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Hall of Gaming #2 Results - 11/13, Wallingford, CT


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Finally sitting down for these.

I just have to say what a nice change of pace this was from most Tristate tournies I've been to. Everyone was so nice, and it was great meeting and chillin with everyone. Definitely coming back for more of these in the future as long as you guys keep being amazing.

I also have to say in advance that my apologies if I was a grumpy douche to you at all, I was running on 0 sleep and really just didn't give a ****.

1: th0rn ($211.20) + $24.20 - gg's man, congrats on winning.
2: Swiftbass ($96.80) + $13.20 - fun friendlies at the end of the night, def gotta play more in the future.
3: Zoso ($61.60) + $6.60 - it was nice catching up with you and playing friendlies and what not. Congrats on 3rd man.
4: hazygoose ($35.20) - That set was nuts, tho I still got salt for game3. I'll keep brinstar in mind for the future.
5: $mike ($17.60) - didn't play, really wanted to tho.
5: Banks ($17.60) - we didn't play enough, I should've just gone fox for the whole set. GG's
7: Mogwai - ***** *** *****
7: KevinM - we didn't play, we'll rectify that next time.
9: Mafia - MM's didn't happen, next time.
9: MattDotZeb - we didnt play, but ur a great TO.
9: Niko - ***** *** *****
13: Yedi - mah doo.
13: Max - ***** *** *****
17: SOLAR - fun friendlies
17: R00R - ***** *** *****
17: Yong - our set was really good man, that samus is lethal. My fault for getting worked up, but after that long *** first match the thought of doing that all over again really pissed me off. I'm going Fox against mid tiers from now on, they can't do ****.
25: TWebb - ***** *** *****

Budai - nice meeting you/seeing you again?

I kiinda forgot everyone's name while I was out there, so if we played and I forgot... ooops. GG's tho.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I just realized that if you didn't enter singles for reasons beyond your control, you don't get very many shoutouts :(

Anyway, are all of the matches rec on my setup able to be recorded over?


Smash Rookie
May 16, 2010
Hey guys

The tournament was really cool. It was my first ever, and I learned a lot. I regret not playing more friendlies, I was tired from travel/lack of sleep and frustrated from losing harder than ever before

Also, for the record, my tag is MCem, not MCEM

Blizzardbeam: the guy who brought me, housed me, and played an awesome puff on teams. I look forward to the hours and hours we'll end up playing, hopefully to improve and come back stronger next time
R00R: its OK, your falcon ***** anyway. Its too bad we couldn't play friendlies afterward
Hazygoose: you gave me good advice. I'm not sure if you knew I was blizzard's partner, so I should have made it clear I was also looking for training :p
Shadowball: awesome mewtwo, except when its killing me on battlefield
Yong: great samus, some good games
Mafia: I couldnt stop thinking about how good your fox was after we played singles. Your merciless combos showed me how I need to improve my game, and I admired your teamwork in doubles
TWebb: we didn't really meet, I'm blizzard's partner. We'll play this week when you come to Smashfest at Vassar
HaleyM: nice peach gameplay, downsmash is so good
OTG: cool friendlies. You mentioned that I should contact you for some games- we're both in westchester. Winter break man, we should definitely play
Diesel: we actually did meet, in doubles I was sheik in sheik/puff. Its my first tournament, so I used my real name instead of MCem. Either way, nice ganon, it was fun to play against
Rage: cool guy, I hope you get better so its not as discouraging next time


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I was thrilled to see how many people came out to this!

th0rn - sorry for holding you back in teams. I'll get better so we'll definitely take first next time we ever team

Swiftbass - Thanks for the info regarding swiss brackets. I'll take it under strong consideration

Zoso - So glad you came out and actually entered :D

hazygoose - You're an awesome guy. Really good from what I saw. I'd love to play you at the next one. Thanks a ton for having the recording setup

$mike - I should stick to the flatter stages against you when I'm playing slow. Your falcon is faaast. I'll take you out when it counts though :cool:

Banks - ....5th

Mogwai - I hear you're most of the reason that otg and the other came. Good job :D

KevinM - You're hilarious, but you already knew that. Going out to get food after was really fun

Kartel - Thanks for the ride down. I wouldn't have been able to make it otherwise

Mafia - Stop dsmashing

Niko - Hope I'll see you at the next one :) We'll get some games in

WeaponX - You keep placing well. Nice

brookman - ^________________^

Yedi - Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape

Max - Wicked cool you made it out. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so much despite that bracket error.




