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Halo Game - Ovah


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Back on Regal if Bed's back in den.

Wat about every1 else in da game? :Quizzicalwtfisthis****smiley:

fink PM shud post soon

fink we shud wait ta put 'im at L-1

smar is DH noobtown or noobscum?

DH wat is Zen/Cotton? Town amirite?

wats the offishul Chuckie lynch stance?

They'd all be dead silly because I'd pew pew everyone else until only town is left, and once we'd one I'd pew pew some more because of all the extra accumulated vig shots.

Cheese >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PM >> Dark Horse



Sep 30, 2010
Chuckie when I placed that fos on you it was late and I was tired (tired johns). Later when I was thinking straight, I realized that it wasn't really warranted, so I took it back.

Idk about Regal tbh, X1 knows him a lot better, and whenever my hydra talks to Regal it has been X1 speaking to him. Despite this, X1 doesn't really have a clear read on Regal right now. If I had to go with my gut feeling, I would say he's slight town, pretty much for the same reason as Spag. A lot of it depends on flips imo.

Anyways, about Dh. I'm not too sure about the way he has been cleared. Like, I think it's just as likely that he was told not to give out his qt/actually knows better then that (I know, crazy concept, right?) then it is that he actually didn't get the qt.

I said I was going to be looking at Licky early, and I did. He checks out for the most part. I partially agree with overconfident Gboy being scummy, just because in Community mafia he was a lot more cautious as town. Licky though, I'm not getting how you cleared DH? DH's noobiness does seem legit, but that's so null to me, as he can be both town and scum as a noob. Care to explain why?

I'm still looking at FFS and Spag. I'll get to them later.

I honestly want tHE-MAN's player slot dead more than PM. I guess I'll be happy with PM's slot, but would still rather have DH dead. I think we learn a lot more from than playerslot's flip.

@PM: I believe earlier you asked some randomish questions and you said you had reasons for asking those questions? I don't think I've seen them yet. You probably should explain or else I'm going have to assume you really were just picking stuff of a hat to ask.

@Chuckie: What do you mean when you say awkward? I've kinda noticed that you use that term a lot and I just want to be clear with what you mean by that.

Btw, I do check the thread often to see what I missed. However, I'm usually busy with something else (studying, girlfriend) to have time to post. I'll try to step it up.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween! :reverse:

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
o rite chuckie. ya silly me howdi miss that? Gawd regal, pickit up.

I've also JUST NOTICED XSWORDS AVVY IS THAT DUDE FROM DOCTOR WHO. AWEEEEEEESOME. He's all like God save the queen and ****. Ya.


Sep 30, 2010
Unvote: Dark Horse

See that's what I love about newer players. So easy to clear.
Is that true with all new players? I'm sure earlier you said "I've never been able to read X1" even when you played with me in I think my second ever game (Taco)

@ XSwords - which of u 'as ben postin' moar? X1 ammi town? ammi harder 2 read dan usual?
Half n half I guess? maybe slightly more Sword.

You're good to live for a couple of days, me being non-conclusive on your alignment worries me a bit.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@XS: There are a LOT of times where I'm viewing the thread and see either X1/Swordancer/Xsword viewing, and then I'm like "oh cool they'll post something" and then you don't. Or I see you online at 4pm my time, and you end up posting at 8pm, but it's just a one or two line post. I know I do this sometimes as scum, a good example is J in a-game-that-doesn't-exist. Pretty sure I could quote myself from that imaginary place saying "Not liking J for viewing the thread and not posting" several times. Just don't like it that much and expect it from scummies.

By awkward, I get a feeling from some of your posts as being slightly faked or forced. I.e. your #729 saying you wanted to put DH at L-1, but asking for other peoples opinions before you do it... such a short little post that doesn't serve much purpose, but where you're being genuinely serious. Dunno if this makes sense.

