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Halo Game - Ovah


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I can tell you why I dislike you, but not why other people dislike you, not for certain anyway.

However a re-read should also provide this information. I've been open about why I dislike you - I made a case on you yesterDay iirc - you even admitted you couldn't refute some of the points. I'll assume you forgot this.

As for toDay I don't think your logic for pushing Sold2 is reasonable. I've stated this. I'll assume then you wanted to know what from yesterDay and D1 made me think you are scum. Apart from your illogical and scummy 'safe lynch' policy just above toDay, which I also find scummy. I don't recall where my cases on you are - but if you do not believe they exist, or think you can satisfactorily answer them now - I will find them. I remember you buddying up to the-mans case on me - which I disliked.
I fully recognize our bad play D1. We have acknowledged and confessed to it. Both players skimmed and went inactive, being prodded twice.

What we feel is that those reasons continue to be held against us as an easy "out" to scumhunting. You continue to hold on to old reasons that don't apply to the current game state so you can have a scumpick without actually questioning players to learn information.

The fact that you've continually brought us up as your scumpick without pressuring us with questions or giving explanations strengthens my perception that you're simply trying to mock scumhunt and we're the easy pick.

As to Sold2, you have only disagreed with us asking him a question. You did nothing to invalidate our push on FFS. You'll also note that we've been asking FFS who he thinks is scum the entire day, and his only response was to say CottonLicky was scum for not finding FFS scummy enough.


Sold2 acknowledges how horrifically scummy he is playing. This doesn't make it scummy to point out, and we've been trying to prod him this entire day with limited success.

Not to mention that
Oh, and if I'm not mistaked, FFS was on Spag yesterDay.
FFS has continually jumped on bandwagons towards townies this entire game. We have disliked his pop-in pop-out play.

Swiss, we explained in our last post why we find you scummy.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I'll assume you ninja'd me.

I invalidated your push on FFS wrt the loaded question. Any push you make on him due to being inactive has not been interfered with by me - as it is justified. I'm not defending FFS against you, but I'm attacking that point which is accidentally or deliberately completely fake.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
praxis I may have missed it but what makes swiss not-vig but still leaves open the possibility he could be SK
Swiss has been repeatedly stating how he absolutely unquestionably townie Spaghebti was on D2. If Swiss is vig, he would not have killed Spaghebti (or is lying).

If Swiss is SK, he may have killed a player he had a town read on.

So he can't be vig, but he can be SK.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss has been repeatedly stating how he absolutely unquestionably townie Spaghebti was on D2. If Swiss is vig, he would not have killed Spaghebti (or is lying).

If Swiss is SK, he may have killed a player he had a town read on.

So he can't be vig,
but he can be SK.
This is your reasoning for calling me Vig...

How do you know I couldn't have been Vig and shot Chuckie? You just outed that you know more than you should do.

I also realise I just outed you as Vig if you are Vig, but the fact you've called me a possible SK means you aren't.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I'll assume you ninja'd me.

I invalidated your push on FFS wrt the loaded question. Any push you make on him due to being inactive has not been interfered with by me - as it is justified. I'm not defending FFS against you, but I'm attacking that point which is accidentally or deliberately completely fake.

Correct. Addressed below:

How is my defence of FFS scummy?
1) It is in line with my previous stance on him
2) It is in line with my stance on you
3) Your reasoning for pushing him is logically wrong - Sold2 hasn't changed his stances, the slots stances have changed as SSBF left.

As a side note - this is not so much defence of FFS, more an atatck on you for an illogical push.

Explain why my push on Zen is weak - paying attention in particular to my post outlining him having to be lying, and to which he them admitted he put words into my mouth.

I have never claimed VT - you are attempting to make myself seem a more viable lynch. This is similar to what Zen did which I had to call him out on. Both you and Zen are the only people to claim I have said things which I haven't wrt my role.
We strongly disagree with it logically being wrong; hydras are required to be held accountable to the statements and opinions of their playerslot. I explained this here:

Just want to second this from the other head's perspective; I second what EP says here. A hydra should be expected to account for the playerslot's opinions and stances. If the playerslot chooses to post an opinion, they should be accounted for it later. Otherwise, Edrees can easily vow off Peach Monster posts as the other head's opinions. If the heads are in disagreement, do not post it, and if you're not sure, wait on expressing that opinion to talk to them. It's one of the hurdles of hydra play.
which you completely ignored.

