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Halo Game - Ovah


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Dark Horse replaces tHe-man. Thanks!

Deadline has been extended to the last seconds of Nov. 4 due to a replacement.


Oct 4, 2010
Dang. No modkill, no point in keeping the day going.

Vote: Dark Horse

Let's not have DH waste his time. I'm ready to end the day.

Regal the reason I'm trying to get you killed is because you're scum. Is Smarboy your scumbuddy? In other words, what are your full thoughts on Smarboy?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Ur playin' 2D Cotton. Mo' angles than a polygon in here. Fink ull b eatin sum humble pie l8r. Gawd.

Smar is like obv town. Y u thinkin' th@ is beyond dis Cheesy ninja.

Srsly wat u on?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ya I'mma go 'n let ppl kno if I have a PR - that's a great idea.




Naw. Naw that's dumb.

Postin' mostly on ma Swisssaiiiii boii account now seeins as this is a wan man show. Mite go as Regal if I wanna make a cheesy joke or summat ya dig?


Sep 30, 2010
Postin' mostly on ma Swisssaiiiii boii account now seeins as this is a wan man show. Mite go as Regal if I wanna make a cheesy joke or summat ya dig?
Don't lie.

I'm up for giving DH a nice L-1 welcome party, takers?

@Mod: Request Votecount


Oct 4, 2010
Swiss lol.

And you actually have spelling rules to your Swiss Cheesian lango?

Anyways let's face it Swiss, you're the play for tomorrow so you might as well say whether you have a PR or not so your lynch can be given better consideration. I don't wan't to talk to much about on going games, but you have to be scum in at least one of these games and I'm willing to bet on you being scum in this one since it matches so well with your scum meta where as the other game you're playing like I've never seen you play (never seen a town flip from you either so it makes sense). Your play in the two games vary greatly. And I know that the way you are playing here is the way you play as scum.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
'Course I have spellin' rules. Use as many apostrophe's as ya can 'n mo' irrelevant similes than a chicken in a monastery.

On g'wan games don't exist kid. But 'ave I not mentioned elsewhere dat meta isn't tip top 'n a bottle of Scotch on me? Ya. Y? 'Cuz ppl think a postin styleeee is representative of mah alignments. Ppl c me do scummat as scum (n 'cuz I'm like always scum fink it's parta my scum meta - ya got no town meta ta compare it to) <- hardcore logic that there. Last tyme I used that logic I was scum - gotta be scum now amirite? Gotta be scum meta amirite?

C mah stylee is summat many players kno 'bout. I can trust X1 to back me up 'ere - amirite X1? OS knows dis - he's said it in many a game 'n in dis wan. Take da example of me declarin' I'mma be Mr Nice guy in a game b4 I get mah role PM - wazzat mean? S'already happened.

See, I can pick up and drop one of my posting style whenever I want - I choose one before I go into a game. Why? It's more fun for me, it helps me use new tactics which I've picked up from others and it keeps me hard to read. I'm never the same from one game to the next because I'm not ready as a player yet - every time I see a style, tactic or play I like - I incorporate it into my play. What you see as 'Swiss iz playin deeferrentlyyyy he must beeee scum" is me changing as a player and using different styles in each game.

K now bak tah da game. Y'mmi da play 2mo? Who'ru 2 call dat? Ur not sure if I'm scum 'cuz ya want me 2 out if I have a PR - this means ya just want me dead - ideally NK'd. Now I ain't callin' u scum from dat - far from it. Means ur town (Nk him now amirite?). But emans ur not as sure as ya said ya were.

Would like ta know what happens to da survivor of PM/DH toDay tho if I'm on da block 2mo. Fink ur not finkin strate. Dat or u kno more than ur lettin' on....?

Ya gotta PR?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
C mah stylee is summat many players kno 'bout. I can trust X1 to back me up 'ere - amirite X1? OS knows dis - he's said it in many a game 'n in dis wan. Take da example of me declarin' I'mma be Mr Nice guy in a game b4 I get mah role PM - wazzat mean? S'already happened.

mah boi 'ere speaks da truf'

No but seriously why you asking me specifically?


