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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I said it before and I'll say i again, knock it off.

I will lock this thread for a yet to be determined amount of time if you don't stop.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
its only one person really causing the commotion. why not just ban him from the thread instead of ruining it for everyone?


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Yes ban Lovage, I'm just trying to have discussions with people when he keeps coming in and harassing me. I shouldn't have got infracted for defending myself.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
When I said "facts" I was talking about facts about myself once again, misunderstood. Nah I've been hated before for just being a nice guy it will always continue to happen but I know people act the way they do because of things that happened to them in their lives so its ok.
again, no one hates you for being nice, we hate that you're trying to act like an authority on a game way above your level when you clearly have no idea what's going on, as noted by how I have to spell all this stuff out down here when it's obvious to more experienced and better players.

You didn't prove anything in this post. You said Cho is probably going to be more useful late game. You didn't say how though and that's what I'm asking.
AoE, instant, 3 second silence, AoE knockup + slow, and giant true damage nuke are just stronger tools for teamfighting than being Udyr, especially against Cho and Janna. Cho and Janna are giant beatings vs. strictly melee champs because they all have super effective CC (slows, knockups, and silence) vs. characters that have to be in predictable locations in teamfights. Udyr's going to spend the vast majority of the fight just trying to get to relevant targets through the opposing CC with this team setup.

I even said if you read that I only "THINK" Ahri is better and that I wasn't sure.
I was just explaining every matchup, I'm so very sorry to have given my opinion since it was apparently a waste of your time.

What if Leona gets Janna with her stuns and gets her instead? I guess the main point I see here is the ult for Janna. I thought she was mainly picked to counter people with AOE ults?
Leona's dash has a delay. Janna can knock her out of it regardless of who Leona tries to hit. Janna is picked because she's incredibly strong as a babysitter late game, but she also just happens to be the best support at countering aggressive CC supports like Leona and Blitz in lane because her CC is so disruptive to kill combos and it's really hard to trade harass with Janna shield when you have no sustain from your support. Janna's probably the best support in the game right now, she's a lot more than just a CP to AoE ults.

Again you really didn't say HOW GP is going to more useful. I do understand that Skarner can't counter jungle him. Wouldn't skarner do great late game because of his ult? That's what it seemed like when I watched the match.
Skarner has the exact same issues as Udyr vs. this team comp. His strategy in teamfights is "speed up, put shield on, run at them" and this strategy just sucks **** vs. Janna and Cho. GP's going to be more useful because his ult is a giant beating both for unconditional engaging and disengaging, and his E combined with Janna's passive is going to make the opposing front line (udyr and skarner) even more miserable as they try to dive into ryze and kennen. His oranges also mean that he can be on the frontline poking with his Q without having to worry about skarner's flash ult.


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
again, no one hates you for being nice, we hate that you're trying to act like an authority on a game way above your level when you clearly have no idea what's going on, as noted by how I have to spell all this stuff out down here when it's obvious to more experienced and better players.
Okay you're not seeing what's happening at all. Did you not just see Lovage randomly come in while were discussing things and call me a joke? That's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

AoE, instant, 3 second silence, AoE knockup + slow, and giant true damage nuke are just stronger tools for teamfighting than being Udyr, especially against Cho and Janna. Cho and Janna are giant beatings vs. strictly melee champs because they all have super effective CC (slows, knockups, and silence) vs. characters that have to be in predictable locations in teamfights. Udyr's going to spend the vast majority of the fight just trying to get to relevant targets through the opposing CC with this team setup.
Yea, I see your point there. I agree with that.

I was just explaining every matchup, I'm so very sorry to have given my opinion since it was apparently a waste of your time.
Another example of hating me. I didn't even say anything like this why are you making me out to be a bad guy?

