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Halo Game - Ovah


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
**** this.

I just lost my post explaining why I think you scum.

D1: need not be said - admitting you were scummy does not absolve you of being scummy imo.

D2: Avoiding my questions, issue raised in my #568. Unable to answer my case #598 (admit this in your #652, say you skimmed, legitimacy of this answer can only be known after your flip. Note you cannot defend against the case, only apologise. Similar to apologising for bad D1 play imo. Slight AtE as well. Didn't like your 'plan' wrt all this recruiting and night action guiding - it leaves us too vulnerable to night actions, raised this in my #662. You did nothing in the day to then change my mind on your alignment, and I believe I said as much by my willingness to lynch you at te end of the day. Note how I didn't push a quicklynch on you when I could've - said you shouldn't be at L-1 unless we were going to lynch you. So I don't think I was being unreasonable on you either.

D3: I don't think your push on Sold was reasonable, I recognise we disagree on the legitimacy of this point. There may be other things toDay but I honestly can't remember what else has happened toDay. Will be giving the thread a look over soon anyway.

I've typed this out again as quick as I can without dropping all my content. D3 info is weak - will look over.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Idk how I truly feel about Zen anymore. I'm gonna discuss it more with Smargz, but I'm gonna take my warm seat on the fence for right now.

Okay. You've been waiting. It's time:

So, I decided to finally get around to how I feel that Dark Horse vs Peach Monster is SvT. Now, before I start, I firmly believe that it's SvT, but am not pushing aside the possibility of SvI. If you want, Swiss, I'd be cool with PM hammering and seeing if the flavour lines up.
I'll raise a quick point: If we're considering PM as non-scum but possible indie - I fail to see how the flavour (if Swords magically un-limits it) would out PM - he'd be an indie and as such would use a human weapon. We should get someone who is a possible scum to hammer. Thus by your logic PM is the worst person we could have hammering, assuming he isn't lynched. Ideally, for me, Zen hammers PM. But if the flavour remains limited (which I think it will) then it won't matter. We lost our chance to out people with the flavour - which is partly my fault for not pushing my idea harder when I'm the flavour guy.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Remember Swiss: I have no clue of this flavour. I'm so unfamiliar with it.

That being said, I'll take your word when you say an indie would be human. I thought that an indie would possibly be like a third species or something. My bad :p. In that case PM WOULD be a terrible hammerer. I'm comfortable with either you, Zen, or FFS hammering whoever we decide to lynch (if town doesn't agree with any of those three).

Now, I know what you're about to ask: Swissy? Scum? For what?!

Mostly for D1-D2 stuff, and you've been looking better so far. But, IstillGMEOY, and smargz (for now) has an even greater suspicion of you.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Yeah, I have a feeling if we've got an indie I know who it is, only one person in the game who would really fit the bill. Not much new to put out there at the moment, but yeah, if the flavor goes back to being telling indie would almost definitely be human.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
My frustration with Swiss is starting to get the best of me.

Hm I haven't really been considering Indy play. The sole reason I've been alright with Smargboy toDay is because of his D1 interactions with the-man. I also like(ed) FFS because of his stances on the-man.

D1 Smarg and the-man had a lot of direct interaction with the-man and has always been game for lynch DH/the-man. I do not think DH and Smarg are the same allignment. So I do not think Smargboy is scum. He is either town or Indy.

The same applies to FFS. FFS D1 liked the-man and disliked Swiss and Spag. The-man attacked Swiss, Spag attacked the-man and defended Swiss. This at first looked to me (when reviewing) that FFS was trying to save the-man (his scum buddy) and attack those against him (Swiss/Spag). But I really doubt he would make such a direct connection with his scummbuddy like this. It really looks like he was working of the wrong path. Supporting this is the fact that near the end of D2 FFS stuck to his guns even though the-man/DH was going to be modkilled. If he were his scumbuddy I feel he would have bussed him. There was little chance that the-man was going to live at this time.

I don't think my thoughts on this specifically will flop. These are my definite conclusions on these two: Town or Indy. Not scum.

