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Halo Game - Ovah


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Zei what are you thinking! Wii need to slap you with a wet fish! :chuckle: You can't clear someone on grounds so shaky IOO. Brain Interjection: Dark still has a mountain of information he has to reply to and hasn't addressed anything substantial, which is funny considering he replaced into a bad situation; a deflated scummie? :D But anyway claiming to not have a QT shouldn't convince you that someone is likely clear, especially considering Dark's slip in Castlevania, who was Town. I got the impression you wanted to test whether Dark Horse would make a rookie mistake in revealing a QT he wasn't supposed to. This motive was transparent to me - wouldn't you agree it'd be transparent to Dark Horse who already went through it before? In fact I just refreshed and he touches on this himself. Did you really think he'd have said yes and risk his own death twice, as Town or Scum? It's cloudy basing someone's alignment from this and I disagree with your reasoning.

I find ur 180 on him odd. Why on earth did you join us in the first place early D2? Or was that Licky?

vote: Dark Horse

Why haven't you commented on our accusations?

@All: I want him dead first otherwise the electric brain won't ever rest with him being alive. It's distracting! Also If Dark Horse flipped Town wii [or maybe it's I] would lynch Monster immediately in what should be the shortest Day evah =D If he flipped scum I would lynch Regal in what should be the shortest Day evah =D, then Monster, in that order exactly! If either flip Town, I would look into one of Smar/FFS/XSword/maybe Spag as I think the alternative scum team would exist here!

@Regal: Where did you get the impression that I wanted you to find every example of where He-man had no intention of lynching you? I asked you for an example. Ur scumbell rings when u become a drama queen... SWISSSSS! [unless SirBed made that?] Anyway there are various reasons as to why I think u are a potential scummie. What are your reasons for staying so long on the he-man wagon yet prioritising others? More importantly, considering ur vote was placed on him for this long, why didn't you question Dark when he actively replaced in? Instead all ur concentration was focused on defences. I find that interesting because it looks like, from a town pov, ur vote was placed genuinely on he-man due to its time and length yet when given the opportunity to really dig deep with him you did **** all. Yes we swore because it's adolescence :awesome: You come across as someone who isn't interested in advancing anything for the Town. Why were ur interactions with Dark Horse so lukewarm? Why did you prioritise ur defences fully and not probe Dark alongside them?

Also when you said wii were "setting you up", you said this based on He-man's flip as scum, and looked confident he would appear as such considering ur vote placement and the way in which you spoke about a designed set-up - I agree with Chuckie that I read ur far-thinking there as coming from a scum origin as opposed to a Town one.

I believe you've been far more reactive than proactive this game in all ur actions and it makes me super worried, moreso that people are turning blind eyes toward you. What do you make of Gotenks' play toDay?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Fink ur logic 4 clearin' DH is a bit dodge. Fink new players r better den u give em credit 4. Dats y i won my first game here - ppl assumed dey could read me, i jus' walked thru to LyLo. I don't giv newbs as much leeway as u. Fink PM and the-man need to dye. idc which. Both've made terribad play.
Proof by example here. You're using one example (yourself), andclaining that applies to all newbies.

Brain Interjection: Dark still has a mountain of information he has to reply to and hasn't addressed anything substantial,

Two things here:

1. Where is this so called "mountain of arguments"

2. You haven't define "substantial" anywhere in this thread. You have to at least define something before going around, calling stuff not that.

But anyway claiming to not have a QT shouldn't convince you that someone is likely clear, especially considering Dark's slip in Castlevania, who was Town.
So you're saying that I would be town if I had answered yes? What?

This motive was transparent to me - wouldn't you agree it'd be transparent to Dark Horse who already went through it before?
Hence why I hesitated to answer. However, since I didn't get anything from the-man, the reaction would've been different than in castlemafia.

In fact I just refreshed and he touches on this himself. Did you really think he'd have said yes and risk his own death twice, as Town or Scum? It's cloudy basing someone's alignment from this and I disagree with your reasoning.
Do you really think I would've lied and said yes?

I find ur 180 on him odd. Why on earth did you join us in the first place early D2? Or was that Licky?
Becase I would just waste the time, apparently.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Gawd. K gimme a minute.

@Regal: Where did you get the impression that I wanted you to find every example of where He-man had no intention of lynching you? I asked you for an example.
'N i wanted ta kno y u wanted me 2 post an example of where he didnt wanna lynch me. Hole question is da rong way round - i cud easily quote a post where he said literally anythin' not directly related 2 me. U didn't ask "can u quote where the-man said he didn't wanna lynch u?" u asked
@Regal: Curiously, why did you hop on the He-man wagon at the beginning of toDay but ask Spagbol to throw out questions on your behalf? Also could you give us an example of where he-man had no intention of lynching you?
Like, wat? Makes no sense 'n I don't like it.

What are your reasons for staying so long on the he-man wagon yet prioritising others?
Wheremmi priotisin' others? Plz quote 'n explain. Also wats rong with leavin' mah vote on a guy i fink shud die - why unvote? Cudnt vote PM without hammerin' and don't even fink he shud b @ L-1 'till we're gonna hammer. Wtf question is dis?

