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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
Two fails equals Epic fail right, well check this out XD

guys the videos of the montage were low quality and in some parts the volume was low. Sorry.

okay so thats fail.

Oh yeah Bernie i might not make it to your tourney :( I'm going to my friends cottage for the weekend. But thats a maybe so yeah. If I cant go to my friends cottage I'm going to your tourney for sure.

..second fail.



Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
Two fails equals Epic fail right, well check this out XD

guys the videos of the montage were low quality and in some parts the volume was low. Sorry.

okay so thats fail.

Oh yeah Bernie i might not make it to your tourney :( I'm going to my friends cottage for the weekend. But thats a maybe so yeah. If I cant go to my friends cottage I'm going to your tourney for sure.

..second fail.

Yea...you fail...epically

^ hey peter whats a good new song by The Game?
LOL The Game dosen't have good songs


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i might...can i sleep over? i mean, uh, the non-david way of saying that <_< can i land at your house?

Edit: Next thing to learn -- rest out of shield. someone remind me.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
okay, cool. see if you can get anyone else to stay. i think i'll bring clothes and whatnot but not decide for sure yet if i'm staying the whole night.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
Kyle, I'll let you know by tonight. But its most likely yes.

Right now I have PeterX/Kyle coming...

anyone else interested in tomorrow?
I cantz goo sorry.

Bernard, watch out for for people taking a huge **** without flushing it.

anyway good luck all.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
if I ask my mom if I can stay over, she'll be like who the he'll is Bernard!?!? And then she'll wanna talk to ur parents LOL


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
lol my parents get angry at me for that type of stuff too they just have to met the friend then they dont care after :p, i'm gona upload some more vids tonight so in the morring they'll be up :D


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
the last guy who posted in that thread had a point...you could have paused it and brought an organizer over when he was stalling. still pretty stupid that you would have to go to that extent, though.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
u can just run up, and seeing how f******stupid his camping is hes gona try and hit u wit a nair, then depending on who u r u can just power shield and if marth tipper, if anyone else u just replace wit ur fastest smash, oh guys somthing f***** the upload of the vids so i gotta upload them again tonight


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I'm sorry Bernard, but this camping complaining makes you guys look like complete hyprocrites.

I remember during at that one biweekly at David's where a lot of peeps were losing to me.
Then our whole upper tier of our players ALL decided to mass camp me in every match after that.

It was the "necessary" thing for you guys to do then and I got a little mad, but I took things for what they were and played on anyways.

You guys didn't find camping so gay then, now people do it to you guys better and you complain, thats bs.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I'm sorry Bernard, but this camping complaining makes you guys look like complete hyprocrites.

I remember during at that one biweekly at David's where a lot of peeps were losing to me.
Then our whole upper tier of our players ALL decided to mass camp me in every match after that.

It was the "necessary" thing for you guys to do then and I got a little mad, but I took things for what they were and played on anyways.

You guys didn't find camping so gay then, now people do it to you guys better and you complain, thats bs.
Andy is right, you are missing the point. The people I mentioned in that thread camp vs. EVERYONE. I camp for control vs. Jiggs, Samus, Peach, sometimes Sheik/Marth. I'd do it again too - because its the RIGHT WAY to the play the match-up. Of course I'll eventually run to them and attack them and have fun attempting to be aggressive; because honestly who is going to camp every single match versus every single character?

Iori, Plank, Hbox, Falcomist and alot of other U.S. scrubs.

The camping I was talking about in that thread had to do with stalling. They run away from you and shoot lasers or shino-stall even if you play a low tier. In doubles, vs. Bowser, dittos...everything is just camp camp camp.

Furthermore, its the way they use that playstyle. They don't use it to make you approach, then take advantage of the situation and combo you. They do it to piss you off. Then they just go back to camping again.

Them doing it better than me has nothing to do with it. Its the fact that its ALL THEY DO that pisses me off. I can awknowledge that characters have to camp or deal with camping to a certain extent, its part of the game. But using it the way they do makes it stupid and saps the fun out of melee.

edit: RYAN: Iori made both CAVEMAN and EUROPHORIA quit. Do you think the "way we camp" would make people not want to play us and forfeit tournament matches to us?


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I'm sorry Bernard, but this camping complaining makes you guys look like complete hyprocrites.

I remember during at that one biweekly at David's where a lot of peeps were losing to me.
Then our whole upper tier of our players ALL decided to mass camp me in every match after that.

It was the "necessary" thing for you guys to do then and I got a little mad, but I took things for what they were and played on anyways.

You guys didn't find camping so gay then, now people do it to you guys better and you complain, thats bs.
nate's right honestly, but the kind of camp they do is more extreme. how we do it and how they do it doesn't really justify our type of camping if you think about it. Camping is camping. It's really gay either way.

Also, shino-stall should be banned


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Bernard you still haven't made a single point. All you're saying is "we dont go that far" with things.

You can't justify saying thats the right way to fight Jiggs, and then turn around and criticize other people for taking it to the next step. With them its the "right" way to fight everyone, it doesn't matter if its "all they do."

Camping is gay period, but if you do it yourself you can't turn around and say that doing it even more is gay, You either dont do it at all, or you do it when its necessary but you can't complain when others do it.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
If you're trying to say that there isn't a difference in camping for control and excessive camping, then I don't agree at all. There isn't just one kind of campy, there are a **** load of ways to use it.

When taking it to the next step entails ruining the game for every other person you play - you know its a stupid technique. Like I said though, I'm a primarily aggressive Fox that uses lasers when I need to regain control of a match.

We've had different experiences with U.S. players anyways. At GA my whole standing on defensive play changed when I saw how they played to win.

I don't make people quit matches because of the camping I do. I might do it for a stock or two, but I don't base my entire playstyle around it.

The thing is I can turn around and say it is more gay because by default, camping more than you need too translates = gay gay gay.

No Johns, friendship fails, and our crew lost. I'm still practicing Diddy. No hate Nate. :D
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