Btw I have 1 exam left yay. got 1.5 days left to cram :(. But then I'm finished uni for the year!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

Sorry bout the lateness guys.

tHe-man: Regal Cheese, Chuckie(2)
Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Xsword, Cottonlicky, Dark horse (4)
Spaghebti: Fans For Sell(1)
Not voting: Peach Monster, Gotenks,

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 4, 11:59PM EST
@Dark horse - Yes, if someone is replaced, votes carry over, but tHe-man was not voting at the time.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Btw I have 1 exam left yay. got 1.5 days left to cram :(. But then I'm finished uni for the year!!!!
Hope you're not studying English.

Lol y u so trololol?

Good luck though ^_^

Srsly, cram SOLIDLY. Don't even log on here if you can help it - quick checks on forums nearly cost me my degree. 5 mins turns into 30 D:


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@XS: There are a LOT of times where I'm viewing the thread and see either X1/Swordancer/Xsword viewing, and then I'm like "oh cool they'll post something" and then you don't. Or I see you online at 4pm my time, and you end up posting at 8pm, but it's just a one or two line post. I know I do this sometimes as scum, a good example is J in a-game-that-doesn't-exist. Pretty sure I could quote myself from that imaginary place saying "Not liking J for viewing the thread and not posting" several times. Just don't like it that much and expect it from scummies.

By awkward, I get a feeling from some of your posts as being slightly faked or forced. I.e. your #729 saying you wanted to put DH at L-1, but asking for other peoples opinions before you do it... such a short little post that doesn't serve much purpose, but where you're being genuinely serious. Dunno if this makes sense.

Btw I have 1 exam left yay. got 1.5 days left to cram :(. But then I'm finished uni for the year!!!!
Erm, I said 'any takers?' because I wasn't able to put him a L-1 all on my own, I didn't vote in that post because I was waiting for votecount after all the flak the-man had been getting. I know what to hear back from cotton, if he can actually convince me better than that the DH is town, which I find somewhat unlikely. As we've already said either one of DH or PM dead is cool but DH is first choice but to me personally there's very little in it. For the sake of sword:

Vote: Dark Horse


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Don't get the joke... after my exam on Wednesday I won't have to attend university until 2011... is it because I started a sentence with 'but,' or that I abbreviated 'uni?' Or is it my word choice in selecting "finished" as opposed to a more appropriate term? YOU DON'T WANT ME TO FAIL DO YOU!!!!!! :@:@:@:@:@

But (lol) no, it's a physics exam. I r studyin 2 b a enginere. And they give us all the formula on a sheet. Just to need understand which formulas are which and how to apply them.

Fortunately, it's only a 50% exam, and I already scored 48/50% on earlier assessment... so it won't be hard to at least pass :D.

Game Related:

I plan to put PM at L-1 in the next 10 minutes.

Lynching someone without them first claiming and giving their defence is inherently anti-town.

Attempting to "ninja" me will tell me nothing except that you are scum.

Have a nice day,



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo

Dark Horse replaces tHe-man. Thanks!

Deadline has been extended to the last seconds of Nov. 4 due to a replacement.
Don't scare me like that :p.

And I guess it'll be L-2 after that hilarious ninja.

Unvote: Dark Horse
Vote: Peach Monster


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
"I'm finished Uni for the year"

Grammar boi. Wasn't much offa joke 2bh - I'd give it a 'minor lol' ratin' @ best. Mai next wan will be at least roflcopter. Gunnin' for a lolocaust but ya gotta be modest amirite?

Don't fink deres n e need 2 put


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I don't see why PM will not be the lynch for toDay. Nobody quick hammers in this day and age anyway. I'm gonna trust Zen's meta for now. Right now all I want to see for the rest of the day is:

-PM Claim
-Substance from DH
-More substance from Spaghebti
-More substance from Gotenks
-"He-man and why he should be lynched over PM" - A riveting tale by XSword

But realistically, only the first will happen anyway. Nothing else to do really.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I think it was Chuckie said:
it's mostly been smar iirc
100x over. Smar's been getting my thoughts. I'm just having a hard time actually posting here.

Taking the College Pre Test. When I come back I'll finish up.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
I've mentioned before I don't usually post on Sundays/Mondays much due to being off work, but Edrees is still inactive so I'll make an exception. But I want to reiterate; I work Tuesday through Saturday, those are my active posting days.