More importantly, considering ur vote was placed on him for this long, why didn't you question Dark when he actively replaced in?
I fink he's scum alredy. 'n howdya miss me talkin' 2 him - I were askin' 'im q's. U tryina trip me up here? Bu' anyway I was mo' interested in Zen's swip swatchin' position' on him than questionin' sum1 I wanted lynched n e way wiv links set 'n redy.

Instead all ur concentration was focused on defences. I find that interesting because it looks like, from a town pov, ur vote was placed genuinely on he-man due to its time and length yet when given the opportunity to really dig deep with him you did **** all. Yes we swore because it's adolescence :awesome:
Cotton went mad @ me - callin' me obv scum. Had ta explain y wat I did wasnt wat he fort it was. As alredy said I did question DH so next bit is null. Still fink ur tryina force my hand inta that slots hand - which makes ya both reek ta me. 'N tryina troll Swiss? Rly? Gawd, wat is dis? u mad?

You come across as someone who isn't interested in advancing anything for the Town. Why were ur interactions with Dark Horse so lukewarm? Why did you prioritise ur defences fully and not probe Dark alongside them?
So do u - wats ur point? Fink ur overlookin n e fin dat mite make me look town.

Again explained alredy.

Also when you said wii were "setting you up", you said this based on He-man's flip as scum, and looked confident he would appear as such considering ur vote placement and the way in which you spoke about a designed set-up - I agree with Chuckie that I read ur far-thinking there as coming from a scum origin as opposed to a Town one.
u r Chuckie. Course u agree wiv him. Wat?

I am confident he'll flip scum. Same wiv PM. How have ya missed all dis? Like wat? Let's not forget im callin u out on forcin' connection between scummthe-man 'n Swiss - ur jus' screamin' da same rite bak @ me now.

I believe you've been far more reactive than proactive this game in all ur actions and it makes me super worried, moreso that people are turning blind eyes toward you. What do you make of Gotenks' play toDay?
I don't.

Blind eyes on me? 'ave u not seen Cottons posts toDay? Srsly - wtf r u on? 'n y dus it worry u dat other ppl aren't screamin' scum @ me? Wat dus this mean? They all dum or u 2 smart or wat? Y is it worryin'?

Gotenks play 'as been ok toDay - bit inactive. Pretty sure ive alredy said dis.

@ DH - I said dat I give newbies less room dan Zen. Dat in itself =/= DH auto scum. So wat?

o btw PM i said i fort u shud b postin as many stances 'n thoughts as ya cud.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Swiss said:
@ DH - I said dat I give newbies less room dan Zen. Dat in itself =/= DH auto scum. So wat?
Sorry, I thought you were using that for a reason why I should be lynched.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
this sucks big time. i have to replace out of all of my mafia games. school decided to pile up a bunch of homework/projects on me. i didnt think it wouldve been more than a few days of work, but now i realize itll take me a while.

sorry mods/players.
i'm thinking mentos can handle this game alone, as he's been doing most of the posting this game anyway.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Catching up, but noticed BSL's post. Figure I'll prolly just post on Mentos from now on unless anyone has any major objections to that idea.


Sep 30, 2010
So before I respond properly, I'll address the two things that I remember off the top of my head being directed toward me:


Ma daw. You know that I wouldn't care either way about your claiming. I (Gordito), personally, am indifferent on the matter. I don't care if you claim, it doesn't really play as a town tell or scum tell. I don't know about how the flavour corolates with the claim, but a wise man once said that following flavour alone is silly. So... I think the vote stays. I thought it was weird how smargz was all pissy about your wanting to claim. But ehh...


I lol'd at you mentioning Community. I learned from that game that being cautious gets you stepped on. Even though I don't see myself as confident as I'd like to be, I think you're thinkin about smargz being the confident one. She tends to be quite confident. But, remember, scumminess off of meta =/= the best idea. And on top of that, it's a hydra. A hydra has two players. Two different playstyles here. She's good and I'm bad lmao. I love s*** talking myself!


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
So, all caught up methinks. PM's claiming of vanilla townie doesn't really help their case, but doesn't particularly hurt it either. All the talk about DH being cleared over claiming to not have a QT is stupid. Gotta have a much better reason than that to go around clearing people.

Still don't like PM's repeated stating that I should recruit him. Yeah, if scum kills him to frame me it removes a mislynch, but ensures another. Stupidly risky plan and I don't plan on following it.

Dark Horse has not had much substance since coming in, and I think we'll gain most from his lynch. With that I will go ahead and put him at L-2 now.

Vote: Dark Horse


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Zen: Was your clearing of DH actually down to what you said about QTs or was that just an excuse for a very strong gut read that you had (and also spoke about)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
When I was SK I just had to kill every other day. Also there are non-town killing roles so I don't think there's a point in vig wasting his ability N1. But anyways.

X1: I don't know what you're saying in that last post.

Kat: ok

DH: Have you read all of the game? Also what do you think about the-mans strong dislike of Regal. Do you agree or disagree? Make your stance on Regal. "not sure yet" doesn't cut it. There's plenty to go off of.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Hai Zei :awesome:

1. Where is this so called "mountain of arguments"


So what is ur opinion on he-man in this game atm? And what do you think of our napalm strike on him?

