You know ranged champs get **** on by Yorick right? You lose the spell war because he builds for endless spell usage, you lose the sustain war EVEN if you sac damage and go straight up lifesteal early level, you also lose the damage war in sustained engages and in poking, etc
You wanna play Teemo vs my Yorick? 24 AP, won't do anything but the regular Yorick build and strategies. Let's go
Blinding Dart doesn't have 1500 range or whatever your link said. Range: 680 There we go
You also have to factor in that the range on Yorick W extends outside the official circle because the attack is an AoE circle. Kinda like Gragas barrel hits past the edge of the circle indicator. The range difference is tiny enough that even if Teemo can use Q first, he can't use Q AND get away safely. Even starting boots. Q cast time is enough for W to land and trade with you, which is a favorable spot for Yorick to be in since he's not gonna get ***** as hard as you for using spells early on (and he will also be able to heal up your damage while your 24 AP does.... well nothing)