Swiss #1090: I don't know why you are saying the results of targeting a player would be 'the person was not home/was home'. I think that would be something DH would recieve. I was obviously trying to give you the impression that I tracked you during the night. The results would be some thing more like 'the player viseted _____/the player was not seen visiting anyone', yes? If by trap you, you mean trying to catch you in a contradiction, then yes I was. I had a strong feeling you had a scummy pr and wanted to see if you would lie about it. No I am not tracker. That's why I was so pissed at FFS saying ''if you're serious about this I swear'' or w/e because it basically was giving away to you that I was bluffing and possibly outing him as a real tracker. He should have waited until I got your responce or actually did claim tracker. If you look, I never once claimed that I was tracker. I wanted to give the impression that I caught you doing deeds in the night. You responded to it by getting angry which looks to me like you actually felt you were caught. But that's just speculation. Also that is why I wanted you to answer ASAP. I didn't want anything to interfere with the bluff. But unfortunately it could not happen.

Swiss 1151: I'm doing this all on memorization and note cards so if I miss somethingm you need to quote it specifically as I have been asking. (Wiinet).

-You're wrong about my experience. Look up my last poat in the dgames social thread and you'll have a list of all my mafia experience. Yes I'm a beast player; however, I do not have a lot of knowledge in terms of special roles. The only two PRs I've had are Cop and Watcher. Cop I died N1. Watcher I got nothing N1, died N2. I think the point you are making here is that I should know that 'walking in the park' means you wern't home? Meaning you do have a PR? However, I interpreted it as you saying you didn't visit anyone, which is what I was trying to give the impression of.
I totally forgot what else you said in this post so I'll adress it after posting this.


X1 #1154: That's rediculous. You said before that you and Swiss can always read eachother. Your null on him is scummier than my toe. Especially when you think my case on him is BS. And no, one post on PM is not enough. If we went by just one post on everything wed never get anywhere. Actually instead how about you pretend PM is town and make a case showing so. Can you do that.

I still have more for you and others but I have to get at it later.


Sep 30, 2010
Mentos - do you have flavor knowledge? Can you confirm what Swiss has said? Can you do flavor analysis if Swiss is lynched? When you say you know who the indie is, do you mean flavor-wise or player-wise?

Swiss - Can you post a basic set of helpful flavor knowledge (things like the bad guys use which weapons, I know you said that earlier in thread but like that) or direct us to somewhere where we can read it?

I don't have much specific against Swiss, just something in his posts is rubbing me the wrong way. I'll read him in iso tomorrow and repost.

We had a town read on Zen/Licky days 1 and 2, but that's been changing day 3. Zen, your play wrt DH was just really, really weird - you were too eager to clear him and Swiss is right that you never gave the slightest hint that you wanted him lynched. Zen has also been role-fishing.

Fans - where are you? Who are you (did Summoner replace in?) Can you post something please?

I'm waiting for a votecount before putting down a vote.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
I've beaten Reach's single player, so I know the flavor well enough. And yeah, I should've been more clear by saying that I'm pretty sure I know who in flavor would qualify as an indie role, not which player would qualify as such. So far I haven't seen any comments from Swiss that go against what expected flavor would be.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss #1151 continued: Didn't get a chance to finish earlier. (went to a play). Swiss what does it matter whether or not I would have possibly switched DH yesterday lol. I'm not contradicting myself in any way. You're acting like I'm trying to get points for thinking DH was scum. I'm not. Everyone knows I thought he was town and wanted to keep him. Whether or not I would have switched is beside the point. You don't know if I would have. I don't know if I would have. I argued that DH wad town and that's that. You can't make a case out me over whether or not my mind could have been changed.

btw Swiss with the indy thing, what kind of indy are you speculating? SK? Also are you saying 2 scum-1indy?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
PM: You agree with the points Swiss has made on me, but all of the points he's made on me are in regards to D2 and D3. Yet you're saying that a d1 reread has made you in agreement with Swiss' case? Wanna shed some light on this:3?

