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Halo Game - Ovah


Sep 30, 2010
The thing is, you didn't really make a case on CottonLicky. You fence-sat and left your vote where it was safe - nobody but us was even disagreeing with the idea of a Moriarty lynch - while you felt out the town's opinion on CottonLicky. Now that you know that opinion, you are backpedalling away from the one stance you've taken all game.

I've never played a game with KevinM either, and even without talking to GorditoBoy (who I think may have), I knew that pressure wasn't going to do anything. It didn't take a lot to see that it hadn't done anything and wasn't going to do anything, so we may as well find some scum. So I don't really buy that as an excuse.

I'm not familiar with how iPhones work, I'm stuck in the dark ages with a phone that only texts and calls people. But Edreeses couldn't have posted a brief "I'm V/LA posting from my phone will address this tonight"? Especially after being called out?

It's been four hours since you said you'd look at some people other than CottonLicky. Who do you want to look at today?

The "I'm having a hard time reading hydras" isn't working either. Again, it sounds too much like the noob card, and we're all facing the same issues you are, and we're still able to scumhunt and develop reads on people. I don't buy it.


Sep 30, 2010
EBWOP: Gorditoboy can't post for the foreseeable future, but we're still in contact and he'll add his thoughts through me.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
In all honestly, he was probably expecting me to do it. Yes, he could have, though nobody particularly likes writing posts out on their phones. He probably checked the thread a couple times, then eventually texted me when he realized I wasn't posting anything either.

I realize my play hasn't been very strong, but I am not scum. My case on CottonLicky was based on disliking his play; he improved the points of his play I disliked, and I backed down, but I'm concerned by his "95% certainty" stupidity. Being that I am town, I want to see his response to that question I asked (should town lynch you if you are wrong, with 95% certainty?).

I am opposed to a Gotenks lynch- I actually agreed with his defense. tHe-man's lynch I would agree with.

Smar, can you give me your read on Spaghebti?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010

In all honestly, he was probably expecting me to do it. Yes, he could have, though nobody particularly likes writing posts out on their phones. He probably checked the thread a couple times, then eventually texted me when he realized I wasn't posting anything either.

I realize my play hasn't been very strong, but I am not scum. My case on CottonLicky was based on disliking his play; he improved the points of his play I disliked, and I backed down, but I'm concerned by his "95% certainty" stupidity. Being that I am town, I want to see his response to that question I asked (should town lynch you if you are wrong, with 95% certainty?).

I am opposed to a Gotenks lynch- I actually agreed with his defense. tHe-man's lynch I would agree with.

Smar, can you give me your read on Spaghebti?


Oct 3, 2010
Ok, don't have time for a big post right now, but figured I'd throw out some thoughts and answer the biggest question about us out there.

Moriarty flip: Disappointed that he flipped town, but the vote was on him with the distinct knowledge that there was a chance he could be. Removed a distraction and a playerslot that wasn't doing anything, so fine with it, especially seeing that they were a naive cop which could have bit us big when combined with the way they were posting. A loss, but not a major one.

Forever Zero: ****. As I said yesterday FZ was absolute towniest of town, I didn't have a shred of doubt in my mind about that, which is saying a lot being it was D1. Only a vanilla, but there are two major problems with this:

1. Pretty much the strongest force in the game. FF and OS are both very strong players, and losing them both in one night reminds me why I don't always like hydras. Gonna have to go back over their posts and see if there's anything to gain from it.

2. Much bigger, is the problem their death presents us. I had stated that I firmly believed FZ was town multiple times yesterday. The reason for this? He was slated to be our recruiting target. When night rolled around, I toyed with the idea of other recruits, I knew FZ had a chance of death and because of that considered moving to another option, until one thing stopped me: I pigeonholed us. When I started saying they were town, there was a strong purpose: If there were two deaths at night and one of them was us, people would be able to tell who we recruited and go after the slot who would be pinpointed as scum due to it. This meant that anytime I thought of recruiting someone less likely to die, my brain kept responding "but if they don't kill FZ and you die, it's an easy mislynch for scum" so I stuck to the plan. And we all see how that worked out.