If you still disagree, then I will drop out of this game, and you are not allowed to use any of my statements, expressed opinions, or admissions of bad play against Edrees who will replace me as PM, and must return to a null tell. Fair? :awesome:


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
This is your reasoning for calling me Vig...

How do you know I couldn't have been Vig and shot Chuckie? You just outed that you know more than you should do.

I also realise I just outed you as Vig if you are Vig, but the fact you've called me a possible SK means you aren't.
I've stated earlier that I'd prefer to assume that the vig isn't stupid enough to kill Chuckie.

the possibility exists that the vig killed Chuckie and Mentos killed his breadcrumbed target, I simply find this scenario very unlikely and am willing to believe that Mentos is town for the time being while we have other suspects to pursue.
And I've already stated that I am a Vanilla Townie (Marine by flavor). I am not the vig.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My point, Praxis, is that if you were to drop out of the hydra, I would expect the stances of PM to now reflect much more heavily to what EP believes to be true. This is what happened and I do not see it as justification as scumminess.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
My point, Praxis, is that if you were to drop out of the hydra, I would expect the stances of PM to now reflect much more heavily to what EP believes to be true. This is what happened and I do not see it as justification as scumminess.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
I understand what you are saying, but I would find it reasonable for people to question inconsistencies between Edrees' statements and the hydra's.

I have been questioned on the stances of the person I replaced, and never once did anyone jump in and go "HEY! THAT'S NOT HIS STANCE!".

You are accountable to the playerslot, and your hydra-mate is accountable to post opinions you agree with. If he didn't, then you have to deal with it and respond when someone points out the inconsistency.

It is not suspicious to point out the inconsistency, and the only reason we noticed and inconsistency is that we felt FFS was scummy and were reviewing his posts closely. You should allow him to respond to it instead of attempting to invalidate the question.

But you worked off this assumption as if it were fact. You do not strike me as the inherently arrogant player who does this (as you are not).

I had just made the quoted statement in the course of this discussion, so I left that assumption open as I'm maintaining responses to multiple players at once. My apologies for assuming.

The possibility exists that you are vig, stupid, and killed Chuckie, yes. In that case I would immediately become extremely suspicious of Mentosman upon your flip. However, my read on you is scum, and the low probability of you being vig is simply an additional justification for your lynch over my other suspect whom you are currently defending.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM is buddying the dead scummy in general?
missing it is understandable
My bad. IMO, yes, usually. Look at what Swiss is doing; "Yeah man, me and Spag were bestest pals, he had my back, I was totally sure he was town too." Spag's not here to give his opinion.

This general situation is bad; the player is talking up a dead player that is now confirmed town, and trying to make himself look town based on that person's opinion or claimed opinion of him.

While sometimes townie players develop hard reads, scum is much more likely to play in this manner. So my answer would be that it is usually a scumtell, yes.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
My bad. IMO, yes, usually. Look at what Swiss is doing; "Yeah man, me and Spag were bestest pals, he had my back, I was totally sure he was town too." Spag's not here to give his opinion.

This general situation is bad; the player is talking up a dead player that is now confirmed town, and trying to make himself look town based on that person's opinion or claimed opinion of him.

While sometimes townie players develop hard reads, scum is much more likely to play in this manner. So my answer would be that it is usually a scumtell, yes.
EBWOP: The exception is when the dead leave breadcrumbs. But even then this can be manipulated; Edrees pointed me at the example of Gheb buddying OS in Bioware after his death, to use him as a shield.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
My bad. IMO, yes, usually. Look at what Swiss is doing; "Yeah man, me and Spag were bestest pals, he had my back, I was totally sure he was town too." Spag's not here to give his opinion.

This general situation is bad; the player is talking up a dead player that is now confirmed town, and trying to make himself look town based on that person's opinion or claimed opinion of him.

While sometimes townie players develop hard reads, scum is much more likely to play in this manner. So my answer would be that it is usually a scumtell, yes.
What about Zen, Chuckie and the whole necrophilia thing?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My bad. IMO, yes, usually. Look at what Swiss is doing; "Yeah man, me and Spag were bestest pals, he had my back, I was totally sure he was town too." Spag's not here to give his opinion.

