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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Apr 10, 2008
I do not know if I'm actually good or I just know how to pretend that I am :(

Explanation: Apart from jungling I enjoy playing pretty much every role, and I know in general what all my teammates need to be doing for the team to work. From watching lots of streams I've been learning ways to actually make plays rather than just hope the other team will overextend or screw up somewhere stupid. I tend to win my lane, my CS'ing needs work but it's improved a lot (and I play champs that focus on zoning and dominating the other guy so even though my farm's not the best my opponent's is almost always worse), and I don't tunnel vision in teamfights like I used to. Overall I've gotten a lot better and I've also become pretty good at reading gameflow and seeing what the other team wants to do in advance (even if it's just predicting the horrible thing that's about to happen to me lol).

I don't win very much though. Suggestions?
Biggest piece of advice I have is try to understand why your teammates do certain things you think are mind-boggling. Biggest way to win in soloqueue is to do amazing yourself and also to help your teammates do the best they can.

If you initiated a teamfight and your teammates didn't follow up, and then you died... instead of thinking they're dumb, think about why they didn't join in and assume they won't join in for that reason in the future- that is, until you get to the level that your teammates will know when to follow up in that situation.

Another example: When I first began ranked with Janna, the ranged AD carries I supported in teamfights got too scared to kite the people I was slowing and knocking up and just ran away instead of kiting them. I lost games in part because I wasn't actually contributing a lot in fights because our ranged AD was usually bad. So eventually I began tornadoing and slowing everyone that was getting near autoattack range of my carry instead of waiting for them to commit to chasing my carry.

In my opinion, what I ended up regularly doing was not the optimal way to support in an environment of higher skill levels, but it worked fine enough at low levels because my AD carries 1. were bad. and 2. were a lot more comfortable autoattacking when the opponents weren't focused on killing them.

Have that one teammate that never buys wards for his lane? Well if you're dominating YOUR lane, then surely you can afford to buy a ward for that guy's lane, place it in his lane, and then gank his lane and give him an advantage that you have in your lane.

Things like that are gonna raise your elo quickly imo- that and what PhantomX said- taking control of your team and getting objectives/towers.

Edit: Put this song on a loop while you play and you'll jump 200 elo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVWeqAPQUXc


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
You are sub 1200. That's an entirely different beast that I have absolutely no advice for or experience with, haha.
People are the same at any elo. They're usually extremely malleable and childish. There's always the off chance that they'll simply be an *******, as well as the chance that they'll simply suck. Either way, solo queue lottery.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Do you play on the EU servers? Do you have a used Riot Points card code? Please let me know via PM. Thank you!

-mischevious genius cat


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I don't know if in game you are as condescending as you are on the forums, but if you are, I can see why you think that the "lottery" is what decides everything.

You'd be surprised how a good attitude and a little ego feeding of your teammates will get them to listen to you (more often than not. There are always, of course, those people that are ******s or do whatever they want, and we just have to accept those losses).


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
They're usually extremely malleable
I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm extremely good at making my team have a positive outlook on the game and keeping their head in the game. It's just pathetic that I need to do something like that. People nowadays are so dumb and immature. And it's not that they're dumb and immature, it's that there are so many people like that.

Winning in this game stretches across a large canvas of skills that aren't related to the game at all; positive reinforcement, communicating objectives, explaining to people your and/or their errors, as well as apologizing.

The problem with all of that is, is how non-game-related it is. I only seem blunt on forums because that's what I am. As easy as it is to hold a child's hand, you're still holding a child's hand.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
That's inherent to any sort of team game or competition... ESPECIALLY a free to play, semi-casual/low-skill intensive game like League.


Apr 10, 2008
People are the same at any elo. They're usually extremely malleable and childish. There's always the off chance that they'll simply be an *******, as well as the chance that they'll simply suck. Either way, solo queue lottery.
People read chat and do care about objectives at higher elos. Dominate your lane and your team gets global gold from following dragons. Statistically speaking, you will rise in elo if you **** your lane in kills and cs every game.

Sub 1200? Just stomp every person on the other team and take all the buffs. Your jungler won't let you have it? Ping somewhere close to distract him, and burst it down and take it anyways. Then carry- carry 4 bads because if you're good and belong higher, you can.

There's a big difference.

