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Halo Game - Ovah


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Oh yeah.

Domokun: I don't know about what you're saying about the set-up. If you think the second kill is Vig and not SK. And you also don't think Mentos is Indy recruiter, what leads you to think Indy other than flavor?
The flavour IS what makes me think there is an indy. What's your point? Indie=/=SK. I even suggested he may be a JOAT earlier, some role like that. Hell, the indie could be a VT with a different WinCon. Idk what his role will be. I just think we'd be stupid to rule out indies, and as PM is a top suspect (rightly or wrongly) for me and Gboy has provided reasoning for them (PM/DH) not being buddies - it seems to fall into place for me.

Mentos - Who do you want to lynch?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
And Zen, to clarify:

You acknowledge that you tried to out me if I had a PR. How would this then have helped you determine if I was scum or town? Say I claimed reporter - what then? If town I am dead/manipulated. If scum - nothing. I don't see that as pro-town OR anti-scum. I see this as anti-town.

What I also want to know is WHY you did this. You must have been certain I was scum to try and out me in such a manner. Yet your stance on me this game has repeatedly flipped and changed. You have not maintained a stance on me for longer than a game Day.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

swiss: Smarboy69 (1)
Peach Monster: swiss (1)
Not voting: Peach monster, Sold2/SummonerAU hydra, Gotenks
XSword: Zen

With 7 alive it takes 4 to lynch!

I'm replacing cottonlicky with zen, and regal cheese with swiss, being the other halves of the hydras are unable to play.
Deadline is November 18 at 12:00 PM EST Note that this is lunch time, not midnight.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss, don't know what a JOAT is but I guess I'll go with you since I have no clue about the flavor.

You acknowledge that you tried to out me if I had a PR. How would this then have helped you determine if I was scum or town? Say I claimed reporter - what then? If town I am dead/manipulated. If scum - nothing. I don't see that as pro-town OR anti-scum. I see this as anti-town.
It really depends on what you said. With me trying to give the impression that you were tracker, I was hoping you would come out with some excuse for what you did during the night. It was basically speculation. Also if you claimed something like roleblocker or Jailer you would be scum.

What I also want to know is WHY you did this. You must have been certain I was scum to try and out me in such a manner. Yet your stance on me this game has repeatedly flipped and changed. You have not maintained a stance on me for longer than a game Day.
I already explained why.
Zen said:
Determining who is town is usually a big part of my game. Getting some close to confirms of town players lowers the sample space for who could be scum. Looking for scum between 5 people rather thaqn 7 makes things easier. If Swiss did have a def town PR and was outed as town, it basically would have lowered the sample space for who is scum. That's why if someone is super scummy to me, I don't worry too much about what I could be outing them as. I think sometimes knowing who is town is better than what the PR could potentially give usby staying hidden. By no means would I be so leechy with someone if I felt they they could possibly have sonething that would be a major benefit for town. But as I said I had a strong feeling I would catch Swiss in a lie. And I don't think he is a cop or tracker. So I went for it.
Yet your stance on me this game has repeatedly flipped and changed. You have not maintained a stance on me for longer than a game Day.
I thought you were town d1. Thought you were scum d2, but then you made logical arguments against my case and persuaded me otherwise. DH flip re brought up my feelings of you being scum. I'm not all knowing, Swiss.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Because you speculated of their being a scummy roleblocker. If you did in fact have a jailer or town blocker role, you would know there would be little likely hood for a mafia blocker, thus not have made such a speculation. Therefore if you claimed jailer/roleblocker I know you would either be lying or were in fact a scum roleblocker.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

The point was more about scum being able to manipulate, as opposed to saying they had a particular manipulation role. Roleblock just was the first that came to mind - as I said.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009

swiss: Smarboy69 (1)
Peach Monster: Xsword (1)
Not voting: Peach monster, Sold2/SummonerAU hydra, Gotenks, Zen, Swiss

With 7 alive it takes 4 to lynch!

A note to sold 2/summonerAU, i accidentally prodded them when i was skimming through the thread this morning, i didn't notice your most recent post.
Deadline is November 18 at 12:00 PM EST Note that this is lunch time, not midnight.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Idk as of yet. I'd be happy with either of them gone. Think they'll both flip anti-town. I wouldn't be comfortable with either of them being in LyLo/MyLo.