This general situation is bad; the player is talking up a dead player that is now confirmed town, and trying to make himself look town based on that person's opinion or claimed opinion of him.

While sometimes townie players develop hard reads, scum is much more likely to play in this manner. So my answer would be that it is usually a scumtell, yes.
Spag was clear he thought me town. I at no point followed him as a suspect D2, and said I thought him town (iirc on the last point - can quote to verify). Just because myself and Spag did not repeatedly ram each others ***** down our throats when alive, doesn't mean I'm now 'buddying' him.

I also refer you to the Zen/Dead Chuckie buddying, and question why you are not pushing this point on Zen and instead only on me.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss it looks like you're serious mode actually isn't as great as it had seemed. You still reek of scum. You are bypassing all of what I am saying. And a lot of what you are saying is just false. you're trying to paint me in the negative light, perhaps to give you another day. Just because you're not playing angry, doesn't change a thing the fact that you're being irrational.

you gave no indications that you were even considering DH as a play yesterDay
I was very willing to lynch the-man, and even wanted to lynch him before DH replaced in. I continued to pursue DH even after I put him on my town list. I mentioned before Chuckie, in my post explaining my reasoning on DH, that it had fallacies. If my continue to question and look at DH through out the day doesn't show that I wasn't attempting to pursue the case further, I don't know what would.
As for there being 'two lists of possible scum' and thus suddenly finding me scummy as DH flipped scum...It doesn't wash.
Then my friend you are blind. I quoted a specific post that that my line of thought had been this way since D2. You're saying I'm coming out of no where with targeting you, but it's simply wrong.
I'd also ask why you didn't equally go after FFS
I'm still going to be looking at FFS. I didn't just start voting you out of no where. I looked reviewed both you and the-mans post which furthered my suspicion. I have yet to look at FFS. We still have time toDay. Also it's a similar situation with you and DH. You flipping scum would push me more in the FFS direction.

Also I would like explanation for my #1090 which highlights mechanical impossibilities in your play. This is not just you doing 'scummy' things - this is you being caught lying.
I already told you I was dropping that. It hasn't in anyway shown me lying.

I also want your thoughts on the other issues I have raised.
Which specifically? I'm missing them.


Swiss: Why do you think PM? If you explained this already, quote it.

X1: Name what you didn't like about PM before I asked you.

X1: Respond to this:

DH was scum. He shouldn't be able to not be able to "read" someone.
Do you not think it's suspicious that DH had a null read on Swiss, but he was able to produce a town read on me and a scum read on PM? Do you not think it suspicious that he at first was suspicious of Swiss, yet retracted this suspicion for reasons he could not explain?

Smarboy: Stop lurking and get in this. Why do you think PM is town? Why do you think only one of PM and DH was scum?

PM: You did in fact say that Mentos should still recruit a scummy player, DH. If you were to be lynched which would give scum the that scenario.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
What about Zen, Chuckie and the whole necrophilia thing?
Can you be a little more specific? I've seen Zen justifying his position based on Chuckie and DH's flip, but I haven't felt he's been using him as a shield or talking about how Chuckie had his back.

PM: You did in fact say that Mentos should still recruit a scummy player, DH. If you were to be lynched which would give scum the that scenario.
Yes; I believed that my plan was the safest course of action. But I tried to push for it to be carried out on me as opposed to DH and as shown in the post I linked to, objected when it was proposed to lynch me and recruit DH on the grounds that I was a better player to mason.


Sep 30, 2010
I had an unexpected V/LA yesterday, and I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into words today. Give me a bit to pull myself together here.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I was very willing to lynch the-man, and even wanted to lynch him before DH replaced in. I continued to pursue DH even after I put him on my town list. I mentioned before Chuckie, in my post explaining my reasoning on DH, that it had fallacies. If my continue to question and look at DH through out the day doesn't show that I wasn't attempting to pursue the case further, I don't know what would.
Posting briefly.

You can't twist timelines like this. Your last post of D2 was claiming DH was on your town list. You cannot also say you were willing to lynch him. It is a clear contradiction in your stances. What you say happened all makes sense - but your previous posts don't match up to what you claim.