Long story short, we stuck to the plan instead of taking a risk, and because of that we don't have a second mason today. I really wish that I had thought ahead when I started crumbing, but at the time I didn't expect to be stuck so much on the defensive and would be more able to assess the situation and adjust instead of worrying about defending us so much that there wasn't as good a chance as I would've hoped for.

That's prolly all I'll be able to get up till tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work, so I'll do some better up-to-date commenting then.(I have read the start of D2, just don't have time for any more right now>_>)


Sep 30, 2010
vote the man
Want to tell us why?

Also, PM, why aren't you voting, if you're okay with a tHe-Man lynch? It's bandwagonning and fence-sitting all in one - if we lynch tHe-Man and he flips town, you weren't on the wagon, and if he flips scum, you were supporting his lynch, but you can't/won't say why you want to lynch him. That's a stance, but it's not a case. I could maybe see it if you were voting someone else, but there's no reason for you not to vote here.

The thing about lynching CottonLicky if PM flips town reeks of OMGUS. It's not a townie thing to say, especially after PM has said he is leaning town on CottonLicky. Town should not want to be avenged with another mislynch, and if PM is leaning town on CottonLicky, that's what he believes it would be. So how exactly is that a townie play?

As for spaghebti:

PM's response to my prompting him to make a case on someone is to turn around and ask us for our read on someone else, without making said case? Yeah, that's not cool.

I need to discuss Gotenk's claim with Gboy, I'll post about that later.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
PM, other people have asked ya questions. Why ya not answerin' them? You've only answered da questions from CottonLickerz. Whaiiiiiii?

Regailty: "O hai cotton. IS U DA GUY DAT FINKS HES MOST SCUMMY?"

Cotton "Yes bruv, yes i is"

Regality "O well den isnt dat survival play - only answerin' to da ppl pushin hardest?"

Chuckie "I'm gay"

Chuckie "But agree"

FZ "I'm dead but woulda agreed"

Lawl y i so troll. But point wrt PM remains valid, even if coated in thick, delicious trollsauce.

I realize my play hasn't been very strong, but I am not scum. My case on CottonLicky was based on disliking his play; he improved the points of his play I disliked, and I backed down, but I'm concerned by his "95% certainty" stupidity. Being that I am town, I want to see his response to that question I asked (should town lynch you if you are wrong, with 95% certainty?).

O btw PM it's my question wrt the-man that I want ya to answer. Kinda..important. Lawl.

Gotenks. Mah mayne. So ya recruited the one guy dat died last nite? Suckkaaaaa punch. How unfortuate is dat? Mad unfortunate. Gawd. Hurr durrin' over you. Would like ta see ya recruit someone.... /gah


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Licky trust us and join Spag's wagon-starter and vote He-man! You're leaning 60:40 metaknight's advantage scum anyway. It looks like the Monster will join it too. Smargirl, ignore Hitgirl and join it. Then he'd be dead =D If not we can have Super Transformer XSword join us - after all, Xsword did respond to our last minute ditch attempt at getting the He-man lynched D1 just to say "I won't be around", so there must be some source of interest there. We can internet bully The Monster toDay and toMorrow for all intents and purposes but let's get He-man out of the way first :woman: Also, google: "define: kaster" to see a wonderful thing!


Oct 4, 2010
Summed up:

Swiss agree. But scum and Indies themselves are usually first to note indy play so Licky is on to you.

PM: no

Chuckie ok. :unvote; vote: the-man

Both halves of Licky feel stronger about Gotenks than ever before, but I don't feel like typing that out again :c

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
@Mod: Put Fans for Sell in place of jPSI. We did replace the hydra after all.;)

We really don't like tHe-Man's wagon. First off, both heads have a town read on tHe-Man and neither heads have been convinced on the case on tHe-Man. Secondly, this wagon is worse then the lynchwagon on Morarity, as we could at least agree that he was a good lynch. tHe-Man doesn't sound like a good lynch to either of us.