@Your other points: I'm saying that I would expect you not to repeat the same mistake twice. Having been through the experience once before and knowing that slipping that type of information is detrimental to ur survival, you'd think twice, as Town or Scum or Indy or whatever, about revealing that sort of information again, especially considering the circumstances uv replaced into. Thus Zei's clearance of you is silly imo.


Regal you're going to make me have a heart attack. I don't mind showing Chuckie's hand before wii die in a bid to expose you: Addressing the first point and taking a leaf out of Overswarm's style of posting:

Us: Could you give us an example of where he-man had no intention of lynching you?
You: Like, wat? Makes no sense 'n I don't like it. U didn't ask "can u quote where the-man said he didn't wanna lynch u?"

In comparison to:

Us: What is your age?
You: Like, wat? Makes no sense 'n I don't like it. U didn't ask "how old are you?"


The basis for which you don't like our play here comes from your own confusion IOO and that's not a very good basis. Do you still believe that our questions were bad based on this response we received from you?

Wheremmi priotisin' others? Plz quote 'n explain. Also wats rong with leavin' mah vote on a guy i fink shud die - why unvote? Cudnt vote PM without hammerin' and don't even fink he shud b @ L-1 'till we're gonna hammer. Wtf question is dis?
Pushes on Monster/Gotenks [#548, #568, #580, #598 etc.. lol]. Gotenks is "prolly scum" / "S'early in the Day still - not set on a lynch. Not kewl wiv any of dem livin' - jus' wat Gotenks said this mornin' don't tell us jack about his alignment. Still a scummai brummai imo but PM/the-man mite take precedence over him."[#619] "@ Cotton I b thinkin' u c a lik between gotenkscum 'n my hoopy, whoopy self" [#642] "[Gotenks] All his scumminess is still there" [#642]

^there was nothing in ur thoughts toDay to indicate that you would ever pursue He-man. @Bold: it showed, at this period, that Gotenks had taken precedence in your thoughts as being surer-scum yet you were still on he-man, which to us is now likelier to be an empty vote from scum origin! Were you scared of not conforming to the popular wagon? I wanted to highlight in the selection above that you haven't invested energy into he-man in comparison. From our observations u prodded Monster, and repeatedly suggested Gotenks to be sure-scum [before you switched on him], and yet at this particular time with regards to He-man, where ur vote was, you didn't touch on him at all. To us your mind and vote are down 2 different roads and your vote looks very empty. This is the basis in which I asked those questions and wanted examples.

Bu' anyway I was mo' interested in Zen's swip swatchin' position' on him than questionin' sum1 I wanted lynched n e way wiv links set 'n redy.
I disagree with how you saw yourself in that exchange, rather you invested more posts commenting on how meta doesn't apply to you and some point related between you and Spag in RVS. And post-#758, you didn't focus on Zei's answers concerning his 180s on Dark Horse, rather you commented on PM and defended against the comment you made on scum roleblocking. This is the basis in which I made my comments about you, again - in a nutshell it feels toDay that ur mind and ur vote are two alien tentacles doing different things :chuckle:


Sep 30, 2010
Ahh yeah, finally on a CPU.

Regal: do you still want DH be the play? You haven't been really clear on where you stand with things. What do you think of XSword, Smar, and FFS?

X1: You are a difficult person to read. You're always scumy to me. Even when I'm scum and know you're not scum! (Taco lol). Anyways you're not what I mean by new player. By new player, I mean a person who is playing their first game. DH didn't make it far in is first game so he is still relatively new.

@Sword: Hm. Well if DH was scum that would mean that Smar or you was definitely his scumbuddy. I think he should stay though. If I'm wrong about PM then well I suck and I'll just listen to Chuckie from then on lol.

My reasoning for clearing him is this:

1. I explained to DH that everyone playing this game was a hydra and thus everyone had a QT or some form of communication. I asked him if he received the QT his predecessor was using since they are the same player. I made sure not state who he got it from, but I implied he would have gotten it from the-man.

2. If he had said he received the quicktopic from the-man, we would know this was a lie as there is little chance that the-man would be concerned with sharing this with his replacement. If he did receive a QT, it would be from the mod or a scumbuddy. Most likely from the mod. [We know that at least somebody received a QT from the mod as shown here: Mafia Games Sign-Up thread <-- I assume it's ok to use that since it's open info.]

Conclusion: So if DH received a QT upon entering the game, then it would be a scum QT that he received from the mod and not an individual hydra QT he received from the-man. DH did not recieve a QT so DH is not scum.

Now there are two problems with this:

1. DH felt I was tricking him and so stated that he did not have a QT.
2. One of his scumbuddies told him beforehand not to say he has a QT.