I already told you I was dropping that. It hasn't in anyway shown me lying.
I want a full explanation as to why you said what you did then - you can't just 'drop' the point on me. What you said was wrong and was deliberately misquoted me to make it seem as if I said something other than what I did. You can't just back away from one of your traps now that it's backfired on you.

I also still see no response to my #1090 and #1096 (especially the former).

Answers coming 2mo morning.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
X1: Name what you didn't like about PM before I asked you.
I listed everything, I just used his most recent post because it was the easiest to quote. if you want more evidence I'll pull some up tomorrow

Do you not think it's suspicious that DH had a null read on Swiss, but he was able to produce a town read on me and a scum read on PM? Do you not think it suspicious that he at first was suspicious of Swiss, yet retracted this suspicion for reasons he could not explain?
being a new player he could easily have got this wrong, or have been told to get his read wrong. I find it highly likely a scumbuddy would feed him who to call scummy and who not to, wouldn't you?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Please do.

Because all you said was:
@Zen: Inconsistencies, poor logic/reasoning, posting for the sake of posting.
Inconsistencies? See FFS/Sold2.

Poor logic? Eye of the beholder, I find Swiss' attempt to say Sold2 has no responsibility to consolidate his playerslot's statements to be scummier.

Posting a lot is hardly scummy, especially when I was almost lynched as an inactive D1 and I haven't been that active today.


Sep 30, 2010
I thought PMvDH was some variation of SvT because DH immediately put his vote on PM as soon as he got in the game. Keep in mind this is DH we're talking about, this was what, his second game? And his first game saw him modkilled day 1 for a mistake. That sort of bus is not what I would have expected from DH if PM were his scumbuddy - in retrospect, it looks a lot more like DH jumping on a runaway bandwagon.

DH also makes me feel slightly worse about FFS and Swiss, especially Swiss. Swiss is still scummy-sounding in plain English.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
omg Swiss you're not even listening to what I'm saying. And I think it's intentional. I had doubts about DH. Me continuing to pursue him shows this. You're taking advantage of the fact that the day ended earlier than I had time to respond to DHs responce to my last post. Yes, I thought DH was town. But I consider my beliefs to be like water. It can go in one direction, but in light of new evidence it can be directed elsewhere. My reasoning for DH was shaky entirely based on the fact that he was a complete noob. With the single addition that he wasn't, my reason for thinking him town most likely would have reversed. Yes, I thought he was town. But I was wrong.

I want a full explanation as to why you said what you did then - you can't just 'drop' the point on me. What you said was wrong and was deliberately misquoted me to make it seem as if I said something other than what I did. You can't just back away from one of your traps now that it's backfired on you.
You say that I am twisting your words, but this is now the third time you have done so to me. I never said I deliberately misquoted you. You said something like "nothing but a walk in the park". I took this as you saying you didn't do anything last night, thus not having a PR.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
X1 said:
being a new player he could easily have got this wrong,
What do you mean? This makes no sense. DH was scum. None of his "reads" were really reads as he knew who was town and who was scum.

or have been told to get his read wrong. I find it highly likely a scumbuddy would feed him who to call scummy and who not to, wouldn't you?


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Posting in a bit, caught up on my other games earlier and then got distracted for a while trying to take a break from reading, so yeah, reading up then posting.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Hey guys... Umm, swiss, i no i promised u the dark hose pm thing, but I'm like so stoned man. ill check on everything tomorrow after the gig.
Worst excuse to not post ever! Shoulda been your best post of the game :(

I wonder why Mentosman is being so poor in terms of posting content? He's already a suspect based on his two failed recruits. The breadcrumb doesn't necessarily prove anything- the possibility exists that the vig killed Chuckie and Mentos killed his breadcrumbed target, I simply find this scenario very unlikely and am willing to believe that Mentos is town for the time being while we have other suspects to pursue. That said, his refusal to contribute makes me suspect him increasingly.

Something I'd like to point out:
Mentos' reason for refusing my plan yesterDay was under suspicion that we were scum, and trying to lure him in to recruiting him in a last ditch effort to gain a second NK. This is obviously not the case, because we made no attempt to push Mentos to recruit DH. We tried to argue that we should be the mason choice over DH because we knew we were town and thus would not cause Mentos' death.