Spaghebti's vote is a horrible way to start a wagon. His case on tHe-Man was horrible and being one of the first supporters of tHe-Man's lynch, the vote is patethic and I'm surprise people are actually following his vote. I don't find Regal Cheese's vote on tHe-Man to be much better. It looks more like bandwagon then actually voting a person because he thinks the person is scum. Chuckie's vote doesn't sit well with me either. He attacked Regal Cheese and declared him to be the best lynch yesterday for most of the game. The vote on tHe-Man sounds like a bit like blending in with the crowd. I also really despise CottonLicky's vote. When voting for Peach Monster, he said that he was 95% confident that the hydra was scum, but only 60% sure that tHe-Man was scum. Now he's voting for the person where he's 60% confident that the person is scum instead of someone who he's 95% confident is scum or even Gotenks who CottonLicky is 70% is scum.

In short, we will not be supporting tHe-Man's wagon due to the lackluster case on the hydra and the weak votes on them.

ForeverZero said:
FZ endorses looking into PM in great detail tomorrow.
Given ForeverZero's town flip, I have to agree with him. He seems very serious about this statement that Peach Monster is scum. His opinions on other people should be valued and not forgotten.
Smarboy69 said:
Vote: PeachMonster

Don't have much time to post substance, for probably the remainder of this game, but my girl Smargaret is here to make those big ones. She'll give the reasons.
GorditoBoy69 in Sign-Up Thread said:


My grounding isn't as bad as I thought ^_^. I have time a decent amount of time for the computer. Just sucks I had to /out almost all of my current games. So I think I'm gonna go for one game at a time.

/in DGames
I don't buy this as a legitimate excuse. You claim that you don't have time to produce much substance, yet you say in the sign-up thread that you have a decent amount of time for the computer and you're even /inning for Rockin's upcoming DGames. Therefore, your lack of time delimma is false.
CottonLicky said:
I am certain. Just tell us who your scumbuddies are and lets move on.
Incorrect. To be certain, you would have to be 100% on suspecting Peach Monster. But you are not certain because Peach Monster is 95% certain. Which is it? 100% certain or 95% certain that Peach Monster is scum.

@Chuckie: Do you still think Regal Cheese is scum? I find it odd that you went to follow others in tHe-Man instead of persuding your top suspicion yesterday.


Sep 30, 2010
Sounded dickish when Gordito said it. Let's let smarboy elaborate:

On Tuesday, I come home, get caught high, and am told that I have everything taken away. For that reason, I asked for replacement from Villains and Mafia All Stars. I thought I'd have the computer taken away from me for a long a** time. So from Wednesday-Last night, I've been taking my sisters itouch in order to get on. It turns out I'm not fully grounded from the computer, but that I'm restricted. I'll have time for one game on the Gordito account at a time, and since this is a hydra, it won't take as much out of me as it would if it was a solo account.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Also, PM, why aren't you voting, if you're okay with a tHe-Man lynch? It's bandwagonning and fence-sitting all in one - if we lynch tHe-Man and he flips town, you weren't on the wagon, and if he flips scum, you were supporting his lynch, but you can't/won't say why you want to lynch him. That's a stance, but it's not a case. I could maybe see it if you were voting someone else, but there's no reason for you not to vote here.
The day is young. I'm OK with a tHe-Man lynch, but I haven't decided on what I consider the best play of the day yet. I tend to be reserved with regards votes; and we both know you'd be equally accusatory had I thrown out a "bandwagon" vote on him.

The thing about lynching CottonLicky if PM flips town reeks of OMGUS. It's not a townie thing to say, especially after PM has said he is leaning town on CottonLicky. Town should not want to be avenged with another mislynch, and if PM is leaning town on CottonLicky, that's what he believes it would be. So how exactly is that a townie play?
Why are you attempting to provide CottonLicky a way out of answering the question? I asked that question to get a read in to Cotton's response.

Also, google: "define: kaster" to see a wonderful thing!
When in Kaster, avoid tall grass.

I would need to talk to the other half who isn't here to determine if he agrees, but it would be to determine if he would be our number one candidate for a policy lynch. I'm not saying that a policy lynch is the best call, atm. I've never really backed the idea because the game has enough activity to exhaust other avenues first. We were playing devil's advocate for the sake of starting the day.

tl;dr We wouldn't policy lynch, atm. Moriarty may or may not fit that criteria, I'm not sure, but I think scumhunting is a better option given the day we've seen and Moriarty isn't number one on a scum list.

