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Halo Game - Ovah


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Um I don't know... I think he should be lynched [or mod-killed] first though before anyone else dies. I think we're better off lynching him and getting Monster into recruitment.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I have thought about it! It's more like Inactive Scum vs Active Someone I Think Could Be Potential Scummy-Scummy But Not Conclusively Yet =D I'd prefer Monster to get recruited in this situation than He-man.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Ah, so ur askin why I asked Spag to ask questions. Different question and one which I've already answered
I asked him to ask so's I could see what he was gonna ask. I also wanted pressure on the-man (hence me votin' - makes sense amirite?).
Don't try 'n make ur loaded, biased questions look so harmless. Play it above board.

That case was put out there not with real lynch intention.
That wat u skimmed? If u did skim that, y didn't u pick up on this point earlier? Seems quite crucial imo. If ya didn't skim, y u scum? Ya skimmed amirite?

Waitin' for u 2 explain the part where I had ta quote every or any posts where the-man didn't want to lynch me ur goin 2 lengths 2 make me linked with the-man-scum 'n combined with his crazy forced post on me (which FZ agreed with me on, FYI - o hai townie!) makes me not like it at all. U've either picked a scummy player or ur scum buddy who ya know is dead meat 'n tryina put my hand in his. This all reeks.

Maybe the sugar, fatty filled Chinese I jus' ate is fuellin' this suspicion mo' than wat where be reasonable, but u reekin' 2 me. Playin like u kno flips bfore players b dead.

Let the-man get modkilled. No reason not ta. But we shud mad rush post now 'case he's town. Get talkin' peeps!

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
I'm liking what I see.

Lynch PM.

Let Gotenks recruit tHe-Man.

Or, if anything, wait for tHe-Man to get modkilled, lynch PM, and rid the two obvscum?

Ehh, works out either way.
Doesn't a modkill end the day? In prior games I have seen (Overswarm games), modkill ends the day. If a modkill doesn't end the day, by all means let tHe-man die instead of lynching him.

Anyone have the vote count?


Oct 4, 2010
Are you the scum roleblocker? :awesome:
I know right? Yeah Swiss is starting to become obvscum to me and I think should be the play tomorrow.

Pretty much thinking Chuckie town at this point. FFS is for sure town. Smar is shady and I don't think should be cleared, but I've pretty much been considering them town.

Gheb is playing like Mac so Spag is basically Mac and very hard to read.

Xsword could easily be scum. I can never read X1. I liked the Swords half early game, but not very fond of their play as of late.

The reason I've been relunctant in voting the-man is because those two are always inactive. And Licky just thinks that Ryker is always scummy and leads town to lynch him. Zen is sure Xonar just trolls dgames these days.

Gotenks is very fishy. But I know Regal has something to do with him, whether it be him Roleblocker, a scumbuddy, or a recruit. Something doesn't sit well with a PM recruit though. idk I guess it's the besf plan of action if Pm isn't lynched today.

Still sure on Peach being scum.


Oct 3, 2010
Ok, this whole thing about setting up night actions? It's terrible. If we decide I'm going to recruit PM, scum kills them and I look terrible and very possibly get lynched over it. I may crumb in the recruit choice somewhere, but I am NOT explicitly stating it because it makes it FAR too easy for scum to frame me. No likey anyone who was so sold on that idea for missing the most dangerous part of it. We'll recruit someone of our choice, not publicly stated to avoid framing.

@Chuckie's questions: I've liked Regal more today than yesterday(note, I haven't talked to BSL lately) but still not to brownie-townie stage. Smar and Licky I'm still questioning over their push on us late yesterday. Not because OH MAI GOG U SUK!, but because they were making comments that made what we said fit their argument, instead of what it was clearly intended to mean, as we both brought up yesterday when our lynch seemed imminent.

Regardless, moral of the story is stop trying to make it easy for scum to frame us. We'll make our decision on who we recruit so scum can't frame us that easily. Avoiding a mislynch=more important than listening to town for night actions.


Sep 30, 2010
Chuckie I originally lay that fos on you because I thought that you might have been trying to get us into the Night faster (by wanting the modkill). However, after thinking about it more, I can see your reasoning. So I retract my fos.

I honestly usually prefer lynches to modkills, just because lynches are a lot more conclusive. Like, people usually learn a lot more from lynches. However, considering how a lot of people have want tHE-MAN dead, as well as the fact that pretty much everyone has made connections with him somewhat, a flip via modkill will pretty much be the same as a flip via lynch.

Btw guys, sorry for inactivity. I recently got a girlfriend and she's been taking up a lot of my time. :cool:

I wanta to look at cottonlicky, FFS, and spag more. All three are just kind of there, I haven't really paid too much attention to them of late.