Obviously, that would not have flown as an argument- "recruit Us over DH, because DH might be scum" would have been responded to with "Well, so might you." But we did try to argue for us as the recruit canidate over DH for that reason.

We realize this doesn't confirm we are town, but it should reassure Mentos' worries regarding my motivations for suggesting the plan.
Part of the reason I've been hard pressed to put up a lot of content is because I've had to be heavily on the defensive for most of the game. When I can get something going before I need to defend myself a lot, I'm a lot better. The other reason is because this game has been a cluster**** with everyone going from hydra account to non hydra account back to hydra etc which has made it extremely difficult to keep track of who's who. It's been like having replacements several times a day in terms of following slots, and with only one head it's been kinda rough to follow.

The point about me refusing your plan would be better if that was actually my main reason for going against it. Yeah, the chance you were scum was there, but it's there with everyone. If I agreed with your plan and mismasoned, we would've had a guaranteed scumlynch the next day. As a town mason, I'll take the chance that I mismason if it'll net the scum. The problem I had came from the directing of night actions, letting scum know exactly what they would have to do to make something happen. Making things more obscure meant mafia couldn't plan for what would happen, and not knowing what PR's they have nor what town's got makes me very reluctant to plan nights.

Bottom half was wifom, but I know what you were getting at.

What do you mean? This makes no sense. DH was scum. None of his "reads" were really reads as he knew who was town and who was scum.

Main question on this post is why would you say no to that point about scum feeding him reads? This falls perfectly in line with how more experienced scum could treat a new scum who was an almost assured lynch. I've done it before with newbie scum, "say this about this player, this about this one, control the connections town makes on your flip."

I don't see Swiss as scum right now. He's making some points I do agree with(ex. Sold is different than Sold/SSBF combined, old posts still matter but opinions are bound to change without both heads, look at my slot when BSL was in the game and afterwards), and really I'm just not seeing his pushes as scummy. Not to mention I agree with him on Zen, whom I've been uncomfortable with since CL was pushing my lynch the way they were late D1.

I'm leaning Zen right now, but I'm not positive there yet. I'm also debating taking the risk of outright stating my recruit choice tonight and letting scum take the chance. The problem is, if we mislynch today we're in a very bad situation should I mismason, which also makes me a bit more reluctant to do so. It's still in debate though, and I'll let you know if I'm gonna do it before the lynch for sure.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss and I were the only ones on when DH first stated that he was suspicious of Swiss and PM. I doubt a scum buddy would then tell DH not to have an opinion on Swiss. The only way I could see this is if Swiss himself were DH's scumbuddy. And told him to back off making connections with him. But no it is not likely for a scum buddy to tell DH to retract his statement about Swiss other than Swiss doing so himself.

Also mentos that's a horrible excuse. I've been playing it solo this whole game and I have not had a problem. Blaming your inactivity on not having a partner is just wrong. Also it's not hard to know who is who. If you actually keep up with the reading, you become automatic with identifying who is who. It's down to 7 now, so surely you can keep up???

X1 would you consider Mentos a play? Why or why not? Also don't forget to go in detail on why you think PM is play.

Smar I'd like to hear your current thoughts on Mentos as well.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Also mentos that's a horrible excuse. I've been playing it solo this whole game and I have not had a problem. Blaming your inactivity on not having a partner is just wrong. Also it's not hard to know who is who. If you actually keep up with the reading, you become automatic with identifying who is who. It's down to 7 now, so surely you can keep up???
I... I never said that inactivity had anything to do with the game... Not to mention inactivity is a bad word when I've never qualified for a prod all game... The game is no harder to read through than any other and my activity in this game is not really out of range with that of others, especially this week which has been a stated V/LA. The problem I was talking about, is that let's say I want to say "well, let's look into FFS posts to see what I think of them" I have to remember JPsi totally inactive to begin, posts on FFS, posts on Sold, posts on SSBF, possibly soon posts on Summoner, and it makes it a royal pain to look back. Thanks to that, and time constraints I always have, I'm playing the game a lot more linearly than I normally would. Having a partner would make it quicker to dredge through being able to look through those posts and do things I normally tend to do in games.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok. By Inactivity I mean not being involved. You have yet to make a single case this game. And your thoughts on who you dislike rarely come out.