@PM: I believe earlier you asked some randomish questions and you said you had reasons for asking those questions? I don't think I've seen them yet. You probably should explain or else I'm going have to assume you really were just picking stuff of a hat to ask.

See below:

Spaghebti, why are you FoSing me for disliking tHe-man? If it is scummy to dislike someone that already has a case on them, is not your FoS on me just as scummy? >_>
I disliked Spaghebti at this point but didn't have a case to make. I also felt like he was dropping the FoS at random in an attempt to blend in. He didn't cite very strong reasons and the FoS seemed kind of random.

tHe-man, where you at?
Obvious question is obvious.

Xsword, why do you think FZ was killed?
I mostly asked this because I realized I hadn't addressed you much through the course of the game. I wanted to ask someone the question to see if there'd be anything interesting to follow up on in the response, and picked you due to lack of interaction so far.

Smarboy, what are your thoughts on CottonLicky's play? CottonLicky, same question to you about Smarboy.
I feel a strong buddying between CottonLicky and Smarboy. I'm not sure how to read in to it. I feel CottonLicky is overzealous town tunneling a misread, but I've found the buddying here disconcerting. So, I asked this question.

Strangely, CottonLicky didn't respond to the question. Smarboy says he finds CottonLicky town.

On another not, there's really nobody i'm certain of being scum right now...
Whelp, you're clearly scum then, join our club. >_<

It's hard to get reads in this game when you're not used to hydra play.

Changed my mind:

PM seems scummy to me. Regal also does.

Pretty much what cotton and chuckle said.

Thoth your not my #1 pick for vote.

This kind of loose following-play is what got me pegged as scum. Really? Have you not been reading?

I hope you're right >_>

No I wasn't.

Unvote: Dark Horse

See that's what I love about newer players. So easy to clear.

Swiss that makes complete since. My bad on failing to realize that.
Please, you just tried this in another game, it's already a thing of legend. xD

Besides, it took him like three posts to answer you. He probably consulted his scumbuddies before answering the question.

He's clear because scum likely was given a QT to share so they probably don't really need seperate hydra QTs (though they might anyways, but they still probably have a shared one). Since he was not given this QT upon entering the game, he is not scum. Gotenks can probably confirm that roles with communication abilities were given QTs by the mod. Since he did, scum probably did too.
Are you guys being serious? What if he's simply not telling the truth? What if he just asked his scumbuddies how to respond? This is terrible grounds to clear someone on.

Yep Yep @ the second one. I say lynch PM > XSword > Smarboy in that order. Not exactly sure if Smar is the last scum though.

Wait- what? You avoided my question regarding your thoughts on Smarboy. Please detail why you put Smarboy on the list?

Tbh if I were playing solo vand then I don't think I would of noticed the-man much at all (Kat did all that stuff), and I think I would of had my sights set on pm toDay, after playing with EP for a bit.
For the record, EP hasn't posted under the hydra account since early-to-mid D1. >_<
You're just playing with Praxis, and you're playing with a Praxis who is confused by hydra play and tried to let EP do more talking on D1 and now has to reconcile it and looks terribly bad. I'm trying to keep town from getting a mislynch and I'd much prefer a plan that might force scum to NK me, like the Gotenks thing I suggested.

That's my primary reason.

This is still not a bad situation for town.

First off, this. If PM gets recruited & says so to everybody, do you think anyone will think they're scum?

The cop died D1. they wouldn't have to worry about this. AFAIK, cop is the only village-sided role that can tell who's maf and whose not.

Poor Explanation.
The cop did not die D1. A naive cop died D1. There is probably still a proper cop out there, or another power role capable of discerning information.

If Gotenks and I claim to be masoned, you only need to lynch one of us to clear both, or have a power role clear us in some way. We haven't had a sane cop flip yet.

I'm catching up right now, but I want to discuss the latest events with Praxis before I post, so I'll get that to you guys soon. Are you guys asking us to claim btw? people asking us to post when near lynch, seems to indirectly ask us to claim so let us know
Hey, I ran in to this while reading through the thread! Text meh dawg.

