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Halo Game - Ovah


Oct 4, 2010
Also you said earlier that you don't think Gotenks is scum, meaning you think he is town, yes? Why is this? What about him gives you town vibes? You seem to be speaking largely from the pov that he is town.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
@ Cotton I b thinkin' u c a lik between gotenkscum 'n my hoopy, whoopy self 'cuz I said he's not bein' the top play for da day imo. I shake mah head at your jumpin' to concluzionz 'n fink ya shud fink fings fru moar.

Btw other answer was null/fine/AOK - was jus' checkin' if ya thought ya'd be a play tha next day. Had ya said that ya thought ya would i woulda been lookin @ u moar.

@ ur 638. Was Spag being serious about being inactive 'till D3 when posting in RVS and after posting regularly for the whole game which we've seen 'im do?

Course he was. Deffo scum amirite?

Smar are you OK with any of the three likely lynches? I know ya want PM most.

Chuckie ya seemta be anti-Gotenks lynch 'cuz of 'lack of information upon flip' but what happened to this?
Actually wtf I don't need to discuss stuff with Kat. I'm down in the town to lynch Gotenks at the moment. I just like how he was so intent on not claiming to save himself.
I saw nuthin' in our little chittie chattie that nullified it. All his scumminess is still there, I jus' think his lack of recruit last nite should b treated as null, so why the back off?

Also, what exactly is your stance on PM? Mighta skimmed it as I only looked back 2 pages.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Smargirl I like.... Ffs not so much, but depending on flips. Did you want me to be specific?

Gotenks has been scummy in the sense that he's been rather useless. I would of lynched him yesterday, had he not claimed the kind of hard to fake pr.

Kind of doubt scum would have a claim like that. Think we'll know whether it's real or not soon enough.

Its a predicament but i'd much go for a stronger lynch in he man (and peach monster) rather than lynch the really solid claim.

So to answer your question its mostly his claim alone, and that I think he'll be caught out if he isn't who he says he is.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Cheezle, pretty much

The man > peach monster > gotenks

Answers your question.

Haven't really said much about pm, just that his day 1 play took everything to say a couple things about policy lynching (and not scum hunting) tis why wii said we should look into them toDay. We were really digging a he man lynch ya know?


Sep 30, 2010

PM/Gotenks are about even in terms of scumminess, but we're willing to give Gotenks another day to recruit someone.

Either way, we're not in favor of a tHe-Man lynch today. PM/Gotenks are just so much scummier than tHe-Man is right now, and I think we expressed yesterday how we feel about lynching someone based on lack of activity when there are scummy people about. If I see a case that has something more to it than lurking, I could be convinced. There are a couple of other IGMEOYs/mild scum reads on my mind, but nothing that seems worth pursuing today.

Also, Chuckie - the claim isn't that solid. I can think of two plausible non-mason roles that can look like they're recruiting - both of which are anti-town.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
tHe-man: Regal Cheese, Chuckie(2)
Peach Monster: Smarboy69, Xsword (2)
Gotenks: Cottonlicky (1)

Not voting: tHe-man, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans For Sell

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 1, 11:59PM EST


Sep 13, 2010
Spag why just a FoS D:? <-- not rhetorical.
cuz i still think we should lynch the man first esp. now that hes inactive

Smarboy69 also produced a big case on Peach Monster very late Day 1 and it was out of nowhere as well. Are they scum for not immediately telling us their top suspicion?
id have to reread but idt its the same thing tbh. mainly cuz pm has been up there as susp for a while. Cheese wasnt and the only purpose of the mans post was to paint him in a bad light.

Care to provide an actual defense?
defense? yu didnt accuse me of anything there lol

How is having a reason of your own on a case you support scummy if it's actually something decent and a wagon you agree on? And I really don't see where you are coming from with the FoS on Peach Monster. Both heads here agree that Peach Monster is suspicious, but this is just a terrible reason to suspect a person.
cuz thats exactly what the mafia wants. ofc they hop on a wagon of a townie. thats where they find agreement and get their chance to give ppl townvibes.