R00R - We should play next time!

Crazy Cloud - Sorry about what happened with your grandfather =( You did well here though

AOI - You're so good, wtf. Play more

qphat - You're really good

Yong - Hope you had fun. :D I got home safe and whatnot

G - Nice meeting you

Bolt - Poolt ;) My hearing is terrible XD

TWebb - ****, hope I'll see you next time and play you!

blizzardbeam - Keep coming and keep improving. I love seeing new faces

Diesel - Ganon is scary.

Shadowball - Thanks for bringing your Wii. Good job :D

DarkDragoon - Seriously fun weekend.

Andy - Dat puff

HaileyM - Thanks for the ride to WPI, would have been screwed without your help :)

Rage - Tags on the spot ftw

Zebra - I want to team you with one day because of your tag. Namely the first 3 letters. Seriously :p

MCEM - I didn't quite get to introduce myself to you, but thanks for coming. I hope I'll see you at the next one

Octave - I hope you make it out next time with everyone you came with

aberfor - I remember shouting your name so many times lol Thanks for coming

zao - I promise nothing like that will happen again. Don't get so discouraged though! You can do well next time

Rep - omg rep

Strawhats - See you next time. Thanks for your feedback I got on your way out

pynergy - Pwnergy is what I see every time I look at your name haha I wanted to yell that out every time

Kupo - You're really fun to play. I'm sure you'll keep getting better. Thanks for bringing the recording stuff :)


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Orange, CT
I play Mtg and swiss is the preferred format there. Generally, in larger mtg tournaments we go X rounds of swiss and then there is a cut to the top 8 which is single elimination. It keeps more people in the tournament so that the interest level is there.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
omg octave
i totally digged your link, sorry for trying to waveshine it down the wall of yoshi's story

matt: **** i completely forgot

MCem: thanks man, we should play in the future. you were the shiek, right? sorry, i really like that MU. I normally don't get to play sheiks so i got a little excited.
You had a problem most new players do, which is that it seemed like you didn't handle pressure (in game, not mental) very well. That will clear up with more playing. I'll give your more advice if you like :3

Also, when will there be videos? I wanna know if teams got recorded.

Crazy Cloud

Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Thank you everyone. The funeral is Wednesday :(. Gonna give my shoutouts before I forget them.

1: th0rn
Didn't get to play with you this time around :(. I know from friendlies at P4 you ****.

2: Swiftbass
Didn't get to do the friendlies thing DX. There's gonna be a ton of good people at RoM3, so I know you're gonna want to do friendlies with out-of-state pros, but I'm still pulling you aside to get a set or 3.

4: hazygoose
You're pretty cool. I was trying to keep my friend entertained since he doesn't know anyone, otherwise I'd of talked more. See ya at RoM3? Also, 4th o.o, I thought you were an average player like me. Nice job.

7: KevinM
The first game was so close, and I had the exact same thing happen to me in my first set of the night (edge -> dair on accident-> die). Then after that, you super adapted. Never had my Jiggs get 4 stocked before LOL. Awesome set, realized a key thing I need to work on. Unfortunately, it's something I have to practice at tournaments.

9: Mafia
Thanks for your advice :). lolmarth&sheik. After I talked to you, I was more aware of my own play and mistakes, and made me understand an NBA quote. "It's not the hours you put in, it's what you put in the hours", (yeah, you really did help that much, not even being sarcastic). It helped me with a 3 stock comeback against Diesel in game 3, and I realized a major flaw in my playstyle from playing KevinM. Then I realized you abused that flaw, too xD. Do a couple $MM with me at RoM3, I want to practice breaking the habit.

9: MattDotZeb
Sorry leaving early.. If you're going to RoM3, "it'll" happen (and even better, cause my birthday is during RoM3). I've still never played you in singles friendlies :glare:.

17: Morgue
Didn't get to do friendlies with you, RoM3 :D.