Deleted member

-**** your lane so hard that you win the game

- in case you didn't quadruple kill your lane and gank other lanes with your advantage (always gank other lanes to help them out, push a wave out quickly when mid goes b, helping lanes that are sucking/ getting kills > minion farm), command your team since they will listen to you after you ****ed up the enemy team badly

- always assume teammates don't look at minimap and spam pings when they are 15% in danger

-wait for enemy lee sin to level 2 gank a lane before you get even slightly aggressive or risk getting hit by lee sin's q by 1 pixel and losing lane for rest of the game

-ignore trolls

-never rage (people WILL play even worse somehow) until you guys are 100% screwed then you can rage

- always go for a baron steal but tell your team not to follow you so in the 70% chance that you don't steal they don't suicide along with you
-learn from mistakes, most people do at least 20+ small ones and 4-5 bigger ones each game

-play sleeper OP champs so you will consistently **** and riot won't touch them for years, making you climb ladder while other OP champs get nerfed to the floor

- don't be a pansy in lane if being aggressive can work (my opinion) doesnt apply vs some **** block characters like udyr/ morgana


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I just ignore my team for the first 15-20 minutes or so.
Just farm farm farm farm.
If you don't have enough gold to get your first major item, be it IE, Deathcap, or whatever, then you are doing something very wrong.
I've been playing Ashe in most of my games lately; not so OP that she's banned every game but easily able to carry a team of four baddies when you get to a critical level of farm. 20 minutes in with Dorans, IE, Zeal, and Boots and you can just start tearing through people. Good Hawkshots will either save your team, or **** over the other team. Good Volleys win team fights. Good arrows straight up win games.
Playing her so much lately really opened my eyes to everything I was doing wrong with Ashe in the past.

I don't really care how bad my team is doing in their lanes, once I emerge from my lane with the most CS in the game and land an arrow on somebody, the game starts to turn in our favor. Doesn't really matter how bad your team is, everybody still knows to focus somebody who just took an Ashe arrow to the face.
If you really think there's a lottery to solo que, I just think you aren't playing a character that can carry hard enough.


Apr 10, 2008
^Get better.

i just heard someone on wickds stream (they were on sk i think cause theyre doing ranked 5s) say that soraka was weak at the moment

this is why eu sucks
Maybe cuz Soraka... is weak... atm?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I want Zac to teach me to get better.
I want group lessons with MacD.

He will receive cookies for his services.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Soraka is just really good at zoning against bad lanes imo


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music

Our prayer's have been answered!

Surprise Party Fiddles AND Draft Normal mode? Pft, **** everything else I'm perfectly happy now.
posting this for dphat, zac, dan, and phantomX because their normal ELO's are too high or something

(mainly for the guy who took the screen shot :p)

And now I'm just delighted ^_^
3rd game in the past two days, that I've won with my team being behind by like 15 kills. I'm not used to playing OP champs like Orianna and WW, holy ****.

When you play OP as **** champs, that can win team fights on their own with good positioning and when farm on them actually matters, I can imagine why people delude themselves into thinking elo hell doesn't exist.

Also, Orianna ulti. Press R, win teamfights.
I remember when she was released people complained about the delay. LOL
I'll mail you cookies.

Nice avatar broski
I found that tops role is to wreck the lane so badly that the team begins flaming whomever you were up against, thus demoralizing the team and making them think they lost already.
Ah, psychological warfare, the civilized way to pubstomp
This. For the longest time games would end immediately after I got a quadra kill as Akali.

@Whoever posted about Sion: Yea, I remember those days. Crushed so many games with Sion, though that was still pre-nerf.

You know, I literally haven't seen a Sion in the past 2 months :(
You are sub 1200. That's an entirely different beast that I have absolutely no advice for or experience with, haha.
Oh that one's easy. Play Orianna/Cho'Gath/Jarvan/Tanky-DPS-That-Can-Carry-Against-Bad-Team-Comps-And-Bad-Focus


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Hey can you guys list the current best junglers? I tried Fiddle today and did terribad =(

I was really sad.
How do you fail at fiddle? :o

Off the top of my head

Lee Sin

are probably the best with regards to ganking potential. Udyr is really good at clearing the jungle, but it's a bit harder to gank with him. And there are a lot of other viable jungles that you don't see as much as the above five, such as Jarvan, Gangplank, and Rammus.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
how'd you do bad with fiddles? did you try starting at blue? i usually start with a ring and go golems>wraiths>wolves>blue>red, going back if i have to in the process

also i reached 1533 elo last night off a really lucky game; team was jarv (me), amumu, taric, ashe, karthus against caitlyn, nunu, janna, irelia, gangplank. the nunu also dc'd three or four times.

i can see why people are mad about the elo changes but idgaf, i only have about 12 solo games under my belt and i'm getting that jarvan skin! i can see why it irritates people though, considering i only played ranked for the skin :teeth:


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Hey can you guys list the current best junglers? I tried Fiddle today and did terribad =(

I was really sad.
Plenty of good choices.
Nocturne, Gangplank, Amumu, Cho'gath, Lee Sin, Fiddles, Trundle, Warwick, Jarvan, Udyr.
Any of those I would be fine with having on my team.
Personally, I play Amumu, Cho'Gath, Lee Sin, or Udyr if my team needs somebody in the jungle.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
I tried to but I got jumped by the trolls and idiots.