Nobody responded to this. Chuckie seems to want a claim. Does town want a claim from me right now?

IMO, I still favor a tHe-man/DH lynch as toDay's play, and believe Gotenks should recruit Us toNight. Imaginary Doc should protect one of us (either getting NK'd would help town save a mislynch, and the uncertainty might result in neither getting NK'd).

Tomorrow, chase the results of the night actions, start looking at Spaghebti, Fans For Sell, Regal Cheese, and Smarboy in that order if I am masoned successfully or killed.

Fans, I'd like to hear you talk some more...I have some thoughts on you, but want to talk to Edrees first and see what he gets out of a re-read. What are your reads right now? Am I scum?

Chuckie, could you take me off L-1? We don't want accidental shenanigans.


Sep 30, 2010
You shouldn't be at L-1; X1-12 unvoted. And I think I said something earlier about NOT DIRECTING NIGHT ACTIONS.

Why are you so eager to claim? Do you have a spectacular fake claim you want to share with the class?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
PM do ya fink deres a reason for ya not ta claim? Do ya fink it'll stop ya lynch?

I'd prefer to see as much content as ya can type b4 ya die. Fink ur gna end up lynched toDay.

As an FYI - The only other person online wen DH replaced in and started postin' was Zen, I wasnae sure if he was gonna b gettin' fed if he were scum so i pointed out hu was online at da tyme. Swiss 'n Zen.

If PM is town hell b more useful dan DH. Fink DH wont be as useful. Fink both shud die.

Fink PM shud b taken off L-1 'till we wanna lynch.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
You shouldn't be at L-1; X1-12 unvoted. And I think I said something earlier about NOT DIRECTING NIGHT ACTIONS.

Why are you so eager to claim? Do you have a spectacular fake claim you want to share with the class?
I'm not eager to claim.
Edrees asked the question, and suddenly Chuckie is asking for our claim.

Right now all I want to see for the rest of the day is:

-PM Claim
@ Cheese, answering the question of whether my claim will have an effect on the lynch wagon is too pointed; I'll claim if town demands it, but answering this question amounts to a claim of sorts regardless, and unless town wants a claim, I'm going to refrain from answering, sorry.

And I think I said something earlier about NOT DIRECTING NIGHT ACTIONS.

Can you tell me what is so bad about it?

Gotenks and I are both potential mislynch targets toMorrow. Either of us getting NK'd in an attempt to frame the other arguably doesn't really hurt town. Neither of us getting NK'd is extremely pro-town as it will reveal alignment, possibly clearing us both.

Even if one of us is scum, scum has to kill the other to keep town from finding out. It forces scum to kill one of us to keep town in the dark about the other's alignment, which amounts to a second lynch for town since they kill our target of choice- or they can bypass it, letting us clear two townies at once or expose a scum.

You seem to just be against it on policy/principle?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
how long til 4pm? if the man is modkilled vig shoot pm if yur out there. gotenks is town and should recruit on his own dicretion
...we have a vig? There was only one NK. >_>
You seem pretty sure Gotenks is town.
This post stands out to me.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Even I know most good vigs will not kill N1 to differentiate themselves from SKs
Is this so? I'm not familiar. I've only played with SK's, not a Vig. I ate the kill N1 in that game.

(sorry, last post was ninja'd)


Sep 30, 2010
On policy, yes. Also, if it does work and we wake up tomorrow and you post "Guess what, Gotenks recruited me" either a cop outs himself to clear you both or we have to lynch one of you anyway - you're both too iffy to take the risk that you're both scum.

And vig's don't have to kill every night. That's serial killers.

So why is EP eager to claim? You don't get to back down from something your other head said like that, but I'll accept a delay in getting an answer if he isn't online right now.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
On policy, yes. Also, if it does work and we wake up tomorrow and you post "Guess what, Gotenks recruited me" either a cop outs himself to clear you both or we have to lynch one of you anyway - you're both too iffy to take the risk that you're both scum.

And vig's don't have to kill every night. That's serial killers.

