If they think that they're wrong. It's his early game that's always been lackluster.
Tankwick is good at never dying while slowly killing you with high base damage Qs, on hit wick good at single target but a bit less survivable.
mercs, wriggle's, wit's, triforce, and then pick 2 of omen/GA/Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage/Banshee's
best WW build, always kill, never die
Mogwai just upset/too stubborn to pick up an op champ.
What? I play GP ffs.
I just know what I like and OP changes too often to really just pick up an OP champ and run them forever (other than Ramble and Yorick, but **** those *******s, neither of them is any fun for anyone).
EDIT: also re: WW's early game, jpak's post on it was the best in the thread. WW pre-6 ganks work a lot just because people don't see them coming. open boots, take wraiths -> red -> gank at level 2 (take E if ganking a boots first top lane, Q otherwise), ****'s pretty damn beastmode.