Zen - who are your lynch choices?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Pretty much PM or PM right now. There's more that I need to review toDay though. I just have little time right now.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Yeah, it was the end of my stated V/LA today if you were mentioning it cuz I was in range for a prod XD

Anyway, I thought I had voted Zen, he's my most comfortable play for the day as of right now, which should answer your question at the top of the page.

Also lol @ regal being replaced by Swiss/Cotton by Zen, but I'm still listed as GotenksXD

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Did a small read on Zen... not CottonLicky because I don't want to go through 180 posts total :|. It was kind of interesting. First since I think it's within all our interests, would Zen mind giving a history of the PM wagon?

As in, why were you for PM's wagon at the start, when/how did the reason change if at all, and why are you still for it. Sorry if this is asking a lot but I really think it'll help everyone. It doesn't have to be that detailed I just want a summary from your point of view, mainly.

Mentos, mind elaborating a bit past your comfortability? You said earlier you were leaning on Zen because he makes you unconfortable, and you're saying he's the most comfortable play for you. You don't play mafia out of a leather recliner, unless you're the mafia don, yeah?


Sep 30, 2010
"You don't play mafia out of a leather recliner, unless you're the mafia don, yeah?"

Best. Line. Ever.

Swiss, what would the wincon for an indie JoAT look like? I'm having a hard time seeing that.

Peach Monster

Sep 28, 2010
PM: Who do you want to be the play again?

As noted prior, I am normally not on Sunday/Monday as those are the days I do not work, but I'll get some stances noted here.

We feel Zen is town. Zen tunneled on us D1, believing us to be scum, in an extremely aggressive manner that seems...odd for scum. Imagine had Moriarty stepped up to useful status and we been had lynched D1; Zen, as leader of the case on us, would have been in the spotlight immediately on D2. While we initially felt Zen to be scummy, our case broke down when discussed further, and Zen's attacks seemed decidedly like misplaced townie pressure as they were strong risks for a scum knowing they were tunneling a townie on D1.

While Swiss does present interesting points against Zen, enough to make us question our read, we still believe Zen to be town.

We feel Smarboy's buddying of Zen was scummy, and might be worth looking in to; enough not to make Smarboy a player we trust, but not play of the day yet.

We feel FFS playerslot aka Sold2 has been a worse version of Smarboy, constantly following the easiest bandwagons and contributing poor original content over the course of the game. We would be very happy with a Sold2 lynch today.

We are uncomfortable with Mentosman's play. We feel that, if Mentosman not claimed a power role, we would have pushed for his lynch quite some time ago, and this makes the situation worrisome in retrospect. His continual failed recruits further increase suspicion despite seemingly rational reasons for the failure. However, Mentos is not the play yet.

Which brings us to Swiss. I feel that Swiss vs Zen is SvT. We are not supremely confident in Zen enough to state he is 100% town, and should Swiss flip town (by vig or lynch hands, not by scum which would introduce WIFOM), Zen should be very strongly considered as a scum possibility. But from our views of the two players and their conduct through the course of the game, we believe Swiss to be more likely scum.

Swiss' continued push on us strikes us as scummy. Swiss pushed for a town lynch (us) over scum (tHe-man). And after town lynched the scum we have been pushing for ever since Mortiarty's flip, Scum immediately continued to direct suspicion on us, then began to cast suspicion on players who were leaving the bandwagon (Zen). As other players began expressing their views on us, Swiss began offering the indie theory to continue his bandwagon.

FFS, of course, continues to sit on the easiest bandwagon he can.

Our scum picks are Swiss and Sold2. We will be happy with either, with a preference toward Swiss. Should Swiss flip town by lynch or vig, we would become suspect of Zen, with Sold2 remaining a suspect.

We recognize that suspecting a person attempting to build a case on us appears to be OMGUS, but assure this is not the case; as a player who has admitted to poor play and skimming on D1, we find player's reactions to us, and their reaction to the DH flip, most interesting as we are an easy target.

Zen's reaction to the DH flip seems legitimate. We do not believe Swiss' to be.

Vote: Swiss, will switch to Sold2 if town prefers.

We are interested in reading Zen's response to Sold2's question.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
FFS, of course, continues to sit on the easiest bandwagon he can.
we find player's reactions to us, and their reaction to the DH flip, most interesting as we are an easy target.
Oh come on seriously? If I wanted to be on the easiest bandwagon, I'd be voting you right now. You practically said it yourself even. Why wouldn't I pick a bandwagon where I can sit on the past 3 days of arguments and votes?