Why I am looking these over:

1. I don't believe DH would think I would trick him due to past relations and my position on such tricks. I told him out right it wasn't a trick. That's more of a personal opinion. A more concrete explanation that hopefully you guys will consider is the "I hope you're right" bit before he posted that he didn't have a QT. This shows that he was taking a leap of trust in what I was saying. This is why I believe he was being sincere with the rest of your post. The thing about new players like DH is that they are not naturally deceptive. Some people have to learn to play deceptive in mafia. Before they adapt this attitude, the things they say can be interpreted with sincerity. This is what I have come to find with my experience in a bunch of newbie games. (X1 this is what I also believe separates you from DH. You had already adopted the secretive/deceptive attitude.) I could be wrong with that one post and DH could be deceiving me/us, but f we are to keep him around, such deceptions would become more apparent. Based on the follow-up questions I asked him, I still believe he is not being deceptive.

2. DH answered my question within a reasonable amount of time. I don't think enough for him to ask a scumbuddy what he should say. I believe the only person on at the time was Swiss?...

JayKay. I don't really think Swiss/DH are on the same scum team atm

I think that if DH was told not to state that he had a QT, it would have had to been before I asked him. The only people that would tell him something like this beforehand due to a game that doesn't exist is X1, Smargirl, myself, and Swiss.

As I said, I don't currently think Swiss and DH are scum together so if DH is scum, either Smarboy, XSword, or both are his scumbuddy.

So his flip actually would be pretty interesting, but I still don't think this is the case. I think DH was answering on his own.


That's that. Smar69, what do you think of what I'm saying? Does it make sense? Or do you disagree? Also what are your current thoughts on Regal and FFS?
Gord's here to post his thoughts:

If you're talking about schmastleschmania, then that's some bada** deductive reasoning. But my thoughts on the whole thing are as follows:

There are three things wrong with your clearing and your connections on a possible scum flip:

-Why don't you consider the possibility of Dark Horse learning from his mistake?
-I don't see the clearing of Regal on the scum flip of Dark Horse, personally.
-I'm not scum lol.

So, yea. Great thought process, and I'll see what happens after a DH flip. Idk if it's skim moar syndrome, but what are your leads with a Dark Horse town flip?


So, let's just bunch up my thoughts on another subject into the same post with a summary: Dark Horse: noobtown or noobscum?

Personally, it's noobitcangoeitherway. I see no real alignment distinction with what he's done. I mean, come on. All he's done is spew one liners and parroted his life away. Give him access to senorgif.com and he becomes Moriarty. Ya know, aside from the fact that Moriarty didn't, and well, couldn't, parrot. I see no significance for him to live. But, I'm not gonna useless hunt. This game's about eliminating scum. So I'm staying with my PM vote. If you guys decide to lynch DH, then I won't fight it. But in the end: noobnoob. If he decides to do more than barf fragments, then maybe I'd call him useful. That's in Dark Horse's hands, though :glare:.


Sep 30, 2010
And the other head is back to talk about the claiming thing. When I've seen people ask if they should claim before they're at L-1, they tend to be scum with nice juicy fakeclaims that they just can't wait to share with town.

Obviously, that's not the case here, or PM wouldn't have claimed VT. But it's something that jumps out at me.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
If there's anything that I missed that needs to be addressed, I'll get to it tomorrow (Similar issue preventing me from re-reading the thread to double check).

Spaghebti said:
id have to reread but idt its the same thing tbh. mainly cuz pm has been up there as susp for a while. Cheese wasnt and the only purpose of the mans post was to paint him in a bad light.
Chuckie did express suspicion on Regal Cheese and if I remember correctly, the very first person to do so. He also express suspicion of him early on Day 1.

And another thing, why does Peach Monster being a suspect not make CottonLicky scum while Regal Cheese not being suspected (Which I've already said was wrong) means that tHe-Man was painting him in a bad light?
Spaghebti said:
defense? yu didnt accuse me of anything there lol
Your defense was not a legitimate defense that I could see coming from town. I called you out for starting tHe-Man (Now Dark Horse)'s wagon in a terrible way. Your only response was litterally "are yu kidding me". If you thought it was such a problem, you should have at least put up a proper defense.
Spaghebti said:
cuz thats exactly what the mafia wants. ofc they hop on a wagon of a townie. thats where they find agreement and get their chance to give ppl townvibes.
I can see where you are coming from in which scum can jump on a wagon to gain town cred, but town can do the same as well, but with scum hunting purposes. Just because a person makes a case on a person does not mean the town will automatically follow the person like a droid with no new thoughts of their own. You can be late on a wagon and still be able to provide a decent case on your top suspicion as town.
mentosman8 said:
Why would I call out all my town reads? First of all, scum knows I'm a townie, and as my usual argument against "scumlists" that show who town reads are, telling scum who town trusts tells them who to kill. Not to mention, as of yesterday I was waiting until I was confident enough in a read that a recruit of that person was the most likely option for the night, so that I could point out a specific read as a clear crumb for town to know who to go after if we mismasoned. There's not really a "safe time" for town reads, the good of them is using them to assist on reads of those you're uncomfortable with, and in fact as the game goes on showing who is highly trusted is detrimental.
I never said that you had to call out all of your town reads in this game, just ones you are confident enough in sharing.

I agree that town reads can be risky, but Mafia is a game of risk as well. Scum reads are not fully accurate, just reads that a person believes is more likely to be scum.

