (solving the question of clearing him). The only way for scum to frame Mentos is to kill me (solving the question of clearing me).

To top it all off, the doctor should protect one of us. Someone earlier suggested the doctor should protect Gotenks and would be "stupid" to protect me. That was a terrible suggestion; there's plenty reason to protect me, because I could be killed to frame Gotenks. That would still not be bad for town, as I would be removed as a suspect without wasting a lynch! But by having the doctor's protect target unclear, scum is afraid to kill either of us because they don't know who is protected, and if they do, we have a 50% chance of depriving them of their NK.

"There's nobody I would policy lynch"

I would actually policy lynch gotenks (because mafia would love killing a PR, if he is legit), so I disagree with this.
Wait, what?

You would policy lynch gotenks because mafia would love killing a PR?

So...you want to lynch a PR because mafia would love it?

I don't understand this statement at all. Please elaborate. Why would you policy lynch gotenks?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
@Swiss: why do you hate me :(. You sure you don't just hate Kat? Is it because you're scum? Only scum would hate me, and even if they say otherwise they're just pretending :cool:
Shudda known it was jus' Kat. Hate dat kid, hu dus he fink he is? Gonna slip slap his face about. Gawd. Wat a troll.

@ PM wat u fink 'bout my question wrt u votin wen u cudda accidentally 'ammered? Wud like ta kno.

@ kat GAWD. cbf quotin' u properly.

"I said pm/the-man mite take precedence over gotenks toDay. which i stand by."

which i still stand by - jus' cuz my opinion of gotneks has changed ova da day doesnt contradict wat i said b4. didnt prioritise gotens ova the-man/pM. FIN.

U said:
"More importantly, you voting He-man at the beginning of the Day at a time when others had taken precedence over him"

hu? at da beginnin of da day no wan had yet. no wan had posted yet so i was left wiv only yesterday reads. Ur forgettin dat i didnt say mah "precedence" post till post #619 wich was quite a way inta da day alredy. Ur finkin i posted dat like strate away. timelines bro.

and i probed DH wen he started postin (oh mai i made a joke 2) and did so for 2 40ppp wen i was active, as well as askin zen q's and smar 1 iirc. dont b sayin i was spillin i did all my probin straight away.

ull need to look down ur post 2 c wat im referrin 2 dere. cbf quotin it all. G'wan on Halo, got me some cores ta collect.

o btw if were all tellin' reckless drivin stories - i once opened da car door travellin at speed down a narrow, busy hill thinkin' it was opnein da window. i cant drive, FYI.


Sep 30, 2010
Chuckie, I just saw a point I'd missed in one of your posts, about why lynch PM over DH.

PM reads as scum, straight up. DH reads as noobnull/maybe scum. One of these is lynchbait, one of these is vigbait. If there's no vig, we go after DH tomorrow if Gotenks comes through with a recruit or the day after if he doesn't. It's the same reason we preferred Gotenks/PM to Moriarty yesterday.

That said, DH is getting scummier with every post he makes. You don't get to tell us to just ignore the scummy parts of your posts, DH!

Also, I am never getting in a car with whichever half of PM has been posting lately.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Cottonlicky, Dark horse, Spaghebti (4)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Dark Horse: Xsword, Chuckie, Mentos, Regal Cheese, Peach Monster (5)

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 4, 11:59PM EST


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok exams = done. Going to read what I missed but Swiss y u mad though?

Yeah, you're right, you're only bringing up stuff I've already addressed. Why?

why did you not mention this earlier?

I was responding to PM's thoughts on FFS. My views fluctuate a lot and I don't like FFS anymore because they are playing mad cruising and haven't voted for anybody important as I think you pointed out. So many scummies :o

Gotenks needs to go with PMs plan. But if he doesn't agree to it by the day end, then it's useless.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Kat: Are you asking why I was fine with the-man lynch? I was fine with the-man because I was bored and was ready to end the day and there's a lot connected to his flip. I didn't think there was enough from him to say he was scum though.

and lol @ the Greek thing.

what are your current thoughts on Regal and FFS?
Gotenks and XSword too. Not sure if I already got that from you.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK

I was responding to PM's thoughts on FFS. My views fluctuate a lot and I don't like FFS anymore because they are playing mad cruising and haven't voted for anybody important as I think you pointed out. So many scummies :o
I mean its not like he only just stated playing like that, he's been 'slipping right by' pretty much the whole time since he replaced

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Gotenks posted this on the 29th in response to my suggested plan.

Ok, this whole thing about setting up night actions? It's terrible. If we decide I'm going to recruit PM, scum kills them and I look terrible and very possibly get lynched over it. I may crumb in the recruit choice somewhere, but I am NOT explicitly stating it because it makes it FAR too easy for scum to frame me. No likey anyone who was so sold on that idea for missing the most dangerous part of it. We'll recruit someone of our choice, not publicly stated to avoid framing.

@Chuckie's questions: I've liked Regal more today than yesterday(note, I haven't talked to BSL lately) but still not to brownie-townie stage. Smar and Licky I'm still questioning over their push on us late yesterday. Not because OH MAI GOG U SUK!, but because they were making comments that made what we said fit their argument, instead of what it was clearly intended to mean, as we both brought up yesterday when our lynch seemed imminent.

Regardless, moral of the story is stop trying to make it easy for scum to frame us. We'll make our decision on who we recruit so scum can't frame us that easily. Avoiding a mislynch=more important than listening to town for night actions.

After this post, the following is everything posted by Gotenks/mentosman8:

Catching up, but noticed BSL's post. Figure I'll prolly just post on Mentos from now on unless anyone has any major objections to that idea.