@Spag: I don't understand your fos on PM. Not that I disagree with suspicion on him, but what you said:


confusses me, because you state that generally, everyone is all of the sudden trying to lynch tHE MAN. However, you only focus on PM for this?
cuz pms post was the worst of them all. mainly cuz he p much waited for every1 else to chime in until its safe to go with the flow and then he doesnt even vote / fos him. too much conformism for a townie


Sep 30, 2010
@ Mod: The votecount looks wrong. CottonLicky is voting twice and tHe-Man has four votes and three names.


Oct 4, 2010
Regal I was refering to the Gheb half of spag as I would assume there would be a tangela in a gheb post.

Chuckie: would you be fine with lynching regal still? You were right about him being scum.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Alright, back to stay.

Cotton - if PM were to be lynched and flippy floppied townie wownie, do ya think you'd be a play tha next day?
I asked Cotton this earlier. He replied "No" and I asked him to elaborate. He said:

PM: I don't want to discourage you from scumhunting, but you ask the most silly questions. If you did in fact flip town, why would I tell people to lynch me? That would be stupid for someone of any allignment to do so what's so important about how I answer your question? You've been pseudo scumhunting this entire game. Licky has been the only person you have targeted yet you continuously say you don't think Licky is scum. You have taken half hearted positions on everything that has been asked towards you. Yet early in the day when asked about your playstyle, both you and ES said you are very vocal type players. And now you are saying you're very conservative with your vote and still fail to take direct positions. You are not town I think. Though I agree that your play is more of an Indy type play than scum play. But I have yet to see the flip of ES in any game I have played with him, and I have never played with Praxis so it's hard to tell.
Licky, the reason I'm asking this is to get a feel for your "95% certainty" comment, which seemed to come out of the left field. I actually wonder if you are, perhaps, a paranoid cop, as you almost seem to be trying to breadcrumb the your dislike of me.

Our play is not consistent with other games. Compare to Bioware; I (Praxis) pick out people to pick on early in the game, wail on them for a bit, self-meta, then shift targets. Edrees sits around and ask questions. As scum, I usually put on a show of trying to lead the crowd. I suck.

Peaches! :)

PM it all be very good to now say whai ya liked the-mans post. 'Cuz I wasn't takin' stances. See, I took all mah HARD STANCES in post #296 after the-mans loltastic #288 - you then said (post #388).

So wat I'm askin' is why, if my lack of stances seemed ta be the problem, and i totally explained and wrote 'em all down in post 296. Why ya still spurtin' all that shizzle in 388? (And both parts of da hydra agreed amirite?)

Feels like contradiction.
I reviewed this with the intent of defending it, but- ugh. I straight up skimmed. I don't see how I missed your response, but I did. My bad, and I realize it looks bad.

I've said it before, but I'm struggling to follow this game. I find it very hard to read hydras, and the pace is especially fast on top of it. The only real train I've felt worth pursuing was that on CottonLicky, which has been interesting. But for the most part, I've played a VI game.

Edrees is back from vacation, and is currently catching up; he was, like, 11 pages behind. >_<

My current feel is that tHe-man is play of the day, with Spagh as a potential second. Gotenks should make another recruit attempt, and be lynched if it doesn't go through. tHe-man's lack of responses reinforces that. I realize I'm gathering more attention to myself by responding with what is essentially a village idiot claim, but that's essentially what my situation amounts to. We're having a hard time finding our own scumtells.

Spaghebti, why are you FoSing me for disliking tHe-man? If it is scummy to dislike someone that already has a case on them, is not your FoS on me just as scummy? >_>

tHe-man, where you at?

Xsword, why do you think FZ was killed?

Smarboy, what are your thoughts on CottonLicky's play? CottonLicky, same question to you about Smarboy.