Also, expressing town reads you're confident enough in is good because it is a good way to make a process of elimination, sorting out townies from scums. Of course this isn't perfect either, but can been efficent to scum hunting when used well.
mentosman8 said:
1. Now see, this is an argument that WASN'T one of the driving forces of the lynch push that, while I disagree with, is a lot more reasonable than the main points I listed. However, it's also not uncommon practice when you have a very prominent character from the flavor to character claim before full claiming, especially when there's another wagon at about the same strength.
So I see where you are coming from here, although I'm not going to completely clear you from that action. Me, I don't frequently see half-claims happen when a person is under pressure, I've only seen it happen once in Mini 1008: Mega Man 1 Mafia over at Mafiascum. And another thing, just because you say it isn't an uncommon pratice doesn't mean that you and BSL could have used the character claim to make up the short time to make a full fake claim as scum.
mentosman8 said:
3. Welcome to Mentos fighting a lynch when he's in the process of/has already claimed a power role. I'm not gonna play nice and say "pretty please get off my lynch, it'd be really really nice of you!" when I'm a claimed PR. That's time to fight the lynch tooth and nail.
I wasn't expecting you to say "Pretty please get off my lynch". But wouldn't scum tend to panic more while under pressure instead of discussing it in a relatively calm manner to get your point across?
Spaghebti said:
i really dont think we should lynch gotenks guys. i dont see how he is scummy. i know he was kinda inconsistent d1 but that could be cuz its hard to be consistent on a hydra. its not the scummy kind of inconsistent imo
Inconsistency between the hydra can still be scummy. Like Gotenks said earlier, to ensure that you have a minimal amount of contradictions, you need to discuss your ideas and posts with each other to make sure you're on the same track. Hydra's contradicting themself due to lack of communication only hurts them.
Peach Monster said:
Fans for Sell, ok, you don't find tHe-man scummy. May I ask, who do you find scummy at this point? I'm more interested in knowing that than who you don't.
Our top suspicion is Spaghebti at this point. We don't think you look too good either, so we're keeping an eye out for you. We have other suspicions, although we don't necessarily agree on them.
Regal Cheese said:
FFS do ya think Spag should be lynched over PM?
As explained before, we have a case on Spaghebti that is a lot more solid then Peach Monster. We will be fine with both lynches, but we find Spagehbti to be much worse.
CottonLicky said:
Vote: Dark Horse

Let's not have DH waste his time. I'm ready to end the day.
The irony. Here you say you want to end the day and not waste the day, yet you already unvoted him and declared him town based off faulty evidence.
CottonLicky said:
Do you have a PR?
This looks way too much like rolefishing here. Why are you concern about Regal Cheese's PM? Same question to Regal Cheese, who was also guilty of it.
Dark Horse said:
Changed my mind:

PM seems scummy to me. Regal also does.
But it isn't much better. Why? First off, your suspicion of Peach Monster looks as it is following suspicion and not truly thinking the person is scum. Secondly, as others have said, this completely lacks in reasons. Lastly, it looks as you add suspicion due to my other head calling out you for starting in a horrible way.
CottonLicky said:
Unvote: Dark Horse

See that's what I love about newer players. So easy to clear.

Swiss that makes complete since. My bad on failing to realize that.
I don't buy that Dark Horse saying that he doesn't have a quick topic clear him. Furthermore, I can't see how it's that easy to clear a newbie with that question. Would that be your method with an experience player like Ronike/Nicholas1024/etc? And if not, why?
CottonLicky said:
He's clear because scum likely was given a QT to share so they probably don't really need seperate hydra QTs (though they might anyways, but they still probably have a shared one). Since he was not given this QT upon entering the game, he is not scum. Gotenks can probably confirm that roles with communication abilities were given QTs by the mod. Since he did, scum probably did too.
In the case that there is a scum quick topic, we have to remember that just because Dark Horse said he doesn't have tHe-Man's quick topic doesn't mean he does not have access to the hypothetical scum quick topic.
Dark Horse said:
Havent decided yet.
What happen to your scum read on Regal Cheese? When you mentioned your suspects, you said he was your #2.
XSword said:
I honestly want tHE-MAN's player slot dead more than PM. I guess I'll be happy with PM's slot, but would still rather have DH dead. I think we learn a lot more from than playerslot's flip.
Nice job parroting other people on this while adding no new thoughts on how and why tHe-Man/Dark Horse slot give us more in the long run then Peach Monster.
Dark Horse said:
But why would we lynch you? you're mason + you're alive next day = your town. We wouldn't want to risk a misslynch.
You do realize that there is the possibility of both of them as scums lying? Just because they claim to be a mason doesn't mean that they are.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
So I see where you are coming from here, although I'm not going to completely clear you from that action. Me, I don't frequently see half-claims happen when a person is under pressure, I've only seen it happen once in Mini 1008: Mega Man 1 Mafia over at Mafiascum. And another thing, just because you say it isn't an uncommon pratice doesn't mean that you and BSL could have used the character claim to make up the short time to make a full fake claim as scum.
Yes, I definitely held off full claiming for around 8 hours for the sake of thinking up a claim i breadcrumbed less than half an hour after my half claim. Yep, I was buying time while simultaneously breadcrumbing the claim I was trying to come up with, and catching flak for NOT fully claiming despite already having one ready. Definitely makes sense as an intelligent play.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I see FFS on ALL THE TIME. Come on mans.