No you.

I prefer a Moriarty lynch and he's at L-2, IIRC. If you're so ready for a lynch, switch to Mory.
tHe-Man, can you reconcile these statements? First you suggest a policy lynch based on activity, then you say you were bringing up the idea but not in favor of lynching based on that criteria, then advocate a Moriarty lynch on that criteria. Why?

Please elaborate on why not.


Sep 30, 2010
LMFAO toasting walrus. That marshy guy amirite?

Okay, so yea, I TOASTED some WALRUS and got really EXITED.


Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Lmao true. I went clubbing once - killed seven seals D:


K. Cotton/Licky whichever. Anythin' in particular about Gotenks which what make ya feel he be scum? What he's done toDay or was it just a re-read?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
The day is young. I'm OK with a tHe-Man lynch, but I haven't decided on what I consider the best play of the day yet.



Also plz tell me how the-mans case on me yesterday was so strong, bearing in mind he himself said it was done with no lynch intention whatsoever. Jus' wanna know why ya were biggin' him up for such a slip sloppy post.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM, other people have asked ya questions. Why ya not answerin' them? You've only answered da questions from CottonLickerz. Whaiiiiiii?


O btw PM it's my question wrt the-man that I want ya to answer. Kinda..important. Lawl.
Sorry :( I'm having trouble finding it...reviewed all the posts since the day started. Which one is it?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
On page #9. Seems to be the last time you posted on that day. PAGE 9? Srsly. (40ppp) We're on page 15 now.

Every post you make there seems ta be either directly @ the-man or (the one I'm most interested in) about him anyway.

There are other players here D:

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Also plz tell me how the-mans case on me yesterday was so strong, bearing in mind he himself said it was done with no lynch intention whatsoever. Jus' wanna know why ya were biggin' him up for such a slip sloppy post.
Mostly that I felt the points he was bringing out jived with my impression I had of you, and he vocalized the things I disliked about your playstyle up to that point. Your response to it, I felt, simply nitpicked out some excess things from tHe-Man's posts ("some of these were EBWOPs, talking to the mod isn't useless") but didn't really address the overall-ness of it. The problem isn't individual useless posts, just that at that point you overall hadn't taken a lot of firm stances. You did afterward.

Admittedly, I have not myself either, but I'm not going to deny that my play has been terrible as well. I brought it up because it vocalized my feel. I'm not placing a vote or even a FoS on it, but echoing the sentiment.

I dislike tHe-Man for his perceived flip-flopping; suggesting a policy lynch, claiming to have not actually liked the idea, then wanting to get a hammer down on Moriarty on the grounds he suggested a policy lynch on.


Oct 4, 2010
Hm FFS I say 95% up can be rounded to certainty. Zen has strong non-town feeling of PM. Almost certain. Blue isn't so sure.
As for my the-man vote, he seems like a pretty good choice, and Chuckie made the wagon seem appealing :3

I am quite curious about Chuckies current thoughts on Regal are though. It seems like they've done a complete turn-a-round, as most D1 they were so focused on Regal and disliked Spag as well, but now they are supporting a wagon against their opposer.

PM: I don't want to discourage you from scumhunting, but you ask the most silly questions. If you did in fact flip town, why would I tell people to lynch me? That would be stupid for someone of any allignment to do so what's so important about how I answer your question? You've been pseudo scumhunting this entire game. Licky has been the only person you have targeted yet you continuously say you don't think Licky is scum. You have taken half hearted positions on everything that has been asked towards you. Yet early in the day when asked about your playstyle, both you and ES said you are very vocal type players. And now you are saying you're very conservative with your vote and still fail to take direct positions. You are not town I think. Though I agree that your play is more of an Indy type play than scum play. But I have yet to see the flip of ES in any game I have played with him, and I have never played with Praxis so it's hard to tell.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Chuckie ok. :unvote; vote: the-man

Both halves of Licky feel stronger about Gotenks than ever before, but I don't feel like typing that out again :c
Hm FFS I say 95% up can be rounded to certainty. Zen has strong non-town feeling of PM. Almost certain. Blue isn't so sure.
As for my the-man vote, he seems like a pretty good choice, and Chuckie made the wagon seem appealing.
So you're pretty much "certain" that PM is not-town. You feel really strongly that Gotenks is not-town.
But your vote is on the-man, who you feel is a "pretty good choice." What?