25: TWebb
Thank you

25: Diesel
Nice ganon. You'd of totally wrecked me if I hadn't played kupo for an afternoon one time. After game 2, I lost my motivation when a suicide Dair turned into a suicide Fair LOL. Things kind of snowballed on me when game 3 hit until I got down to one stock.

It was a 3 stock comeback btw :). Emmy, strawhats and zebra can vouch.

25: milk bird
You don't even come to forums lol.

25: Shadowball
I still like your Sheik the best out of all your characters lol.

33: Andy
Good thing we didn't start playing, would've been the same thing as Dr. Zao xD.

33: HaileyM
Sorry about conversing with Andy about TV's. I said the TV would be available soon cause you're a girl playing smash. That was rude -_-. Karma's a *****.

33: Zebra
Your puff is getting good, I can tell just from doubles. Playing you and strawhats in doubles friendlies is still the best time I have at a tournament. That could just be done in a Van :awesome:.

33: Octave
Work on keeping projectiles out with Link. Be campy ya know? I definitely liked the Link better than the Sheik.

33: Strawhats
Marth Dittos were soooooooo close. I felt like money would keep us from holding back, but I never planned on taking money when I won xD. It was an illuuuuuusion. You and Charlie should come down to Seymour sometime and play me and milkbird all day :bee:.

45: Kupo
Super sorry about not grabbing your VCR. And arriving late. And not being your doubles partner. I really ****ed you over -_-. My apologies.

292: S l o X
Fail not coming dude. RoM3 isn't even expensive yo. It's like $50 for a hotel when you split with someone. Come to Seymour some time :D.

1024: Emmy
Nice catching up with you. I expected you to be garbage like in Brawl... but you're actually pretty good. Doubles were really fun.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
1: th0rn ($211.20) + $24.20 :good job winning, even if i wasn't there to see it. looking forwards to sparring sometime if you don't mind teaching me how to fight falco, at least a little bit.

2: Swiftbass ($96.80) + $13.20: good job running this, sorry for bugging you.

3: Zoso ($61.60) + $6.60: well I said hi to you lmao

4: hazygoose ($35.20): where the heck where you?

5: $mike ($17.60): didn't meet/play you

5: Banks ($17.60): we didn't play D:

7: Mogwai: you where there?

7: KevinM: dam you're tall son lol

9: Kartel: still waiting for that rematch

9: Mafia: we played like one friendly, and i played soooo0o0o0o0o bad that one match lol. we'll find some time next time ;)

9: MattDotZeb: maybe if I can't get th0rn alone you could help me learn to fight falcos?

9: Niko: who where you?

13: WeaponX: see Kartel's shoutout lol

13: brookman: who where you?

13: Yedi: sorry the vcr thing didn't work, i needed MY T.V. to do it :urg:

13: Max: who where you?

17: Jinjo: like I said, no hard feelings; i wish we had played on a different T.V. though.
looking forwards to a rematch; marth ditto or my mewtwo next time i promise :) too bad about having to fight th0rn, though you did a good job on FD.

17: SOLAR: SOLAR Power! I'm saying that every time i see you get a kill now, too good.

17: Morgue: who where you?

17: R00R: who were you?

17: Crazy Cloud: fun team friendlies, lots of LMFAO WTF moments; if we ever play Fox
vs Marth/Mewtwo one on one I'll make your fuzzy woodland creature pay with blood tho. :bee: for the record I was two and three stocking emmy's peach later on btw lol. So sorry about your grandfather, may he rest in peace :(

17: AOI: i don't think we've ever played or really met either? you're mad quiet dude.

17: qphat: who where you?

17: Yong: I'm not and will never be mad @ you for playing samus. I hate feeling stupid and incompitent and fighting samus makes me feel that way. This doesn't reflect your skill, you're a very good player, it's just that I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO against samus and it makes me upset. :urg: I should've gambled the last match and gone Fox. oh well next time.

25: G: who are you?

25: Bolt: I don't think I know you either.

25: TWebb: we played for 30 seconds and did a total of 40% damage to eachother. SUCH A PRO MATCH!