Sep 30, 2010
Something to consider: If we spend the whole day deciding what Gotenks is going to do tonight, we've wasted a day of scumhunting and we've let scum know exactly what to do to cause us to either confirm two scum as town (if PM and Gotenks are scum together) or mislynch (if they're not) tomorrow. We don't have long until tHe-Man gets modkilled, Gotenks just said he wasn't going to pay any attention to what town wants him to do, so we should make the most of the time we do have and look for scum.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Wii feel you Licky. Kat's just very determined that he-man hasn't been playing like town. And I know to just listen to Kat sometimes.

Gotenks just don't be so **** obvious with your recruit. Target someone who isn't going to be dead tomorrow.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@Smar: Are you implying we didn't figure out that the-man/pm/cheese are possibly scummies? Don't be a negative Nancy. Just do better if you think the day thus far has been wasted.


Sep 30, 2010
See, that's the thing. The only person on there who's in my personal top 3 scumpicks is PM, and nobody's really even looked at Cheese.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
It's late and I just got home, so I won't be able to post much tonight (And I'm not sure on access this weekend, I have a ton of home work to do over the week end, but I will make sure to get back to everyone by latest Monday, hopefully earlier).

That being said, both heads of the hydra thinks that Spaghebti is the best lynch for today. We have Spaghebti as our top suspicion. Almost nothing that we have called him out for has actually be recitify and he's only gotten worse as he's posted. For a case, look at our original huge post and our posts following that attacks Spaghebti (If you want us to restate the entire case on him, we'll do that).

Vote: Spaghebti


Oct 4, 2010
OK yeah Gotenks that sounds good, but yeah don't breadcrum it. And don't recruit Licky because we're going to die anyways.

Also I do admit to making use of your words to best fit my case when I said you were active and all the reasons for lynching Mori applied to you. I reversed it from what you said or something for sake of continuing the case so yeah.


Sep 13, 2010
f'kin dead @ how wrong / stubborn ffs is :urg:

@Spag: what do you mean by inconsistency as a hydra?, also could you point out particular points you feel Gotenks has been inconsistent between its components.
d1 ppl were over him cuz he didnt take stances. it prolly was just lack of cordination between the hydra heads tho.

@Spag: I disagree with you on Regal atm but I need to think about things. For what reasons do you find him townie atm?
mainly cuz of how the man talked about cheese yesterDay. like when i read his case i was like "well if thats the scummiest cheese has done hes prolly town" cuz i still think the case was whack


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Ah, so ur askin why I asked Spag to ask questions. Different question and one which I've already answered

Don't try 'n make ur loaded, biased questions look so harmless. Play it above board.

That wat u skimmed? If u did skim that, y didn't u pick up on this point earlier? Seems quite crucial imo. If ya didn't skim, y u scum? Ya skimmed amirite?
Now I ain't kat, but swiss are you serious? Kat admits that he had to reread (implying that he's inactive) and that he doesn't recall something the-man said that YOU posted. I'll even quote it:

Cheese: "bearing in mind he himself said it was done with no lynch intention whatsoever."
Chuckie: "Can you show me examples of where he-man said it was done with "no lynch intention whatsoever"? Don't throw a hissy fit! :woman: I'm only asking this because I never picked up on where he said this on my reread.
Cheese: "Don't try 'n make ur loaded, biased questions look so harmless. That wat u skimmed? If u did skim that, y didn't u pick up on this point earlier?"

So, why are you still overreacting to everything we say Swiss? Why does every conversation we have end with you sayin' "OMG I want Chuckie's flip!!!" or "y u skimming, oh you're scum!"

Waitin' for u 2 explain the part where I had ta quote every or any posts where the-man didn't want to lynch me
MASSIVE Exaggeration.

ur goin 2 lengths 2 make me linked with the-man-scum 'n combined with his crazy forced post on me (which FZ agreed with me on, FYI - o hai townie!) makes me not like it at all. U've either picked a scummy player or ur scum buddy who ya know is dead meat 'n tryina put my hand in his. This all reeks.
So you have a BIG link to our lynch/modkill candidate for toDay, and you expect us to just IGNORE that? You're jumping the gun. You realise that a lot of our scummy thoughts about you wash down the drain (to a degree...) if the-man flips town?

If you were townie you'd be explaining WHY the connections between you and the-man were something other than S v S.

Instead you're flipping our accusations on it's head and calling US scum by trying to link you to a scum buddy.

"u reekin' 2 me. Playin like u kno flips bfore players b dead."

Like where do you even pull this from? I look at the last few posts Kat has posted at the top of page 18 and read what he wrote:

"I think we should let Gotenks recruit Monster instead."

