Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
A lot of this stuff to me is based on Starcraft.Ok mogwai im still lost, i tried it, and it doesnt do anything different from waiting for my attack to go off and then moving back, does it increase the range or something of my auto aggro?
If you use A (attack-move command), this is what should happen. You right clicked moved. You then hit A and left clicked in some direction.* hit A then left click. Right clicking will cancel it.
This will cause you to auto-attack the closest enemy (minion or champ) that comes in auto-attack range until you reach your destination. If nothing comes in range you won't attack so you need to be aware of your attack range if your trying to do this. While good for kiting it's also very good for attacking into a bush. Attack move basically makes it easier to stutter step your auto-attacks providing the target you want to hit is closest to you and you don't want to right click away, then right click on them for accuracy.
If you use S (stop move command). Mogwai actually got this wrong I think he meant H (hold command). Stop will make you stop and not do anything. I use this when I went to not accidentally auto attack minions when I'm support and I need to type or I want to stand still while my carry takes a buff as a jungler, or I'm hiding in bush.
If you use H (hold move command), this will cause you to stop moving and attack the nearest object providing your in range. I almost never use this in League, but I assume if you need to wait for whoever your kiting to catch up to you hold is better than attack move. I almost always just right click away, A+right click towards if I think I need to do that though.
Keep in mind that if minions are in the fight you need to be aware of what's closest to you, because all these commands besides stop will attack the closest enemy.