It's like you've just been riding your recruit claim all game. By now you should realize the role isn't doing us much good and should and should actually try and help us catch scum.

Also I'll be you're partner if you want ;)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Eh yeah re read FFS, and I still think they are pretty much town. Swiss scratch what I said about going after them.

It just upsets me that they aren't doing much and made such a weird post coming into this day. Also think XS is even scummier from the things I picked up during my FFS re read. I'll have to look through XS as a whole sometime later though.

XS: We are in day 3 man. Saying your read on Swiss is null is yucky. Swiss has made enough posts for you to have a read on him. What is he, town or scum?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I thought PMvDH was some variation of SvT because DH immediately put his vote on PM as soon as he got in the game. Keep in mind this is DH we're talking about, this was what, his second game? And his first game saw him modkilled day 1 for a mistake. That sort of bus is not what I would have expected from DH if PM were his scumbuddy - in retrospect, it looks a lot more like DH jumping on a runaway bandwagon.

DH also makes me feel slightly worse about FFS and Swiss, especially Swiss. Swiss is still scummy-sounding in plain English.
Noobscum are terrified of dying - they'd bus their buddy if it keeps them alive imo. But, anyway, why couldn't have been SvI? I've said the flavour strongly implies there is an indie in this game - I've been right about everything else it seems, wrt flavour analysis that is.

Also, please show me why exactly I am scummy. Is it just the way I 'sound'? Do you have any evidence of me pushing pro-scum motives? I know I have a rep as scum as I am literally always scum - but has this influenced your thoughts on me? This is why we lost Community - you as town pushed my rep and posting style as scum tells in LyLo, you did it with good intentions, but failed to recognise that is how I post, and endgamed us.

@ Zen I think PM is scum/indie. I stand by this and want him lynched. As for quoting it...it's the same stance I've had on PM for most of the game. I didn't care which of DH/PM died yesterDay and DH's lynch and the NK's haven't really affected my take on him.

omg Swiss you're not even listening to what I'm saying. And I think it's intentional. I had doubts about DH. Me continuing to pursue him shows this. You're taking advantage of the fact that the day ended earlier than I had time to respond to DHs responce to my last post. Yes, I thought DH was town. But I consider my beliefs to be like water. It can go in one direction, but in light of new evidence it can be directed elsewhere. My reasoning for DH was shaky entirely based on the fact that he was a complete noob. With the single addition that he wasn't, my reason for thinking him town most likely would have reversed. Yes, I thought he was town. But I was wrong.

You say that I am twisting your words, but this is now the third time you have done so to me. I never said I deliberately misquoted you. You said something like "nothing but a walk in the park". I took this as you saying you didn't do anything last night, thus not having a PR.
You AT NO POINT even suggested you had problems with DH. You can't just turn around now that you're under fire and say 'O ya I was gonna lynch him'. He was on your town list. For a player to have gone from your town list to the player you want to lynch especially bearing in mind that PM was SCUM in your books
Still sure on Peach being scum.
- what on earth would it have taken? It would have taken far more than what you suggest is the reason (bearing in mind even if he was scum you wanted to lynch PM anyway as DH would be easy to read and clear/lynch later). Your only reason for becoming more suspicious of him is him avoiding questions iirc (I can't find where you mentioned this - quote plz) - I do not see anything in your questioning on DH which could make you want to lynch DH over PM. Bearing in mind PM was 'certain scum' and you had conjured up town evidence in favour of DH AND said he'd be easy to clear and so should be allowed to live as well You are contradicting yourself wrt your stances yesterDay.

Also, "Going for a walk in the park" would be a breadcrumb that I do have a PR. People 'staying at home' is a crumb that they don't. What do you want me to say to make it clear? "I went for a walk and investigated someone" <<- example, not a cop crumb. You surely know this - you've been playing mafia for a while. Who the f*ck goes for a walk in the park AT NIGHT? I don't think Zen-town would apply himself so sloppily to this game.