"Um I don't know... I think he should be lynched [or mod-killed] first though before anyone else dies. I think we're better off lynching him and getting Monster into recruitment."

Like, if you assume that we are scum (as you seem to be doing), doesn't that sound like Kat's ASSUMING that the-man will flip town, because a scum modkill wouldn't end the day? Right?

BUT if we are scum... how are we assuming them both to be scum (as you suggest) and town (as I've hypothetically suggested). We can't possibly be. Unless we don't know their alignment either way. Your point is dumb, and seems like an excuse to throw suspicion off yourself onto us.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Soz fought it was u inactive not Kat. Musta skimmed meself.

wat u say is exaggerated i dont FYI

Jus' rly, rly wanna kno y he asked me ta give an example where the-man didn't want me lynched. Cuz that is VERY DIFFERENT ta askin where he said his post was done without lynch intention. That questions all rong, did he jus' phrase it wrong as u imply? Iunno But I don't like it. Coupled with the either way "wanna c more flips till we know him" just don't sit rite with me.


Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Ok, this whole thing about setting up night actions? It's terrible. If we decide I'm going to recruit PM, scum kills them and I look terrible and very possibly get lynched over it.

I may crumb in the recruit choice somewhere, but I am NOT explicitly stating it because it makes it FAR too easy for scum to frame me. No likey anyone who was so sold on that idea for missing the most dangerous part of it. We'll recruit someone of our choice, not publicly stated to avoid framing.
If scum kills me to frame you, then scum has performed town's Day 3 lynch for them, saving town a mislynch. It's a win/win scenario. Scum kills me, great, you recruit me, great. That's why it only works with a suspect.

Regardless, moral of the story is stop trying to make it easy for scum to frame us. We'll make our decision on who we recruit so scum can't frame us that easily. Avoiding a mislynch=more important than listening to town for night actions.
Setting up a situation where scum has to help town by removing a suspect to frame you is ideal, IMO, as compared to you simply randomly guessing and potentially hitting the wrong person or being framed because your breadcrumbs were followed.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
FFS do ya think Spag should be lynched over PM?
Yeah. I don't really see what all the hub-bub is about with PM.

On to Spagheb.
gotenks or mory. idk if yu guys think moryll be useless yu should prob lynch him and if he flips town look at ppl who wagoned him. his recent inactivity troubles me anyway so if yu go with him ill vote him

still wanna hear gotenks stances tho

I read this post as "I'm going to fencesit between Gotenks and Moriarty. If Mori flips town you should look at all them wagoners, dey scum. Oh also I'd be happy to jump on the Mori wagon, just saying."

do yu guys actually think hes scum or are you just policy lynching him. its ********. cuz unless yu actually think morys scum you shouldnt vote him [and i dont believe most ppl think hes scum but just wanna get rid of him cuz they cant deal with it]
"Policy lynch is stupid," but in the first quote, he definitely says he'd be fine for lynching Mori. "His recent inactivity troubles me..." sounds like a policy lynch to me.

And just in general, D1, I felt that he was trying to shift focus away from Moriarty, but then didn't do much other than talk about Moriarty, outside of voting the-man.

Also I agree that Gotenks shouldn't announce who he's going to recruit, don't want to paint a target.
actually I just read PM's post and just going ahead and targeting PM could be good. If this is what goes down, imaginary-doc should protect PM

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Doc wouldn't be dumb enough to protect you PM. You're, like, obvscum. And if you're town, scum won't want to NK the top suspect alive. That's silly.

Doc, do you.

Imma be at a costume party tonight. G'night, b****es :).

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
That suggestion is because I don't want another "oh well my target just happened to die." Yeah Gotenks just recruit what Gotenks want then.

I was also at a costume party, I went as a Team Rocket grunt.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Swiss don't know if Kat explicitly said it, but he's a bit strapped for access atm, but he's told me he's been going for job interviews and the like. I probably just assumed that he's said it somewhere. I'm V/LA too, have an exam tomorrow and another on Wednesday. FML.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
I was also at a costume party, I went as a Team Rocket grunt.
Sweet Jesus. Teeeeeeeeeeeeeam Rockeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiiiiin!111!!!!!!!11111111!1one

Swiss don't know if Kat explicitly said it, but he's a bit strapped for access atm, but he's told me he's been going for job interviews and the like. I probably just assumed that he's said it somewhere. I'm V/LA too, have an exam tomorrow and another on Wednesday. FML.
O yah he mentioned that to me. Least he can get the interviews >_< Go revise for your exams, leave the acc inactive and get modkilled! :awesome:

/Fantastically useful post


Sep 13, 2010
how long til 4pm? if the man is modkilled vig shoot pm if yur out there. gotenks is town and should recruit on his own dicretion
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