Leona's dash has a delay. Janna can knock her out of it regardless of who Leona tries to hit. Janna is picked because she's incredibly strong as a babysitter late game, but she also just happens to be the best support at countering aggressive CC supports like Leona and Blitz in lane because her CC is so disruptive to kill combos and it's really hard to trade harass with Janna shield when you have no sustain from your support. Janna's probably the best support in the game right now, she's a lot more than just a CP to AoE ults.
I guess I'm just comparing her ult in late game team fights to Sona's ult.

Skarner has the exact same issues as Udyr vs. this team comp. His strategy in teamfights is "speed up, put shield on, run at them" and this strategy just sucks **** vs. Janna and Cho. GP's going to be more useful because his ult is a giant beating both for unconditional engaging and disengaging, and his E combined with Janna's passive is going to make the opposing front line (udyr and skarner) even more miserable as they try to dive into ryze and kennen. His oranges also mean that he can be on the frontline poking with his Q without having to worry about skarner's flash ult.
Well I wasn't talking about Skarner grabbing GP but yea I see what you mean. Same goes the rest about Skarner against this team.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I am so confused about this. You may actually be a nice guy, Xaltis, but from a 3rd party point of view, the way you are phrasing your sentences/attempting to get your point across, you don't come across as one. You should consider the way you type things/say things on the internet because all people have to judge by is words.

Also, if you want people to elaborate and give you DETAILS about why certain things are FACT, you should ask that, instead of just saying "I want facts." Facts can be either very clearly described/explained, or not... but they'll still be facts.

You can Lovage have already called each other idiots and stuff, so using him as an example of how you get called out while being a good dude is not optimal.

@Red Ryu - I also think closing a whole thread because of a few people is a little on the extremist side of moderating, when it could be handled with infractions or temp-banning people from threads (though I don't remember if this is doable as a Moderator, it's been a long time).


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I am so confused about this. You may actually be a nice guy, Xaltis, but from a 3rd party point of view, the way you are phrasing your sentences/attempting to get your point across, you don't come across as one. You should consider the way you type things/say things on the internet because all people have to judge by is words.

Also, if you want people to elaborate and give you DETAILS about why certain things are FACT, you should ask that, instead of just saying "I want facts." Facts can be either very clearly described/explained, or not... but they'll still be facts.

You can Lovage have already called each other idiots and stuff, so using him as an example of how you get called out while being a good dude is not optimal.

@Red Ryu - I also think closing a whole thread because of a few people is a little on the extremist side of moderating, when it could be handled with infractions or temp-banning people from threads (though I don't remember if this is doable as a Moderator, it's been a long time).
I think only admins or super mods can do the temp room-bans, but I might be mistaken. Anyway, who cares? His point still stands, people need to just man up and stop the flaming cycle. If someone's posts really bother you that much, just use your ignore list and let the mods infract them.


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
I am so confused about this. You may actually be a nice guy, Xaltis, but from a 3rd party point of view, the way you are phrasing your sentences/attempting to get your point across, you don't come across as one. You should consider the way you type things/say things on the internet because all people have to judge by is words.

Also, if you want people to elaborate and give you DETAILS about why certain things are FACT, you should ask that, instead of just saying "I want facts." Facts can be either very
Idk man, the way I normally say things doesn't sound threatening at all. Also I literally did what you said. I literally asked for explanations and to go into detail. But that didn't happen.

I think only admins or super mods can do the temp room-bans, but I might be mistaken. Anyway, who cares? His point still stands, people need to just man up and stop the flaming cycle. If someone's posts really bother you that much, just use your ignore list and let the mods infract them.
I probably will be hitting that ignore button on people soon.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I pretty much had to lol and I didn't said what I think the match ups are like in 5v5 team fights. Nobody in this thread is nice enough to even discuss it with me without trolling. Idc anymore though. Had a long a chat with Dfear last night about "people" I know now why people get mad at you for being a nice guy. Don't care about what people say about me when I don't know them. I know the truth and their opinions about me don't matter when I have facts.
Gova, look.

From what I've seen here, you are not being a nice guy, you're being stubborn and taking being corrected as a personal blow. You've still relatively new at this game and your experience is from a relatively low level of play which is true of myself as well.