Zen has still not even satisfactorily touched upon my #1090.

iirc someone asked for my Smar stance. I haven't re-read properly yet but he's easily fallen into Gordito-town pretty much all game. As scum he is ver poor, and can't take stances to save his life (or the life of whoever replaces him ^_^).

X1 just do what I tell you to toDay. You should get Zen lynched. Or PM - whichever you choose.

FFS really does need to get his thoughts in soon.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. I'm ready for my PM DH SvT thing.

@Everyone (in particular Swiss and X1)

Don't assume that because Smarboy posted, that it's me. Hell, the last coup'la posts were from Smargz herself.


I've played this game stoned. It's BAD. Trust me :p.


Mentos is town. That's about all I can say. You'll know why later.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
You guys are ridiculous. I messed up with what was going to be my case vs Zen, basically using peer pressure as his reasoning. But a lot of the posts that I thought he had made were actually Smarboy's so it doesn't work. I've had to rethink my stance. Swiss vs PM is a cool result though.

@PM, why is Swiss a "safer" lynch than myself?
@who all ever, what do I need to respond to.

I'll be making a legitimate case on the meantime, I'm staying in this Saturday.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
It just upsets me that they aren't doing much and made such a weird post coming into this day. Also think XS is even scummier from the things I picked up during my FFS re read. I'll have to look through XS as a whole sometime later though.

XS: We are in day 3 man. Saying your read on Swiss is null is yucky. Swiss has made enough posts for you to have a read on him. What is he, town or scum?
Deal with the Yuckyness - Swiss is hard to read.

X1 would you consider Mentos a play? Why or why not? Also don't forget to go in detail on why you think PM is play.
Thought I'd made this pretty clear, toDay's play is PM. Mentos is another toMorrow possibility

@Zen: Would you mind if I just pulled up a random post of PM's and ripped into it (it will be from before I called him scum) because I cba to pull up every post I don't like


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Please do.

Because all you said was:

Inconsistencies? See FFS/Sold2.

Poor logic? Eye of the beholder, I find Swiss' attempt to say Sold2 has no responsibility to consolidate his playerslot's statements to be scummier.

Posting a lot is hardly scummy, especially when I was almost lynched as an inactive D1 and I haven't been that active today.
I've already talked about how ffs comes in fighting for second choice - I mentioned his horrible post in my #1092. They are only guilty of one or two posts with one or two things wrong with them. saying 'Eye of the beholder' isn't a get our of jail free card. Yes, it is my opinion, its my opinion that you're scummy. Also completely not what I'm talking about, I said posting for the sake of posting I didn't like, I wasn't talking about number of posts

...X1, Swiss, Licky...what's your read on smarboy?
So much over reaction gboy. It's ok though. Me and my licky counterpart still love you <3. How bout you join us in holding Chuckie's Zombie hand :)

Let us allow Swiss the time he needs to answer his question smoothly and properly. After all, he has to take careful consideration into what he says. He needs all the info he can get to dwelve into such vigerous questions and stalling will help him do just that.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
@ Zen I think PM is scum/indie. I stand by this and want him lynched. As for quoting it...it's the same stance I've had on PM for most of the game. I didn't care which of DH/PM died yesterDay and DH's lynch and the NK's haven't really affected my take on him.

You AT NO POINT even suggested you had problems with DH. You can't just turn around now that you're under fire and say 'O ya I was gonna lynch him'. He was on your town list. For a player to have gone from your town list to the player you want to lynch especially bearing in mind that PM was SCUM in your books - what on earth would it have taken? It would have taken far more than what you suggest is the reason (bearing in mind even if he was scum you wanted to lynch PM anyway as DH would be easy to read and clear/lynch later). Your only reason for becoming more suspicious of him is him avoiding questions iirc (I can't find where you mentioned this - quote plz) - I do not see anything in your questioning on DH which could make you want to lynch DH over PM. Bearing in mind PM was 'certain scum' and you had conjured up town evidence in favour of DH AND said he'd be easy to clear and so should be allowed to live as well You are contradicting yourself wrt your stances yesterDay.
Hey Regal, you can't go after Zen for the opinions expressed by Cotton Licky. For all you know it was all blue yoshi that didn't think the Man was scum and that thought we were scum. Durr durr...