25: blizzardbeam: way to play puff, you took me off guard and you make some pretty good calls; I wanted to play you again after I was warmed up but I get distracted easily. If we meet in tourny expect me to go for the throat though.

25: Diesel: way to wander around lol. I don't think that I saw you playing very much hahaha

25: Papito: who were you?

25: milk bird: who were you?

25: Shadowball: scrub, learn how to fight samus

33: DarkDragoon: Mewtwo vs mewtwo in teams is dumb lol

33: Andy: who were you?

33: HaileyM: nice to FINALLY play you, like the peach. Looking forwards to really playing you if we ever meet in bracket/pools

33: Rage: who where you?

33: Zebra: I looked for you, couldn't find you; we didn't get to play! D:

33: MCEM: your sheik has potental; unlike blizzardbeam i was more warmed up when I played you but you're still good for having just started. thanks for the compliment on my mewtwo, I seem to be hearing that from people a lot lately, 'cept crazy cloud who likes my sheik lol

33: Octave: um the link player? I don't think I played you?

33: aberfor: who were you?

33: zao: lol @ coaching after the match. I'm easier to troll in person, sorry for snapping
at you. for the record I did figure out what I had been doing wrong and corrected it.

33: Rep: who were you?

33: Strawhats: I couldn't find you :(

33: pynergy: who were you?

Emmy: fun times as always, my falcon finally got his revenge on your zelda. looking forwards to playing you again as always. :)

Guy who gave someone a ride: if you intend to play melee anymore @ least learn to wavedash lmao. lazer more too.

@ the venue: let me use my T.V. next time and I can record dang it lol. also not hating but a little air circulation would be nice, i didn't realize how hot it was in there until i stepped outside. I'm not the only one who noticed either. :urg:

P.S. Omni's not messaging me back or anything... can anyone spare a ride to RoM3? :c


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
45: Kupo
Super sorry about not grabbing your VCR. And arriving late. And not being your doubles partner. I really ****ed you over -_-. My apologies.
lol don't worry about it. I ended up going back anyway to play some more and grabbed my vcr. You have enough to worry about right now as is. There is always next time :)


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
swiss takes a lot of time and is difficult to organize. might be worth a try sometime, but you really need cooperative players and a good sound system.

you'll also notice that mtg judges don't cut anyone any breaks. you're 5 minutes late, too ****ing bad, you're already DQed. It's very businesslike and I'm not sure the Smash community would be as OK with this sort of tournament setup because of the expectations we've all developed from years of going to smash tournies. and yes, this sort of strict enforcement of being on time is necessary with swiss.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
@shadowball I dun remember you bugging me...

yea swiss is hella strict(nyn3) but its possible. Maybe I should get a big wipe board and right down matches and stuff. Thats like the hardest thing to do. Calling matches sucks but like if everyone came up to a nice fancy board and saw their name and who they are facing dragonball Z style perhaps things would be smoother. i thought about a projector but like thats too much. I rather write it down....ooh maybe hire a hot chick in a bathing suit to walk around holding who is playing who like in boxing. haha