People are discussing it with you cause you're being too headstrong, so the convo is shifting to "gova so dumb" instead of "gova this is why what you're incorrect.

Anyway, I won't pretend to know enough to predict the overall teamfights but I will say this, when you're talking about teamfight comp, a counter to what a character does can come from any lane so talking about it in terms of character for a role>opposing character for the role is silly.

That said, Janna versus leona is a direct counter in teamfights, she directly counters leona's teamfight presence because leona provides strong engages and lockdowns. She can still provide incidental CC because of the low cd's but loses out on that initial lockdown.

I'm guessing the corki pick was to counter janna's fight reset potential, overall dphat's team seemed stronger because the opposing team was stronger in an engage but dphat's team had the tools to reset and to punish them for committing.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@Red Ryu - I also think closing a whole thread because of a few people is a little on the extremist side of moderating, when it could be handled with infractions or temp-banning people from threads (though I don't remember if this is doable as a Moderator, it's been a long time).
If people don't listen to me when I tell them to knock it off, sometimes it needs to be done.

You can't ban people from specific threads, just area of a forum. I'd like to avoid roombans since those are more severe than a thread lock, but if it gets the message to knock it off then so be it.


So enough of that. Agreeing with Dphat on that, you need to be able to change roles easily, your not only not going to always get the same role each ranked but sometimes a role needs to be filled.

It makes you more malleable so you can fill more roles effectively.

Deleted member

i will never understand why you would punish an entire thread for work of one delirious guy what grand logic

if i were mod smashboards would be a better place


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I think the lesson I'm learning climbing back up the elo ladder is that camping top still wins solo queue games, and as such I should just be picking a super cheesy jungler like J4 or Pantheon or an absurdly safe top laner like Galio.

i will never understand why you would punish an entire thread for work of one delirious guy what grand logic

if i were mod smashboards would be a better place
Feel free to talk with me about it offline if you want clarification, but I support the course of action Red Ryu is proposing and I don't want to derail this thread any further with this discussion.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Whoa, why is my name being thrown around?
*feels terribly embarrased*

Jesus, sorry. Thought you namechanged due to this other poster's sona love and similar ip spending habits.

Also timeframe.

Also remember seeing him post on dgames when I checked which sounded like you and haven't seen anything under your name for a while.

I think... he's your clone.

But alas.

Seppuku time.

KevinM, would you be a bro and be my second? Need somebody for the head chopping off part.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I think the lesson I'm learning climbing back up the elo ladder is that camping top still wins solo queue games, and as such I should just be picking a super cheesy jungler like J4 or Pantheon or an absurdly safe top laner like Galio.
Why is camping top so effective? Is it cause the enemy team surrenders when top lane afk/ggs? or because your mid/late game is much better (as in you push objectives early and force barons)?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Why is camping top so effective? Is it cause the enemy team surrenders when top lane afk/ggs? or because your mid/late game is much better (as in you push objectives early and force barons)?
Top is the one lane IMO that is impossible to catch up when set behind.

mostly it's this ^.

Like, for the first 6-7 minutes, it's hard to force stuff at dragon, but after that, putting attention top when dragon is up is giving up free dragons, so like, if you give top a big lead in this opening phase, they can ride that through all of midgame and destroy the opposing top, and when the opposing team sends help top to get them back in the game, you get free dragons.

Also, lane camping for the first like 2 minutes seems to get you ahead on levels compared to farming the jungle on ganking junglers in my experience.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
How do you farm top lane when you get behind, it's friggin impossible!

