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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
Yo, yo, uh, i'm calling you fools out for a rap battle

zip zip zoip

brake it down

yo, yo, yo now listen up to this beat i won't repeat it
super smash brothers strategies
gamefaqs is the place to be when you need it
smashboards has many fallacies
database errors, stupid posters
the server is like a roller coaster
never knowing when you'll be able to go
kinda sucks now you see i have the flow
super champ combo next weekend
i'm gonna money match everyone but my friends
because my friends suck so they know i'll win
but maybe you guys will accept one when
i tell you my captain falcon sucks
but then i'm gonna make the big bucks
4 stock 4 dawnked* yes it's true
everyone is good at smash bros but you

yo, yo, yo, uh, brake it down



Smash Rookie
Aug 16, 2007
fiddy dolla in da house

zip zip zoip

brake it down

yo, yo, yo now listen up to this beat i won't repeat it
super smash brothers strategies
gamefaqs is the place to be when you need it
smashboards has many fallacies
database errors, stupid posters
the server is like a roller coaster
never knowing when you'll be able to go
kinda sucks now you see i have the flow
super champ combo next weekend
i'm gonna money match everyone but my friends
because my friends suck so they know i'll win
but maybe you guys will accept one when
i tell you my captain falcon sucks
but then i'm gonna make the big bucks
4 stock 4 dawnked* yes it's true
everyone is good at smash bros but you

yo, yo, yo, uh, brake it down

u wanna 4 stock?
go jack in yo sock,
cuz im undefeatabl (yea, yeah)
im unbeatable (yea, yea)

cuz my peach is hot,
my peach is top,
cant smack dat ho,
cuz ull be thrown

u wanna 4 stock?
go jack in yo sock.
cuz im unefeatabl (yea,yeah)
im unbeatable (yea, ya)

f-tilt, f-tilt, to an up smash,
man, all u do is button mash
ur laserz dont phase me,
plz, u cant amaze me,

cuz im undeafetable,
im unbeatable.
*scritchy scratch*

Rap Battle ACCEPTED!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
:0h ginga snapz!

Now this is the story all about how
My PC got twist turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
To tell you how I became 1st on a server called b31-41r

In cs_assualt I was born and raised
In the vents is where i spent most of my days
Chillin out haxin and relaxin all cool,
And all shootin dem ****** that be actin a fool
stoln from adnan
When a couple of nubs that were playin legit
Started makin trouble with my haxin bit
I got one little ban and my mom got mad,
and said you better stop haxin cuz its just a fad
if u can read this u have good eyesight
So I searched for a key and when it came near
The title said 'sweet' but there was a virus here
If anything I could just delete the file
But I thought nah forget it, I've got a while

I came back to the comp about 1 or 2
And I thought snap my computer has just been screwed
I looked at the thing what a peice of crap
Now how can i finish haxin that map...


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Hey guys! I live in Waterloo during the week, but I'm almost always in Sauga during the weekend. Relatively new to the competitive scene (shame I started just when brawl is about to come out, haha), but have been registered on this forum for a while; I'd love to smash with some of you sometime to help improve my game, and to just have fun :p.

All of my friends are newbs, so I'm not exactly that good... any time I've used advanced techniques, I've been told to stop being cheap so I haven't had any chance to practice them at all. I won't lie though, I only recently cared to research into advanced techniques around a week ago... regardless of the fact that I have been playing melee since it's been out. I was just too stubborn, not wanting to get help from anyone else, and ended up missing the boat on the melee tourney scene =(

Ah well! Here's to smashing with you guys in the future =3


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Hey guys! I live in Waterloo during the week, but I'm almost always in Sauga during the weekend. Relatively new to the competitive scene (shame I started just when brawl is about to come out, haha), but have been registered on this forum for a while; I'd love to smash with some of you sometime to help improve my game, and to just have fun :p.

All of my friends are newbs, so I'm not exactly that good... any time I've used advanced techniques, I've been told to stop being cheap so I haven't had any chance to practice them at all. I won't lie though, I only recently cared to research into advanced techniques around a week ago... regardless of the fact that I have been playing melee since it's been out. I was just too stubborn, not wanting to get help from anyone else, and ended up missing the boat on the melee tourney scene =(

Ah well! Here's to smashing with you guys in the future =3
A pain I can relate with you on.

