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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
SO to round off my Renekton and Karthus, I plan to pick up a jungler, I have decided I want to use Shaco. I know you buy Cloth and Health pots, but any recommended Runes, or a good path?



Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
I would recommend not playing Shaco.

Despite how much Shaya ****es over him he's not particularly good. Squishy melee with zero melee tools.


Jul 16, 2005
Three straight ranked losses with trolls on my team who intentionally fed and then AFK'ed, refused to surrender, and talked **** in chat the whole time about how we're all nerds for caring.

What a joke. I lost 40 rating points in like an hour.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
shaco is a boss
Shaco is too fragile to do anything against beefy champions of any type, and the fact that his damage requires him to be in a specific position is even more laughable.

I mean, you can **** with him, but as a general rule, if Shaco would win, the other champion would also win, and if Shaco would lose, the other champion might be able to win.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Shaco is too fragile to do anything against beefy champions of any type, and the fact that his damage requires him to be in a specific position is even more laughable.

I mean, you can **** with him, but as a general rule, if Shaco would win, the other champion would also win, and if Shaco would lose, the other champion might be able to win.
or you could pop your ult and be immune to anything in the game for a second then kill them


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
or you could pop your ult and be immune to anything in the game for a second then kill them
You're like those people in the Brawl tier list discussion who ask why their character isn't higher tier. You can only theorycraft in a bubble.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Thio... claims shaco is bad.

I know shaya is a good player.

I play shaco all the time.

It also depends on what you define as melee tools thio.



Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Shaco is pretty bad compared to other junglers against organized teams w/ proper warding. In solo queue he's perfectly fine up until the higher levels of play.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Thio... claims shaco is bad.

I know shaya is a good player.

I play shaco all the time.

It also depends on what you define as melee tools thio.

Shaco has no steroid, has positioning requirements, and is a lot squishier than other champions that fill his role.

I'm not saying Shaco isn't fun, but Shaco is not a champion to buy to learn jungling because he is simply not as good as other junglers.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
shaco is the worst char in the game

after getting trolled and afked for 3 more games, i give up ranked until after season 1 ends


Jul 16, 2005
6 straight ranked losses now. all 20 minute surrenders. all with leavers. 70 rating points lost in like 2 hours. **** this community.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Ok because steroid and melee tools are different. imo.
Irelia has a true damage steroid and a melee stun; olaf has a true damage nuke and a damage / vamp buff; udyr has all of his bull****; trundle has a movespeed/as buff with cc redux as well as an AD leech; etc.

Shaco can do good poking but his passive and his e's passive don't really support that, nor does the slot he takes up, nor will you be nearly useful enough poking. Q is a good get in/out mechanism but you generally dont want to be in against most of the current top champs. twoshiv might be cool if its passive also gave enemy champs a chance to miss (think on it riot), but you also lose its passive for using it as a poke. hallucination is neat but if you have a ny buffs its pretty easy to zone you down... and you dont have the passive cc redux / dodge / as steroid for taking damage / dodge and as for stance dancing as well as their other steroids for staying in and meleeing.

shaco tries to combine too many elements at once and, with the nerfs he received a few months ago, cant really fill any role as well as another champion who can do it better. He really excells at low level play where you can bait facechecks into jacks easily and do a lot of damage really fast to make them run and get free backstab damage, but at higher level play consistent use of jacks is very difficult, and he cant really stay in... and even if he does, if they fight back he loses his passive damage.

he needs a rework pretty badly.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Shaco e used to blind champs but ppl qqed and it got removed.
I know, and his Halluc did more damage, had more health, and duplicated his buffs and items too.

And he was gloriously OP, but he didn't need every nerf he got at once.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
And shaco somehow manages to be the 3rd most played champ according to lolbase.