See what a silly arguement that is? Zen must accept the responsibility for the entire hydra's play whether it was blue yoshi, zen, or the two together who posted the opinion's of Cotton Licky on d1. You, Swiss, yourself are pressuring Zen exactly in the same way we pressued Sold- taking issue with the hydra's actions despite the fact that only one of the heads in the hydra is playing now. You and I are not doing anything differently, so I don't see why you still take issue with what we did. We still see a connection between Regal and FFS. IMO you are either both town or both scum. Don't think scum swiss would defend Sold2 indirectly like that for no reason if Sold was town.

But seriously, I think your points against Zen are pretty valid. Read through d1 and it's just like Swiss says. If you guys read it for yourself it is pretty convincing. Need to talk to my other half about Regal's case against Zen. I'd like to see Zen's response to your posts that he hasn't addressed yet as well.

@x1 can you summarize your case against us and why we're the play for the day? please include at least quote or two of stuff we've said that you find scummy.

@ffs - will let praxis respond to your q, he can explain it better than I can.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
^ Understood and fair. It has been assumed by me that the majority of posts by CottonLicky were Zen. I believe they were. They often said which was posting at the time, and BY only posted D1 if memory serves. Will re-read and confirm.

FYI - Bed has made 3 posts on Regal max. One was in RVS. This slot has been entirely me.

Smar/XSword/FFS what's your current Zen stance? I know you've probably said it already but I'd like it quoted/newly stated for easier reference.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
@PM, why is Swiss a "safer" lynch than myself?.
Swiss has confirmed himself not-vig.
Myself confirming I am not vig (which I did do)

Thus, lower odds of accidentally lynching a power role, in the event we find Swiss and another player equally scummy.

That comment got a lot more reaction out of it than I expected. But I've already explained it, so I'm not sure why you're asking me again except to ask questions.

Also, I believe you never responded to our 1068:
The same post we have been arguing with Swiss about for two pages.

Swiss, I don't think you've responded to this:

Swiss: Why do you think PM? If you explained this already, quote it.

I still very much feel like you are attempting to mock scumhunt by sticking to us as the day's play based on our poor D1 play which we have admitted to. Yet, you see no problem with Sold2 dismissing his bad play as another head.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Idk how I truly feel about Zen anymore. I'm gonna discuss it more with Smargz, but I'm gonna take my warm seat on the fence for right now.

Okay. You've been waiting. It's time:

So, I decided to finally get around to how I feel that Dark Horse vs Peach Monster is SvT. Now, before I start, I firmly believe that it's SvT, but am not pushing aside the possibility of SvI. If you want, Swiss, I'd be cool with PM hammering and seeing if the flavour lines up.

Okay. Let's go.

Dark Horse said:
On another not, there's really nobody i'm certain of being scum right now...
This is DH's first post of *snicker* substance. No stand. But, his next post...

DH said:
Changed my mind:

PM seems scummy to me. Regal also does.
Huh? He's new to the game of mafia. He could've easily seen that there was a PM wagon going on, and to a lesser extent, Regal hype. I just don't think that a scum PM would have his scummate hop on his wagon, especially with the wagons being so close in vote size.

DH said:
Pretty much what cotton and chuckle said.

Thoth your not my #1 pick for vote.
He DID see that there was a PM wagon going on, and Regal suspicion. Hmm... fishyyy.....

DH said:
No I wasn't.
This is in regards to Zen asking if he had a QT. YesterDay, I liked the way that Zen connected Smargz, Swiss, X1, and himself to a scum DH by having one of us (I'm saying us cuz me and smargz are a hydra bla bla bla) tell him to say NO to having a QT. But now, I see how close it was from the question being asked, to the question being answered. My eyes are open to Zen faking the whole conversation. OOH! Unvote And not to mention... guess who the only one that cleared DH for that thing was?

And not to mention... He doesn't even MENTION Swissy through out the rest of his life. Like, throwing his name out there to look cool, if Swissy baby's scum.

This is all I'll post for now. Need any mo'? Didn't think soooooo ;).


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
WTR: buddying the dead

Why didn't you pick up on this?
It seemed very minor in context, in comparison. He's not praising Chuckie, claiming Chuckie "had his back", and using Chuckie as a shield as we feel Swiss has with Spag.
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