shouts inc.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
th0rn - your falco is fun to watch :D i wish we had gotten to do friendlies, but in due time. next time you can't find a teammate to a CT tourney, hit me up: the falco i used to team with stopped playing since i left and came back to CT so i never have a consistent teammate.
Swiftbass - too good, tim. awesome job both on and in the tournament. SOMEONE had to represent CT. thanks for handing me my ***. when someone is that swift (pun intended) i revert to bad habits and started playing like a noob. i need lots of friendlies with your fox so i learn how to suppress my bad habits under pressure :D
Zoso - dave da bess. by the time we got to our set i was all smashed out. no johns, though, i gotta focus if i want to start placing higher than 4th! i miss hazy fests with rhode island, i hope to have one in the spring :o
hazygoose - go back to oklahoma you ****ing hick.
$mike - nice to meet you, dude. you're chill, and i am 99% sure you're the next hax. we will do a ton of sheik v falcon next time a see you.
Banks - our set was the opposite of legit. was great talking to you, though. i hope to see you at the next tourney i go to for sure :)
Mogwai - i totally underestimated your falco. and then i got thwomped first round. fun set, though, i felt like i actually got better in skill from that set, so it was much appreciated. more friendlies next time. if you get to come out to CCSU weeklies one of these days, i am hogging you for like 2 hours.
KevinM - you know i love you, dude! always a pleasure to chill with mah boy kevin, who i cheerfully remember as the bowser main who unlocked potentially when he stopped playing a trash character :D
Mafia - legit peach. you guys put an end to our team victories :( thanks for the congratulations, we shall get some singles friendlies in next time. my youtube channel is my sig, btw. just clickie.
MattDotZeb - great tourney, thanks for jiggs-owning us in teams XD if you ever need any help with anything, i'm like the sole TO in oklahoma so just hit me up. you seem to have it on lock-down, though, as this was a smooth and fun as hell tourney!
Niko - i saw your marth in that game 3 match where you ken combo'd like a ****ing boss. good ****, i hope we get to play together some time soon.
brookman - the greatest human being on earf
max - the guy who almost ended my run for 4th HELLA EARLY. your doc is so good. i need to study what banks does against doc because you kicked my *** that first round hard.
Morgue - smoke buddy and hype buddy. was cool hanging with you this last weekend. any tourney maine goes to, i will try to attend just for more chill times like that. plus we've never played each other 1v1!
Crazy Cloud - glad we met, sad we didn't get to talk much! my condolences to you and your family, next tournament we will get some hang out time for sure :D
G - always improving. sorry i teamed with sean instead, but he's been my IRL friend for years XD
blizzardbeam - good games, man. SAFETY SCHOOL! kidding :) i look forward to training you up, you and your friend have some really good potential.
Papito - i barely saw you around!
Shadowball - where were YOU?
DarkDragoon - sorry we met so early in bracket :( and that we didn't play some DS! i was super busy with recording and matches, but we shall have plenty of chill time in the future. yay for finally being able to give you your hoodie back.
HaileyM - nice meeting you :D kevin's mah boy, so i'm glad he's in good company. bio4lyfe, hope to see you at the next tourney i go to...if i can get RI to come back to hazyfests you are expected to come!
MCEM - no problem as far as the advice goes. keep going to tournaments and i'm sure you'll learn a lot. we'll def play more at the next thing i go to!
Octave - tom, you got robbed of a set :( no worries, though, there is always next time. always fun hanging out.
Rep - thanks for the ride and the burrito run. AND THE ROHTO! that was a key to success for sure. glad we are playing all the time, it helped shave off a lot of my rust, and i hope i can be a good sensei and improve your game, too. :D
sean - you left :( but it was nice to see you again. sorry, i forgot i owed you money and so i didn't take out much cash before the tourney! (to prevent myself from spending needlessly). i will have your $10 next time i see you. also, fun times in teams (even if we are a horrible team, was great to team with a friend :D)
budai - evan! glad you came, not glad that everytime you sat down for a friendly you got immediately booted for a tourney match, lol. always a good day when a wild budai appears, though...next time i will def. wait for you before a food run. burritos at the venue<dinner break with evan.
emmy - NO WAY! i am glad to see you are doing well, like i have said to all the other ballin' RI players, we need to play more :D


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Orange, CT
@shadowball I dun remember you bugging me...

yea swiss is hella strict(nyn3) but its possible. Maybe I should get a big wipe board and right down matches and stuff. Thats like the hardest thing to do. Calling matches sucks but like if everyone came up to a nice fancy board and saw their name and who they are facing dragonball Z style perhaps things would be smoother. i thought about a projector but like thats too much. I rather write it down....ooh maybe hire a hot chick in a bathing suit to walk around holding who is playing who like in boxing. haha

shouts inc.
You could just use a system to print out the matches. And print like 2-3 copies and stick them around the venue. And Mogwai, yes mtg judges are strict but i think with enough organization it can be done.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
You could just use a system to print out the matches. And print like 2-3 copies and stick them around the venue. And Mogwai, yes mtg judges are strict but i think with enough organization it can be done.
wipeboard is much easier and colorful. plus its reusable. I dun wanna reprint every round lol


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I was already thinking of using a white board to put the pool onto anyway for the ranking battle. If I was doing a swiss tournament I'd undeniably use one.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
budai - evan! glad you came, not glad that everytime you sat down for a friendly you got immediately booted for a tourney match, lol. always a good day when a wild budai appears, though...next time i will def. wait for you before a food run. burritos at the venue<dinner break with evan.
lol yah I didn't get to play that many friendlies but I didn't try very hard either. I really just came out to see everyone and hang out for the first time in a while. I might go to ROM3, so hopefully I'll see you there. Good **** getting 5th too.