@the bottom of you're 1158: You do realize the reason for asking Swiss what he thought about you was because I felt he was trying to unreasonably pressure you, not because I was trying to target you?? I asked him and X1 their reasoning because I feel they cannot come up with it. Scum hunting you had nothing to do with it. lol good **** dude. 95 my *** right?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Gordito: Your post explaining that PM and DH are not of the same alignment has fault.

You're saying it wouldn't make sense for DH to target PM if they were both scum, but it makes absolute sense. One of them was going to die D2. The wagon was split between those two the whole day. Would it not make sense then to vote eachother as scumbuddies? Would they not want to create as much distance as possible since one of their lynches was inevitable? Do you not see the fault in your clearance that I do?


Smargirl did you make that last post? If so why haven't you been posting that much toDay? If not, where are you :o? I need you to keep Gordito together.

Yes I have been role fishing. I really don't care about revealing what Swiss' role is. I've been trying to get it out of him since D2 because I think if he is scum he can make a false claim that will hurt the game bad. The reason why I started it in the first place was because him mentioning a scummy roleblocker D2. It just didn't sit right with me and I've been trying to leech it out of him since.

My feelings on Swiss are quite mixed as of today irl. I can't make out if he really thinks I'm scum or if he is scum forcing a case. Apparently others (including yourself) agree with what he is saying, so it must not all be forced. And PM is starting to rise up as being the scummiest yet again. I need to evaluate Swiss and PM both. A long with X1.


Sep 30, 2010
Yes, that was smargaret on the last post. I spent the day with my fiance - sorry, but I'd rather spend the day with him than with y'all.

As to the DH thing, it makes sense to vote your scumbuddy in that position. But I just don't think it would occur to DH to do so. Swiss makes far more sense as a DHbuddy than PM.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
DH has plenty more experience than we gave him credit for. He's been scum at least 7 times on epic mafia. With much other experience. And if it didn't occur to him, surely it could have occured to his scumbuddy.

I feel you on the Swiss thing though. I think there's a good chance PM could have been his buddy as well.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss - Can you post a basic set of helpful flavor knowledge (things like the bad guys use which weapons, I know you said that earlier in thread but like that) or direct us to somewhere where we can read it?
Claiming a character when most people won't even look at the thread before the deadline buys you an extra day, you just wanna stall a bit imo. Plus in a game where UNSC are confirmed to be the town, I find it highly unlikely all six members of Noble team are going to be town. Otherwise a full claim just wins us the game. Means indies, or scum as UNSC and a fake Role PM at the beginning.
Noble 1 is the leader of a 6 man squad of 'Super soldiers'. They're all UNSC forces who were implied to be town. Pretty sure Covenant are scum if it hasn't been specifically stated, flavour said they were - they're aliens. Might be 'brutes' involved - they're like bears.
^ Ignore the 'brutes' - they won't be in the game.

Hadn't considered N0 recruitment. Seen that before (amirite zen? :D). Unsure how many recruits he could have. Lookin' @ max team of two, but when the mentee dies the mentor can re-recruit. Would explain why he bussed Moriarty so hard when he realised he'd be useless. He gets townie points for an indie lynch and can actually recruit a useful player into his team. He recruited Moriarty, a well known, good player, before he realised he's be playing so badly. I.e. N0.

Think I just nailed that. Similar set-up to Chacotaco mafia recruiting wise imo. If this is right I'm claiming platinum dice.

Re-postin on Regal with better grammar and claim to fame.
^ I was totally wrong.

Flava content: Jun was Noble 3. Scum did da NK 'cuz only they use plasma weapons. See Chuckie killed yesterDay with a shotty. Might be an idea to get scummai chumps to hammer. Flava can't hurt.
^ Hammer point

[Quotes mods flavour]
K, so we know 'UNSC forces' are town from earlier. We know Covenant (alien thingais) are scum. I've been thinkin' bout this and ya, there are almost fo shiz indies in this game. Carter is pretty much (ish) the guy that recruited Noble 6 into the squad, as Gotenks said. He's also their leader. Him as indie is entirely possible. If his character claim is what his role PM really gave him, he's not scum, unless not all six Noble team soldiers are actually in the game and that's an epic safe claim (which I doubt 2bh).