I was well on my way.

I shan't give up tho!!

With my duo queue partner zolga, I shall reclaim my silver and get the gold!


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
Because my game crashed my last game was surprisingly funny.

Went zil and bomb everyone in team fight who had low health. they flash away then died fallow by a rage :D

Wu kong used his stealth thing but i bombed him in time so he rage quit!



Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
Like I don't know how to teamfight and gank with him. Is it e q w? What is the skill priority? I was honestly getting wrecked all day =D What is the item build on him also?

Also I have ZERO experience with AP casters. I have just started learning Vlad about 3 days ago. All the champs I know are either AD or Nunu.

lol @ everyone abandoning nunu
Because he is terrible!!!!!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Pre-6, you are going to run in and fear (q) your target first, followed by your bouncing silence (e), then spam drain (w).

Once you get crowstorm, you'll be doing the same except positioning yourself prior to the fight to hit everyone with your ult.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
They should change tf ult into 52 pick up to be like gp ult but raining cards :D

or have a malzahar ult and throw 52 cards


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Like I don't know how to teamfight and gank with him. Is it e q w? What is the skill priority? I was honestly getting wrecked all day =D What is the item build on him also?

Also I have ZERO experience with AP casters. I have just started learning Vlad about 3 days ago. All the champs I know are either AD or Nunu.
i dunno about most people, but i go...


you'll be out of the jungle somewhere around that time, so start maxing out Q hard to get the three-second fear ASAP

ganks are just like what the guy above me said, except i actually hold onto E until after my drain. i can see why one would do it before (prevents flash), but breaking the tether on drain is actually really close to E's max range, so i throw it at them as a going-away present in the hopes it might kill. prolly not the best idea, but it works well enough

after laning phase, just hide somewhere, blink in with your ult, and do the exact same thing

oh yeah, and for some reason, popping a potion during a drain stops your drain. remember that. i've had to give up on blues before because of it.

at a certain point if you have blue, you can solo dragon without taking any damage. it takes a really long ****ing time though, so only do it if its 100% safe.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Enjoy getting to the front of the queue and still not being able to log in.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
serious question:

how to beat morde in lane?

i know it sounds scrubby or whatever but i honestly don't know. i know you stand away from your minions so he can't harass you AND get shield, but what happens is he just picks the minions, gets a huge shield i can't outharass, and pushes me back to my tower, effectively ignoring me the entire time. i typically play a very passive lane in general with any character, should i start playing more aggressive? i feel like he'll just beat me out head-to-head with his shield and all.

once i'm back to my tower i space out my last hits on the creeps, but this inevitably brings some damage to my tower, and he just does this continually until he and his jungler can finally dive me from full or kill the tower

are frequent ganks the only answer? i'm trying to understand what to do in an isolated environment, how to win the lane without interference. i was forced to go top against him the other day as panth and heard nothing but LOL SCRUB N00B from a brand on my team when i eventually lost my tower, and i cannot for the life of me figure out what i could have done. spears take too much mana and are my only real source of harass, and with his shield + regrowth pendant, he just shrugs it off anyway

i guess it feels like in most games where i'm 1v1 with morde, bot feeds and the jungler has to prioritize them while i get constantly pushed back until my tower finally crumbles. if i could beat this, or at least prolong it, how? is it champion-specific?


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
serious question:

how to beat morde in lane?

i know it sounds scrubby or whatever but i honestly don't know. i know you stand away from your minions so he can't harass you AND get shield, but what happens is he just picks the minions, gets a huge shield i can't outharass, and pushes me back to my tower, effectively ignoring me the entire time. i typically play a very passive lane in general with any character, should i start playing more aggressive? i feel like he'll just beat me out head-to-head with his shield and all.

once i'm back to my tower i space out my last hits on the creeps, but this inevitably brings some damage to my tower, and he just does this continually until he and his jungler can finally dive me from full or kill the tower

are frequent ganks the only answer? i'm trying to understand what to do in an isolated environment, how to win the lane without interference. i was forced to go top against him the other day as panth and heard nothing but LOL SCRUB N00B from a brand on my team when i eventually lost my tower, and i cannot for the life of me figure out what i could have done. spears take too much mana and are my only real source of harass, and with his shield + regrowth pendant, he just shrugs it off anyway

i guess it feels like in most games where i'm 1v1 with morde, bot feeds and the jungler has to prioritize them while i get constantly pushed back until my tower finally crumbles. if i could beat this, or at least prolong it, how? is it champion-specific?
generally you force him away from the creeps at levels 1-3 then he can't do much all game
or if he is top lane call for a gank every 2 seconds
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