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Halo Game - Ovah


Sep 30, 2010
Which is exactly my thought. Mason recruiter is a good fakeclaim for cult recruiter.

The only thing pushing me away from that is that in a 12 player game, having two anti-town factions would be bad for balance. Which is why I'm so confused by that claim.


Sep 30, 2010
Mentos has much experience and skill in this game. If he's cleared townie, then I think it's fair to want him in. And the ONLY way to clear him is through investigation.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Great. Post got deleted 'cuz I got logged out.


Dislike Gotenks majorly. See AtE with the "Omg u gaiz so dumb don't lynch me".

Agree that we don't know who he could be recruitin' for. Would rather one townie weren't recruited into a mason than one extra scumdie gets recruited into a cult.

Hurr durr.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
^ Disagree that AtE is necessarily scummy. But agree that his play yesterday was inherently bad.

Swiss you said you know Halo stuff. (On flavour) would his claim make sense for an indy? Just curious. I know nothing about Halo.

Long twilight ay.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
K. Watch the Cheese carry. Thought that AtE was scummy, not AtE in general, but ya agreed.

"Spartan, in this ONI base, Covenant are lurking, but it is near impossible to find them. So we've ordered a lockdown of Sword Base. No one gets in or out until the covenant are killed. We can't let them get away with the vital information."
K, so we know 'UNSC forces' are town from earlier. We know Covenant (alien thingais) are scum. I've been thinkin' bout this and ya, there are almost fo shiz indies in this game. Carter is pretty much (ish) the guy that recruited Noble 6 into the squad, as Gotenks said. He's also their leader. Him as indie is entirely possible. If his character claim is what his role PM really gave him, he's not scum, unless not all six Noble team soldiers are actually in the game and that's an epic safe claim (which I doubt 2bh).

Nobles 1 and 6 are most likely to be indie. Nobles 2,4,5 and then 3 are most likely to be town. Possible there is no Noble 6 as of yet and when Gotenks recruits someone they become noble 6, fitting in with the 'getting recruited' flavour. Likely Noble 6 will be a SK indie as he is "hyper lethal" and Gotenks or Noble 1 has no killing role just a recruiting role. Alternatively, noble 3, the only Spartan out of all six to survive the game, could be an indie survivor. Don't see that as being as likely. Would make Carter/Gotenks town in all likliehood.

Nobles 1 & 6/soon to be 6 indie. Or 3 is indie. Most likely situation.

Making a lot of guesses on not much information. Depends on how much Swords stuck to flavour and how much my own guesses are correct.

Sure someone else said they play Reach, so tell me what ya think on that.

Hurr durr.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Hadn't considered N0 recruitment. Seen that before (amirite zen? :D). Unsure how many recruits he could have. Lookin' @ max team of two, but then the mentee dies the mentor can re-recruit. Would explain why he bussed Moariarty so hard when he realised he'd be useless, he gets townie points and can recruit a useful player and he recruited him, a well known good player,before he realised he's be playing so badly.

Think I just nailed that. Similar set-up to Chacotaco mafia recruiting wise imo.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Hadn't considered N0 recruitment. Seen that before (amirite zen? :D). Unsure how many recruits he could have. Lookin' @ max team of two, but when the mentee dies the mentor can re-recruit. Would explain why he bussed Moriarty so hard when he realised he'd be useless. He gets townie points for an indie lynch and can actually recruit a useful player into his team. He recruited Moriarty, a well known, good player, before he realised he's be playing so badly. I.e. N0.

Think I just nailed that. Similar set-up to Chacotaco mafia recruiting wise imo. If this is right I'm claiming platinum dice.

Re-postin on Regal with better grammar and claim to fame.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Hmm... his hesitancy to claim says more about his alignment then anything. Scum with a good safe claim are usually MORE than willing to just "claim: power role, let's move on ok guys?" Gotenks' claim was an 11th hour last resort thing. Dunno if he'd try that as scum if he thought his claim could of saved him. I got the feeling he was giving up as he claimed. Dunno if he's do it as indy either. Depends on the timing of it all (did he really believe he was going to be lynched before he claimed? did he think he could force a no lynch as scum? have to look again)

But I guess we can't rule out him being indy for that matter.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Mm. I based most of this flavour analysis on the assumption he isn't town. If he is town it'll need changing. Moriarties flip & character will help.