So why is EP eager to claim? You don't get to back down from something your other head said like that, but I'll accept a delay in getting an answer if he isn't online right now.
I think the answer is in his own statement:
Are you guys asking us to claim btw? people asking us to post when near lynch, seems to indirectly ask us to claim so let us know
He's not eager to claim, he's asking if town is asking for it based on interpreting people's statements, as I read it. However, I'll try to get in contact with my other head and get clarification from him and elaborate more later today if there he has a better answer.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ahh yeah, finally on a CPU.

Regal: do you still want DH be the play? You haven't been really clear on where you stand with things. What do you think of XSword, Smar, and FFS?

X1: You are a difficult person to read. You're always scumy to me. Even when I'm scum and know you're not scum! (Taco lol). Anyways you're not what I mean by new player. By new player, I mean a person who is playing their first game. DH didn't make it far in is first game so he is still relatively new.

@Sword: Hm. Well if DH was scum that would mean that Smar or you was definitely his scumbuddy. I think he should stay though. If I'm wrong about PM then well I suck and I'll just listen to Chuckie from then on lol.

My reasoning for clearing him is this:

1. I explained to DH that everyone playing this game was a hydra and thus everyone had a QT or some form of communication. I asked him if he received the QT his predecessor was using since they are the same player. I made sure not state who he got it from, but I implied he would have gotten it from the-man.

2. If he had said he received the quicktopic from the-man, we would know this was a lie as there is little chance that the-man would be concerned with sharing this with his replacement. If he did receive a QT, it would be from the mod or a scumbuddy. Most likely from the mod. [We know that at least somebody received a QT from the mod as shown here: Mafia Games Sign-Up thread <-- I assume it's ok to use that since it's open info.]

Conclusion: So if DH received a QT upon entering the game, then it would be a scum QT that he received from the mod and not an individual hydra QT he received from the-man. DH did not recieve a QT so DH is not scum.

Now there are two problems with this:

1. DH felt I was tricking him and so stated that he did not have a QT.
2. One of his scumbuddies told him beforehand not to say he has a QT.

Why I am looking these over:

1. I don't believe DH would think I would trick him due to past relations and my position on such tricks. I told him out right it wasn't a trick. That's more of a personal opinion. A more concrete explanation that hopefully you guys will consider is the "I hope you're right" bit before he posted that he didn't have a QT. This shows that he was taking a leap of trust in what I was saying. This is why I believe he was being sincere with the rest of your post. The thing about new players like DH is that they are not naturally deceptive. Some people have to learn to play deceptive in mafia. Before they adapt this attitude, the things they say can be interpreted with sincerity. This is what I have come to find with my experience in a bunch of newbie games. (X1 this is what I also believe separates you from DH. You had already adopted the secretive/deceptive attitude.) I could be wrong with that one post and DH could be deceiving me/us, but f we are to keep him around, such deceptions would become more apparent. Based on the follow-up questions I asked him, I still believe he is not being deceptive.

2. DH answered my question within a reasonable amount of time. I don't think enough for him to ask a scumbuddy what he should say. I believe the only person on at the time was Swiss?...

JayKay. I don't really think Swiss/DH are on the same scum team atm

I think that if DH was told not to state that he had a QT, it would have had to been before I asked him. The only people that would tell him something like this beforehand due to a game that doesn't exist is X1, Smargirl, myself, and Swiss.

As I said, I don't currently think Swiss and DH are scum together so if DH is scum, either Smarboy, XSword, or both are his scumbuddy.

So his flip actually would be pretty interesting, but I still don't think this is the case. I think DH was answering on his own.


That's that. Smar69, what do you think of what I'm saying? Does it make sense? Or do you disagree? Also what are your current thoughts on Regal and FFS?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Is this so? I'm not familiar. I've only played with SK's, not a Vig. I ate the kill N1 in that game.

(sorry, last post was ninja'd)
If its true you didn't know this, why did you ask mac about him being sure of a vig? what did you hope to achieve that's pro-town?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Regal: do you still want DH be the play? You haven't been really clear on where you stand with things. What do you think of XSword, Smar, and FFS?
Fink ur logic 4 clearin' DH is a bit dodge. Fink new players r better den u give em credit 4. Dats y i won my first game here - ppl assumed dey could read me, i jus' walked thru to LyLo. I don't giv newbs as much leeway as u. Fink PM and the-man need to dye. idc which. Both've made terribad play.