Oct 3, 2010
@Gotenks: The case on you isn't just the first two things you've mentioned. Regarding #2, you pointed out that you had town reads, yet you have yet to reveal them. If you think town reading is scum hunting, you should not be afraid to reveal them. Otherwise, it looks as if you're hiding them for a safe time.

Other things I've pointed out that I didn't like about you.

1. Your terrible half-claim which gave us absolutely nothing to work on. I can see scum trying to work up a fake claim with this.

2. Resorting to ad hominen on people who would not vote for Morarity. A convincing case should not have to include calling people idiots if they show that they don't want to lynch Morarity that day.

3. I really didn't like your demands for people to get off your wagon and the way you asked it. Combining that with abrasive manner you used it in and I don't see pro-town motivations for it.
Why would I call out all my town reads? First of all, scum knows I'm a townie, and as my usual argument against "scumlists" that show who town reads are, telling scum who town trusts tells them who to kill. Not to mention, as of yesterday I was waiting until I was confident enough in a read that a recruit of that person was the most likely option for the night, so that I could point out a specific read as a clear crumb for town to know who to go after if we mismasoned. There's not really a "safe time" for town reads, the good of them is using them to assist on reads of those you're uncomfortable with, and in fact as the game goes on showing who is highly trusted is detrimental.

1. Now see, this is an argument that WASN'T one of the driving forces of the lynch push that, while I disagree with, is a lot more reasonable than the main points I listed. However, it's also not uncommon practice when you have a very prominent character from the flavor to character claim before full claiming, especially when there's another wagon at about the same strength.

2. Honestly, there's no way we were a better play than Moriarty. On one hand you have someone posting a decent amount, easy to read, who had given a large post detailing thoughts on a lot of the game. On the other hand, you have an inactive who is posting in an extremely difficult to read manner, and has not given any detail on anything. If play continues as it started in that situation, eventually you'll be able to figure out Player A, whereas Player B will remain an unknown. If you have that situation, where there is no clear cut "better lynch" it's better to get rid of the one not likely to give strong indication of their alignement, and keep the one who you will be able to figure out.

3. Welcome to Mentos fighting a lynch when he's in the process of/has already claimed a power role. I'm not gonna play nice and say "pretty please get off my lynch, it'd be really really nice of you!" when I'm a claimed PR. That's time to fight the lynch tooth and nail.

Still haven't had a chance to look back like I want to due to being pretty busy, should be able to accomplish that Friday. Till then the majority of posts will probably be involving defense if more points are raised against the slot, or answering questions and the like.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay, chiming in right quick to say that

Oi praxis! Self meta? Me no likey! And i always thought that typical town praxis died N1?

@PM I think its safe to say that smarBOY (glares at chuckie) finds licky 100% town. At least, i do lol.

Oh, and a public thanks to smargaret for handling this hydra fer as long as my dad has a stick up his butt for my toasting walrus.

Posted on sisters itouch. Yea. I know. Not the hydra account.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Regal I was refering to the Gheb half of spag as I would assume there would be a tangela in a gheb post.

Chuckie: would you be fine with lynching regal still? You were right about him being scum.
Oh boy o, thought you'd never ask. Though we're not quite as sure of his alignment as you seem to be. Wii would be more sure of his alignment after a few flips, cos wii have been watching closely :p. But if you want to lynch him toDay do tell why!

And the sexy half of chuck chuckie chuckoo is V/LA and should be studyingggggg *slaps himself*

:chuckie: edit omfg I can't even do a chuckie avatar that's lame.


Oct 4, 2010
^ you could but bold tags between the : and c like :c

This half is pretty busy these next few days. Hopefully my other half will get the chance to post a full case soon.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Oi praxis! Self meta? Me no likey! And i always thought that typical town praxis died N1?
He does actually have a legitimate point here, I don't like self-meta-ing as defence, Coupled with everything else you're saying makes me really not like you. The end of your #652 looks like you are desperately asking people random questions to appear town

Xsword, why do you think FZ was killed?
A) it was a hydra made up of two pretty good players
B) they had few connections, leaving town in the dark

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Also you said earlier that you don't think Gotenks is scum, meaning you think he is town, yes? Why is this? What about him gives you town vibes? You seem to be speaking largely from the pov that he is town.
I didn't feel like he was contradicting himself in his posts as I read the pressure on him. His responses didn't read as scummy; he was getting frustrated because of nitpicking/misunderstanding of his responses.