I take this to mean you think that Zen is the easiest bandwagon? Why so?

@Smarboy, it'd probably be like a survivor wincon. Wins alongside another faction. It could be a "when nobody else can stop you" if it was an infinite JOAT(Jack of All Trades) Indy. It's not uncommon for indies to have multiple abilities, or to have to choose between one ability or others.

But I think the point isn't "what could the indy be", but is actually that you should consider the possibility of one.


Sep 30, 2010
2. I confirm the absence of the following roles in this set-up:
Contract Hitman, Jester, Mime, Politician, Rogue, Survivor.
Indy JoAT can't be a survivor. That's why I'm having a hard time believing there's an indy in the game, because I can't imagine what that role would look like.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@ Smar a 'survivor' is a specific role, an indie still has to survive though. A survivor is solo bullet-proof indie and so can only be lynched, not NK'd. Iirc. I couldn't actually tell you what winCon they'll have. Check X1's Villains role to see how weird their wincons are.

Swiss' continued push on us strikes us as scummy. Swiss pushed for a town lynch (us) over scum (tHe-man). And after town lynched the scum we have been pushing for ever since Mortiarty's flip, Scum immediately continued to direct suspicion on us, then began to cast suspicion on players who were leaving the bandwagon (Zen). As other players began expressing their views on us, Swiss began offering the indie theory to continue his bandwagon.
I pushed for your lynch over DH's? Also, you can't really use that as legitimate reasoning - you could be lying about being town.

PM @ L-1 so soon.

Y u even riskin it?

My wrist accidentally told mah laptop 2 post dat early. Lawl.
Here I raise concern that you're at L-1, I didn't want you quicklynched.

PM do ya fink deres a reason for ya not ta claim? Do ya fink it'll stop ya lynch?

I'd prefer to see as much content as ya can type b4 ya die. Fink ur gna end up lynched toDay.

As an FYI - The only other person online wen DH replaced in and started postin' was Zen, I wasnae sure if he was gonna b gettin' fed if he were scum so i pointed out hu was online at da tyme. Swiss 'n Zen.

If PM is town hell b more useful dan DH. Fink DH wont be as useful. Fink both shud die.

Fink PM shud b taken off L-1 'till we wanna lynch.

Here I actually give reasoning in favour of the DH lynch. And again tell people to unvote you.

Fink ur logic 4 clearin' DH is a bit dodge. Fink new players r better den u give em credit 4. Dats y i won my first game here - ppl assumed dey could read me, i jus' walked thru to LyLo. I don't giv newbs as much leeway as u. Fink PM and the-man need to dye. idc which. Both've made terribad play.

Said my Smar stance. Got no issues wiv FFS. X1 scum'unted on me toDay which is a town sign - needs mo' activity. I forget 'his stances.

Here I question the clearing of DH (I do this in other posts too), making his lynch more likely, and explicitly state I want you both dead equally (even though other posts did seem to lean towards a DH lynch).

I'd point out that I've also been accused of bussing DH. So how was I pushing for your lynch to keep my buddy alive, and bussing him at the same time? It seems like I get accused of a lot - clearly it can't all be true.

KK who will lynch who:


PM and X1 seem to be very anti-Zen lynch. I wouldn't mind having Smar hammer, in an ideal world.


Sold would you lynch PM? Mentos you think he's OK iirc? If we lynch PM X1 should hammer. Or Smar - but ideally X1.


These are the only feasible wagons, and I've listed the people in open support of them (correct me if I'm wrong).


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Survivor can win alongside town OR mafia same as jester and contract hitman (or lyncher)

SK, abductor etc other indies can only win if they are the last one left, or nothing else can prevent this.

if there was an INDY JoAT I would suspect they cannot win alongside another faction.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
FFS is looking better no (more town), Zen is looking worse (but still OK)

The flavour IS what makes me think there is an indy. What's your point? Indie=/=SK. I even suggested he may be a JOAT earlier, some role like that. Hell, the indie could be a VT with a different WinCon. Idk what his role will be. I just think we'd be stupid to rule out indies, and as PM is a top suspect (rightly or wrongly) for me and Gboy has provided reasoning for them (PM/DH) not being buddies - it seems to fall into place for me.
Mentos - Who do you want to lynch?
The last person who started talking about indys existing with little backing was Dastrn in Villains. I think pointing the finger at indies is a way for scum to gain town cred as it benefits both factions. I don't like you for this

If we went by just one post on everything wed never get anywhere.
Do you agree/disagree that you can nail scum on one post? => do you think normally town players can be excused for one post of scumminess?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
The last person who started talking about indys existing with little backing was Dastrn in Villains. I think pointing the finger at indies is a way for scum to gain town cred as it benefits both factions. I don't like you for this
I think the main point here would be that I do have backing. Mentos seems to agree with me, and apparently we're the only two people that know the flavour.