Uh Gordito: Leads for DH town flip = XSword <~> Peach Monster

Kat why Zei lol

Uhh well bbl

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

@FFS: You're nitpicking and skiming.

I think we should be lynching DH toDay over PM for two reasons. One, I simply find DH's playerslot scummier. It's not really even DH's play that's scummy, but rather He-Man's that really sells it for me. Chuckie had it right on how he was flip flopping around to avoid being pressured. Also, I don't necessarily know Xonar's meta too well, but I've seen him completely drop out of games as scum before. I've heard that he isn't really even too active as a town, but at least as town he plays. PM on the other hand, while scummy, didn't really do the level of flip flopping like He-Man did.

The second reason being is that I think we'll learn more from his flip than PM's. At least his flip will help us clear up views on people who took a definite stances on He-man one way or another. Correct me if I'm wrong but iirc people have kinda overall looked at PM in a negative light, while at least a couple people (FSS is one I can name off the top of my head) haven't necessarily seen him as scum.
There you go.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
FFS: loool nooooo. I'm not THAT dumb. I wouldn't clear anybody other than DH with that logic. Not even another newbie. It's more about how I feel DH would answer I

Also scum having a shared QT isn't hypothetical. They have one. Why would you think other wise?
*Imagines 5 players (2 hydras and DH) loling about my faulty DH logic:c*

Mentos: What are you reads on Chuckie, Regal, and XSword? And do you still feel the same about me and Smar?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
PM: Who do you think we should look at tomorrow should you be lynched?

XSword: Xonar doesn't post in games where he is town either. Don't like that bit. I just think you're trying to save PM, your bud.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Sorry bout the triple post (unless im ninjad). I forgot to reply to some of your stuff Smardito. In responce to your dashed lines.

-That's answered in my number 1.
-Uh yeah I agree. I forgot why I was thinking that tbh o.o
-How so?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Zen: Nah, he makes an effort to post in games when he's town, albeit a small one. A good example I think would be MXC mafia. He barely posted, but at least he did post. Here he just dropped off the face of the planet.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
It makes since his partner posted for him! They are a hydra. One player. And you're just giving ONE example he posted as town. There could be a game where he didn't post as town.

What makes you so sure Xonar didn't post here anyways?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Zen Ryker was v/la.

From the mod's 628:

I'm not making an excuse for inactivity for a hydra in this game. I know ryker is V/LA, but this is a hydra, so Xonar should be active in this game. Only if both sides of the hydra are V/LA will i abstain from sending prods.

As a side note, he has two prods now, i will have to either search for a replacement or modkill him if he does not post in another two days.
It had to be him.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yes but the posts that the-man DID make could have been made by Xonar, no? Therefore we cannot know if Xonar has made an attempt and your meta cannot be applied. That is, unless you have been in cahoots with the-man and KNOW from the QT that Xonar hasn't participated in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Still only skimmed just checkin to make sure no one is dead yet.

Xsword see BIM:R. Xonar was town bomb their and basically didn't post at all. He then got himself modkilled which resulted in the death of another two townies. Trying to say he's only inactive or that he only posts when he's town is dumb.


Sep 13, 2010
And another thing, why does Peach Monster being a suspect not make CottonLicky scum while Regal Cheese not being suspected (Which I've already said was wrong) means that tHe-Man was painting him in a bad light?
cuz pm was already in a bad light. he had his back&forth with other ppl and was slowly gettin into to trouble. kind of an evolution. the man literally came outa nowhere with his case. qand i still think its a whack case

Your defense was not a legitimate defense that I could see coming from town. I called you out for starting tHe-Man (Now Dark Horse)'s wagon in a terrible way. Your only response was litterally "are yu kidding me". If you thought it was such a problem, you should have at least put up a proper defense.
it was never a problem to me. yure the one who has probs with the man wagon. whyd i defend myself for what most ppl agree. ppl were down to lynch the man so i dont see why i shud defend myself jsut cuz yu dont agree with it.

I can see where you are coming from in which scum can jump on a wagon to gain town cred, but town can do the same as well, but with scum hunting purposes.
yea that can be the case. im just sayin that yu cant give some1 credit for playin like that. noot sain that its a scumtell tho

Just because a person makes a case on a person does not mean the town will automatically follow the person like a droid with no new thoughts of their own.
it actually happens way too much but w/e

You can be late on a wagon and still be able to provide a decent case on your top suspicion as town.
course yu can but it doesnt make sense for a townie to do

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
What are your reasons for staying so long on the he-man wagon yet prioritising others?
Wheremmi priotisin' others? Plz quote 'n explain. Also wats rong with leavin' mah vote on a guy i fink shud die - why unvote? Cudnt vote PM without hammerin' and don't even fink he shud b @ L-1 'till we're gonna hammer. Wtf question is dis?

Still a scummai brummai imo but PM/the-man mite take precedence over him.