Good **** Swift and Matt for hosting this tourney, and thanks to HoG too! Can't wait to see the singles finals matches.

It was good to see everyone again, hopefully I'll get to play more friendlies next time.


Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2010
shoutouts to everybodeh i played, im the falco player.... and to thorn for playing meh even though he *****......over all good tournament.


Smash Rookie
Jul 22, 2010
Sudbury, MA
I had an awesome time at this tourney. Lots of respect to the guys I played against.

th0rn- way to get 1st place again in singles.
Swiftbass - thanks for running this gig. Your fox is amazing too btw.
Banks- good stuff getting 5th. Would love to play against you next time we meet
Mogwai- thanks for knocking me out of the tourney. You were obv the better player
Mafia- You and $Mike ran our pool like the boss. Def wanna get in some sets w/ u next time MattDotZeb- np giving you the ride. You and swift ran an awesome event too. Much appreciated
Niko- thank you for spanking me in almost every friendly. You truly are a beast w/ Marth. I'll come back next time with some resistance (hopefully) :bee:
WeaponX- all the practicing we've been doing has paid off man. Sucks one of us had to go down in losers. I know you'll make a run next time.
SOLAR- one of the nicest guys. Our sets were pretty intense. Can't wait to see how you do in ROM
R00R- Big falcon! Outplayed me in brackets and I'm sure next time your placing will reflect that. Good sh*t man
Bolt- our set was soo good man. I was nervous the entire time playing you. Good falco and really nice guy
blizzardbeam- nice playing you in teams.
Diesel- ditto ****ing ganons
Shadowball- rematch is coming bud
Andy- always good to see you bud. looking forward to seeing you again. -The Brazilian kid
HaileyM- Don't know what else to say but props. Your peach is too good.

Kupo- wish you could have played sincgles, but you and Diesel kicked *** in our pools. good to see you again.

Anyone i missed, i apologize, i'll remember names better next time. I won't be going to ROM 3 but for those of you going, i wish you guys the best. Go out there and rep NE.


Smash Cadet
Sep 4, 2010
Stratford, CT
ooh maybe hire a hot chick in a bathing suit to walk around holding who is playing who like in boxing. haha

1: th0rn: Congratz on winning :)

2: Swiftbass : Thanks for hosting the tourney with Mattdotzeb, it was a lot of fun :) Thanks for asking me and strawhats for input about the next tournament, it means a lot that you would notice a real rookie like me

7: KevinM: Played you in doubles with strawhats and Hailey, those matches were a lot of fun, I didn't expect you to place this high but great job :)

9: Mafia: Every time I see you at a tourney you're always the life of the... tourney? But yeah

You (to me and strawhats): Soo, how'd you guys do in doubles?
Strawhats: Ahhh, we got 2-0'd every time...:urg:
You: Awwwwww... No Contest....

Couldn't stop laughing after that one :bee:

I'm sorry we didn't get to play I know you always want to play my Luigi :luigi:

9: MattDotZeb: Thanks for hosting with swift, great tourney. Also, I'd love to team with you sometime MattDotZebra all the way!

17: SOLAR: I think I played you a couple of times, not sure :urg: Either way you're better than me :)

17: Crazy Cloud: Really sorry about what happened with your grandfather dude. My best wishes to the family. I have a lot of fun playing with you too, as we were saying you don't take things too seriously and know it's a lot of fun when random stuff happens in a match. Just let me know sometime in the future if you want to hang out and smash a little :) Seymour isn't ever too far away, cause, you know, I'm right next to the valley and everything. See you soon :)

25: G: We played in singles and your Falco was really nice. I was almost able to beat you in both of the matches, but I don't think I'm there yet. We had a nice look between each other when ??? got angry that we played Pokémon Stadium on the first match, that gave me a good laugh later.

