Dan I'm just wondering how you play Xerath because you're the first good one I've seen.
I'm still learning him, but uh...
What do you want to know?
I start boots+pots. Ring if I don't think I'll get harassed much at all.
I go Q, E, Q, W first.
Max Q, then E, then W, ofc with R whenever it's up.
Harass with autoattacks and Q when in lane. It's easy to beat up nubs with Q because you just Q when they go for last hits.
W->Q out of their line of sight whenever it comes up.
Harassing with E-> Q uses too much mana.
Try not to Q too many creeps when harassing if you don't want to push your lane.
When you have ult and want to go for a kill use E-> R in order to stun. Then fit Q in afterwards. Fit W in there somewhere for the Mpen. It adds up.
You can kill most mid laners from about 3/4 health at 6. Easy kill anytime if your jungler has CC.
Builds! I like boots into rings into dcap into ryalis. void staff usually after that. Revolver takes away from your laning a lot. Not gonna get harassed much after about level 6 so it's kind of a waste, I've decided.