I said pm/the-man mite take precedence over gotenks toDay. which i stand by. Y is this now magically me prioritising other ppl over the-man? Srs stop makin' it out dat im sayin wat im not. gettin' old. 'n gettin annoyin - u tryina make me mad? u kno lotsa ppl fink rage Swiss = scum Swiss. Dat wat ur tryina do? ez lynch amirite?

^there was nothing in ur thoughts toDay to indicate that you would ever pursue He-man.
i voted da guy in my 1st post of da day 'n tried ta get Spag askin' 'im q's How have u missed me not likin' the-man? R u even readin' my posts? srs if ur tryina troll me wiv all dese posts den wat u on? Plus da wordin of dis q helpfully ignores all of my reads yesterDay which back up wat i did toDay.

I wanted to highlight in the selection above that you haven't invested energy into he-man in comparison.
Wat, toDay? 'Course I haven't - the-man hasnt even posted toDay[/I] 'n i knew he was still inactive from ova games were he hadnt posted after his v/la was meant 2 end. Ymmi make loadsa posts @ a guy not even checkin da thread? Esp. when PM had started talkin 'n finally answerin' 'n ppl were takin' stances on Gotenks. If ur talkin about DH den we've already covered dat so ur jus' spewin' da same bs again.

. To us your mind and vote are down 2 different roads and your vote looks very empty. This is the basis in which I asked those questions and wanted examples.
Hows da vote lookin' empty? i had no reason to place it on pm cuz he had enuf votes - so i jus' left it dere on the-man from my 1st post iirc. Culda unvoted but no point - mite as well leave it on amirite? Votes suspicious maybe cuz I didnt vote PM earlier b4 he was wagonned wen i coulda (dont fink I did n e way) - dats da 1 fing dat cud look bad and u didnt even pick up on it. Wtf angle r u lookin'@ this game from? Srs.

I disagree with how you saw yourself in that exchange, rather you invested more posts commenting on how meta doesn't apply to you and some point related between you and Spag in RVS. And post-#758, you didn't focus on Zei's answers concerning his 180s on Dark Horse, rather you commented on PM and defended against the comment you made on scum roleblocking. This is the basis in which I made my comments about you, again - in a nutshell it feels toDay that ur mind and ur vote are two alien tentacles doing different things :chuckle:
Dey were 2 different exchanges - u cant jus' lump 'em together. I was answerin' Zen's case on me (how do u keep missin all dis - wtf?) and den I asked Zen y DH was clear. took a firm stance on Zen's logic in dat issue and probed DH for answers soon as he started postin'. Not like i ignored 'im.

I also noticed ya didnt answer like most of da q's i asked u. Y is dis? or u not gonna answer dat either? town got nuffink to hide amirite?

@ FFS - didn't expect Zen 2 answer my PR Q. It was rhetorical 2 prove a point which failed.

wats da vote count?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

Dark Horse: Regal Cheese, Chuckie(2)
Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Cottonlicky, Dark horse (3)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Dark Horse: Xsword, Chuckie, Mentos (3)
Not Voting: PeachMonster

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 4, 11:59PM EST

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Zen said:
-That's answered in my number 1.
-Uh yeah I agree. I forgot why I was thinking that tbh o.o
-How so?
-Hmm... aight I'll take it. I still think that he shouldn't be autocleared with that. But we're not the same person lol.
-Tank youz for da relief :).
-Unless I misread my role PM incorrectly, I'm town.s

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
711, I'd appreciate if you got around to this sometime, Spagheb.

Swiss, if you think people are skimming you it's because of that horrible posting style. I don't even want to read it sometimes.

DH, I think you were asked why you feel CottonLicky is town, and I don't think you responded. I'd like an explanation as well.

@mod, you might want to double check your vote count

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Sorry about my inactiveness, I just got admin powers on this small smash site, and spent the whole mourning messing around.

When I said my post, I didn't count those because they seemed to be aimed at the-man, not me.

What's more, some of the stances he gave i'm completely against, and others are going to need a whole lot of convincing :facepalm:


So what is ur opinion on he-man in this game atm? And what do you think of our napalm strike on him?

Of all the people I could've replaced, it had to be him. His arguments have more holes than swiss (expecially the ones against regal, where arguing because his "speech" style was weird).

Personally, it's noobitcangoeitherway. I see no real alignment distinction with what he's done. I mean, come on. All he's done is spew one liners and parroted his life away. Give him access to senorgif.com and he becomes Moriarty. Ya know, aside from the fact that Moriarty didn't, and well, couldn't, parrot. I see no significance for him to live. But, I'm not gonna useless hunt. This game's about eliminating scum. So I'm staying with my PM vote. If you guys decide to lynch DH, then I won't fight it. But in the end: noobnoob. If he decides to do more than barf fragments, then maybe I'd call him useful. That's in Dark Horse's hands, though :glare:.
Dark Horse has not had much substance since coming in, and I think we'll gain most from his lynch. With that I will go ahead and put him at L-2 now.
See response above.

But it isn't much better. Why? First off, your suspicion of Peach Monster looks as it is following suspicion and not truly thinking the person is scum. Secondly, as others have said, this completely lacks in reasons. Lastly, it looks as you add suspicion due to my other head calling out you for starting in a horrible way.

