with roaming support eve Well pretty much you just get items that help your team more than you and gold/10s. running around ganking lanes, warding everything and doing stuff like helping your jungler get buffs earlier, get dragon, cover lanes so your jungler doesn't have to. ectYeah, this. Maybe I just don't know what a "support" actually is, what with support Ashe and GP running around
when i tried support eve until i dropped her for alistar for obvious reasons. i had pretty good success with boots of mobility + philo + Lucky Pick. and if i did well in helping lanes then i bought an aegis. if my team had alot of magic damage i got a malady, if it was alot of autoattacking i got starks. just stuff like that. but warding every lane helps your team so much as well as being able to coordinate ganks with the jungler using your spells to guarantee a kill where one might get away. 3v1 ganks top are really unexpected. and because you are eve you often force pink wards if you are doing a good job ganking. usually when they put pink wards down i just play like i'm visible and counter jungler more.
but alistar is better overall so yeah.