Still wanna know why EP viewed the thread and left. Pretty sure neither half of PM posted to help avoid the no lynch.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Actually if there is a cop don't waste it on Gotenks because indys often are godfather like, or cops are only told if their target is Mafia or Town in some instances.

Yeah agree about EP being scum. Remember that one time in Pikmafia you told your scummies "DON'T POST BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE TO GET A LYNCH HAHAHAHAHA"

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Truth. One of the funniest things that ever happened to me as scum. 'Least it was 'till you or some other gay townie made someone hammer. Lawl. Who er....who won that game again? *Ninja dance*

Would like to see PM copped. If Moriarty were to flip scum mentee, or some other role going against the flavour I've stated I think to be accurate, investigate Gotenks.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
smarbouy69 said:
So toMorrow, we down to look at Peach Monster guys.

Who's in?
I don't think Peach Monster is scum yet, but I am starting to consider otherwise. I thought the case on him by smarboy69 was really good and had a lot of good points made. Another reason is that neither heads actually bothered to post in this thread. They announced no V/LA and no limited access. Now I probably would not have been talking about this if not for the fact that EdressessPieces was posting in Bioware Mafia just before midnight yesterday. That meant that he has time to make a post in this game but he didn't do so. He didn't even bother to response to smarboy69's case on him. Furthermore, what makes their disapperance from this game even more important is that they were the only one to not post aside from Morarity (Who got lynched).

I see scum motivation for that. Peach Monster-scum probably did not want to take a stance on Gotenks or participate in the thread because he did not want to get called out for having a different opinion on Gotenks or speak on other things because it would further expose them as scums. From that, we need to watch Peach Monster closely. Because they completely avoided the thread for a critical day that should have gotten EdressesPieces motivated to at least post (Praxis may have life issues since he hasn't posted since October 15, 2010, but that shouldn't prevent that other heads from playing).

@Mod: Requesting prod on Peach Monster. Neither heads have posted since October 15, 2010 and EdressesPieces has posted in Bioware Mafia yesterday.

But that being said, I tbink Regal Cheese and Spaghebti are better lynch candidates for tomorrow. Our vote should be on either of them tomorrow.


Oct 2, 2010
Guys, this is what I was talking about when I said we shouldn't be trying to scarmble for quite literally last minute wagons. Like seriously wtf.

FZ endorses looking into PM in great detail tomorrow.

Flavour discussion is interesting. This whole 1/6 noble partner business kind of screams mentor/mentee potential. Good thing to bear in mind.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Now for the votecount:

tHe-man: Spaghebti (1)
Moriarty: ForeverZero, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans for sell, tHe-man, Cottonlicky, Chuckie (7)
Spaghebt: Moriarty,(1)
Gotenks: Xsword, RegalCheese, Smarboy69, Spaghebti(4)

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Not voting: no one(0)

Everyone starts pointing fingers until ONI sword base becomes a noisy hall of debate. After having a gun pointed at moriarty's head to Gotenks' head back to moriarty's head again, it was hard to decide who should be gotten rid of, until Cottonlicky and Chuckie changed their minds. Chuckie took out his shotgun and put it against Moriarty's chest. After he pulled the trigger and a small blast of blood exploded from the body, everyone noticed that Moriarty was in fact (Jun, Town naive Cop)

Night one begins. Send me actions by Oct 21st 11:59PM.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Everyone wakes up to see that ForeverZero (Marine specialist, Vanilla Townie) has been killed with plasma weaponry during the night.

Day 2 begins. Deadline is November 1, 11:59 PM.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Been logged out 3 times tryina make this post. Sum1 got mah P/W? O:

K. Vote the-man. Spag bol needs some parmesan. But the-man needs sum questions. Could ya ask him summat maybe?

Peaches, assumin' ya've made that post overnight - so post it plz - we all wanna see those answers 'n stances.

Flava content: Jun was Noble 3. Scum did da NK 'cuz only they use plasma weapons. See Chuckie killed yesterDay with a shotty. Might be an idea to get scummai chumps to hammer. Flava can't hurt.