So, all caught up methinks. PM's claiming of vanilla townie doesn't really help their case, but doesn't particularly hurt it either. All the talk about DH being cleared over claiming to not have a QT is stupid. Gotta have a much better reason than that to go around clearing people.

Still don't like PM's repeated stating that I should recruit him. Yeah, if scum kills him to frame me it removes a mislynch, but ensures another. Stupidly risky plan and I don't plan on following it.

Dark Horse has not had much substance since coming in, and I think we'll gain most from his lynch. With that I will go ahead and put him at L-2 now.

Vote: Dark Horse
Yes, I definitely held off full claiming for around 8 hours for the sake of thinking up a claim i breadcrumbed less than half an hour after my half claim. Yep, I was buying time while simultaneously breadcrumbing the claim I was trying to come up with, and catching flak for NOT fully claiming despite already having one ready. Definitely makes sense as an intelligent play.
Here are all of mentosman8 and Gotenks' posts over the last four pages.

There is very little contributions, no players are addressed except for voting for Dark Horse and disliking my plan.

Bad, bad play. Disliking my plan isn't inherently scummy, but I'm starting to wonder...

Stances, mentosman?

More coming after my lunch break.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Am I the DGames Walrushead O_O?

It looks like we have us players split in two. And the sun is dawning on this beautiful Day.

How many toastings does it take to get to the center of a walrus?

How much convincing is it gonna take to get two of you on the DH wagon to join the beloved PM wagon?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gotenks is looking better than quite a few in this game. I'm not too focused on him for right now.

XSword is looking worse than Gotenks, but better than others in this game as well. I actually like that little connection you did with Regal and XSword to DH. I'm gonna look some more into 'em ToNight and early Tomorrow.

Golly gee, Zen. There's too much scum in this game.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Chuckie, I just saw a point I'd missed in one of your posts, about why lynch PM over DH.

PM reads as scum, straight up. DH reads as noobnull/maybe scum. One of these is lynchbait, one of these is vigbait. If there's no vig, we go after DH tomorrow if Gotenks comes through with a recruit or the day after if he doesn't. It's the same reason we preferred Gotenks/PM to Moriarty yesterday.

That said, DH is getting scummier with every post he makes. You don't get to tell us to just ignore the scummy parts of your posts, DH!
It was actually something chuckie had said, yet I had forgot to delete it.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@Dark Horse: Well you claimed Regal to be your 2nd scummiest person - I'm just a bit dubious about you then claiming to be completely against He-man's stances as he too pursued Regal - knowing that He-man is Town I do find it odd you'd jump to the conclusion that his stances point to being scummy as opposed to, say, a misguided Townie?, which he would be if he were Town. In a nutshell, I'd semi-expect a scum replacee in a near-death experience to hate on their predecessor for, essentially, putting them through that. Can you explain to us why you personally find Regal to be scummy? Plz be elaborative :chuckle:

@Regal: It's funny, really, that you accuse us for not answering questions when you left out the majority of ours. Standing by that quote tells us you find Gotenks the scummiest of the 3, which is what we're [partly] highlighting when we say you prioritised people this Day. Going off first-Day reads, your order went "Gotenks > He-man > Moriarty > Monster", and you ended up voting Gotenks, saying he talked you into lynching him. He never did get lynched, he never did die, and nothing much changed, so relying on first Day reads to explain why you jumped straight for He-man D2 as a defence against Chuckie doesn't negate our accusations against you at all. Finally, our definitions of probing must be different - to us you looked disinterested in him on a "I'm-looking-for-scum" level, especially as you later claimed you couldn't scumhunt on he-man because he was inactive.

@All: I don't think Gotenks should be an instant play toMorrow if he fails to recruit. If this is the case, D3 wii'd strongly look into Regal alongside Gotenks [and whoever survives out of Dark/Monster assuming they haven't been killed by our pretend vig or recruited.] I think we need to consider potential interceptive roles as well. Vanz seems to think there's something fishy with XSword so quite a lot of people need to be placed under scrutiny toMorrow IOO before we declare anyone the play.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
EBWOP: ignore the things gmarboy said that isn't completely quoted.

Posting while driving? Psh, once, a girl asked me for help getting a YouTube video on her iPod. I remoted in to my home computer from my phone using iTeleport (VNC client), ripped the video from YouTube using the FireFox Video Downloader plugin on my home PC, converted it to MPEG-4 using iSquint, uploaded it to my server using Cyberduck (FTP client), and then texted her the link to download it.

While driving. :awesome:
And you're still alive??

Yeah, I'm dumb.

Chuckie, we run in to one problem with telling Mentosman/Gotenks to not be obvious with his recruit.

What normally happens when a recruit fails? In MXC Mafia, it simply didn't work, but that was a weird setup.

In Bioware people seemed to run under the assumption that a recruiter would die if he tried to recruit scum.
That's usually how it works.


So...what happens if Mentosman recruit scum, and didn't breadcrumb well enough? We gain almost no information.
Like you said, there would be two deaths if he tried to recruit scum.

Wait, what?

You would policy lynch gotenks because mafia would love killing a PR?

So...you want to lynch a PR because mafia would love it?

I don't understand this statement at all. Please elaborate. Why would you policy lynch gotenks?
(not policy lynch him now, it depends on wether he's found inno or not. Forgot to mention that.This all applies if he's found inno) The mafia could have a choice: aim for gotenks, and kill the mason, or take a shot in the dark and hit something far worse. You can guess what they'd pick.

Losing the mason would be a fatal blow to the town,as that's the town's only form of night communication.
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