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
You're like those people in the Brawl tier list discussion who ask why their character isn't higher tier. You can only theorycraft in a bubble.
MEGA LOL :laugh:
6 straight ranked losses now. all 20 minute surrenders. all with leavers. 70 rating points lost in like 2 hours. **** this community.
That's really tough man. It's always terrible to get matched on those teams, but it hurts even more when they're back to back. Sorry :(
man I love Archer

in other news, I also like PD+rageblade Trynd.
*points to avatar*


It's just so good. I'm upset that I only have one more episode to watch before I'm finished with both seasons.

ppl know smash

The Shaco part got me ^^
And shaco somehow manages to be the 3rd most played champ according to lolbase.

People play the game to have fun. Shaco is fun. Shaco isn't good. People don't always care about playing a good character. End result is people play for the fun of getting a Lv2 first blood and don't care much about what happens the rest of the game. He's one of the more selfish choices in the game.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
I hate this community, a heimer decided to swear in caps lock all game at us calling us useless/noobs/idiots/trash/ect regardless of effort, pretty much i was like fine then, and went 0/0/0 remaining neutral all game with the highest CS and killing 6 towers myself while avoid all champion conflict, he went 4-7.

it ruins the game having people like that.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
I hate it when people react to problems the team is having by making more problems for the team.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
I hate it when people react to problems the team is having by making more problems for the team.
well to be fair, we weren't going to win that game. we had 3 players who were 0-5+, heimer who was 2-5, and me who was 0-0, all this like 12 minutes into the game.

so i just went neutral to avoid any conflict.

but yeah this community is twice as bad as dota. so i'm pretty much quitting this game now. waiting for dota2.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
SO to round off my Renekton and Karthus, I plan to pick up a jungler, I have decided I want to use Shaco. I know you buy Cloth and Health pots, but any recommended Runes, or a good path?

I run boots and 3 pots on Shaco now. Two jitbs mini golems, 3 jitbs red, keep smite for red buff. If you don't think you'll get invaded, jitbing red first ish better for higher smite efficiency. If you get invaded you get mini golems and still level 2 and get to wreck *****es.

Never gank from the river. Scrubs at high elos ward/clair it. With boots just come from your tower and deceive into a brush when the enemy minion wave isn't in sight range, wait till deceive is up, gg. You're MUCH closer to them, THEY WON'T FACE CHECK (it's very very VERY funny when they do), you can not use deceive as the initiator and **** them when they flash. High level ganking, copyright Shaya.

Ganking mid is awkward but you pretty much just want to waste their flash if they aren't within tower range. With level 1 boots shaco is extremely mobile and can handle moving between two lanes, your jungle and their jungle quite well. If you're ganking mid instead of coming from the river, you come from the two entrances to mid nearest to their tower (which will usually be behind them).

Shaco has no steroid, has positioning requirements, and is a lot squishier than other champions that fill his role.

I'm not saying Shaco isn't fun, but Shaco is not a champion to buy to learn jungling because he is simply not as good as other junglers.
Positioning/kiting with shaco is quite skilful. No steroids? Backstab and a 75% of AD, 100% of AS, plus all on hit effects for 18 seconds isn't a steroid? It's not so clean cut as others, but it is most definitely strong.

Shaco is too fragile to do anything against beefy champions of any type, and the fact that his damage requires him to be in a specific position is even more laughable.
Get others to take the cc for him. Suddenly... ****.

I mean, you can **** with him, but as a general rule, if Shaco would win, the other champion would also win, and if Shaco would lose, the other champion might be able to win.
In comparison to... who? Quite a redundant thing as there are things shaco can do better than other characters. His jack of all trades magic can be used to great effect. I DO agree however that him having a jungling portfolio when he can do so many -other- things is detrimental to the guy.

shaco tries to combine too many elements at once and, with the nerfs he received a few months ago, cant really fill any role as well as another champion who can do it better. He really excells at low level play where you can bait facechecks into jacks easily and do a lot of damage really fast to make them run and get free backstab damage, but at higher level play consistent use of jacks is very difficult, and he cant really stay in... and even if he does, if they fight back he loses his passive damage.

he needs a rework pretty badly.
... I only bait face checks when I'm playing with level 20 friends. What elo do you even play at? :s

Killing people with jacks is ******** and was never reliable or good, nor was it ever all he had. It's a level of cheese that exists for the guy.
Jack in the boxes are 1.5 second aoe stuns, which for whatever reason avoid physical damage skill shots but not magical ones (who knows, that might change). They still zone areas strongly.
Shaco is an assassin - not many characters have two forms of hard cc on short cool downs to really over come him at similar gold levels. A 2 second advantage (stun) and an optimal position is enough for AD TF to wreck people, Shaco does it with deceive, up to a 1.5 second stun, a dodge and shaco with the same level of gold most definitely out damages most enemies in the game.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Positioning/kiting with shaco is quite skilful. No steroids? Backstab and a 75% of AD, 100% of AS, plus all on hit effects for 18 seconds isn't a steroid? It's not so clean cut as others, but it is most definitely strong.
Backstab is a terrible "steroid" because you can completely ruin it by... Turning around.

Get others to take the cc for him. Suddenly... ****.
Other junglers can do that without the other champion CCing for them.

.. I only bait face checks when I'm playing with level 20 friends. What elo do you even play at? :s
So you throw jacks out midlane and expect people to just.. Get feared? I'm not talking about outright killing poeple.

You're pretty biased because you love the character. Shaco was my first main and I still play him frequently, but he simply just does not bring as much to the table as other champions. His "amazing damage" is extremely situational.

EDIT: Lol, you're calling the clone a steroid? I wish I could kill Irelia's W.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I wish I could kill Irelia's W.
This one game I was smart and thought to myself 'Irelia is really strong! Unlike jarvan whos weak, he's so weak this counter strategy doesn't even HURT HIM! because he's too weak to be hurt' anyway

Irelia's W:
1. Is attached to attack speed
2. There are at least 9 billion ways to reduce someone's attack speed.
3. Derp.

A combination of randuins / frozen heart (doesn't have to be on one character) reduces her attack speed to abysmal levels. Malphite, Nasus, Lee Sin, etc etc etc cut her significantly.

Also Shaco is not in a good spot, I agree. But I think people are actually thinking he's "old eve" tier


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
This one game I was smart and thought to myself 'Irelia is really strong! Unlike jarvan whos weak, he's so weak this counter strategy doesn't even HURT HIM! because he's too weak to be hurt' anyway

Irelia's W:
1. Is attached to attack speed
2. There's at least 9 billion ways to reduce someone's attack speed.
3. Derp.
See, this is what I'm referring to. You're taking me saying Shaco is a mediocre pick in comparison to other junglers as a personal affront. It's ridiculous. Stop theorycrafting in a bubble.

If you're going to compare Shaco's ultimate to other steroids on extremely short cooldowns that can't outright be killed, there's not much I can say other than "Hey, dude - You can kite and kill Shaco's ultimate fairly easily."

Back to the original topic at hand, though, Shaco is not somebody I'd recommend to a beginning jungler and overall is not a character I would recommend to jungle with in a serious game.

You need to stop letting your love of the character look over the amazing number of weak points he has.

EDIT: Fair point here, all those things reduce Shaco's ult's damage as well. It's not like it's exclusive to the other steroids.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
As I added to the end of before
"Also Shaco is not in a good spot, I agree. But I think people are actually thinking he's "old eve" tier "

You make out he's at that point in every post you talk about him in. I know shaco isn't AMAZING. He can do AMAZING things though.

And yep, the life of an auto attacker. Thing is though, shaco's steroid scales a lot harder than just about any other steroid (and combined steroids) in the game... well, at least it should :3


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
As I added to the end of before
"Also Shaco is not in a good spot, I agree. But I think people are actually thinking he's "old eve" tier "

You make out he's at that point in every post you talk about him in. I know shaco isn't AMAZING. He can do AMAZING things though.

And yep, the life of an auto attacker. Thing is though, shaco's steroid scales a lot harder than just about any other steroid (and combined steroids) in the game... well, at least it should :3
The issue is you talk about him so glowingly that a lot of people see your posts and think "MAN HES GREAT."
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