Gotenks did ya recruit last night? If yes, will they verify this or stay in da shadows?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
vote: he-man

kill him kill him. Also:



But it's been stated aplenty that wii accepted you did a 180 after you proposed policy lynching to gauge reactions via devil's advocacy - so again ur response tells us everything wii need to know about nothing [+1]
:woman: Again, if #459 was the genuine case as has been repeated tenfold by u then what was the point in engaging with FZ in, what you call, an "awkward" conversation only to proceed to happily rephrase his opposing stance in a way that sells it cheaper? To us it shows you did a subtle 180 right back in tandem with his stance [that u disagreed with] and then another straight back to that anti-policy safe zone - it looks to us like you have no genuine direction to go except the safest route with the most pedestrian casualties, if you're safe enough to get away with it that is :chuckle:

Could you tell us exactly who made the posts above plz? - Eye get the impression, by ur answers, there could be a lack of communication between the two players behind ur hydra in that eye've questioned one of ur posts only to be responded by the other. What have you both discussed overNight?

*CUE: Spag and Regal to tell us at what alignment they are leaning on toward Gotenks at this stage in time!*

*CUE: Gotenks to tell us exactly what he did overNight!*

*CUE: Cyclops!* :oneeye:!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm going to assume I died because me and FF are just awesome at mafia.


go town.


Oct 4, 2010
Vote: Peach Monster

will be fine with the-man. 60:40 on them being scum though.

95:05 on Peach Monster.
70:30 on Gotenks.

Be back at the end of the day kthx.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
Sorry all. Edrees has been V/LA, being out of town (San Francisco I believe?), and I had to arrange a big meeting with my lawyer and my contractor's insurance company on Monday morning and kind of dropped the ball over the weekend in preparation for it. I am here.

I have to convey my apologies for not being online before the deadline. I should have defended myself and actively discussed the lynch targets.

Some responses:

While we are on the topic of experience, how much mafia experience do you have Praxis? Also when you made that post that said "buddying?" would you classify that as apart of your scum hunting? Or was it mostly unserious?
This is my fifth game, but I'm not used to hydra games and find them extremely hard to comprehend. The last game I played that had hydras (Bioware) I also found them confusing, but I was NK'd by scum on D1, so never really had to adapt.

As to my Buddying comment, I was quoting a post right out of RVS. It was not serious; I should have put an emoticon next to it.
You are suspicious of me because you think that I find people replying to the policy lynch is scummy when I never said or implied that. You're whole case is based on me saying something that I didn't.
No, it's not.

Edrees' original questioning of you began after he disliked this statement:
I would say that something like jumping at the chance of stating disagreement with a policy lynch would be indication of someone trying to make pro-town posts, or someone saying how dumb of a discussion the whole policy thing was after it had already been said 2-3 times, Or someone someone requesting prods and targeting inactives. But what to you about self votes and one-lined posts gives the impression of trying to look pro-town to you :)?
but the case is hardly based on that. My own dislike of you is based on the things I listed:


I proceeded to ask you questions, and didn't overtly accuse you of being scum, just expressed dislike of your play. Your overreaction to this is what I dislike, as well as your constant harping back to Edrees' original point which was simply a post he disliked, not a "case".

You have, however, improved on my complaints about you since, most notably taking a stance on Gotenks.

What makes Chuckie null?
Mainly just that I did not have a read at the time, not that anything specifically made Chuckie null.

Let's take a look at Peachmonster:

-He is against policy lynches. This is established in posts 77 and 82, but then look at his next post 97, where suddenly it's okay to lynch someone based on grammar? Then, in post 245 it's okay, even desirable to lynch Moriarty. He builds a half-hearted case on CottonLicky, on the basis of actual scummy behavior, and then in the next post ...

Okay, so lynching based on scumminess is preferable to lynching based on policy/anti-town play. You have a case on someone you feel is scummy. But you vote for someone based on policy, and NOT on the person you think is actually scum.
I am against establishing a policy of lynching people for inactivity, because it limits town to a certain framework of voting patterns (you have to vote for the inactive person), and people who deviate from that (potentially because they perceive someone else as scummy?) are punished by looking scummy because they are not following the established policy.

My joke/threat regarding grammar is not inconsistent with that. I wasn't advocating a policy of everyone doing that.

I think Gorditoboy has noted a few times that the Moriarty wagon is the perfect place for scum to hide. Posting what is essentially a FOS on Cottonlicky and then voting someone else, when both halves previously stated that they'd prefer to lynch scum over a policy lynch looks like feeling out the town. Also, while Peach has been going on and on about game mechanics (I think better than half his posts so far have been game mechanic related, or discussing their own meta) and pushing Moriarty as a possible lynch target, they don't actually hop on board the wagon until it's clear that it's going places. Peach is making very safe scum plays, and not really contributing to the game.
How is making a case on CottonLicky a safe play? The problem I am running in to is having a difficult time reading hydras, and this game's fast pace. I won't disagree that I have been relatively narrow and am getting a lot of null tells based on confusion, but when I do see something that stands out, I'm going to point it out, which I did on CottonLicky.