I don't buy that Dark Horse saying that he doesn't have a quick topic clear him. Furthermore, I can't see how it's that easy to clear a newbie with that question. Would that be your method with an experience player like Ronike/Nicholas1024/etc? And if not, why?In the case that there is a scum quick topic, we have to remember that just because Dark Horse said he doesn't have tHe-Man's quick topic doesn't mean he does not have access to the hypothetical scum quick topic.
What happen to your scum read on Regal Cheese? When you mentioned your suspects, you said he was your #2.
Took another read, and changed stance on him.

Nice job parroting other people on this while adding no new thoughts on how and why tHe-Man/Dark Horse slot give us more in the long run then Peach Monster.
You do realize that there is the possibility of both of them as scums lying? Just because they claim to be a mason doesn't mean that they are.
Do you think I didn't realize that?

Also, just a quick question to everyone here: If PM lives today and says tomorrow that goteks recruited her, would you believe them?

DH, I think you were asked why you feel CottonLicky is town, and I don't think you responded. I'd like an explanation as well.
Mostly because I use town-until-proven-scum method, and licky hasn't done anything that seems scummy to me. He also seems town, though there's no real post that I can say completely shows this, I guess it's a biased reason :ohwell:

BTW the first time I read, I had only read a couple of pages left, which explains why I didn't think anyone was scummy.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Dark Horse said:
Mostly because I use town-until-proven-scum method, and licky hasn't done anything that seems scummy to me. He also seems town, though there's no real post that I can say completely shows this, I guess it's a biased reason
Would you say that the only thing making him seem townie to you is his clearing you? I'm saying this because I remember being new town. And thinking that whenever someone cleared me, they were autotown. It's DANGEROUS to assume this. The Mafia know what everybody's alignment is (aside from indy's), and can easily use that to call townies townie and scum scummy. Case and point: Don't think, if you're town, that if someone clears you, they're town too.

Dark Horse said:
2. You haven't define "substantial" anywhere in this thread. You have to at least define something before going around, calling stuff not that.
dictionary.com said:
2. of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real.
3. of solid character or quality; firm, stout, or strong: a substantial physique.
Duz dat help ya, buddeh?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Would you say that the only thing making him seem townie to you is his clearing you? I'm saying this because I remember being new town. And thinking that whenever someone cleared me, they were autotown. It's DANGEROUS to assume this. The Mafia know what everybody's alignment is (aside from indy's), and can easily use that to call townies townie and scum scummy. Case and point: Don't think, if you're town, that if someone clears you, they're town too.
Okay. However, he hasn't acted scummy IMO.

Duz dat help ya, buddeh?
Now what would you consider "firm"?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Dark Horse said:
Okay. However, he hasn't acted scummy IMO.
And I'm not saying he really has. I think he's town too dude. Don't worry. I'm just trying to make sure you don't clear em on the basis that I described. But I'll take ur answer.

Dark Horse said:
Now what would you consider "firm"?
I included the third definition cuz of the first part: of solid character or quality. Go on that, and tangible; real.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
And I'm not saying he really has. I think he's town too dude. Don't worry. I'm just trying to make sure you don't clear em on the basis that I described. But I'll take ur answer.
Okay, fine by me.

I included the third definition cuz of the first part: of solid character or quality. Go on that, and tangible; real.
Yes, I know, but what would you consider a "substantial post" in this thread?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM: Who do you think we should look at tomorrow should you be lynched?
Both Edrees and I agree on the following:

* CottonLicky is likely town, however should be mocked upon our town flip and will be haunted by our ghost. 95% our Peachy butts.

* Fans For Sell is too wishy-washy. Fans seemed to waver when discussing us, first viewing us as town, then scum, but not being really vocal.

* Smarboy needs investigation. We initially had a town read on Smarboy on D1, but Smarboy seemed to try too hard to handhold with Licky.

We additionally dislike Spaghebti and to a lesser degree Cheese.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
I realize I forgot to include Dark Horse in the list. Dark Horse is IMO the play for today, but in the case of our lynch and town flip today should continue a topic of investigation tomorrow. He can also be considered to carry out our Gotenks plan.

If Gotenks was confirmed town, I would be strongly against fixing night actions. But fixing the night action seems like the best way to either clear him and one other townie, or greatly increase our odds (to 50%) of catching scum on the next day.

If I am lynched, I strongly recommend that Gotenks mason Dark Horse and tell everyone before night falls. Imaginary doctor should protect one of the two.

Smarboy self-admittedly despised this plan on "policy", which adds to my dislike of him. I'm somewhat worried by Gotenks' disapproval of it- where is Gotenks anyway?

IMO, this is the best way to help clear Gotenks, and if Gotenks refuses to go along with it, he should be lynched if he fails to mason someone again tomorrow. I can understand Gotenks' hesitation to fix a night action if he is indeed a power role, but as an unconfirmed player who's power role claim is the only thing keeping him alive, I think he needs to strongly consider it.

I think tomorrow I'm going to go back and re-read and see what players avoided commenting on my plan suggestion. I would peg any players who did not respond to it with either like or dislike as potential scum; fence-sitters who didn't want their opinion on it judged at a later point.
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