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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
Well, I have decided to umm... make a little announcement.

You know how I have been saying I'm decent? Well, now that I realize, I'm not. Not that I suck, but for now, I am probably not gonna have a chance in hell to beat all of you people until a while, and I hope that you guys don't view me as an arrogant child, because of the way I have been going on, making it seem like I thought I was all that, and insulting all the real pros, which was not my intention, by the way. It's always good to meet new friends, and such, and well, when I do go over to Bernard's house, or whoever's house, I want everyone to teach me, so that I may be able to play on a level that matches yours. So, I do know that I am going to get *****, the first couple of times, just like everyone, the first time they went to a Tournament and such, and well, to all of those I have irked, I apologize. Srsly.

So when I do come over, hopefully, I can get better, and I hope that you guys understand that I did not mean to sound like a blithering idiot, right?

Anyways, I know all of you are friendly in real life, and even though I'm 15, I don't act like most teenagers, who are stupid beyond belief. xD So, hopefully I learn that, and Desh, you do know I was joking, right? And well, I don't really wanna bet money yet, Kyle, LOL.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you Smashers on Friday.

And sorry about all of the times that I said I was going to come, and then couldn't. It's because if I come, when she said I can't, then I have to suffer huge punishments, such as not being able to come in the future. Yeah, so it's not like I'm being a pu55y or whatever, LOL.
lol dont worry about it man, u irked me here and there, but i generally welcome all new players, melee'r or brawler.

tis a shame im not makin it out to bernard's place =(. id have really liked to play a few friendlies with you n_n


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
lol, 'k. money match officially off. so much humble...really shouldn't be necessary. *looks at everyone* <_< >_> although i imagine no one cares anymore, so meh. just come on friday and play video games with people, it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that =)

edit: GOOD SIG. now we need to get peterx a matching outfit. dunno where we're gonna get the huge axe though.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
My house is open anytime after 12 on Friday kids.

Marik: I'm curious...what made you have this sudden change of heart? You went lurking on youtube didn't you?! :laugh:


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Man, Bernard's place is so tempting ]: it's a shame that I can't make it. But man, lol Smashboards sure is up to it's regular **** lately.

Anyone keeping up with the talks about MLG buying out SWF? I'm shocked that it's happening yet not surprised of it happening at the same time. It must be really good for Gideon though lol.

LOL you gotta label those TT sigs properly, was Imadh and Mike cool with the He-Man thing? Afro, I need to talk to you inperson about your sig-making lol. We need to discuss a proper format/layout for it lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Guys, guys, I know you all want me and stuff but like, I don't swing that way at all :0 LOL.

Wang: ]: I wanna play you too -no homo- You Doc vs my characters (if they even exists anymore). It's good that you're active now, I'll mop the floor with you soon, trust me :] not even fortune cookies will save you.

Marco: lemme alone, I thought you were after someone else. I have enough homo lovers after me ]: I could use -1 right now. LOLLL.

P.S - Paper.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
My house is open anytime after 12 on Friday kids.

Marik: I'm curious...what made you have this sudden change of heart? You went lurking on youtube didn't you?! :laugh:
Also I talked to him more nicely on msn a bit =P i bet that had something to do with it.

Anyone keeping up with the talks about MLG buying out SWF? I'm shocked that it's happening yet not surprised of it happening at the same time. It must be really good for Gideon though lol.
no! tell us more.

game set

Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2008
Udora, Ontario
I'm honestly curious about how i will match up to you people. i know i wont be comparable at first, but i'm really technical, the only thing i can't really do is wall techjump (only managed it in a match twice). I've played the game since the day it came out (didn't begin training high level till about 4 months ago), and have only had the chance to play one high level player (who i destroyed, although he seemed to be sandbagging). He told me he had been the reigning champ for 2 years at his university and placed 16th in a major tournament. Other than that, i've really only played my friends who are learning too. I main fox and link, although my friend tells me my luigi is at the same level, but i barely use him. Guess we'll see on friday.

my friend jamal (my name is Neville btw) might come too, he mains jiggs and luigi. He plays completely by feel and only knows some tech (shffl, wd, tj, jc, grabbing, i think). I don't know if he's just good against me, because he seems to win the same amount as i do, but sometimes has trouble vs scrubs (wereas i never do). regardless he's not a complete noob.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
I'm honestly curious about how i will match up to you people. i know i wont be comparable at first, but i'm really technical, the only thing i can't really do is wall techjump (only managed it in a match twice). I've played the game since the day it came out (didn't begin training high level till about 4 months ago), and have only had the chance to play one high level player (who i destroyed, although he seemed to be sandbagging). He told me he had been the reigning champ for 2 years at his university and placed 16th in a major tournament. Other than that, i've really only played my friends who are learning too. I main fox and link, although my friend tells me my luigi is at the same level, but i barely use him. Guess we'll see on friday.

my friend jamal (my name is Neville btw) might come too, he mains jiggs and luigi. He plays completely by feel and only knows some tech (shffl, wd, tj, jc, grabbing, i think). I don't know if he's just good against me, because he seems to win the same amount as i do, but sometimes has trouble vs scrubs (wereas i never do). regardless he's not a complete noob.
play with bernard a lot, he can teach you tons about fox. your friend sounds more like me =P except i only main jiggs and pretty much suck with everyone else. for luigi, talk to charles if he's coming. and for link talk to sots =D

jiggs requires basically no tech skill, even now i don't bother l-cancelling everything with her =P


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
wow this movie righteous kill is pretty trippy. Oh and kyle u said ur friend lives close to that park, maybe i've seen them around, I was at that park almost every day during the summer, maybe I even know them.

game set

Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2008
Udora, Ontario
the only thing's im really good at are being unpredictable, and both being and reacting fast. my edgeguarding/approach can often be really messy. I feel like maining mewtwo, don't know why...


Smash Apprentice
Dec 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
any other week i would have but my store is doing inventory, so its a Mandatory "Get Your *** To Work, or Your *** Is Fired" thing

inventory @ staples is ******** X_X
Heres the plan, I'll come to your staples, buy a stapler, get you to carry it to my "car." Then its all improvization from there.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Marik: I'm curious...what made you have this sudden change of heart? You went lurking on youtube didn't you?! :laugh:
That's one of the reasons.

Two, was some people talked to me.

Three, I'm not a douche.

Four, If I didn't face the music, somebody else would've made me face the music.

And Desh got banned, because someone went trolling on his computer. =(

So, it matched the ISP, and Desh got banned.

Even though it was his "cousin".

*EDIT* Switchblade, you work/live in 'Suaga?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
edit: responding to gameset
chances are there are more flaws in mewtwo in general than in your gameplay. he's one of the worst characters for a reason. pretty cool though. look up taj's mewtwo/watch shadowclaw 1 and 2, if you haven't before. the latter are not so much for education as they are for watching a REALLY nice mewtwo.
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