I haven't gotten a scum vibe from him; I haven't gotten an extremely town vibe either. His Mason target dying seems too convenient. But I'd hesitate to lynch a potential power role too quickly; he should recruit someone else tonight.

Question regarding that; if we lynch someone other than Gotenks toNight, and he comes back and says his recruit failed toMorrow, do we lynch Gotenks, or the person his recruit failed on? We'd know one of the two was scum.

Also, I am in agreement with this statement:
Why would I call out all my town reads? First of all, scum knows I'm a townie, and as my usual argument against "scumlists" that show who town reads are, telling scum who town trusts tells them who to kill. Not to mention, as of yesterday I was waiting until I was confident enough in a read that a recruit of that person was the most likely option for the night, so that I could point out a specific read as a clear crumb for town to know who to go after if we mismasoned. There's not really a "safe time" for town reads, the good of them is using them to assist on reads of those you're uncomfortable with, and in fact as the game goes on showing who is highly trusted is detrimental.
He does actually have a legitimate point here, I don't like self-meta-ing as defence, Coupled with everything else you're saying makes me really not like you. The end of your #652 looks like you are desperately asking people random questions to appear town

I'm trying to step up my game and play pro-town. And I have reasons for most of my questions. Would you prefer I not ask questions?

Self-meta is not uncommon for me, I got FoS'd for it in Bioware mafia, but ended up pegging three scum on D1 and got the godfather killed D2.

Thanks for your response.

Oi praxis! Self meta? Me no likey! And i always thought that typical town praxis died N1?

Town Praxis? There's no stipulations on alignment regarding that rule. Last time I was scum I got vig-killed by Chibo on D1. :urg:

Pretty sure Edrees is the only reason I'm alive.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Alright, I've actually got a suggestion for this situation, and have talked it over with Edrees.

Scummiest players right now are:

1) tHe-man
2) Peach Monster
3) Gotenks

tHe-man is not responding to his criticisms, my responses are disliked, and Gotenks claims to be Mason Recruiter but failed to validate as he says his recruit target failed.

Simple solution to eliminate all three. Lynch tHe-man tonight, and have Gotenks recruit me tomorrow.

There are five possible outcomes.

* Scum kills me.
Town is saved a mislynch, loses one suspect.

* Scum kills Gotenks.
Town is saved a mislynch, loses one suspect.

* Gotenks successfully recruits me, and we both post confirmation.

But you have to wonder if...

* Gotenks and I are scumbuddies, and we both post confirmation that we have been masoned.
This is still not a bad situation for town. If you choose to lynch one of us at a later point, it will confirm the other player as town/scum. Similarly, cop results will confirm both players as town/scum at the same time, and any other power role can confirm both players together.

* Gotenks' recruit fails.
This confirms either Peach Monster is scum, or Gotenks is scum and lying. Either way, bumps odds up to 50% chance of nailing scum on the next lynch.


Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
PM dats jus' too perfect for a scummmai roleblocker.

Gotenks is unlikely to be scum -ive explayned dis. The 6 noble team members r prolly in da game - usin' dis assumption none r safeclaims for scum 'n is the flava 'n logical place for da indies. Basically he's indie or town (o hai not scum) lyke we know 'n said yesterDay, so whai cop 'im? 'Course I'm not sayin' this flavaa analysis has ta be rite - but feels like ya totally ignored it. Is this mo' skimmin'? Not sure if I buy ur 'soz Regal I skimmed ur post and by default added support to the-man's push on u'

What stops Gotenks recruitin' sum1 else other than u if he's anti-town recruiter? He then dies, so do u - and the chump recruited gets 2 cruise along to LyLo. We'd only avoid dat if we had a tracker - n even then tracker wud need ta out demselves tah get da lynch.