25: Shadowball

33: Zebra: I looked for you, couldn't find you; we didn't get to play! D:
You must not have been looking very hard, because we talked for about 30 seconds and I must have seen you at least a dozen times... I told you that MattDotZeb thought you left, and then you said that you couldn't leave without your Wii, or at least I think that was you...... Anyway, we should definitely play, I want a rematch in that Mewtwo/Pichu MM we played last time I saw you.

33: HaileyM: ****ing Downsmash

33: Octave: Ignore me at the tournament, forget what I look like, ignore me on facebook, then deny it all... What has this world come to....

33: zao: I heard about what happened, I would really be pissed off if something like that happened to me, especially after coming all the way to a tourney... :urg: From what I saw of you playing strawhats, you're a lot better than me, keep it up :)

33: Strawhats: You were going to WALK BY my car in the morning? Whaaaat a diiiiiickkk... Anyway, happy to give you two a ride, even if you were just playing Melee alone in the back the whole way there. I had fun teaming, we did a lot better (we improve every time! :)) than last tourney, and that's a good thing. Sorry I trolled you so hard with Alfredo :bee: You should come over to my house sometime so we can play more, because I think we both get a lot of experience playing each other, and I won't be living in Fairfield anymore, so yeah just lemme know and I can be there in a jiffy to pick you up any time. See you soon :)

??: Alfredo: You'll probably never read this (TO EVERYONE: ALFREDO WAS THE OTHER BLACK GUY WHO CAME WITH ME AND STRAWHATS AND DIDN'T ENTER ANYTHING), but I hope you had a lot of fun at your first SSBM tourney :) Thanks for helping me troll Steve so hard, it's always fun because he doesn't know he's being trolled :) But yeah, you were a lot of fun to have there, even if you didn't end up playing at at all (save for that one match [Me: Why are you playing Kirby? You: I thought he was Jigglypuff Me: *Walks away from troll*]). Let me know if you want to hang out some time :)

I was that blonde guy who played Luigi for anyone who has no idea who I am.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 25, 2009
Bad-Haircut Town
25: G: We played in singles and your Falco was really nice. I was almost able to beat you in both of the matches, but I don't think I'm there yet. We had a nice look between each other when Diesel came up to us and got angry that we played Pokémon Stadium on the first match, that gave me a good laugh later.

25: Diesel: It seemed like you were angry at me when I was playing G :urg: but later I talked to you outside for a little bit and you seem like a really chill dude :) We should play sometime.
Bwaaahahaha! That wasn't me, bro! I was the Ganon who teamed with Kupo, the other Ganon.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
if anyone noticed me doing quite ******** dairs at this, for some reason it happened when i tried to nair, and even made me turn into zelda when i was using needles. so yea, my joystick is down sensitive i'm thinking, either on its own or it could be me having it slightly tilted. if anyone has exp opening controllers, is that a fixable thing?


hailey: you keep getting better, dreamland is def a good stage for you, and I definitely considered that set legit except for accidentally catching turnips lol

Mogwai: i wasn't ready for you i guess, i tried to bring it back second game but no dice. you def made me slam my face into the wall to prepare for loser's bracket tho lol. So as abnormally odd as it was for me to get **** on by a falco on a good stage you are a good player so it is what it is until next we meet sir

qphat: you have a good fox overall, don't doubt yourself lol. I remember getting some good stuff and taking quick stocks but you came back down and kept tying it back up. nice solid games imo

otg: tried my hardest to come back from my loss, chugged a monster basically just for you and niko after checking my bracket lmao. I didn't really know what to expect, but i didn't see the fox coming. that set was so balls close i **** my pants. i want to play you for a long time like we planned, i never seem to do anything i plan in threads lol

niko: very nice marth, and you are a very good clutch player at the end. I really thought you might bring it back the way you were playing, i was quite frightened to blow my leads when you started playing a bit differently. we def need to play again at rom

kevinM: i didn't expect you to be playing so ****ed good, you scurred me bro. NE pride all the way tho, I wouldn't have been mad at the loss cuz the set was pretty ****. I suggest you continue to play fox in whatever mindset/playstyle that was FOR ETERNITY

hazygoose: lol, i'm not quite sure what i was thinking at the time....i felt like a tard that set. aside from that, you have a goodazz sheik and deserved your placing. I just hope we get to play again and I don't crapped on as i crap my own pants

so basically i barely won everything i won and got ***** a lot, which places me precisely at 5TH place. just as planned....