Oct 4, 2010
Putting play style aside, Swiss most of your posts have been super scummy today which is the main thing I'm focusing on.

-You keep fishing to see if it's ok to be suspicious of someone. "am I right?" "don ya think"? and stuff like that rather than just given your direct thoughts. You say things in a way in which you can retract it if you find out people don't agree.

-Your 642 is where I realized you were scum. You asked me before if I should be the play if PM flipped town. Not only is that a horrible question, but there was a whole page that involed PM asking me that same exact question. How you missed it I don't know. But it's a harmful mistake for your alignment. Skimming yeah. And I know how you like to draw these out there "if x flips that, y is scum" connections. That question was just you pretending you were doing something I think. I simply answered 'no' and you basically said "ok if you said yea I'd look at you mo". Mmgm :c

The next thing you say in that same post is actually where the bells set off though. I had pointed out Spag saying he would be back D3. Really what I was talking about was Gheb specifically, but you took it as it looked and thought I was talking about Spag as a whole. In trying to interpret why I said that, you drew some weird connection that spag said thay but he actually is posting as being scummy. There is nothing scummy in that. But scum Swiss, in trying to interpret Licky and taking the chance to enter some suspicion on Spag, will agree to it so. This is the most direct mistake you made. The question is, is it Swiss distancing from a scumbuddy or Swiss taking the chance to get some early suspicion on a possible wagon?

-Then there's things like the fact that you had such strong suspicion on Gotenks yesterDay and twilight, but then started saying how you believed him for no reason. Or the fact that you felt the possibility of there being a scum roleblocker for no reason. The little things really are what give you away.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
lol y u so trol

Wan) Ya kno wat amirite is about yah? So we can ignore dat 1st point.

Tooh) Jus' pointed out wat Spag said in RVS was a clear joke, so fort it was dumb u commentin' on i said dat

threegh) Wheredi say I believe him? Jus' dat dont fink his lack of recruit shud b used as scumvidence

I fink ur a tool, amirite?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Especially interested in da bit where ya say I indicated scumminess by Spag. Rephrase and explain plz. Quote me 'n show how I did this.

C wat I remember is me sayin' that seein' as he akchully has been active 'n contributed - 'n that he made dat post in RVS - it meant that he wasn't bein' srs.

'Course I've remembered this all wrong amirite? Must've.

Also drawin' a comparison to dat post I made 'n the instance where sum1 asked me if I were bein' srs with my Chuckie scum read in RVS. I answered dat in like the same way. Y u not picked up on dat? Feels like an easy way ta say scummat on me.

o btw in ur frenzy of lookin' for scum slips in my posts u musta missed this question
Would like ta know what happens to da survivor of PM/DH toDay tho if I'm on da block 2mo. Fink ur not finkin strate. Dat or u kno more than ur lettin' on....?
Only way I c round dis is dat ur post was a bad attempt pressure - relyin' on me to have literally no grasp of wats happenin' in dis game atm. Dat or ya know he's gonna get NK'd, But even u wudn't be dumb enuf 2 admit dat ya wat wut where am I? Musta forgot my line of reasonin' - scum tell amirite? 'Course ya mite think PM is town...? That'd explain it.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@ Cotton

@ ur 638. Was Spag being serious about being inactive 'till D3 when posting in RVS and after posting regularly for the whole game which we've seen 'im do?

Course he was. Deffo scum amirite?
The next thing you say in that same post is actually where the bells set off though. I had pointed out Spag saying he would be back D3. Really what I was talking about was Gheb specifically, but you took it as it looked and thought I was talking about Spag as a whole. In trying to interpret why I said that, you drew some weird connection that spag said thay but he actually is posting as being scummy. There is nothing scummy in that. But scum Swiss, in trying to interpret Licky and taking the chance to enter some suspicion on Spag, will agree to it so. This is the most direct mistake you made. The question is, is it Swiss distancing from a scumbuddy or Swiss taking the chance to get some early suspicion on a possible wagon?
I called 'im scummy? Rly? Said he made da post in RVS and dat he has been active 'n postin'. All posted in standard Troll Swiss mode - da most common of mah stylees.