Nobles 1 and 6 are most likely to be indie. Nobles 2,4,5 and then 3 are most likely to be town. Possible there is no Noble 6 as of yet and when Gotenks recruits someone they become noble 6, fitting in with the 'getting recruited' flavour. Likely Noble 6 will be a SK indie as he is "hyper lethal" and Gotenks or Noble 1 has no killing role just a recruiting role. Alternatively, noble 3, the only Spartan out of all six to survive the game, could be an indie survivor. Don't see that as being as likely. Would make Carter/Gotenks town in all likliehood.

Nobles 1 & 6/soon to be 6 indie. Or 3 is indie. Most likely situation.

Making a lot of guesses on not much information. Depends on how much Swords stuck to flavour and how much my own guesses are correct.

Sure someone else said they play Reach, so tell me what ya think on that.

Hurr durr.

I did a quick skim through and this is all the early flavour I posted. Obviously parts of this are wrong. I think it unlikely Mentos/Gotenks is an indie recruiter now - I worked the flavour around my suspicions, which is fair imo. I still stand by the other points I made in here.

Also - wrt Smarboy calling me a possible scumbuddy of DH based on his early posts. I'd point out that DH had to read the thread before posting. He had his role for a good while before he posted 'content' - and I was online for the duration of this. I could easily have guided ALL his early posts, and in fact would have were I scum with him - I don't think I would have got DH to play it so badly wrt dropping me in it were I his buddy. The first thing any scum does is rush to the QT - we all know it.

Swiss #1151 continued: Didn't get a chance to finish earlier. (went to a play). Swiss what does it matter whether or not I would have possibly switched DH yesterday lol. I'm not contradicting myself in any way. You're acting like I'm trying to get points for thinking DH was scum. I'm not. Everyone knows I thought he was town and wanted to keep him. Whether or not I would have switched is beside the point. You don't know if I would have. I don't know if I would have. I argued that DH wad town and that's that. You can't make a case out me over whether or not my mind could have been changed.

btw Swiss with the indy thing, what kind of indy are you speculating? SK? Also are you saying 2 scum-1indy?
I think it matters very much. You're turning around after defending a scum with illogical arguments, after saying that scum was town and should be left alive as he's easy to read anyway - and now saying that you would have lynched him. I think it's an attempt to distance yourself from the protection of DH. I also think his 'surprise flip' gave you the perfect opportunity to 180 your stance on me and push Chuckie's and your suddenly apparent suspicions on me.

2 scum - 1 indy is likely. As for whether the indie is SK, I honestly do not know. If not SK then I'm unsure as to what role they could have - JOAT is possible? Idk. I think we'll find out overNight if we have a Vig or SK - the no NK N1 implies Vig to me.

Swiss #1090: I don't know why you are saying the results of targeting a player would be 'the person was not home/was home'. I think that would be something DH would recieve. I was obviously trying to give you the impression that I tracked you during the night. The results would be some thing more like 'the player viseted _____/the player was not seen visiting anyone', yes? If by trap you, you mean trying to catch you in a contradiction, then yes I was. I had a strong feeling you had a scummy pr and wanted to see if you would lie about it. No I am not tracker. That's why I was so pissed at FFS saying ''if you're serious about this I swear'' or w/e because it basically was giving away to you that I was bluffing and possibly outing him as a real tracker. He should have waited until I got your responce or actually did claim tracker. If you look, I never once claimed that I was tracker. I wanted to give the impression that I caught you doing deeds in the night. You responded to it by getting angry which looks to me like you actually felt you were caught. But that's just speculation. Also that is why I wanted you to answer ASAP. I didn't want anything to interfere with the bluff. But unfortunately it could not happen.
Wow. You fake-crumbed a power role to try and 'out' me, then claimed VT at around the same - and didn't think to clarify it to anyone? Also - how would you have known if I had a scum or town PR? At this point were you confident enough in your reads to acknowledge that the success of your plan would lead to my death if I were town? You seem to imply that had I admitted to having a PR (which I refused to answer) I would have been a scum PR and worthy of a lynch. Do you think I would have been lynched yesterDay? Bearing in mind how scummy the-man/PM were, I was clearly not a play yesterDay, as other players said to you. You attempted to out me as a PR on a day in which I could not have been lynched. This would not really harm scum, if I were scum. Yet would get a town PR killed/vulnerable to scum actions if I were town. I don't buy that you had a pro-town motive when doing this. Pure role-fishing.