Don't like ya wan bit 2bh.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM dats jus' too perfect for a scummmai roleblocker.
If you're saying that I am a scum roleblocker or scummates with a scum roleblocker and that this is a plot/gambit, it doesn't check out. As I said, if Gotenks claims his recruit failed, it either means that he is scum or I am scum. Roleblocking Gotenks when he tries to recruit me only makes me look scummy, and if he is cleared then I become obvscum.

If you're pointing out a potential problem of a roleblocker's existence in the case that both I and Gotenks are scum, then that is a scenario I hadn't considered.

Gotenks is unlikely to be scum -ive explayned dis. The 6 noble team members r prolly in da game - usin' dis assumption none r safeclaims for scum 'n is the flava 'n logical place for da indies. Basically he's indie or town (o hai not scum) lyke we know 'n said yesterDay, so whai cop 'im? 'Course I'm not sayin' this flavaa analysis has ta be rite - but feels like ya totally ignored it. Is this mo' skimmin'? Not sure if I buy ur 'soz Regal I skimmed ur post and by default added support to the-man's push on u'

What stops Gotenks recruitin' sum1 else other than u if he's anti-town recruiter? He then dies, so do u - and the chump recruited gets 2 cruise along to LyLo. We'd only avoid dat if we had a tracker - n even then tracker wud need ta out demselves tah get da lynch.

Don't like ya wan bit 2bh.
I've already said that I do not think Gotenks is scum. I'm trying to address all three of town's scumpicks in one Night as best as possible.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
wat i said wasn't reasonin' fo u bein scum or aligned with gotenks...jus sayin if ur town u wont know wat roles scum have n they may have a roleblocker summat similar makin ur plan v. bad

not callin u scum or aligned wiv him from dat boi

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Posting to say that my other half is V/La until Monday and that yesterday, homework and having to make final preparation on a game I'm fixing to mod over at Mafiascum prevented us from posting yesterday and today. I (SSBF) will make sure to response to what needs to be responed to and get some other contents out as well. Expect a vote from us to come tomorrow.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Sold2 here. It's not so much V/LA as it is I'm just not going to be able to sit down and take the time to make a good sized post. I'll keep up and be sharing opinions with my partner. I'm just pre-occupied with more important things.

That being said, I was thinking the same thing as Regal here. There's too many possibilities to say for sure that "if Gotenks recruits _____ and it doesn't work, than either Gotenks or ______ or both are scum." What should really happen is that at that point we throw Gotenks's claim aside and lynch/not lynch him based on how he's, you know, playing.

Since it looks like the-man is getting modkilled, I'll go ahead and say that I don't see him as scum and he wouldn't be our pick of lynch, had this been an actual lynch. It's not that bad though and I'm not disappointed with it.


Sep 13, 2010
i really dont think we should lynch gotenks guys. i dont see how he is scummy. i know he was kinda inconsistent d1 but that could be cuz its hard to be consistent on a hydra. its not the scummy kind of inconsistent imo

pm why do yu think im a play all of a sudden. cuz some ppl agree + i want you dead?

the man can die
pm can die

chuckie, licky and xswords are off my radar and i need to look closer at them

cheese, fans and gotenks are all town and can live


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok for some reason I can't log onto the hydra and I don't feel like figuring out why. Blue what did you do!

Gheb I'm quite suprised by your thoughts. I like though. Not that I agree.

Uh I say lynch PM and then Gotenks recruit the-man. If the-man is scum and Gotenks is recruiter then they both die and everybody wins :D



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I'll be back in about 30 minutes if anyone wants to chit-chat. Just studying with a bit of peace and quiet, but I'll refresh the page every now and then :).


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
^I'm back and feeling slightly different =D

Gotenks isn't a play toDay - I believe He-man should still die first - we'll bully you all otherwise! We'll have Gotenks recruit Monster - Licky you should trust us on this and cast away any Halloween doubts - For this current circumstance it would be beneficial if Gotenks makes it public who he is going to recruit IOO.