Steps to getting pro.

1. Get a person that is also dedicated to get good along with you AKA rival
2. Stop playing with noobs, and for the love of god ignore their bull**** about cheap. Their just saying that because they suck too much to pull it off.

lol, but that's good. I would say in a sense it's late, but really my mentality is that it's really never too late, Brawl won't be successful nor competitive right after the first week. Possibly late January or early February. Who knows? but yeah man keep up to date with what's happening in this thread or anything remotely close to the areas of the GTA. For the time being watch vids, practice tech and read up ****.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys! I live in Waterloo during the week, but I'm almost always in Sauga during the weekend. Relatively new to the competitive scene (shame I started just when brawl is about to come out, haha), but have been registered on this forum for a while; I'd love to smash with some of you sometime to help improve my game, and to just have fun :p.

All of my friends are newbs, so I'm not exactly that good... any time I've used advanced techniques, I've been told to stop being cheap so I haven't had any chance to practice them at all. I won't lie though, I only recently cared to research into advanced techniques around a week ago... regardless of the fact that I have been playing melee since it's been out. I was just too stubborn, not wanting to get help from anyone else, and ended up missing the boat on the melee tourney scene =(

Ah well! Here's to smashing with you guys in the future =3
How to get good at this game:

1) Pick Fox
2) Find a bunch of gay people
3) ????
4) Profit!


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Also Sanuzi, what area of Mississauga do you live in? I sense Malton. But, do correct me if I'm wrong lol. What street do you live on, it's just that it'll make things easier for me if I ever need to help you out with directions on how to get to certain smashfests/tournys and all that ****.

Nate: They're already signed up to come to the tournament.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Yup! I know about the tourney, like Tyrant pointed out. I actually live relatively close to Malton. I'm in Meadowvale, right by Winston Churchill and 401 (Right where Wal-mart is in Meadowvale). Easy access to the 401 is pretty sweet ;), will make getting to Starfurry a cinch.

As for finding a rival, I suppose I have one... GrindinD just won't give up until he gets as good as me, it's kind of funny. The only problem is that he is a terrible player right now, our matches are pretty sad... having 4-stocked him many many times. I'm a good rival for him, but not vice-versa. I suppose I'll just have to keep on the look out :p

And very funny Dragon, Haw haw. Fox is decent, but I've never really considered maining him. I like Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf is a really fun guy to play as. I really really want to get better with Pichu though, I feel like he has so much potential... especially since none of my friends can touch me with him... but those are my friends, so who knows how I'd do with him in a real match. I love DK too, Luigi, Peach is pretty cool too.. hell, I love most of the whole **** cast =p.

I'm trying to play with people with more skill; hence my starting to post on the smashboard forums again after two years. And yeah, their whining gets freaking annoying. It will be weird to be the worst after being the best for ~6 years in my group of friends, but I don't care about losing anyways... playing against good people is just so **** fun regardless of how I do XD.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Pichu? Are you serious?

Not to be harsh man, but you're going to get anally ***** this tournament and you'll change your mind on Pichu afterwards.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
I really really want to get better with Pichu though, I feel like he has so much potential...
Pichu has no potential. It doesn't exist. The best Pichu in the world openly admits to this and actually tries to deter people from playing Pichu because of it (not really but he calls a spade a spade; Pichu blows).


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
rofl I'm gonna surprise one of your friends, lol. Just you see lol. Talking to you Sanuzi or w/e. gonna call you snooze, because I like to sleep an extra 20 mins after my alarm rings.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Pichu? Are you serious?

Not to be harsh man, but you're going to get anally ***** this tournament and you'll change your mind on Pichu afterwards.
Who said I'd be maining Pichu any time soon? :laugh: I'm not as dumb as you guys think, ;). As for the Falcon suggestion... he is a fine character but whatever, I'll decide within the week.

Snooze though? That's a new one for me. I've been called, Sanu, Snoozi, Sasa, Snoo, and other such things, but Snooze? Haha, alright.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
rofl I've switched mains about seven times before I settled on Sheik. You don't have to decide right now lol. Just pick who you enjoy playing and do well with and then build on that.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
You two.

come to starfurry, lol. This is probably gonna be the last big tournament before brawl comes out so you might want to like, come. :]
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