As for you not knowing about 'going for a walk in the park' because of your experience..Ugh. I cannot prove this is false. I'll not check all your old games for similar crumbs which you could then just say you 'forgot about'. Consider the point dropped - but not proven to be false or true.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I'll use the excuse that I'm easily distracted. But yeah I definitely just spent 24 hours to reread about 10 pages. I think I'm just going to straight-up post my notes.

#967 Zen- Asks Regal what they did last night. Does it again sometime else. PR-fishing, if you ask me.

#984 Gordito- "Chuckie is either really town or really scum"? I'd like an explanation what you meant by this.

#985 Swiss- Dumb kinda dumb logic, to call a dead townie town. His response to myself was alright though.

#988 Sword- Correct, but easy to make statements.

#993 Zen- Jumps my question through insults(answered much later). Don't like how he tries to change my focus to Swiss.

#994 Sword- Flavor analysis, still nothing worthwhile.
#997 Sword- Admits his faults.

#1000 PM- actually on second thought, swiss's logic doesn't work but spagheb hammered scum regardless.

#1003 Sword- Accuses me of skipping "Vig not caring what they look like to town" that was in my most recent post. Why would it make him feel bad that I skipped it anyways?

#1037 Sword- "I guess the claim is believable now" what? Why is mentos's claim any more believable now.

Ingeneral Zen- Still avoiding my question(answered later), probably decided just to not.

#1150 Zen- Why am I town? oh he answered. Kind of farfetchd reasoning but eh.

FoS on FFS, conflicting statements, etc.
You have to take into account, you quoted a post by me, and a post by SSBF, and that there were 200 posts imbetween the two. But the general point is the same in both, just twisted a little bit. We wanted to lynch spagheb. We would take either of you as a second pick. I don't see what's wrong for picking seconds, especially when nobody seems to give a second thought to your first.

Thus, lower odds of accidentally lynching a power role, in the event we find Swiss and another player equally scummy.
If Swiss was the vig, would you find it odd for him to have "confirmed" that he's not?
I'm not the vig. I mean I said it but there's every possibility I'm lying.

I know I said "case", implying I'd be picking someone as scum, but this will gotta do.
If you all care I'm still totally for Zen as scum, PM confuses me, and Sword is definitely up there.

So there. I done it.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
PM what is your actual Zen stance? You said you'd talk to Praxis (#1156) - can we get a stance?

X1 would you consider Zen as a play toDay, or is it just PM?

Sold does Summoner have any thoughts? Is he actually in the hydra? Should we delay the day waiting for his thoughts?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Zen: This is the kinda thing I mean when I say 'inconsistencies, poor logic/reasoning and posting for the sake of posting' Its what it all boils down to and he does it in several posts. these are just a few.

We've probably got a vig, SK would've killed N1.

Swiss, mah other head made an interesting observation. You thought Spag was obvtown because he had your back? You know, people who buddy tend to be scum. A good part of the reason Smarboy's follow-the-Licky play bugs me. Not exactly the best basis to declare someone obvtown based on, is it?

What specific things did Spag have your back on that made you feel he was the pasta to your parmesan?

Swiss sure got a lot of holes, amirite? :awesome:
3rd person to say this about the Vig/SK, adds nothing to discussion. Talks about Swiss buddying spag but I don't think its much worse than how Zen fellates Chuckie and just basically calls swiss insta scum.

Terrible Joke.

Good call on the breadcrumb.

We're still left with the possibility that you are scum and chose to breadcrumb a Spaghebti recruit and then kill Spag. But that would mean the vig killed Chuckie...and I have a hard time imagining a vig being that incompetent. So I'm starting to buy the PR claim despite the unfortunate series of coincidences involved, though it's not 100% confirmed.
Which part of this post is useful and/or pro-town?