NOTE He-man: If u do show face, where were ur challenges?... no probing questions @Zero for advocating a stance you disagreed with - only notable interaction with Zero was a rephrasing followed with "but I disagree btw". Apparently it was akward but it looks scripted. We feel u were gauging the situation - it was a pivotal position in that Town would respond Yes or No to Zero's stance considering the wagon was balancing on momentum, and what we felt u did here was subtly push the wagon via your rephrase and then backtrack into a safezone, all under the perceptible guise of a townie telling us you're assessing reactions, and what did u later do to reflect this motive? nothing - u simply arrived with a grand case on Regal no more no less. Enlighten us by commenting on your actions! :chuckle:

@FFS: What we're saying about He-man is that his devil's advocacy was false or at the very least we believe it was manufactured from a not-town perspective for reasons repeated and stated in the above.


@Regal: Curiously, why did you hop on the He-man wagon at the beginning of toDay but ask Spagbol to throw out questions on your behalf? Also could you give us an example of where he-man had no intention of lynching you?

@Spag: what do you mean by inconsistency as a hydra?, also could you point out particular points you feel Gotenks has been inconsistent between its components.

@Gotenks: as well as the top of this post could you also comment as to what you think of Smarboy? Licky we're okay with. Actually, I find Licky Town. What do you think of Regal?


Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Ok for some reason I can't log onto the hydra and I don't feel like figuring out why. Blue what did you do!

Gheb I'm quite suprised by your thoughts. I like though. Not that I agree.

Uh I say lynch PM and then Gotenks recruit the-man. If the-man is scum and Gotenks is recruiter then they both die and everybody wins :D

Wait- what? You guys didn't like my suggestion because you thought a scum roleblocker could ruin it, yet it's perfectly fine to do the exact same thing with the players reversed?

The-man is probably going to get modkilled at this rate, and I'll be a more useful masoned player now that I'm caught up and active.

Lynch the-man, have Gotenks recruit me. It's better for town toMorrow. If it fails, we either have a roleblocker or a scum between the two of us. Scum could kill one of us to make the other one a mystery, but that helps town by removing a questionable player.

Cotton, did you dislike my idea of having Gotenks recruit a scummy player (me)? Or did you like the idea and simply prefer to do it with the-man instead?

wat i said wasn't reasonin' fo u bein scum or aligned with gotenks...jus sayin if ur town u wont know wat roles scum have n they may have a roleblocker summat similar makin ur plan v. bad

not callin u scum or aligned wiv him from dat boi
If there is a scum roleblocker, it is irrelevant; Gotenks will be roleblocked toNight regardless, so it does not matter who he is targetting.

pm why do yu think im a play all of a sudden. cuz some ppl agree + i want you dead?
I think the-man is the play. I just dislike you.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Fans for Sell, ok, you don't find tHe-man scummy. May I ask, who do you find scummy at this point? I'm more interested in knowing that than who you don't.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.

@Regal: Curiously, why did you hop on the He-man wagon at the beginning of toDay but ask Spagbol to throw out questions on your behalf? Also could you give us an example of where he-man had no intention of lynching you?
The wordin' of this seems pretty loaded.

Pretty twisty to call it "hoppin' on the wagon" when I was the only da 2nd guy on it and only in da 2nd post of da day. As for why - has this bad kid regality not been sayin' whai he doesn't like the-man for a long tyme? Ya he has. Pointless question so whai ask it? Jus' paints me as a wagoner.

I didn't ask Spag to ask questions on my behalf, whai say I did as if it were fact? I asked him to ask so's I could see what he was gonna ask. I also wanted pressure on the-man (hence me votin' - makes sense amirite?). Seems odd ur askin' me this but not askin' Spag why he didn't ask n e questions in da first place
K. Vote the-man. Spag bol needs some parmesan. But the-man needs sum questions. Could ya ask him summat maybe?