I'm also calling him indie due to the apparent lack of a DH/PM link, as DH has flipped scum - I think it's a reasonable assumption. I still hold a lot of PM's actions as scummy.

If I had no reasoning I agree it would probably be suspicious, but I do. I don't know how you managed to miss that.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Yea. It's either you or Zen in our (me and smargz') book. Smargz will make the case later, cuz I'm at a buddy's. Can't make big posts from an itouch.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I don't even know how to respond to the Indie accusation. -_-

I recognize that from your perspective I could be lying about being town, but you want my stances, and that is what it is. Yes, you may not be convinced we are town, but we know we are town, and we know scum knows we are town, and thus, we can read in to people's reactions as to our bandwagon from that perspective.

I started reviewing some D2 stuff, points I found interesting:

DH what makes it circular theory? Explain.

Also what points specifically makes you think PM is scum. Don't just say "what you said". What did I say that makes you think PM is scum? For a debater, you sure don't put much into your posts.
This is the kind of play that made me find Zen town. Zen believed PM was scum, but was quick to question people following his own bandwagon, including DH and Smar, if they didn't provide good reasoning and ended up casting DH in a scummy light because of it. Zen was aggressive and pro-town even if he was tunneling us and stuck his neck out far too far to be scum.

vV dislike Vv
DH is parroting badly, but I'm reading him as noob rather than scum (not excluding noobscum here, but parroting is IMO a bit more null in this case.) And trying to talk someone out of a town read on him is just funny.

I'm willing to give DH some time to get his act together - specifically, I want to know what he thinks about Gotenks, the mason claim, and the failed recruiting. Also thoughts on the Moriarty wagon.

PM should be the play today, Gotenks should try to recruit again tonight. Then what happens tomorrow depends on PM's flip and whether or not Gotenks manages to recruit anyone.
@XS: There are a LOT of times where I'm viewing the thread and see either X1/Swordancer/Xsword viewing, and then I'm like "oh cool they'll post something" and then you don't. Or I see you online at 4pm my time, and you end up posting at 8pm, but it's just a one or two line post. I know I do this sometimes as scum, a good example is J in a-game-that-doesn't-exist. Pretty sure I could quote myself from that imaginary place saying "Not liking J for viewing the thread and not posting" several times. Just don't like it that much and expect it from scummies.

By awkward, I get a feeling from some of your posts as being slightly faked or forced. I.e. your #729 saying you wanted to put DH at L-1, but asking for other peoples opinions before you do it... such a short little post that doesn't serve much purpose, but where you're being genuinely serious. Dunno if this makes sense.

Btw I have 1 exam left yay. got 1.5 days left to cram :(. But then I'm finished uni for the year!!!!
^^ interesting ^^

vV if it makes you all feel better, flavor semi-confirms us not scum, though indie possibility is not addressed Vv
The ONI base in an uproar, accusations hurling about like wildfire, Dark Horse uncloaks himself, going in for the energy sword assasination on peach monster, too busy defending himself from the wild accusations of everyone else. So close to his victim, he poises his sword, ready to strike in the back of the neck, when he is sniped by spaghebti. Then they see that Dark horse (Spec-ops elite,Mafia reporter) was in fact a covenant. They all retire to their bunks, but not everyone sleeps...
NIGHT 2 BEGINS. Send in actions by the last seconds of Nov 6 EST.

Seriously FoS: XSword

If I had a 1 shot vig kill for every time they've lurked the thread without posting, I'd be the only one alive.

Same with PM. Gosh, PM/Xsword scum team you heard it first people.
^^ XSword is my scummate lololol


They'd all be dead silly because I'd pew pew everyone else until only town is left, and once we'd one I'd pew pew some more because of all the extra accumulated vig shots.

Cheese >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PM >> Dark Horse

^^Chuckie disliked Swiss.

Gonna go talk over things with Edrees.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Ok Swiss now for our next point.

Two other things that stood out to me was that you picked up on PMs indy play so well. I think scum pick up on indy play because they know that the person isn't scum yet they are playing suspicious.