It doesn't matter. If he was scum he'd know who he was going to kill.

If he's scum, then a vig or SK killed Chuckie.

If scum killed Chuckie, then mentos is town.

This is what I talk about when I mean poor logic, Swiss is saying he could crumb multiple names (not that hard) and whoever vig/sk killed pull up the appropriate crumb

Swiss I already explained what we see scummy in FFS/Sold2. There's not a lot, but that's one observation we made. That's why it's a FoS and not a vote. The FoS was for that specific reason, not his general play. And yes, we put the FoS on FFS, but whether we typed FFS or Sold2, it's really interchangable. Ok, fine I take back the FoS on fans for sell and I"ll put it on Sold

FoS: Sold2 seriously what's the difference, i just dont see it. Let FFS/Sold2 fight his own battles, u seem pretty interested in defending him before he's had a chance to answer himself. I want to hear from him regarding my post, not you.
If you're preaching about the the voice of one head is the voice of both, why change your FoS to Sold2 instead of FFS? Why bother, because Swiss asked you?

@Zen: Swiss can read me, I can't always read Swiss, I think the last time I said I could was when I essentially had a guilty on him in Villains and didn't want to out my PR. There are some things he does that allow me to read them, but if he doesn't then I can't

@Swiss: Zen isn't a play toDay, PM is though

I'll be honest don't know where my vote is now (if anywhere)

Vote: Peach Monster

@Mod: Request Votecount

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

That's just how I saw his play. I was inclined to believe that he was town, because I agreed with his views. But, I didn't want to be deadlocked on a town read, cuz he was against another one of my town reads at the time, Licky, who I had a stronger town read on. I know. It's hard to explain. But then DH flipped scum and that's when it became obvtown sooo :awesome:.

I don't understand this:

Zen said:
The same applies to FFS. FFS D1 liked the-man and disliked Swiss and Spag. The-man attacked Swiss, Spag attacked the-man and defended Swiss. This at first looked to me (when reviewing) that FFS was trying to save the-man (his scum buddy) and attack those against him (Swiss/Spag). But I really doubt he would make such a direct connection with his scummbuddy like this. It really looks like he was working of the wrong path. Supporting this is the fact that near the end of D2 FFS stuck to his guns even though the-man/DH was going to be modkilled. If he were his scumbuddy I feel he would have bussed him. There was little chance that the-man was going to live at this time.
So you're saying that buddying/subtly defending a scummy is a town tell? Cuz that's what it boils down to. If FFS and DH are scum buddies, then throughout D1, he's against a confirmed townie and an unknown flip, while not really addressing tHe-Man, confirmed scum, too much. That doesn't sound like a townie thing to do, Zen.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss I'm not saying that I was going to vote DH. I'm saying it was a possibility. I'm not 180ing. I was sure DH was town. End of story. You know my post at the beginning of this day was a joke right? I'm not saying I ever had shown thought of DH being scum. You're the one saying I 180ed when I'm not.

As for the role thing, I wanted to catch you in a lie. See your responces. That's it. Like I said, I don't care about revealing you have a PR. It's not like it makes a difference.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
People say "pro-town" things like "he's role fishing". But do they even have reason why it's bad or could even be a scum tell in this situation? "role fishing imo". Well duh it's role fishing. You'd have to be an idiot not to see that FFS, seriously.

unvote My next vote will be my last choice for today. Still need to review X1.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
"Why would anti-town rolefish?" So they know who to shoot, yeah? Yes, it is super easy to call you on role-fishing here. That doesn't change the fact that you did it and that it's inherently anti-town. Why do you respond to me with attacks if you don't believe me to be scum?

Sold does Summoner have any thoughts? Is he actually in the hydra? Should we delay the day waiting for his thoughts?
None that aren't also mine, yes and nope. Summoner has read up to about page 71 but was under a serious misconception when I last talked to him (a couple days ago). I haven't gotten to talk to him much and I'm fine with playing as Sold2 until he gets less whatever he's doing.


