lolwut, you live pretty close to me.... a 5-10 minute drive away x.x. I'll probably come today for fun... although I might not. I really want to get active in the melee community again, but WoW is too good D=
That is one ****ing sexy sig!! Change the font to something fitting, and it will seriously be golden. The font makes it 8/10 instead of 10/10, but it's still sexy.
yeah, sure. i've posted my address before...weird that you'd only notice now. must mean you don't read this thread enough.
i'd play wow if it were cheaper. is there any reasonable way to hack it so that you never have to pay anything? i doubt it...
and i agree about the sig, it's really nice, and even has more of a theme than normal (rather than teen titans + quote, it relates to you specifically...being a samurai and all). but yeah, change the font.
Kyle I lost the directions on how to get to your house.
I'm probably not going until later anyways but email me them or something. I think I take the 67 at Victoria Park Station to something (I think it's Bertha? I think the landmark is the Domino's Pizza) but send me anyways just so I'm sure.
Falcon combo videos suck. Falcon is dumb.
yeah, all of that is right. 67 north from victoria park station, get off at florens, which is just before the domino's. then turn right (onto florens), turn left (onto bertha), and you'll know which house it is.
I openly state and admit Sheik combo videos suck.
Top / high tier combo videos in general aren't interesting.
Either they don't work entirely so they're entirely a product of horrible DI (Armada, King, Silent Spectre) or they're standardized to the point where we've already seen this crap x1000 (*cough*toptiers*cough*). There are exceptions, clearly, there's some stuff (even whole videos dare I say it) that's just plain cool... but the vast majority of it isn't.
brawl combo videos really irritate me. this is actually entirely aside from the game. it just seems that there are so many of them, way too many for its short time being around. which means that everyone and their brother thinks they are good enough to make a combo video. which bothers me. the same problem comes up with melee combo vids too, but much less often i find.
Kyle, is it all right if I come with Paul and Julian (not sure if Julian is coming, still waiting on a call from Paul)? I can bring a set-up.
even if you didn't bring one
Kyle, I might come too. Is that aight with you? =o Ill come anyways if u dont reply haha.
sux 4 u
If I come, I'll be there at 8 pm. Hope that's not too late!
nah. i don't think i'll get too much sleep tonight.