Then again, causing mid to snowball causes other lanes to snowball in turn cause mid has the most ganking potential.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
yea, omg, jungle ali is such a beating. also, the new solo queue OP is solo top Blitz. like, basically every game with solo top Blitz goes like this:

Opposing team goes, "lol, it's just blitz top, u don't need ganks!"
Blitz's team sends a gank at level 2 after Blitz has already cut his opponent's HP in half with a couple knockups.
First blood for Blitz + ganker because Blitz has Exhaust, knockup, and hook.
Opposing team starts raging at top for losing to Blitz ("lol, who the **** loses to blitz, can you believe this top?")
Blitz gets a 7 minute sheen and a 15 minute triforce as he snowballs stupidly hard vs. top, opposing top might have 2 dblades and boots 2 at 15 minutes.
20 minute surrender vote fails because, "it's just blitz, who cares if he's 9/1/6 and their jungler is 4/1/13 from diving our top every 2 seconds?"
25 minute surrender vote succeeds after blitz triple kills you and gets an ace at mid inhib tower.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
mostly it's this ^.

Like, for the first 6-7 minutes, it's hard to force stuff at dragon, but after that, putting attention top when dragon is up is giving up free dragons, so like, if you give top a big lead in this opening phase, they can ride that through all of midgame and destroy the opposing top, and when the opposing team sends help top to get them back in the game, you get free dragons.

Also, lane camping for the first like 2 minutes seems to get you ahead on levels compared to farming the jungle on ganking junglers in my experience.
God, this.

I've been recently playing top lane as Poppy after reading the **** out of the SpamHappy guide and setting up my junk, and I've been on both ends of the spectrum in top lane. Netting an early kill makes it incredibly easy to deal with the other champion, and even just an assist from a gank will net you enough gold for a ward or two that'll keep you ridiculously safe. Not to mention killing the other player let's you level up while they're busy respawning and SLOWLY making their way back to the lane with what's most likely only their level one boots (if even THAT).

On the other hand, it completely SUCKS to be the first of you two in top lane to die, because now the margin of error is tiny for you, while it's become much larger for the opponent. They have so much more liberty in harassing you, focusing last hits, laughing off your retaliation, etc. The worst part is, so long as a gank never happens/you get unsuccessful ganks and the opponent keeps that CS/gold lead up there, you'll forever be trapped in this disadvantageous spot, and then that lead they've built up to that point will start bringing the pain to the rest of the lanes once the laning phase is over.

Then again, I'm playing Poppy top, so this might be different if you're playing a champion who can handle a lane even after dying once or twice.

...**** Rumble. **** Kennen. :applejack:


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
dphat, wanna help me snowball as a jungler like you did omni?

Also, last time I camped top, I made the enemy top die twice in a row and then... our top died over and over, not even to ganks.


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Sure Dphat it seems like you're the one of the few people in this thread nice enough to actually talk seriously about things and teach me stuff.


I've been playing this game for a year now. I don't really think that's new up to 567 wins in Normal when I have more wins than losses and I don't play this game EVERY SINGLE day. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe playing for a year is still considered new.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area

I've been playing this game for a year now. I don't really think that's new up to 567 wins in Normal when I have more wins than losses and I don't play this game EVERY SINGLE day. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe playing for a year is still considered new.
As i said just a little while before, thought you were somebody else that got a name change.


Still, you play at a much lower level of play then they do, while it doesn't mean that they'll necessarily be right and you'll be wrong, but still, worth taking into consideration that the game changes a lot at different levels of experience.


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
As i said just a little while before, thought you were somebody else that got a name change.

Oh, I didn't see that.

Still, you play at a much lower level of play then they do, while it doesn't mean that they'll necessarily be right and you'll be wrong, but still, worth taking into consideration that the game changes a lot at different levels of experience.
I agree, and I'm always willing to discuss things with people. It's when the person just acts like an ******* to me and starts stuff (But somehow I'm the bad guy and get blamed) that I get annoyed.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I agree, and I'm always willing to discuss things with people. It's when the person just acts like an ******* to me and starts stuff (But somehow I'm the bad guy and get blamed) that I get annoyed.
Lemme give it to you straight, your attitude about it sucked. Speaking as a neutral observer your tone came off as very unwilling to accept correction and very matter of fact. You also responded poorly when people tried to correct you.

That may not have been your intention, but it's how you came off. That's why people are annoyed, not cause you're being a nice guy.
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