Sep 30, 2010
Also - wrt Smarboy calling me a possible scumbuddy of DH based on his early posts. I'd point out that DH had to read the thread before posting. He had his role for a good while before he posted 'content' - and I was online for the duration of this. I could easily have guided ALL his early posts, and in fact would have were I scum with him - I don't think I would have got DH to play it so badly wrt dropping me in it were I his buddy. The first thing any scum does is rush to the QT - we all know it.

Since when do scum have daytalk? Did I miss something?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I guess Smargz has never been scum...

Scum can talk whenever they want to in their QT. It's not dictated by Day phase or Night phase.


Sep 30, 2010
Huh, I've only ever seen scum able to talk at night (I have been scum before, just not here).


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
How do you two normally talk to each other? Don't you have a private QT/msn or something? I just question because you two are both on, are having your first ever multi-post convo with each other in-thread and it just happened to out Smargaret and hence Smarboy69 as town. Idk.

Anyway - have you two come to your stances yet?


Sep 30, 2010
I was rereading and saw something that caught my eye and posted it before I forgot. We have a separate qt to discuss things. It's not our first multi-post convo in thread, either.

I posted a stance on Zen. We also don't like you. We like PM better (explained) and believe Mentos's claim. xsword and FFS can wait until we get some more flips.


Sep 30, 2010
ebwop posted it before I forgot it. I didn't see that Gboy was on until after I'd posted, and since it was in line with our stance on you, I went ahead and posted.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
For **** sake. Lost my post. Seriously annoying.

Points in brief:

Smar you believe PM is town, but your reasoning only shows him to be 'not-scum' - considering the strong possibility of an indie - why do believe you PM is town? I do not see the logic. You called him scum yesterDay, so you must have thought him suspicious.

I assume it's Zen/Swiss for your lynch choices, then?

Had other stuff I'm sure, sorry.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

I wasn't on mah proper computer, so I couldn't get to the QT. I almost never remember to log onto the hydra, so I forgot to get on the QT.

I'd say either Zen or Swissy baby. I'm personally conflicted at this point.

I'm not discounting the possibility of PM=indie, but I don't think so at this point. Maybe.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Gordito #1179: It's not Pro-town. My point isn't that it was a town thing to do, but that it was a non-scum thing to do. The-man was going to be modkilled and it was almost certain. If you're scummbuddy were about to die and you had been defending them the whole game, would you not try and distance yourself before they were to be lynched? However FFS did not do this. He made it very clear that he felt the-man wasn't scummy. Check it out in his #668. So this makes me believe that FFS did not know what the-man was going to flip, because everyone would be right on him the next day. (Or same day if the a scum modkill continues the day?).

idk you think it's wifomy? It really doesn't seem so to me.


Sold #1182: Determining who is town is usually a big part of my game. Getting some close to confirms of town players lowers the sample space for who could be scum. Looking for scum between 5 people rather thaqn 7 makes things easier. If Swiss did have a def town PR and was outed as town, it basically would have lowered the sample space for who is scum. That's why if someone is super scummy to me, I don't worry too much about what I could be outing them as. I think sometimes knowing who is town is better than what the PR could potentially give usby staying hidden. By no means would I be so leechy with someone if I felt they they could possibly have sonething that would be a major benefit for town. But as I said I had a strong feeling I would catch Swiss in a lie. And I don't think he is a cop or tracker. So I went for it.

As for why I attack you even though I don't think you're scum is because everyone needs to be looked at. Even if you do think someone is town you shouldn't just let them be. Notice I has pretty much cleared DH as town, but I still continued to ask him questions and such. The fact that I was so sure on him and he fliped scum makes me want to be less leniant with putting aside those I think are town. Just because I don't think you're scum, doesn't mean you're not. Yes I don't think you are and it worries me when you stop posting you're thoughts or say something scummy and I have to reconfigure my whole line of thought.

@your #1176: Is the question you're saying I was avoiding was why I wasn't voting you? It's because I never said I thought you were scum. I just wanted you to contribute, and I thought it was dumb that you were taunting me to vote you.



Sold: You said you didn't find PM important D1 and D2 like others did. Why? And do you still not think anything of him? You said this of the-man as well, and I just don't see how you could not think anything of them.