@Gotenks, sucks that scum might be conspiring against you. So who're you thinking about?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Chuckie's vote doesn't sit well with me either. He attacked Regal Cheese and declared him to be the best lynch yesterday for most of the game. The vote on tHe-Man sounds like a bit like blending in with the crowd.

@Chuckie: Do you still think Regal Cheese is scum? I find it odd that you went to follow others in tHe-Man instead of persuding your top suspicion yesterday.
Well, to correct you on those statements, I declared He-man the best D1 lynch followed slightly by Regal. Also, I would lynch Regal second to He-man toDay, which if that's indication to go by means he is a potential scummie according to Hukicie [pronounced "who-kee-chee", a Hawaiian anagram and our tribal leader]. But I'm more interested in He-man's flip atm. Also, just for clarification -> I actually 'attacked' both yesterDay and Regal was more speedy in his responses. And finally I would have made my beginning D2-post regardless of whether Spagbol/Regal existed at that time, but that can't be proved nor can wii go back in time and beat them to the punch.

I am quite curious about Chuckies current thoughts on Regal are though. It seems like they've done a complete turn-a-round, as most D1 they were so focused on Regal and disliked Spag as well, but now they are supporting a wagon against their opposer.
Eye'd be careful not to confuse discussion focus as being a 'complete' turn-around. Wii still very much believe Regal to be a potential scummy-scummy candidate, though talking with it can only be described as drawing blood from a stone =D, but importantly wii believe He-man takes priority atm because it's his flip that we want first. As for your last point, in addition to the last point wii made to FFS, He-man's flip takes precedence and will allow us to gauge Spag's/Regal's intentions related to the wagon, among others if the lynch goes through... i.e. I'd feel more comfortable with Spag if He-man flipped scum, something I was hoping for @ end of D1 actually as Spag started the wagon on him there also.

*waves a neon light*
To make our case easier on the eye: He-man wasn't playing the devil's advocate that he implied IOO - he made a proposal he strictly disagreed with [repeatedly] but then went on to advertise his opposition's stance - a detriment to what he 'genuinely' stood for. To us that shows a lack of commitment to his genuinity thus if Town were to suddenly champion the idea of a policy lynch he'd snap to it willingly as it's cost-effective and no-strings-attached. And being the one to propose it then oppose it then push it then straightafter oppose it but then finally support it only wants us to see him abducted painfully by the fairies and pyreflies sooner than later =D


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
tHe-man: Spaghebti, Regal Cheese, Chuckie, Cottonlicky (4)
Peach Monster: Smarboy69 (1)

Not voting: tHe-man, Xsword, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans For Sell

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 1, 11:59PM EST


Sep 30, 2010
GoTenks that was a pretty big post just to say that you recruited the killed player.

I (Sworddancer) was absent at endDay because I had midterms. So I reread over the Night and found what I missed was the whole Gotenks ordeal. I found myself hating his play as I reread. A lot of his energy was put into trying to push the wagon onto Moraity, and I can't believe that he honestly didn't get the logic of why inactivity isn't scummy. I just seemed like he was going for the next best wagon. His claim is the only thing that keeps me from voting him, but even that I'm skeptical of. It's kinda convinent that the person who he recruited died. Meh.

At this point I'm fine with He-Man's and PM's wagon. They both have been contradicting themself more than a man wearing a leather jacket to a veggie fest. I'll go on and lay my vote on the more inactive of the two. vote tHE-MAN Chuckie pretty much is right imo.

PM: Does Licky's certainty really bother you that much? Serious question.

