Yes, it still's around. What's on there that makes you want them that badly anyways? <_<
I feel like there are too many videos up as it is and uploading a **** ton more will just lower their overall intrinsic value and entertainment... have too many can be a very bad thing, imo. No one is going to watch around 30-40 matches of the same two people playing over and over again. As such, I wanted to sort through all the matches and only post the good ones... which requires hours of my time to watch and select said matches.
It's like we've discussed before, there's millions of combo videos and matches now, so much so that the new ones aren't really all that special. Uploading the best and the brightest is the way to go. To solidify my point, look at Imadh's youtube channel. There's so many freaking vids on there but each one has like 2-20 views. No one is going to sit down and watch all of them, or even bookmark the page and come back for more. Wouldn't you rather have one-two amazing videos with 600-1000+ views?
If you guys want to, I'll bring my laptop to Santa's and you can figure out which ones you want me to upload. Record the file name and the time that the match is located within the file in notepad or something. I'd like to limit it to 3 per match up though (i.e, three of Bernard versus David, three of Bernard versus Imadh, Three of David versus Imadh, etc.) This isn't a decision out of lazyness, but a decision out of quality versus quantity. It's something that has been bugging me and is the main reason why I haven't uploaded any.
In summary: I'm not against uploading them, just uploading *all* of them.
Edit: Oh, and, you guys need to specify who is who in the notepad file too <_<
So anyways, I have a smash 64 question if anyone could answer it. I've heard there's some form of DI in the game... I've barely played it and really have no solid idea of all the ATs, but could someone explain 64 DI to me? I always thought there was no DI in 64, but eh, I've been wrong before. How is DI limited, what you can do with it, does smash DI exist? etc.