Also you said you dislike me, but then you said it was the things gboy said that you disliked? But now you went back to me and gboy isn't even in your list. Can you clarify this?

Also you had a strong scum read of Regal D1 if I remember, and you backed off saying he wasn't the play sometime D2. Why did you change your mind?

PM: Who do you want to be the play again?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Oh yeah.

Domokun: I don't know about what you're saying about the set-up. If you think the second kill is Vig and not SK. And you also don't think Mentos is Indy recruiter, what leads you to think Indy other than flavor?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
FFS said:
Since it looks like the-man is getting modkilled, I'll go ahead and say that I don't see him as scum and he wouldn't be our pick of lynch, had this been an actual lynch.
You're right, Zen. FFS wasn't behind his-WAIT WHAT'S THAT?!

The rest of FFS' 668 said:
It's not that bad though and I'm not disappointed with it.
Could it be a subtle way of saying, "Hey guys, I didn't defend him the whole way through! I was fine with him dying :awesome:". No thanks, Mr. Sold.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Actually, Swiss, Zen brings up a very good point in his 1194.

What indie can there be? There is no SK, you don't believe that mentos is a cult member, and according to the OP, none of these are in the game:

OP said:
Contract Hitman, Jester, Mime, Politician, Rogue, Survivor
So, what CAN PM's indy role possibly be?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yeah gboy good point. But the 1st part was a strong stance. Where as the second part was more subtle like he was just compromising, saying it wasn't such a bad thing. I think if he knew what the flip was going to be, the second part would have emphasis and the 1st part more subtle. Like " the-man isn't my 1st choice for a lynch, but he's pretty scummy and we're glad he's dying". Or something like that.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
EBWOP my 1196:

What indy role can PM be, according to flavour?


Idk. Seems fishy to me. I'll look more into it toMorrow though.

@Mod request votecount

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
@Gord, there are a lot of Indies. That list cuts out the indies that have win conditions that don't strictly oppose Town and Mafia's win conditions, though. SK and it's billion possibilities, arsonist, mad scientist(nobody likes them :(), kidnapper(clearly not), piper, nexus, siblings, cults(no)... uh there's way too many to even list.

And yes Gord I was fine with the-man dying because he was entirely inactive. He needed to be modkilled.

@Zen, I still don't understand the PM wagon. I know it's based on the fact that their D1 play was bad, but I thought their responses and play on D2 was fine, and the only problem I've really had with PM this day was the Swiss vs PM debate on my stuff. Didn't feel that it needed to be made a big deal, felt it was an argument just for the sake of winning the argument. I don't know why they've been kept under super wagon past like mid day 2, basically.

The-mann's policy blunder D1 was stupid but not something I'd call them scum off of. I thought that his Regal case was actually a good observation, and was super disappointed when Spagheb shot it down for no reason. D2 starts, people wagon the-mann, I'm not sure which of the above for, but neither were reason enough for it in my opinion. When Dark Horse replaced him before he got modkilled, he was so obviously unable to deal with the situation. I think I jokingly said it, but I really did think that if he was scum his buddies would have actually told him something to do.

I basically interpreted both wagons as people being too attached to their opinions.

And a fair response. I'll make it clear that one of the misconceptions me and Summoner were working under is that I had thought you hadn't voted at all. The other was that Gboy was the one that made posts I was so sure you had made (and if you had this would be so easy). I'm going to pretend that I didn't have other reasons for making them and say that I just made them to see what kind of response they would get.

Though, what I meant by "attack" is that you insult my ability, not my alignment.
You'd have to be an idiot not to see that FFS, seriously.
FFS did you get a new player? Kuz there's no way Sold would play that ****y.
(man what do you even know bout how bad I am as a player?)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I wasn't calling you an idiot. My bad if it came off that way. I was saying only an idiot wouldn't interpret it as me trying to get Swiss to say if his role since I was being so direct. Not that you were an idiot for making the observation o.o

The second one was because of asking why I wasn't voting you. And then pointing out my bluff. I thought you were countercrumbing tracker, which is what I was trying to hint at in my post after telling you not to answer if it was going to be as "********" as that.
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