@FFS: How do you feel about GoTenks now? YesterDay you were mentioning how his play matched up with his scum meta, so even though you didn't lay your vote on him, I'm guessing you still held suspicion of him. However, your 587 makes it sound like you're getting some townish vibes from him now. So, where do you stand on him?


Oct 4, 2010
@mod: Licky's vote is on the-man from #371. Sorry if it was hidden.

With Xsword's vote, the-man is at L-1


Oct 3, 2010
Don't have time for a full post tonight, day off tomorrow though so definitely expect something substantial then

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
@Chuckie: Okay, looked over the response and I buy what you're saying. I would expect something like that to come out of town.

Regal Cheese said:
K. Cotton/Licky whichever. Anythin' in particular about Gotenks which what make ya feel he be scum? What he's done toDay or was it just a re-read?
This is coming out of the hydra who's last vote for Day 1 was on Gotenks. Now you're questioning other people about the hydra being scummy. Hypocrisy much?
CottonLicky said:
Hm FFS I say 95% up can be rounded to certainty. Zen has strong non-town feeling of PM. Almost certain. Blue isn't so sure.
As for my the-man vote, he seems like a pretty good choice, and Chuckie made the wagon seem appealing :3
May I ask if both heads of the hydra agrees with the suspicion on tHe-Man? If one head disagrees, then you haven't really made that much of a better choice. Regardless, I'm not seeing much pro-town motivations for it.
smarboy69 said:
Hey hey hey.

Where IS tHe-Man O_O?
That's a good point. tHe-Man has not posted at all today, whereas compared to yesterday, he was one of the more active and stronger contributers of today. This is giving me the feeling that they're lurking under pressure because they don't want to say things that will turns more heads against them, which I can see coming out of scum. They did a similar thing in Tree Stumps Mafia where early on they were actively contributing and helping town but suddenly stopped posting. They flipped scum after being mod-killed.
spaghebti said:

busy atm
posting soonish
Is that all you have to say? All you did today was vote for tHe-Man and unvoted with promise of posting soon. The only person who has done less today was tHe-Man himself, who has not made a proper post yet. I understand that you are busy, as per latest post, but that didn't mean you had to completely go without contributing.
XSword said:
@FFS: How do you feel about GoTenks now? YesterDay you were mentioning how his play matched up with his scum meta, so even though you didn't lay your vote on him, I'm guessing you still held suspicion of him. However, your 587 makes it sound like you're getting some townish vibes from him now. So, where do you stand on him?
My other head may have a different opinion on this, but this head is getting a pretty solid scum read on Gotenks due to late play yesterday. I'd vote Gotenks for not recruiting a mason today, but his explanation for lack of mason recruiter can possibly come from town, although I'm not neglecting the possibility of it being a scum trying to come up with a better excuse then "We were role blocked". So today, I'm going to be watching him for his play to see if my scum read on him is solidfied and if he's the best lynch for today.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@Chuckie: Okay, looked over the response and I buy what you're saying. I would expect something like that to come out of town.
This... worries Chuckie a bit. FFS why are you accusing us of "blending in with the crowd" and saying our vote doesn't sit well, considering you said you were liking us (implying you think we're townie) yesterDay. Post #367 is where I'm looking.

Were you that opposed to a the-man wagon at the time that you decided to snap at those who were on the wagon? Even if you possibly had a town read on those players?

Wii think it odd that you are pressuring people you like, especially if you're just going to say "Okay, would expect that from town" after wii respond.

That's a good point. tHe-Man has not posted at all today, whereas compared to yesterday, he was one of the more active and stronger contributers of today. This is giving me the feeling that they're lurking under pressure because they don't want to say things that will turns more heads against them, which I can see coming out of scum. They did a similar thing in Tree Stumps Mafia where early on they were actively contributing and helping town but suddenly stopped posting. They flipped scum after being mod-killed.
Wii also disagree that the-man was a stronger contributor of yesterDay. Wii thought they were both scummy and inactive and would of happy lynched them then. Have you changed your mind toDay based on a decrease in activity alone?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
K. Cotton/Licky whichever. Anythin' in particular about Gotenks which what make ya feel he be scum? What he's done toDay or was it just a re-read?

