lol, didnt know that many things were based off of megaman

im playin smash brothers right now.. anyone think they can help me do a phantasm stall on the and youtube dont have any tutorials.. lol. i can do the firebird one but the illusion one looks sick
they're kidding =P i don't see what your point was, though. mega man is awesome. it's a nes era game and today i chose to play it over the many new ones i have. okami wii remains unopened, for example.
and for the phantasm stall, that's really just practicing the timing. it's not difficult to do technically, but the timing for it is a bit hard to learn...kind of like wavedashing. maybe try moving the joystick away from the edge rather than straight down, so you don't fall as quickly.
yeah i have chrono trigger too but haven't started playing it cuz i have sooo much other games i wanna go through first lol. is it really that easy? o_o think i should just get the snes version?
LOL YEAHHH the ds speakers are so fail. i hacked an ipod on my ds, but the speakers are so bad so i'll just use headphones, but it came with no song shuffling and my r4 is already packed with games so no room for music OR combo vids i wanted to put on =[
it's not stupidly easy, but i've already beaten it several times, so any change is noticeable to me. if you can, definitely get the snes version, i like it more anyway. they changed the dialogue a bit in the ds version. and it looks way better on a tv screen than the little ds one. or on a monitor, if you wanted to play it on an emulator. and the music, of course.
the psx version (final fantasy chronicles) is pretty good too. the music is slightly off in that one (dunno why they changed it, especially so little...why bother changing it if there's almost no difference?), and it has longer load times for some reason, but they also added little animeish cutscenes which are pretty cool.
how'd you hack your ds?
edit: jake - oh. =P i'm very trusting.