K Cotton, 'dis kid didn't pick out indie play fyi (PM hasn't even flipped yet...if he's scum/town wat does this mean? Don't make sense to me). I said PM made a post based around 'survival play' which =/= indie survivor, esp as we kno survivor ain't in da game. Survival play is done by scum as well as indies - scum still need ta get ta endgame, y u think i fink he had ta b indie? As far as indies r concerned - I've gone after dem where flavaa indicates it, 'n dats Gotenks, as explained b4. But I dont fink hes as scummy as the-man 'n PM n e more.
Also want to put this here for ease of finding later.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
PM said:
and we know scum knows we are town
No they don't.


If you dislined us giving DH leeway for being a noob, then why would you like Zen for having a strong town read on tHe-Man/PM basically all game, and clearing DH for bulls***?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I'm not building a case on you right now. I'm pulling up quotes I want to go over.
You'll note that Zen was my scum pick on D1 and part of D2 because of his read on us. However, your scum read on us felt more like bandwagon hopping while Zen argued his case and requested explanations from other people who agreed with him. Thus, Zen reads as scumhunting rather than bandwagon hopping.

Zen's attempt to clear DH was scummy and we disliked it and commented on it.


Sep 30, 2010
Argh. I had a nice case on Zen with links and got kicked off the internet. So here it is without links, because I need to get offline soon.

This is based entirely off Zen's play Day 3. As previously stated, we had a town read on him days 1 and 2 and need to reread those days to look closer.

Zen has been lying and twisting his own words around all day to try and make it look like he wasn't clearing his scumbuddy. See the recent posts on how he totally intended to change to DH and how he didn't really believe DH was town, and then take a look at his 967/968. There's a teensy little contradiction there.

1135 is a an overreaction to the pressure he's coming under. It's curious to compare this to his play the last two days when he wasn't under pressure. +scum points.

1174 basically says DH has more experience than I knew about. However, the reason the qt thing supposedly cleared DH yesterday was because he's a new player - in fact, I believe Zen says something to the effect of loving new players because they're so easy to clear. But Zen knew DH had all this offsite experience. Which was it?

In post 1154, Zen goes after X1 for not being able to read Swiss despite the fact that they can always read each other. This gets a half-hearted answer, which X1 then never pursues. Also in this post, Zen is convinced X1 is scum - but his vote doesn't follow. Why not?

Zen is hardcore tunneling on PM, despite an improvement in play and adequate responses to previous arguments/pressure. Furthermore, Zen hasn't introduced new evidence against PM - he's relying on the same arguments from Day 1. That just doesn't cut it and it feels like scum trying to push a mislynch.

Also, I personally feel like he's trying to buddy us. No post to go here, but a gut feeling that makes me very uncomfortable.

Finally, we don't buy the rolefishing excuse. Town does have roleblockers, and sometimes town and scum will both have versions of the same power role. Also, I don't buy that Swiss of all people would crumb "scum roleblocker" the way Zen seems to think he has. Rolefishing stands.

I'll come back and add links later tonight if people want them, but I can't face going back through the thread again. I hate my internet.

Unvote: Swiss
Vote: Zen

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Smargz said:
Also, I personally feel like he's trying to buddy us. No post to go here, but a gut feeling that makes me very uncomfortable.
Obaidawai that's not gut. I can find the quote if necessary. But won't right now. I'm lazy as s***.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Sold would you lynch PM? Mentos you think he's OK iirc? If we lynch PM X1 should hammer. Or Smar - but ideally X1.
Like, I'd lynch PM over No Lynch definitely, but otherwise no.

I was going to wait until after Zen responded to my wagon outline request, but it looks like Gordito already dropped his cards and time is running out. Let's not run time short, give some time for a proper response.

Vote: Peach Monster

will be fine with the-man. 60:40 on them being scum though.

95:05 on Peach Monster.
70:30 on Gotenks.
I found it odd that he started off D2 so confident in Gotenks, given that Gotenks claimed a role that is semi-confirmable.
No I (Licky) do not have a PR.
Also can you answer if you have a PR or not please.
He's been doing this since mid-D2, already explained that I don't like it. Especially don't like that he was looking for a PR on someone he knew wasn't going to get lynched that day, that serves no purpose except to give information to scum.