This is coming out of the hydra who's last vote for Day 1 was on Gotenks. Now you're questioning other people about the hydra being scummy. Hypocrisy much?
Wat? Jus' cuz I think he's 'prolly scum - it's hypocrisy to ask why another player went from finding him 'scummy' to 'very scummy'?

Wat. Plz proof read ya posts or summat 'cuz ya keep on comin' @ me with posts that make less sense than an abacus with glued balls. Alternatively, you are BAD AS SCUM. Plz explain which and why. Ten lines of text max though. Five would be ideal.

@ all - HALF OF THE-MAN IS just realised I had caps on ffs. Half of the-man is V/LA. That's Ryker. He said he b back Monday IIIRC. Good job I refreshed our QT amirite?

Peaches! :)
Mostly that I felt the points he was bringing out jived with my impression I had of you, and he vocalized the things I disliked about your playstyle up to that point. Your response to it, I felt, simply nitpicked out some excess things from tHe-Man's posts ("some of these were EBWOPs, talking to the mod isn't useless") but didn't really address the overall-ness of it. The problem isn't individual useless posts, just that at that point you overall hadn't taken a lot of firm stances. You did afterward.
Ya pretty much list two reasons; "I agreed with him" and "stances". I wanna elaborate a bit.

The problem isn't individual useless posts, just that at that point you overall hadn't taken a lot of firm stances. You did afterward.
*Takes stances openly cuz y'all couldn't read the crumbs*

@the-man Cheese may be obnoxious but like ForeverZero stated, it's getting reactions out of people, and making people take stances on him. He's also taking stances on others. I feel ok about him right now myself.

K. Tha's all good amirite? O wait!

PM it all be very good to now say whai ya liked the-mans post. 'Cuz I wasn't takin' stances. See, I took all mah HARD STANCES in post #296 after the-mans loltastic #288 - you then said
Regal had a strong case made on him earlier in the day that made sense and that we do not feel he made a strong response to it.
(post #388).

So wat I'm askin' is why, if my lack of stances seemed ta be the problem, and i totally explained and wrote 'em all down in post 296. Why ya still spurtin' all that shizzle in 388? (And both parts of da hydra agreed amirite?)

Feels like contradiction.

Giant wacky waving inflatable arms flailing tube man of suspicion



Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
tHe-man: Regal Cheese, Chuckie, Cottonlicky, Xsword (4)
Peach Monster: Smarboy69 (1)

Not voting: tHe-man, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans For Sell

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

Deadline has been set to November 1, 11:59PM EST

In the future, if you are V/LA, please post in this thread or PM me so that i do not send out prods if you are inactive.


Sep 13, 2010
*CUE: Spag and Regal to tell us at what alignment they are leaning on toward Gotenks at this stage in time!*

iono i dont think hes as scummy as lots of ppl make it seem. so much hating on him makes me think hes town. def not the play

Spag I'd like some answers on the man's stuff. He's on my scum list now, yeh, but watchu got on him?
i already told yu guys yesterDay why i think hes scum. his long *** case on cheese was so random and bull. do yu srsly think a townie would do that

As for spaghebti:

PM's response to my prompting him to make a case on someone is to turn around and ask us for our read on someone else, without making said case? Yeah, that's not cool.
idk how to answer to this. is this even a question lol

Spaghebti's vote is a horrible way to start a wagon. His case on tHe-Man was horrible and being one of the first supporters of tHe-Man's lynch, the vote is patethic and I'm surprise people are actually following his vote.
are yu kidding me

I dislike tHe-Man for his perceived flip-flopping; suggesting a policy lynch, claiming to have not actually liked the idea, then wanting to get a hammer down on Moriarty on the grounds he suggested a policy lynch on.
i love how i wanted to lynch the man yesterDay and nobody was for it. now everybody seems to have a reason to find him scummy wtf.

fos peachmonster

Is that all you have to say? All you did today was vote for tHe-Man and unvoted with promise of posting soon. The only person who has done less today was tHe-Man himself, who has not made a proper post yet. I understand that you are busy, as per latest post, but that didn't mean you had to completely go without contributing.
lmao chillax son. im already posting
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