@ the blue bolded - that question is entirely the wrong way round...reads weird, looks weird, feels weird. the-man said his wtf post on me was done without lynch intentions i.e. either townthe-man gettin' inta the game or scumthe-man makin' me look bad, but u want me to quote every or any post he made that wasn't tryina get me lynched? Huh? Wat? Wot? Wut? Quote posts where he doesn't want me lynched? Idc how much u want someone lynched or not lynched, u ain't explainin' why in every post. Did I actually jus' read dat? Loaded, twisty, scummy. Feels like the bolded in the quote is summat you'll use against me if the-man flips scum with the evidence I supplied myself, which I then wouldn't be able to deny - like he didn't want me lynched. If he flips scum, which he prolly will, u gettin' the full regal package.

Don't b askin' me loaded or twisted questions again Chuckie. This feels like ya savin' me for a D3/4 lynch while subtly implyin' scummines but not actin' on it yet whilst we still got easy flips form the-man PM 'n Gotenks.

Initially I thought this post was fair
Wii would be more sure of his alignment after a few flips
Applyin' it to da mad vibe I got from his 674 - seems guarded, easy. No actual content or stances in dere - doesn't say wat flips so no matter wat happens he could swap switch onta me with the guise of sayin' he said he would after flips.
FoS Chuckie

I've fought uve been pretty reasonable toDay so far - but that post was mad bad. Settin' traps ta get rid of Regality - this goes way beyond our 'lawl Chuckie and Swiss always troll each other'. IMGEOY.

How long till the-man gets modkilled?


Oct 4, 2010
PM, I like the players in reverse and had already been thinking about it.

Your plan isn't bad except it's being proposed by one of the main suspects so yeah.

Well I guess since everyone else has town vibes from Gotenks, Licky must be wrong. Still want PM over the-man though nyak. But either is fine. Since the-man is getting modkilled.

vote: Peach Monster


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Letter to Regal:

oh mah daiz we sooo cnt beleev u jus sedd dat. Dat whole post was mad bad coz of the tiny section on u amirite? wot? wut? WAT? WHOT? U iz scum. eazy. boom. But fo sho wez gona gives u explainin so uz can get to berluddy answerin' our questionz and not strawmannin, amirite?

with love and lust and death,


We'll rephrase and say you hopped on Spag's 'wagon-starter' then. We're simply asking you why you asked Spag to ask He-man questions =D It's not indicative of us believing you to be insta-scum unlike the defensive touchy feely springy Regal we just saw in that^ reply is implying =D Also we never asked Spagbol because posts above they explained their pursuit on He-man. But I'm guessing you skimmed that........... amirite?

@the reply in reply to the blue bolded: Firstly, what exactly is the full regal package? =? A Dance-off in a supermarket is what springs to mind and we'll beat you easily! More importantly, it's interesting you hinted at us trying to forcibly connect you and He-man and then go in detail as to how we're saving you for a D3/D4 lynch... I can't tell if that's you as scum thinking that much in advance to survive. Adimttedly [depending on how you answer our questions amongst secret things], if He-man flips scum WE'RE GOING TO MURDER YOU [and peach monster], whilst also keeping a close eye on Gotenks, quite literally. Here's the basis for my question:

Also plz tell me how the-mans case on me yesterday was so strong, bearing in mind he himself said it was done with no lynch intention whatsoever. Jus' wanna know why ya were biggin' him up for such a slip sloppy post.
Can you show me examples of where he-man said it was done with "no lynch intention whatsoever"? Don't throw a hissy fit! :woman: I'm only asking this because I never picked up on where he said this on my reread.

@Spag: I disagree with you on Regal atm but I need to think about things. For what reasons do you find him townie atm?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm liking what I see.

Lynch PM.

Let Gotenks recruit tHe-Man.

Or, if anything, wait for tHe-Man to get modkilled, lynch PM, and rid the two obvscum?

Ehh, works out either way.
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