Said my Smar stance. Got no issues wiv FFS. X1 scum'unted on me toDay which is a town sign - needs mo' activity. I forget 'his stances.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Holy crap. I skipped over like a whole page before posting that.

PM: Yes claim.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts on Smar:
Smar is shady and I don't think should be cleared, but I've pretty much been considering them town.
I had them as town early on and agreed with a lot of what they have said. They've been a bit more suspicious lately though. The responses to you on the past page are odd to me but I'm not sure on them.

@X1: vig should shoot every night I thought? I don't see the benefit in them withholding it N1.


Sep 30, 2010
@Mod: Wait, the most recent vote count states that the deadline in today. However earlier you said you were extending the deadline I believe.

Licky I see where you're coming from, but maybe he just always projects sincerity, even if he's lying (if that makes sense)? Like, I would pretty much always expect SSBF to always act the same way, regardless of alignment, so I take the way he plays as a null tell. Anyways, I'm still not convinced, and I don't think we're going to agree on this. Interested though on how you figure that me and/or smarboy are scum if DH is scum.

I think we should be lynching DH toDay over PM for two reasons. One, I simply find DH's playerslot scummier. It's not really even DH's play that's scummy, but rather He-Man's that really sells it for me. Chuckie had it right on how he was flip flopping around to avoid being pressured. Also, I don't necessarily know Xonar's meta too well, but I've seen him completely drop out of games as scum before. I've heard that he isn't really even too active as a town, but at least as town he plays. PM on the other hand, while scummy, didn't really do the level of flip flopping like He-Man did.

The second reason being is that I think we'll learn more from his flip than PM's. At least his flip will help us clear up views on people who took a definite stances on He-man one way or another. Correct me if I'm wrong but iirc people have kinda overall looked at PM in a negative light, while at least a couple people (FSS is one I can name off the top of my head) haven't necessarily seen him as scum.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@X1: vig should shoot every night I thought? I don't see the benefit in them withholding it N1.
Withholding it N1 means if in or near LYLO you can claim vig and A) be believed and B) not be accused of being SK, as traditional SKs have to kill every night

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
This kind of loose following-play is what got me pegged as scum. Really? Have you not been reading?
And yet you respond to a reason below. Don't try to peg me on one thing and ignore a part of it.

Besides, it took him like three posts to answer you. He probably consulted his scumbuddies before answering the question.
Or maybe it was because in castlemafia I had answered a question regarding QTs, and that got me nearly lynched + modkilled. do you think I would jump to answer a questiong like that

The cop did not die D1. A naive cop died D1. There is probably still a proper cop out there, or another power role capable of discerning information.
And how can we know that cop is sane? We already know we're laying with non-straight cops.

And there's the possibility that there was only one cop.

If Gotenks and I claim to be masoned, you only need to lynch one of us to clear both, or have a power role clear us in some way.
But why would we lynch you? you're mason + you're alive next day = your town. We wouldn't want to risk a misslynch.

We haven't had a sane cop flip yet.
And we haven't had a recognition toward a sane cop either. Who knows, there might not be a sane cop.

Chuckie, could you take me off L-1? We don't want accidental shenanigans.
*facepalm* seriously? You think just asking will work?

Also, why are you so skeptical about claiming?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Are you kidding me Smarboy? I've had pressure on me this entire game nonstop, I'm now at l-1 and when I was at l-2 I asked if by putting me at l-2 you guys want me to claim and you think this is a case of me being too eager to claim? You gotta be kidding me dude. Smarboy, when do you think it's appropriate for someone to claim if this situation isn't?

Smarboy - why don't you ask Chuckie, Licky/Zen and Regal why they were so eager for me to claim. They've all expressed it.

Chuckie and Regal - do you guys think it's a scumtell that Smarboy think's im eager to claim at this stage being this close to lynch after constant 2 Days of pressure?

And we're just a vanilla townie.a marine.
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