as for teams:

swift, thanks for teaming. when we were in the groove, we were pretty efficient as a team. i dropped the ball first set GF, but I figured out how to change certain things quickly to bring it back. I didn't really see how you were doing at all times during that but you seemed to be real solid all throughout everything, and we def got a good flow going at times.
and brinstar is not good for us ever apparently lmao

irish/$mike, so yea peach is annoying as **** and a falcon as good as mike's is hard to get used to. seeing as you scare me into spot dodging and being a ****** just by running around like a madman. I changed into gay sheik version 2.0 for the win and started spamming bair and not even going near peach dsmash

matt/th0rn, gg'z i hate fox but i was playing good enough to gimp (mostly matt lol) and do a lot/stay alive luckily but it was a nice set. also i think swift got a lot of gimps as well (on matt). i'm jk tho matt, your fox is real good now but you just love that ledge lol


morgue: sucks we didn't team but you were rapin at this, just keep that going and turn those near losses into near wins and you would have placed who knows where up in the top. I look forward to teaming in the future since this weekend got all messed up

jinjo: thanks for the team **** at the beginning. I think you are way better at your best, but like you said you might not be able to keep it up all day. You'll find a way, you have it in you.

solar: you mah d00d, you were playing well with fox i saw going crazy with the shiner. but yea sucks about the loss from such a trivial error, but it's happened to most people at one time or another. you got it out before RoM

Diesel: i see you improving steadily, you are poised to be a pro status ganon. all you need is consistency and a clear head from any nerves

$mike: too good man, our mm was pretty fun but i want some mo'. I can't ever not get stomped on the first game, even in teams. I have to drop everything that can possibly be baited because you do this "run back and forth" thing at various lengths and speeds quite well, not sure what it's called but it sure is tricky

yedi: thanks for the warmups and the laughs, always a good time

zoso: didn't play, but the MARF is BAK

brookman: thanks for not minding about teams, but more importantly you are still frakkin good/smart/etc and should start playing hardcore again while melee is still alive and kicking. otherwise you might regret it at age 40 when all the kids have that Super Smash Bros Rumble

Rage: i hope to see you at the next one, better than before. wanting to be the very best /pokemon

everyone i friendlied: depending on when you caught me i may have been missing everything or hitting everything, but gg's to all and to all a good night
even if i didn't play you nice to see everyone, you know who you are. if you don't check the results list


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
so yea, my joystick is down sensitive i'm thinking, either on its own or it could be me having it slightly tilted. if anyone has exp opening controllers, is that a fixable thing?
Inside the joystick mechanism is a spring. That spring determines the "tightness" and sometimes tilt of a joystick. These springs get worn out after a long time, and it's possible to just replace the spring or the entire joystick unit. Also, controllers come with a dielectric grease inside the joystick mechanism that lubes everything up for easy movement :woman:. I've noticed that over a Long time (like 2 years or more), this grease will have disappeared. Replacing it can give the joystick more fluid movement.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
@ papito: lol still don't know ya.

@zebra: i vaugely remember someone telling me that .zeb thought i had left... But .zeb had told me that mafia had told him that... It's all very very confusing. I guess what i should say is sorry i didn't recognize you? >_< next time just freaking pin me to a t.v. lol

also i don't think i'm going to rom3 now, i think my ride isn't taking me anymore T.T


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
ggs everyone

zebra for trolling me all day, every day,twice on sundays

swift: for being ****: hope you got my pm regarding rom3. EPIC COMEBACK MAN (DO IT NOW GOHAN)

mafia: always the life of the part

mdz: sick tourney man...so sick lol

solar: good **** bro

shadowball: we still didn't get to play....sad face.

KevinM and HaileyM: glad to see you both again. Hailey looks to have gotten better.

G and Rep: giving me and zebra the **** lol

Kupo: good seeing and playing you again...you and your partner **** double ganon ftw.

everyone else GGs and hope to see you all soon.
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