I kept my vote on Moriarty for the sake of pressuring him into responding, and stated that I was willing to remove it immediately if Moriarty took a stance; I didn't feel he was a good lynch choice. I would have rather seen Cotton's flip. But even if Cotton is town, I feel the pressure I put on him was justified, and his play has improved since.

Also, this post:

Bolded = experienced player's version of the noob card.
I can't really speak for this statement too much as Edrees made it, but it's not out of character for Edrees' posting style, honestly.

At the risk of quibbling over the definition of policy, any time you vote for a player for something anti-town, it's going to come across as a policy lynch. The fact is, voting a player for anti-town play when there are people who are actually being scummy is itself anti-town. So, for that matter, is announcing that a vote is for pressure (even if everyone and their brother recognizes it as such). You're splitting hairs here; you are voting Moriarty because of his playstyle and that is a policy lynch.
I think we might have to quibble over the definition of it, actually.

I was viewing a policy lynch as a town agreement to vote for people based on a policy, not an individual's actions.

So why didn't you follow up your case on Cottonlicky with a vote? Why are you still not voting him? Clearly your pressure on Moriarty isn't doing anything, so why not put your vote where it might do some good?
In retrospect, I should have. At this point toDay, I'm going to hold off of pursuing CottonLicky due to his improved play and examine some other players.


Sep 30, 2010
Vote: PeachMonster

Don't have much time to post substance, for probably the remainder of this game, but my girl Smargaret is here to make those big ones. She'll give the reasons.

Spag I'd like some answers on the man's stuff. He's on my scum list now, yeh, but watchu got on him?


Sep 30, 2010
hihi zennybaby

I kept my vote on Moriarty for the sake of pressuring him into responding, and stated that I was willing to remove it immediately if Moriarty took a stance; I didn't feel he was a good lynch choice. I would have rather seen Cotton's flip. But even if Cotton is town, I feel the pressure I put on him was justified, and his play has improved since.

Has whichever of you posted this ever played with KevinM?

Do you think the pressure on Moriarty worked? was it the most effective way to use your vote?

also this:

Sorry all. Edrees has been V/LA, being out of town (San Francisco I believe?), and I had to arrange a big meeting with my lawyer and my contractor's insurance company on Monday morning and kind of dropped the ball over the weekend in preparation for it. I am here.

I have to convey my apologies for not being online before the deadline. I should have defended myself and actively discussed the lynch targets.
EP is online and viewing the thread.

Hurr durr.
hurr durr indeed, any kind of explanation?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
hurr durr indeed, any kind of explanation?
I am Praxis, and I was not online over that weekend.

As to Edrees, I can only surmise that he viewed the thread from his phone at some point. IIRC he has an iPhone 3G. He texted me on Monday the 18th to tell me he was having a hard time keeping up with the game and that he'd be V/LA through the rest of the week, and asked if we should replace out or if I could cover.

Has whichever of you posted this ever played with KevinM?
I posted it, and I have not played a game with KevinM.

Do you think the pressure on Moriarty worked? was it the most effective way to use your vote?
No. Moriarty never responded to it. I would have preferred a CottonLicky lynch, and been ok with a tHe-Man lynch. Dislike Spaghebti as well. Disagree with a Gotenks lynch.

In hindsight, however, killing a Naive Cop is probably not the worst thing we could have done, as the role hurts town.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
My bad.


hurr durr indeed, any kind of explanation?
I am Praxis, and I was not online over that weekend.

As to Edrees, I can only surmise that he viewed the thread from his phone at some point. IIRC he has an iPhone 3G. He texted me on Monday the 18th to tell me he was having a hard time keeping up with the game and that he'd be V/LA through the rest of the week, and asked if we should replace out or if I could cover.

Has whichever of you posted this ever played with KevinM?
I posted it, and I have not played a game with KevinM.

Do you think the pressure on Moriarty worked? was it the most effective way to use your vote?
No. Moriarty never responded to it. I would have preferred a CottonLicky lynch, and been ok with a tHe-Man lynch. Dislike Spaghebti as well. Disagree with a Gotenks lynch.

In hindsight, however, killing a Naive Cop is probably not the worst thing we could have done, as the role hurts town.
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