-too many posts to quote-
Remember how I found it odd that DH was so clueless as if none of his scumbuddies told him what to do? When I was rereading Zen's D2, I got the feeling that Zen was guiding DH, having him do easy things like restate Zen's reasoning for DH being town along with asking what should be expected of him.

As I said, I don't currently think Swiss and DH are scum together so if DH is scum, either Smarboy, XSword, or both are his scumbuddy.
He actually did vote XSword for a while. I think Smarboy has been ignored mostly but that's eh. But most importantly, he started D3 by voting Swiss, someone he said wouldn't be related to a scum-DH.

FFS: You can easily give the views of each of your halves. Stop being useless or die. ****.
This is from D2. I was useless the rest of D2, started D3 by being useless, outrageous, and "sucky". The "stop being useless or die" part never really happened I guess. Like what I was saying in my first post today, it's really easy to say that, but I like how he did nothing to follow up on it. Looking good by threatening a cruiser, heh.

vote Zen

@Gordito You should totally find the quote. Yeah now what? Also lol I see you down there with your double account action. One of y'all should be not lazy enough.


Sep 30, 2010
Swiss I'm not saying that I was going to vote DH. I'm saying it was a possibility. I'm not 180ing. I was sure DH was town. End of story. You know my post at the beginning of this day was a joke right? I'm not saying I ever had shown thought of DH being scum. You're the one saying I 180ed when I'm not.

As for the role thing, I wanted to catch you in a lie. See your responces. That's it. Like I said, I don't care about revealing you have a PR. It's not like it makes a difference.
This doesn't seem like the most pro-town motivation. I mean, the chance that Swissscum will let himself get caught like that? That's microscopic. However, the chance that he's a power role you're going to out? That's actually conceivable.

DH stuff:
DH has plenty more experience than we gave him credit for. He's been scum at least 7 times on epic mafia. With much other experience. And if it didn't occur to him, surely it could have occured to his scumbuddy.

I feel you on the Swiss thing though. I think there's a good chance PM could have been his buddy as well.

1. Yes I said newbies are very easy to clear. I never said they can all be cleared in the same way. The way I ''cleared'' DH is case specific and only applies to DH at that given time. Attempting to get anything to determine his alignment in a future game by asking him the same question would just be wrong. You see what I'm saying? If so please reexplain in your own words.

2. Since they were given a QT I doubt they wouldn't use it. Especially since it's much more difficult to get 6 people for IM.
(Got cut off)

That you're not fine making this assumption worries me.

Also I need to stop saying "cleared". No one is ever cleared. I simply have a town view of DH. He's not cleared. Sorry for saying other wise.
Chuckie T.T


So.. umg.. you guys know I knew DH was town the whole time right?
EBWOP: Scum* lol. I guess my mind still wants to figure he is town.
But then Zen would totally switch his vote to DH before the end of D2? Yeah, not buying it.

Oooh, I found the buddying! Or at least, the post that had me going all wtf.
So much over reaction gboy. It's ok though. Me and my licky counterpart still love you <3. How bout you join us in holding Chuckie's Zombie hand :)
Swiss and I were the only ones on when DH first stated that he was suspicious of Swiss and PM. I doubt a scum buddy would then tell DH not to have an opinion on Swiss. The only way I could see this is if Swiss himself were DH's scumbuddy. And told him to back off making connections with him. But no it is not likely for a scum buddy to tell DH to retract his statement about Swiss other than Swiss doing so himself.

Also mentos that's a horrible excuse. I've been playing it solo this whole game and I have not had a problem. Blaming your inactivity on not having a partner is just wrong. Also it's not hard to know who is who. If you actually keep up with the reading, you become automatic with identifying who is who. It's down to 7 now, so surely you can keep up???

X1 would you consider Mentos a play? Why or why not? Also don't forget to go in detail on why you think PM is play.

Smar I'd like to hear your current thoughts on Mentos as well.
This particular post is interesting for a couple of reasons.

1. We've pretty much established Mentos is town; it was pretty much established when this was posted. Why is Zen feeling out support for a wagon on confirmed town?

2. So ... the only two people online and able to coach DH are Swiss and Zen. This is apparently proof that Swiss is scum. I say that sword cuts two ways and it's equally ****ing for Zen.

Zen: Assume for the sake of discussion that we can't lynch PM today. Who is your next choice?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
What am I at? Smar if you're town I'm mega disappointed. Especially your last post. I don't even at your turn around.

If I'm not lynched yet. Save the hammer. There's still stuff I wanna say. And Swiss just eu.
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