FFS didn't get mah sarcasm 'n he picked up on it, he pushed on me 'cuz of it - had ya not gotten it either that would have been the pro town time to do it but ya didn't. Not gettin' y ur sayin' this now - 'cuz we just had Chuckie V Swiss round 2 amirite?. But don't like how ur playin'. Mo' holes than Swiss Cheese. Not a brie-lieant play. E-**** you.

^ Three cheese puns there. Pretend I'm on Regal.

Mah post 'bout Spag rings similar to this @ Chuckie

Was I really accusing you of scumminess? In RVS?

'Course I was.
Do ya think I was actually accusin' him of scumminess?

C wat I'm sayin'?

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Oh Dark Horse... that's a horrible way to enter the game.

And unless something big changes, Regal is not the play tomorrow. We've got plenty of other good choices. This hydra is split on his alignment, but this head likes Regal.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
DH were you given the QT that the-man was using? This isn't a trick question as they were a hydra like the rest of us, and everyone here has a QT.

Swiss responding to your posts now.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

You're right, I forgot to answer your questions when I posted.

-No I (Licky) do not have a PR.
-The survivor of DH/PM would not be forgotten. You will simply be battling for the lynch position.
In regards to your comment on Spag:

The sarcastic RVS comment you compared it too does not match. We are near the end of D2 and most of what you say is and should be taken seriously. If you're goinh to joke around the whole game you should go anyways. I must admit that your play style does give you a great defense. You can besically retract anything you say by saying you weren't be serious. However, I do not think you were being so sarcastic with that post. It was so out the way and not directed toward you in the slightest. Where as the RVS comparison you gave was in responce to someone directly asking you a question. And even if you were being sarcastic, it's not the same. It doesn't make sense. Can you tell me exactly what you were implying by your "sarcastic" comment? In easy-to-read, plain language.

Also can you answer if you have a PR or not please.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science

I consider chuckle more town, but yeah I think they're both town


I don't want castlemafia to happen all over again >_>
Trust me dude, we ALL have QTs or some form of communication. I just want to know if you were given the-man's since you are the same player.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Zen how ya fink I was callin' 'im scum dere is beyond me.

Like, this far beyond me *gestures wildly with hands*

I shall not answer if I 'ave a PR fo' reasons stated, it's dum - I fink u sayin' I shud is silly. I fink u sayin' u don't 'ave wan is even mo' silly.

KK - English for ya:
What I basically said was "Spag has been active and has posted regularly since his post where he said he wouldn't be posting 'till D3, thus I do not think he was being serious when he said he would be AFK till D3". If you did not pick up on the sarcasm, why did you not immediately jump on the maaaaaaajor contradiction in what I said?

Srsly. This is like wat.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Unvote: Dark Horse

See that's what I love about newer players. So easy to clear.

Swiss that makes complete since. My bad on failing to realize that.


Oct 4, 2010
unvote; vote: Peach Monster

Ok Swiss now for our next point. You stated that you didn't think Gotenks was lyning about recruiting FZ, but what was it that persuaded you so. It looked more to me like you were distancing yourself from the wagon. Where as the day before you had such anti-gotenks feelings. Today you have been more distant with it.

Two other things that stood out to me was that you picked up on PMs indy play so well. I think scum pick up on indy play because they know that the person isn't scum yet they are playing suspicious.

And you also speculated there being a scum roleblocker out of no where. Perhaps because you are a scum roleblocker. More often than not, when people bring up so random roles out of no where, it's because they have that role. Like when somebody randomly directs a doc, it's probably because they are a doc.

I want you to say now if you have a PR or not so that when you're later seen targeting someone, it will be taken into consideration.

btw the reason I didn't mention such things before is because I lacked the time. I still do, I'm supposed to be studying right now but I'm a major procrastinator.


Oct 4, 2010
If ya did n e mo' 180's id fink u were a sk8r Zen

y is he clear again?

y u not vote PM in da same post? Whos da next play?
He's clear because scum likely was given a QT to share so they probably don't really need seperate hydra QTs (though they might anyways, but they still probably have a shared one). Since he was not given this QT upon entering the game, he is not scum. Gotenks can probably confirm that roles with communication abilities were given QTs by the mod. Since he did, scum probably did too.
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