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Biggest piece of advice I have is try to understand why your teammates do certain things you think are mind-boggling. Biggest way to win in soloqueue is to do amazing yourself and also to help your teammates do the best they can.I do not know if I'm actually good or I just know how to pretend that I am
Explanation: Apart from jungling I enjoy playing pretty much every role, and I know in general what all my teammates need to be doing for the team to work. From watching lots of streams I've been learning ways to actually make plays rather than just hope the other team will overextend or screw up somewhere stupid. I tend to win my lane, my CS'ing needs work but it's improved a lot (and I play champs that focus on zoning and dominating the other guy so even though my farm's not the best my opponent's is almost always worse), and I don't tunnel vision in teamfights like I used to. Overall I've gotten a lot better and I've also become pretty good at reading gameflow and seeing what the other team wants to do in advance (even if it's just predicting the horrible thing that's about to happen to me lol).
I don't win very much though. Suggestions?
If you initiated a teamfight and your teammates didn't follow up, and then you died... instead of thinking they're dumb, think about why they didn't join in and assume they won't join in for that reason in the future- that is, until you get to the level that your teammates will know when to follow up in that situation.
Another example: When I first began ranked with Janna, the ranged AD carries I supported in teamfights got too scared to kite the people I was slowing and knocking up and just ran away instead of kiting them. I lost games in part because I wasn't actually contributing a lot in fights because our ranged AD was usually bad. So eventually I began tornadoing and slowing everyone that was getting near autoattack range of my carry instead of waiting for them to commit to chasing my carry.
In my opinion, what I ended up regularly doing was not the optimal way to support in an environment of higher skill levels, but it worked fine enough at low levels because my AD carries 1. were bad. and 2. were a lot more comfortable autoattacking when the opponents weren't focused on killing them.
Have that one teammate that never buys wards for his lane? Well if you're dominating YOUR lane, then surely you can afford to buy a ward for that guy's lane, place it in his lane, and then gank his lane and give him an advantage that you have in your lane.
Things like that are gonna raise your elo quickly imo- that and what PhantomX said- taking control of your team and getting objectives/towers.
Edit: Put this song on a loop while you play and you'll jump 200 elo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVWeqAPQUXc